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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 23

by Eve Newton

  “I have a job for you, and if you succeed, I will have a special treat waiting for you on your return,” I say. “Two birds, one stone.”

  “As you wish,” Darius says.

  “Don’t you want to know what the treat will be?” I ask slyly.

  “I do not need an incentive to complete a task you have set for me,” Darius replies.

  “Good answer,” I say with a laugh, “but I want you to ask anyway.”

  Darius regards me for a few moments before he asks, “What will my treat be, sir?”

  “The thing you desire the most,” I say darkly. “Jezebelle’s essence.” It’s perfect. Evan will lose her all over again and she will be out of my hair once and for all.

  Darius lets out a noise that sounds like a gasp, but he says nothing more.

  “To your pleasure?” I ask.

  “What you offer me is very special indeed, sir,” Darius says slowly.

  “If you complete your job quickly, I might even let you use her body first,” I chuckle, crouching down so that I can look Darius directly in the eye.

  “Added incentive,” Darius says. “What is this task that is so important?”

  I stand up again, pleased with the Demon’s reaction to my news. Darius is trying to play it cool, but he can’t hide it from me. Once again, I snap my fingers and the chain binding the Demon unravels and drops to the floor to vanish from sight. Darius stays sitting in the corner until I request that he stands up.

  I watch him haul his large body to his enormous feet. “I’m glad that you asked. You have an Earth-bound assignment,” I say.

  The surprise registers on Darius’s face, as much as it can. “Sir?” he queries in confusion. “I think I misheard.”

  “No, you didn’t mishear. I’m sending you to Earth,” I say.

  “But I cannot change form,” Darius says slowly.

  “I don’t want you to,” I tell him, as I unlock the cell.

  “I am afraid I don’t understand,” Darius says as he steps out of the prison.

  “There is a runaway Reaper on the loose and I need you to hunt him down. With him, will be a female. A female that you know is of the utmost importance to me,” I say with meaning. “Nothing, and I mean nothing, will get in the way of you bringing that bitch back to me. Are we clear?”

  Darius nods his huge head. “The blonde bitch,” he says.

  “Precisely. You will return her to me, her essence unharmed. What you do with the host body is of no consequence to me, but her essence is not to be damaged in any way whatsoever. Understand?” I demand.

  “Yes, sir,” Darius says, his big eyes gleaming. “But how am I supposed to walk the Earth without being noticed?”

  “A small detail,” I say dismissively. “Let me explain it to you.”

  I explain my plan in great detail to my guard and it excites me to think that I’m finally going to get what I want. I should have trusted Darius to do this in the first place. So much time wasted, but no more. I will get Axelle back here in record time, without having to get my own hands dirty.


  I wake up to Evan watching me. Again.

  “Stop it,” I mumble, as I roll out of bed and look around for Dashel. “It’s creepy.”

  “I’m just getting used to your new features. It’s still strange to me that it’s you, but not you,” he says.

  “Yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to, I guess,” I admit with a shrug. “Dashel by the pool again?

  “Yep,” Evan says, folding his arms behind his head. “That water…something-something. I wasn’t listening.”

  “Evan!” I chide him. “You have to start being nice to him.”

  He sits up. “I will,” he says with a sigh. “There is still old resentment there. I’ll get over it, especially if you give me an incentive.”

  “Oh?” I laugh. “And what would that be?”

  “You don’t know by now?”

  “You are insatiable. I fucking love it.”

  “I am, but more than that, I need to keep you happy. You aren’t getting any from your Angel and no way are you fucking off out there to screw and corrupt some asshole, so…” He holds his hands out.

  “I see,” I say with a raised eyebrow. “You do know that at some point, I will need to feed the Demon, right?”

  “I do,” he says carefully. “But that isn’t yet.”

