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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

Page 43

by Eve Newton

  “Come here,” Evan says, taking me from Dashel and placing me gently on his lap. He wraps his arms around me, loving me, making me feel precious again after the harshness of before. I reach down and guide his cock inside my well lubricated pussy and ride him until I hear him sigh with contentment as I come all over his dick and he follows quickly after.



  I stare at Axelle’s pendant as she rides me through the last of her orgasm before I look up at her face. She is truly gorgeous. I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one that felt jealous when she took that asshole’s dick in her mouth. I’m also glad that Dashel was the one to call her on it first. I should go and retrieve the soul at some point, but for now, I’m happy to let him wallow in the Wastelands. No way was I taking him to Inbound naked while I had to stand in a twenty-minute queue.

  The orb is flashing a brilliant light, probably reacting to its body being so close and wanting to get back in it. However, Dashel seems completely unconcerned. Apart from his initial interest, he hasn’t glanced at it at all.

  It makes sense, though. Thinking about it logically, only if you had a soul would you be concerned about getting it back. It’s warped logic, but to me, it makes sense. I have no soul and I’m not bothered about getting mine back.

  I frown at Luc then wondering where mine is. What did he do to it? If I ever get up the guts to ask him, I will. Or maybe get Axelle to ask him.

  I grimace inwardly.

  Grow a pair, you asshole.

  “Where the fuck is my soul?” I growl out at Luc, who cuts his sharp gaze to me and Axelle stops moving to give me an incredulous look.

  Dashel snorts with laughter, further confirming his utter fall from grace. He is turning dark and while he will fare better down in Hell as such, I kind of miss hesitant Dashel.

  “You want it back after all these centuries?” Luc drawls.

  “No,” I say defiantly. “I just want to know if you still have it.”

  “Hmm,” Luc murmurs. “Perhaps.”

  “You don’t know?” I roar at him, taking Axelle by her hips to move her off me so that I can round on the Devil with a face of thunder.

  Him, not me.

  I’m going on a suicide mission it appears, for something I don’t even want or care about.

  “I have your sister’s,” he says slyly, but then at Axelle’s hiss of outrage, he blinks and realizes what a dumbass thing that was to say.

  “Do you now?” Axelle snarls. “You can give that to me, dear husband, right the fuck now.”

  “Calm yourself,” he snaps at her. “We have something more important to discuss, do we not?”

  That stops Axelle’s tirade in its tracks. “Yes,” she says. “We do.”

  “What is it?” I ask with a frown. It sounds important and judging by the look on Axelle’s face, something huge.

  “Dashel,” Axelle says, turning to him and holding her hand out.

  He takes it and she draws him closer to the three of us. He sits next to me with an expectant look on his face. “Something wrong?” he presses when they don’t say anything.

  Luc takes her hand and turns to us with that smug look that I want to smack off his face but wouldn’t dare.

  “As you know, Axelle is pregnant with my child,” he says.

  “Well, we didn’t know,” I point out. “You decided she was with no real evidence.” I don’t really care one way or the other. I’ve never wanted kids and that hasn’t changed now. Maybe one day I will feel differently, but for now I just want Axelle and nothing else matters.

  “Well, she is,” Luc growls at him. “The Dark Oracle has confirmed it.”

  “So, the son will be born that will end the world,” Dashel mutters.

  “Not just a son,” Axelle blurts out. She gives Luc a big beam. “We are having twins. A boy and a girl.”

  Dashel freezes next to me as he stares at Axelle.

  “Great,” I mutter. “Congrats.”

  Quite frankly, I’m surprised by Axelle’s reaction to this news. I thought she’d be horrified, but she is the exact opposite. She is delighted and excited.

  “Twins?” Dashel croaks out as I study Luc’s face.

  Now that has me interested. He is the one that doesn’t seem all that happy about this. His smile is more of a grimace and his eyes are completely devoid of emotion.

