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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 21

by Eve Newton

  He gives me a sidelong look. “Yes.”

  I snort. “I see. You want a blonde, sexy body for me to reside in until we can try Dashel’s plan?”

  “What is Dashel’s plan?” he asks. “And why not. It’s what you prefer.”

  “True,” I admit. “He wants to see if I can inhabit a soulless body again. Like I did with Lacey.”

  Evan’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. Well, that would be less complicated.”

  “Indeed,” Dashel mutters under his breath. “By the way, I thought the hosts don’t remember you possessing them?” he blurts out suddenly.

  “Usually they don’t,” I reply.

  “But that woman you were…inhabiting…earlier. She knew what you were, what you’d done.”

  Evan sits forward at that.

  “Well, yes. She was unusually strong. One side or the other will have big plans for her,” I comment. “It’s why I needed to get out of her.”

  “She remembered what we did?” Evan asks carefully.

  “Uh-huh,” I mutter, uncomfortable with this. Not out of guilt, but it’s weird discussing my possessing habits.

  “What did you do?” Dashel asks puzzled.

  Evan clears his throat. “Axelle rode my dick like a fucking cowgirl before we came in an explosion of pure unadulterated pleasure.”

  Dashel’s cheeks go red again and he looks at me aghast. “You fornicated with him?” he asks quietly.

  “I did,” I reply. “What’s it to you?”

  “He’s jealous,” Evan pipes up. “He wants your pussy around his dick.”

  If possible, Dashel’s face goes even redder. “That’s not…”

  I take his hand and squeeze it. “It’s okay if that’s what you’re feeling. But Evan was right earlier. I can’t lose you now. If we have sex, you will fall and be damned and Luc will torture you for eternity. I will not allow that to happen. What we did in the park is about the limit to what we can do for now. You are too easily corruptible.”

  “Oh,” Dashel whispers.

  “What did you do in the park?” Evan barks at us.

  I’m about to answer when to my utter surprise, Dashel speaks first. “Axelle had her hand around my…” he gives Evan a sly look, “dick, and I liked it.”

  I snort, as Evan scoffs.

  “Of course, you did. You’ve probably never even masturbated before,” he says.

  I blink at Dashel. That can’t be true, can it?

  Judging by the look on Dashel’s face, yes, it is true. Wow. He is pure innocence. Although, that shouldn’t be surprising. He is Heaven’s Guardian after all. Now, I just want him even more.

  I groan out loud. “You are going to kill me.”

  “No, I would never…” Dashel starts, but Evan interrupts him.

  “She means abstaining from fucking you is going to be torture for her. Although I don’t see the appeal, she is clearly in lust with you in a big way.”

  “It’s more than that,” I chide Evan, taking Dashel’s face in my hands. “You know that I can’t begin to explain it, but you know that I can’t lose you. I want you with me always. I want to express that need for you, but we can’t. It will be a slow process. Corrupting you straight away by taking your innocence will just send you away from me.”

  “I do not want to lose you either,” he murmurs to me, brushing his lips against mine. “But I want more. I am bursting with these new feelings that are only for you. I want to express them as well.”

  “Baby steps,” I say, running my fingers over his full, sexy lips. “The slower the corruption, the longer it will take for you to fall.”

  “But it isn’t fair,” he complains. “You get to join bodies with Evan.”

  Evan lets out a loud guffaw. “Oh, you’re just ripe for the picking. I can’t wait to watch how this ends.”

  I give him a fierce glare and then turn back to Dashel. “Trust me,” I murmur.

  “I do,” he murmurs back and then we fall into a silence that threatens to get uncomfortable unless the two men resolve their differences soon.

  I must’ve dozed off, as I wake up by being jolted forward. I’m cuddled up to Evan, my head on his shoulder. I seriously hope that I didn’t drool all over him.

  He smiles down at me. “We’re here.”

  I nod and jump up, so ready to ditch this host and find a beautiful blonde.

  We leave the bus in silence.