  “No, it’s not,” I say, giving him what he wants, but more than that, it’s the truth. For now. I’m satisfied with Evan and the small amount of corruption that I dish out to Dashel is keeping the Seductress in me happy for the moment. It won’t last, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

  I’m no fool. I know as soon as I kill, Admin will have a record of it and Luc will be able to track me down in an instant. He must have already been here to Earth searching, but lore has it that he can’t be on Earth for too long without affecting everything around him, corrupting it and turning it evil. The other side won’t look kindly on it. I don’t presume to know Luc well at all, but I think I know he won’t go to war just to find me.

  Would he?

  It is a question that rattles around in my head.

  “On another note,” I start. “Luc is going to be super pissed with you.”

  “Look, you know as well as I do that if I return without you, Luc will probably destroy me, so what have I got to lose by staying here?” Evan says bluntly.

  “Your head,” I reply. “He will come after you, Evan. And even if he doesn’t, you know the rules. Don’t be stupid about this.”

  “I’m not,” he says. “You Demons harp on all the damn time about Earth-bound assignments. It’s time I had some fun, see what all the fuss is about.”

  You Demons? Does he not classify himself as one of us?

  “Well, it’s your funeral,” I say and back into the bathroom.

  He joins me, as expected, and climbs into the shower with me, looking very sexy as the water cascades down on him.

  “I want to learn this body,” he murmurs, soaping up his hands and then sliding them over my tits.

  “Be my guest,” I say, arching my back.

  “You know,” he says conversationally, as he soaps up my entire body “Screwing a Seductress Demon definitely has its perks,” he finishes with a laugh.

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask with an arched eyebrow, as the water streams over me, washing the bubbles away. “But what do I get out of it?”

  “This,” he says and drops to his knees to bring his mouth to my pussy.

  “Oh!” I cry out, running my hand into his hair. “Mutually beneficial.”

  “Absolutely,” comes his muffled reply, and the rest of my thoughts vanish as the first wave of pleasure hits me.


  A man’s voice interrupts us a few moments later, making me nearly jump out of my new skin.

  “Fuck, sorry. I meant to tell you…”

  “What?” I ask my host.

  “My current fling…”

  I push Evan away and wipe away the steam from the shower door with my hand.

  “Ella?” the man says, coming closer with a sad look on his face.

  Crap. This is why research is usually key, but I didn’t have the time and Ella neglected to tell me about him.

  “I see,” the very hot man says, turning angry.

  “Wait,” I call out, needing to maintain some sort of normal reaction so as not to cause suspicion. I leap out of the shower and grab a towel. “Wait.”

  “Screw you, Ella,” he spits out. “This is the last time.”

  Last time? Oh! This host is definitely my kinda gal.

  “I’m…sorry?” I say, trying to look contrite.

  “Ugh. Forget it. I’m not interested in your apologies anymore. We’re done,” he says and turns around, only to pull up short as Dashel looms in the doorway with a suspicious look on his face.

  The fling turns back to me with an incredulous look, shaking his head. “Good riddance,” he sneers and
pushes past Dashel, not easily, to stalk off.

  “Want me to follow?” I ask Ella.

  “Nah, it’s a good excuse to be done.”

  “Oookay, then,” I mutter.

  “Awkward,” Evan says, from beside me.

  “No shit! Anything else, Ella?”

  “Not that I can think of.”

  “Good. Now go away again.”

  She goes silent, so I turn to Evan with a salacious smile. “I want to finish what we just started.”

  “Me too,” he says, taking my hand and drawing me back into the shower. I throw my towel at Dashel, who just sighs and leaves us alone.



  A bit later on, I’m lounging topless by the pool in the glorious sun, only a tiny scrap of black bikini covering my pussy for Dashel’s sake.

  He is patrolling the grounds, having been caught unaware by the arrival of the fling, and not happy about that fact at all.

  Evan is currently swimming laps in the huge pool. His muscles rippling deliciously as he moves effortlessly through the water.

  I look up as I see a large man approaching, with Dashel suddenly appearing next to him in a fit of rage.