  “Yes!” Axelle exclaims. “It’s unprecedented but amazing.”

  “You’re happy about this?” Dashel asks her.

  “Of course,” she splutters. “I know it’s a turnaround as I was so resistant, but knowing they are growing inside me…it changes everything.”

  “Humph,” Dashel mutters, staring at her stomach with a fierce frown. Then his eyes shoot back up to hers. “Do you remember what we discussed?”

  “I do,” she says carefully.

  “Tell him,” he growls.

  “Tell me what?” Luc grates out, assuming he is the one that needs telling something.

  That pisses me off. What if it was me that needed telling?

  Axelle turns to Luc and I roll my eyes at them.

  “Dashel wants a child with me as well,” she says lightly. “Afterwards, further down the line. I agreed.”

  “Did you now?” he asks. “You didn’t think to discuss this?”

  “There is nothing to discuss,” Dashel states, rising up onto his knees to face off with the Devil

  He really doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

  “Oh no?” Luc challenges by rounding on him and sprouting his black feathered wings, that knocks Axelle off the bed with their enormity and strength.

  “Hey!” she snaps, but then gulps and I can see why.

  Dashel has also squared off and has sprouted his own black feathered wings, folding his arms across his chest. “Do you want to do this?” he asks.

  Luc’s face is furious.

  Apoplectic even.

  “Shit,” I mumble and scramble off the bed to help Axelle to her feet. Not that she needs the help, she is already climbing back onto the bed and putting a soothing hand on each of the men.

  “There is no need for this,” she exclaims. “Please.”

  “You knew about this?” Luc asks her, indicating Dashel.

  She nods and Luc’s face goes even darker for a second before he resumes a blank look.

  “I expected this. You are a fallen Angel after all. Do not think that it puts you in the same league as me.”

  “No, it makes me better,” Dashel says.

  That’s the last thing that Axelle and I see, before we are both thrown across the room as the wave of power bounces off the two men on the bed as they launch themselves at each other in a naked, feathery tussle that I have to laugh at even under the explosively dangerous circumstances.



  This was a mistake.

  I am self-aware enough to know that I should not have thrown down the gauntlet with the Devil.

  This is new to me. I am unsure of my strength, my power, but even as Heaven’s Guardian I was no match for Luc.

  This is made plain as he knocks me back with his hands on my chest and then flips me over to shove my face into the bed, his knee at my back as my wings fold in.

  “You plan on challenging me, make damn sure you can beat me,” he growls at me.

  “Luc! Let him go!” Axelle yells.

  To my surprise, he does, but with a rough shove.

  I sit up and glare at him. “I have no intention of challenging you for your rule, but I will not sit back and pretend that I’m not better than you.”

  “You are asking for an ass kicking,” he snarls at me, clenching his fists. “My bloodline rules Hell.”

  “From the original fallen Angel,” I point out. “You are not a fallen Angel. You are a watered-down version.”

  “Fuck you!” he roars, advancing on me, but Axelle holds him back.

  I climb off the bed, ignoring Evan laughing
so hard at us, I think he might wet himself. We are a sight to behold though, I’m sure.

  “I should take that soul of yours, shove it back in you and torture you until the end of my days!” Luc is shouting at me.

  “You will do no such thing,” Axelle says gently, taking him by the hand. “This is a silly fight. Luc, you are the Devil. You rule Hell. No one is challenging you, no one plans to challenge you, right, Dashel?”

  I shake my head. I do not want to rule Hell. However, I harbor a secret that he will not like in the least. I haven’t even mentioned this to Axelle yet, and I do not plan to in the foreseeable future.

  “Right,” I mutter, when she gives me a death stare. “It’s all yours,” I add, giving Luc a tight smile. “But I will have a child with Axelle to further my own bloodline and there isn’t a thing you can say about it that will change that fact.”

  “Luc, I want to do this. I’m giving you what you want, so it’s only fair that Dashel and Evan get what they want as well.”