  I immediately look for anyone who gives off the faint shimmer that signifies a host body. There is no one on the sidewalk, but I’m drawn to an expensive looking salon.

  I race up to it and press my nose against the glass, seeking out a host. To my utter joy, I spot one immediately and I can’t believe my luck. The slight shimmer is all around the tall blonde by the cash register.

  “Bingo,” I mutter and wait by the door for the woman to exit.

  As she does, I brush up against her and tug my essence out of the brunette and straight into the blonde in a transaction so easy, I’m impressed with myself. Must be those new, improved powers kicking in.

  I let out a small gasp as I settle into my new body, suppressing the soul within.

  I look down at myself and smile. Tall, slender, tits to die for – fake, but seriously hot – expensive killer heels, freshly cut and styled blonde hair. Not sure about my eyes.

  I look at Evan, who is practically drooling all over his shoes.

  “Blue,” he says, knowing my thoughts.


  I spy Dashel helping my previous host over to a nearby bus bench and roll my eyes.

  “Now, let’s see about a ride,” I mutter.

  “In my purse.”

  I blink. “What?” I ask out loud.

  “My car key is in my purse.”

  I frown hard. Is this bitch talking to me?

  Dashel joins us again and looks down at me. “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothing,” I mutter, thinking I’m losing my mind. Hosts don’t talk to the Demons possessing them. Not even Lacey had the capability to communicate with me. I fish around in the Prada handbag and locate a set of keys.

  “Black S-Series right in front of you.”

  “Fuck off,” I snarl and click the unlock button.

  Sure enough, the lights flash on the black Mercedes parked at the curb in front of us.

  “Told you.”

  “Why are you talking to me? How are you talking to me?

  “I’ve been waiting for you, Axelle. She said you’d come.”

  “Who did?” I ask out loud again.

  “Who are you talking to?” Evan asks, giving me a puzzled look.

  “The Dark Witch. She said you’d come and that I was to let you use me as your host.”

  “The Dark Witch said I’d come?”

  Dashel gives me a fierce frown. “Is the host talking to you?”

  “Yes,” I confirm. “What Dark Witch?” I ask the host.

  “Does she mean the Dark Oracle?” Dashel asks.

  I shrug.

  “You’re happy for me to take over your body?” I ask her.

  “Yes. Do whatever, or whomever, you want. I’m just here for the ride.”

  Interesting. Very interesting. And way less complicated than having a host try and fight me off every now and again. I stop briefly to think that Luc is somehow behind this, but how can he be. He wouldn’t know that I’d come here. This Dark Witch, whoever she is, isn’t working for the Devil.

  “Well,” I say to the two men. “It seems that I have a willing host, so let’s go and see where this bitch lives.”

  “The address…”

  “Quiet,” I snap to her in my head. “Good hosts are quiet.”

  “Sorry,” she sings-songs to me. “You won’t hear a peep from me again.”

  “Humph,” I mutter, doubting those words, but head towards the sleek black car and slide into the driver’s seat, while Evan takes shotgun. That leaves Dashel, tall and wide as he is, to stuff himself into the tiny back seat

  I glare at Evan, but he just shrugs, his eyes dropping to my tits. He licks his lips.

  “Like what you see?” I ask him with a smirk.

  “Oh, yeah,” he says with a little laugh. “All I can think about is pushing those together and sliding my dick in between them.”

  I choke back my noise of desire. Now, it’s all I can think about as well.

  “What about you, Angel? To your satisfaction?” I ask Dashel.

  His cheeks go pink and he averts his eyes as I turn to look at him. “You are beautiful,” he murmurs.

  “Do you want to slide your dick in between my tits?” I ask salaciously.

  He splutters and tries to stuff himself even further back into the seat.

  “It’s okay if you do. They are fantastic tits. Fake, but no less perfect because of it.”

  “Fake?” he asks. “They look real to me.”

  “She means that the host had smaller tits and decided to pay a doctor to make them bigger,” Evan explains.

  “Why would she do that? Humans should accept their bodies as they are.”