  “Who are you?” I ask, lowering my sunglasses to peer at him. Hot but not Dashel level hot. Also, clearly an Angel. Interesting.

  “The better question is, who are you?” the Angel answers, coming closer.

  “Vazna,” Dashel snarls at him, “What are you doing here?”

  “You two know each other?” I ask innocently.

  “Dashel,” Vazna says. “We wondered what had befallen you. You are here to eradicate the Demon?”

  “Wait? What?” I exclaim, sitting up and paying attention now that the word ‘eradicate’ has been thrown around.

  Evan climbs out of the pool and approaches with caution.

  As soon as he gets within a few meters of Vazna, three more Angels appear.

  Vazna sends a scornful look at Dashel, breathing in deeply. “I can smell the corruption on you, my friend. She has swayed you?”

  “You will not touch her,” Dashel roars at him and goes to attack, but he is thrown back by the celestial force of the three Angels who arrived as back up to this Vazna character.

  I stand up hurriedly as they imprison him in a golden cage that he is powerless to break free from.



  I’m a goner.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Vazna says, turning his attention to Evan. “Go home.”

  “What are you? The Reaper police?” I ask with a laugh, unable to help myself.

  When will I fucking learn?

  His blue eyes land on me. “I am Heaven’s Guardian,” he says with authority. “Reapers, from either side, are not allowed to linger. You are messing with the balance.”

  “I thought Dashel was Heaven’s Guardian?” I ask instead.

  “He was until he turned,” Vazna snarls.

  “So, what is a powerful creature like you doing here with little ol’ us?” I ask him, crossing my arms just under my tits to push them up a bit more. He can’t resist dropping his eyes to look before they shoot back up to look over the top of my head.

  “I told you, the Reaper has to leave,” Vazna says, slowly dropping his eyes and looking steadily into mine.

  “He isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I,” I say.

  “You are free to be here,” Vazna says to my surprise, as I’d assumed, he was here to take me out. “He is not,” he adds, looking at Evan.

  “Don’t believe him,” Dashel roars, slamming his fists against the golden glow keeping him contained.

  Vazna turns to him. “I cannot lie. Just like you. Axelle is free to be here.”

  I swallow and look at Dashel. He is shaking his head, warning me not to trust this Angel, but if he can’t lie, then what the hell is going on here. Why are they letting me go? Am I really free? Do they believe that I won’t go back to Luc?

  My hopes start to soar, and I drop my arms to my sides. His eyes go straight back to my breasts, momentarily, before he struggles to regain control of himself.

  “Tempted?” I ask him in a seductive voice.

  “Never,” he spits out.

  It only makes me giggle and move closer to him. He stands his ground.

  “Never say never, Heaven’s Guardian,” I coo at him.

  I reach out to touch his chest. He roughly bats my hand away and glares at me.

  “I know Angels are affected by my charms,” I smirk, my intense gaze boring into his eyes.

  “I am not weak like him,” Vazna says through gritted teeth, his eyes on Dashel.

  “Hm,” I murmur and brush the back of my hand against his. The skin on skin contact makes him hiss and now he takes a giant step back from me, which delights me.

  “Leave now,” he says to Evan. “I will not ask again. And you,” he gives me a fierce glare, “I will have an army watching your every move. Try to lure a man to his death and I will smite you so quickly you won’t know what hit you.”

  “Ooo,” I drawl, unafraid. He is blowing smoke up my pert ass. That much is clear. “Now who is messing with the balance? You aren’t allowed to interfere.”

  “I’ll make an exception for you,” he says in disgust.

  I narrow my eyes at him and lift my hand up to his face.

  “Axelle, stop,” Dashel says to me.

  I graze Vazna’s cheek and see his body relax under my touch, before he pushes off the seduction and growls at me. “Touch me again and I will end you.”

  “Not before I end you first,” I counter with a hiss, finally stepping back from him. “I wonder how much of a coup the soul of Heaven’s Guardian will be?”