  “While we’re on the subject, when are we getting married, Axelle?” Evan pipes up, having finally stopped his laughing to listen to what Axelle has to say.

  She bites her lip and looks at Luc.

  I sigh. Is it always going to be her deferring to him?

  I get a surprise, though, when Luc sighs as well and rubs his hand over his face.

  “That is nothing to do with me,” he says to her. “And neither is you bearing other children. If I require you to make another child with me in the future, I will inform you of my desire, until then, you are free to do as you wish with regard to your relationships with them.”

  She gapes at him, as does Evan.

  I raise an eyebrow at him. I do not believe for one second that he has rolled over.

  “Really?” she asks.

  He gives her a soft smile. “Yes, really?”

  He kisses her lips and then he vanishes from sight, probably to take out his frustrations on some poor soul in the dungeon.

  “See?” she says to me. “He can be reasonable.”

  “Hmm,” I murmur and grab her hand as she comes closer. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, why?” she asks with a frown.

  “You were thrown back by the force of our power,” I remind her.

  “Oh, that,” she brushes it off. “Yeah, fine.”

  “I’m fine too, thanks for asking,” Evan comments also coming over to touch her.

  I ignore his sarcasm and kiss Axelle’s hand.

  “So, when shall we tie the knot?” Evan asks.

  “After the babies,” she says shyly. “In a double ceremony.”

  “Done,” Evan says and then frowns. “I’d better go and get Timmy to Inbound.”

  “Where did you leave him?” Axelle asks.

  “In the Wastelands,” Evan admits.

  “Ouch,” she mutters. “Go, or Roberta will hand your ass to you.”

  I watch him kiss her and hurriedly get dressed.

  “Alone again,” I say with a smile.

  She giggles. “More naughty stuff?”

  “Always.” I draw her to me to kiss her deeply and forcefully, my hands going to her breasts.

  We fall back to the bed, her on top of me, but she pulls back with a shrewd look.

  “Fuck me with your wings out,” she demands.

  I climb off the bed and oblige her, releasing my wings to flap lazily around me.

  Her eyes glaze over with raw lust. I adore that look in her eyes.

  “Turn around,” I murmur.

  She does as I ask, getting to her hands and knees. Our reflection in the mirror on the dresser makes for an impressive sight, one that she definitely appreciates.

  “I love you,” I say to her, grabbing her hips.

  “I adore you,” she replies. “Did you mean what you said about bringing me victims?”

  My eyes bore into hers in the reflection. “I did. I want to keep you happy.”

  She spins around and throws her arms around my neck, kissing my lips gently. “Thank you.”

  I feel guilty about keeping this secret from her, but I’m not sure how she will react. I need more time to think about how I will tell her.

  “No need,” I mutter, “I will do anything for you, Axelle. Absolutely anything.”

  “Same,” she says and turns back around letting me know what she wants from me right now, so I give it to her.



  Several days after I discovered that Dashel had converted to a Dark Angel after his fall, I’m staring at a bunch of paintings that I know depict my grandfather. They are all ancient as he lived so long ago, but these are the ones closest to the time where my father took over as the Devil, hundreds of years ago. They are crude and ugly, but they have stayed up because of who they are of. Now, they are all lined up in a gallery off the west wing of the residence and I’m staring at them with no clue where to start.

  “What are you doing?” Axelle asks from the doorway.

  I turn to look at her and my breath catches. I narrow my eyes and peer rudely. She shifts uncomfortably under my scrutiny.

  She is wearing a black, stretchy dress that shows off a very clear baby bump.

  My wife sees me notice and she lowers her eyes, taking a hesitant step forward.

  “They are growing quickly,” she says lightly, circling her belly with both hands.

  “You are beautiful,” I say, coming towards her and giving her the validation that she is seeking. I take her hand with a happy beam.

  “Really?” she asks. There is no vanity in it for herself, just worry about what I think of her.

  “Really,” I confirm, and her face relaxes.