  “You would say that,” I scoff, but give him a lingering once-over that he takes a shy delight in. “You don’t have any imperfections, do you, Angel?”

  “I am happy with my body,” he responds.

  “Mm, I bet you are,” I murmur. “I can’t wait to see more of it.”

  “Speaking of,” Evan says, trailing his hand up my thigh, under the light skirt of the summer dress I’m wearing. “I want to see more of this body, so can we get going?”

  “You’re quite horny for a Reaper,” I giggle.

  “Just for you,” he says with a small smile, his fingers slipping past the edge of my lacy G-string to stroke my bare pussy.

  I shiver with delight and then I rev the engine and away we go, Evan finding the home address of this host in her car’s GPS system.



  Ten minutes later, we are pulling up to a palatial mansion on the outskirts of town.

  “Wow,” Evan states, looking up as I stare at the keypad outside the front gate.

  “Nine-one-nine. Same for inside,”

  “Thanks,” I mutter and punch in the code.

  “I knew Cedar Falls was the right place to go,” Evan says.

  “Hm,” I mutter, still pondering this Dark Witch business, but as I drive around the circular driveway up to the front door, I figure that I don’t give a shit. This bitch has a fucking gorgeous house. So, it’s not darkly gothic like Luc’s place, but it’ll do.

  As I climb out, the host talks to me again.

  “So, are you going to bang that gorgeous giant of a man?”

  I snort and look over at Dashel, who is currently scrutinizing every inch of the grounds, looking for, well, I dunno what he’s looking for. Intruders maybe?

  “No,” I sigh deeply. “He is off limits. Too innocent.”

  “Since when does that stop you?”

  I frown. “How do you know anything about me?”

  “The Dark Witch, obvies.”

  “Humph, well, sadly, I have to stop myself with him.”


  “Eww, gross. You get how weird this is, right?”

  “I can’t wait to see how you use my body. I’m quite happy to come along for the ride. Literally,” she snorts in my head. “Shame about the hunk, but the cutie will do.”

  “Ugh!” I spit out. “Too innocent! Hands off!” I shout at her, furious that she has eyes on my men.

  Huh, my men. That’s an interesting concept.

  “Oh, hunny, you have no idea how many men I’ve deflowered. It’s kind of like a fetish, I guess you could say.”

  I pause in my anger at her. I see now what this is all about. She is a prime soul for recycling into a Seductress. I mean, I have no idea who, or what, I was before I went to Hell and got turned into a Demon, but I’m pretty sure I was a big slut of some kind. Maybe an old pro? I mean my first day out I knew exactly what I was doing. That had to be ingrained in me, didn’t it?

  “Shush,” I hush her, having had enough of this conversation.

  Both Evan and Dashel are giving me an inquiring look.

  “She’s talking to me again,” I mutter and then stalk past them and into the house.

  I punch in the alarm code and then take in the clean, white, modern décor. “Nice enough,” I say, heading straight for the sliding doors on the opposite side of the open plan foyer and living room. I see a glistening, blue pool and grin. This is going to be great.

  “Should we be worried about this host?” Evan asks me, as I turn and head for the stairs, my heels clacking on the marble floor.


  “Her name’s Eleanor,” I inform them, and then stop at the look on Evan’s face.

  “Oh?” he croaks out.

  I bite my lip. I remember Dashel saying earlier that was Evan’s mother’s name.

  I take his hand and drag him along to the master bedroom, kicking off my shoes as I enter. Speaking of earlier, it is now getting late. This day has been a long-ass motherfucker and I want to get out of these clothes, have a shower and then fuck Evan until I fall asleep.

  I let go of Evan’s hand and he walks over the plush white carpet to the pristine, white bed and sits down, kicking off his shoes.

  I turn as Dashel cautiously enters the room, but I leave him to his own thoughts as I open the closet and gasp. It’s a walk-in affair almost as big as the bedroom.

  I strip off the summer dress and let it drop to the floor.

  I discard the G-string as well and then paw through Eleanor’s lingerie, which I discover is, in fact, all four drawers to my left. I find her negligée and pull out a black satin and lace number. I wiggle into it, suddenly deciding that the shower can come after the fucking. I need a release after all this host jumping and stress.