  “Look. I’m not causing any trouble,” Evan says to try and diffuse this situation that has spiraled out of control. I’m supposed to be laying low, not going around threatening this Angelic hitman that, if Dashel’s power is anything to go by, is lethal to all things Hell-ish. I don’t want him anywhere near my Reaper.

  “It makes no difference,” Vazna says stiffly.

  “I said, he isn’t going anywhere,” I snap at him, unable to help myself. He is rubbing me the wrong way with his sanctimonious ass-titude. “You are the one that should leave, you are trespassing. Stay a second longer and I will corrupt you to the point where your little Angel friends will be disgusted with you.”

  Vazna breathes in deeply. “I will be back, mark my words,” he says before he disappears with his three buddies, letting Dashel go as well.

  “What was that all about?” I ask my Angel.

  “I don’t know,” he growls low in his throat. “But do not take this lightly, Axelle. Vazna means business. Whatever the plans are for you, they have changed and I’m not privy to them. That means I can’t protect you if I don’t know what’s coming and when.”

  “Why do you think he let you go?” I ask carefully.

  He shrugs. “Again, that is something I am not privy to. We need to leave this place and be extra careful. I do not know how they found us.”

  “I know,” Evan says with a sigh. “Luc. I think you should go back home to him.”

  “What?” I snap, completely sideswiped. Go back home to him. To him. Did he say that word for word?

  “Go back to Luc, whatever it is that he wants you to do can’t be that bad, can it?” Evan says. “Do what he wants and then you are free. We can be together then.”

  “Evan,” I huff. “You don’t understand.”

  “Then make me,” he says. “What is that ritual for.”

  I ponder whether to tell him. Eventually, I see no reason why I can’t. We’re already in trouble, so what’s one more thing to add to our list of crimes?

  “He is prepping me to conceive his child,” I say and watch as the shock registers on his face. “Or rather, if I am worthy enough to have the honor bestowed upon me.”

  “Fuck me,” Evan breathes. “I never…” He looks at Dashel. “You knew?�

  “It is why I came into contact with Axelle. To change her mind about participating in the ritual. It is imperative to the World that Luc does not have a son.”

  “Shit,” Evan mutters.

  “Yeah,” I comment dryly. “Look, you can’t tell anyone. He is very secretive about it.”

  “I’m not surprised. You know what this means, don’t you?” Evan asks me seriously.

  I shrug, letting him know I have no clue as to the bigger picture. I didn’t exactly stick around to find out.

  “He would be able to bring forth Armageddon,” Evan whispers. “It’s, shit, it’s…”

  Whoa! What? Armageddon? “Well, it’s not happening,” I point out. “I’m not doing it.”

  “Why not?” Evan asks.

  “Seriously?” I ask in disbelief. “You think I should actually do it?”

  “Absolutely not!” Dashel shouts at him “I have given up everything to ensure this does not happen.”

  “I thought you gave up everything for me?” I ask, a bit insulted.

  He gives me a glowing green glare that I fail to understand.

  “If not you, then he will find someone else. It would be a great advantage to you, Axelle. Think about it. Being the mother of his child?” Evan says.

  “He doesn’t want that,” I grit out, trying to fight off the hurt that has bubbled up suddenly. “I’m just a potential incubator. Nothing more.”

  “Oh,” Evan says and bites his lip. “He said that?”

  “Not exactly. He said I was a vessel,” I pout at him.

  “A vessel?” Evan coughs to hide whatever he is really feeling about that. Jerk. “I get it now. You want him to want you.”

  “No, I don’t,” I say huffily. “I don’t give a rat’s ass about him.”

  “Not true,” Evan says sadly. “If he told you he wanted to be with you, you would go to him in a second.”

  “No,” I shout at him. “I will not be a host for the Devil’s spawn. No way in Hell! I’m happy here, with you and Dashel.”

  “He said he wanted me to bring you back home to him,” Evan says quietly, and time stands still for just a brief moment. “Word for word.”


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