  “I’m getting excited,” she murmurs, looking up at me with an adoring gaze that I will never get tired of seeing on her face.

  I know I have the same one back as I say, “Me too.”

  She gives me a bright smile and then she is back to her strong self. “So, what are you doing in here with these fuck-ugly paintings?” she snorts.

  I stifle my own amused sound and give her a haughty look. “This is my grandfather,” I say.

  “Wow. Lucifer?” She is so impressed; she is practically creaming herself.

  “The original one,” I snap at her, pissed that her adoration has shifted off me. “I am Lucifer now.”

  “You are?” she splutters and then a realization dawns on her. “Oooh,” she says with a nod. “Luc. I get it.”

  “Humph,” I say rudely as she never even connected the dots before. How is that even possible?

  “It’s all a bit of a mystery to me. Before my time and I didn’t stay here very long after I was created.” She shrugs apologetically, so I let her off.

  “Still, you should know about your history, my dear,” I chide her, but with no malice. She is a selfish creature and wouldn’t have paid it a second thought, even if she did know.

  “So, enlighten me,” she says, taking my hand and focusing on the accurately named, ‘fuck-ugly’ paintings.

  I snicker despite myself, but sober when I wonder, not for the first time, if my grandfather is sentient in whichever one of these, he is in.

  “Anything you want to know, you can learn about yourself,” I say. “But I will tell you why these are lined up here.”

  She nods eagerly.

  “I recently learned that my father, fucking coward that he is, didn’t in fact defeat my grandfather to gain control of Hell. He placed him in a painting, as he did to himself, and Jez…” I stop and clear my throat as I almost wither under my wife’s menacing glare. “Yes, well. I’m trying to ascertain which one.”

  “Oh,” she says, not shocked at all by this news. “I can help.”

  I blink at her.

  “What?” she asks cockily. “I got that whore out of hers, didn’t I? And I also knew which one your father was in.”

  “You did?” I ask, surprised. “How?”

  She shrugs. “No idea, but I saw his
eyes following me. I thought I imagined it, but I know now that I was right.”

  “Indeed,” I mutter. “Okay, wife, take a crack.” I step back as she grins at me.

  “Okay, husband, I will,” she says and turns from me to stare at the depictions with a ferocious intensity.

  I watch her, thoroughly enjoying just looking at her.

  “This one,” she says as she crouches down and hovers her hand over one of them. The plainest one. All the others have some sort of activity going on: sex, debauchery, maiming and killing. But this one is different. I should have known myself.

  “Of course,” I mutter and then shout out, “Wait!” to her as she is about to touch it.


  I snatch my hand back quickly. “What?” I ask, placing it over my racing heart. He nearly scared me half to death.

  “Not yet,” he says, grabbing my hand and helping me to my feet. “I’m not sure what to do about it yet.”

  “Oh?” I ask again and grimace. I seem to be saying that a lot in this conversation. Hardly the witty repartee I’m usually known for. “Why not? Don’t you want him out?”

  “I’m not sure,” he says again, and then sighs. “If I let him out, he will be as mad as a snake on acid and probably try to take his throne back. And without a doubt, take you as well.”

  “Me?” I ask, but then the penny drops. “Our son, more like.”

  Luc gives me a sour look, but with an undertone of danger that I know isn’t directed at me.

  “And you,” he insists. “You are a prize, Axelle. The only female to survive the trials in this generation. He will want that.”

  “What do you mean?” I thought I was the only one to survive the trials, period.

  He gives me a look that makes me blush for my stupidity. But it doesn’t make me any wiser.

  “My mother…my grandmother… You are not the only one, my love.”

  “Oh,” I say again and then huff. I really need to come away from that word today. “So, not so special after all then.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “Don’t be such a martyr,” he comments. “You survived the trials and you are strong. Both my grandmother and my mother barely survived carrying the child and died straight after. I know you won’t let me down that way.”


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