  I saunter back into the bedroom and both men turn to look at me, as I cock my hip and lean sexily against the doorway of the closet.

  Evan is on his feet in an instant, crossing over to me in three big strides and drawing me to him. He takes me in his arms and kisses me, running his hands over the lace barely covering my back.

  I pull away with a soft smile and look at Dashel. He is quiet, reflective, and trying not to look at me.

  “I want to see you,” I murmur to him, going to him and running my hands up his chest.

  He nods and lets me shed him of his jacket. Then, I start on the buttons of his crisp white shirt, that is still immaculate even after this Hellish day. He holds his breath as I strip him of the shirt, openly admiring his rock-hard body. He has eight-pack abs that I’m dying to crawl up and lick while I’m at it.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” I murmur and press my lips to his chest, right over his heart. I hear it hammering, but he remains stock-still as I continue my appraisal of him.

  I circle him, trailing my hand around his muscular chest, to admire his very sexy back. His muscles are tense, and I can see why when I look closer.

  I let out a small moan of desire and run my hands along the two markings that run down either side of his back, almost like two scars marring his otherwise perfect skin.

  “Your wings?” I whisper, feeling myself go wet at the thought of it.

  “Yes,” he croaks out.

  I want to ask him to show me, but I know that he won’t. He isn’t ready for that yet.

  I lightly run my fingertips over the rough markings.

  He stiffens further and then lets out a muffled moan as I kiss the base of one and then flick my tongue out over what must be a very sensitive area to him.

  “Axelle,” he breathes out, letting his head drop back.

  I pull back, not for him, but for me. I will jump him if I carry on this seduction of him.

  I move back in front of him and reach for his zipper.

  His hand grips my wrist, a warning look on his face.

  “I just want to see,” I murmur. �
�I need to see you.”

  He lets out the breath he was holding and pushes my hand away. He keeps his eyes on mine as he lowers the zipper on his pants and lets them drop.

  My breathing gets heavier as I take in every inch of his enormous cock. I’d held it in my hand earlier, but getting an eyeful of it now, makes me wish that I hadn’t started this. He will please me well, but I can’t go near him in that way.

  I drop to my knees, anyway, taking him in my hand and licking my lips. He grows even harder.

  “Axelle,” Evan mutters. “Don’t.”

  “I can’t help it,” I whisper, looking up at my hunk of gorgeous innocence, his tip millimeters from my mouth.

  I slide my hand down his impressive length and open up.

  He stumbles back from me, clutching at his chest as he groans with pain.

  “Shit!” I cry and get quickly to my feet. “Is it too much?”

  He nods. “Yes,” he whispers. “But at the same time not enough.”

  “Is your soul…”

  “It’s burning away,” he mutters with his eyes closed.

  Evan snatches me away as he sees me ready to pounce. If it had just been the two of us here, I would have him falling and damning him to eternity at Luc’s hands before I realized what I was doing.

  Evan distracts me by closing in on me from behind, cupping my tits and then pinching my bullet-like nipples, hard.

  I gasp and then take in a deep breath. “I need to see you come,” I moan at Dashel. “I need to see it. Please.”

  Evan tuts at me and pushes the thin straps of the negligée off my shoulders, letting it fall away to expose my tits to Dashel.

  His eyes go straight to them and he licks his lips. His hand wraps around his cock and he tugs gently.

  My eyes drop, my pussy going even wetter at the sight of him jerking himself off slowly.

  Evan’s hands trail down my body, pushing the negligée down to pool at my feet. I watch Dashel as Evan’s fingers press against my clit, making me moan with desire.

  Dashel’s eyes are on Evan’s fingers as he plays with me, kissing my neck and turning me on in all sorts of ways that I haven’t ever felt before. I mean, I’ve had group sex before, but not like this. Not with two men that I care about and who actually care about me without my powers making them. It makes it a thousand times more intense and passionate than an all-out orgy.


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