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Seeking Our Forever: Nelson Brothers'

Page 10

by Liberty Parker

  “Not sure yet, man,” I tell him, shaking his hand. RGMC has been a boon to our town, replacing the shit that used to be around with solid, legitimate businesses.

  “You’ll keep me or Axe informed,” he replies. He doesn’t ask, he tells, and I can hear the command in his voice. I nod in agreement. Axe, also known as Braxton, is the president of his club and someone who is always honest and upfront with us.

  Soon, we’re following the ambulances to the hospital. The paramedics decided that Damien needed to be checked as well—as a precaution, then called for a second one. Raven is riding with Damien and while I want to be with her, he needs her more than I do right now. Doesn’t matter, whatever she needs, I’ll give it to her. That’s what a man does for the woman he’s falling in love with.



  As I pace my son’s hospital room, I begin to bite on the skin around my nail beds. They start to bleed, and Jonas lightly removes my fingers from my mouth. I can’t help it, I’m anxious that he was taken away to x-ray and I wasn’t allowed to accompany him. Luckily, Jonas knows the nurse on duty, and she swore not to leave his side throughout the process. That gives me a little bit of relief, but not enough to keep my nervous habits at bay.

  “Baby, I promise you he’s going to be okay. Julie will take care of him. We’ve worked with her on several different occasions, usually a domestic violence situation. She’s amazing with women and kids. Please relax and trust me.” When Jonas says this, it sounds good in theory, but I’m just not there. I don’t know that I’m ready to relinquish my hold on my son, not now… maybe not ever. I may have to start homeschooling him so I have eyes on him at all times.

  “I’ll relax when he’s back here and I know what’s going on with him. Have you heard anything from Atticus about Piper yet?” They rushed her into emergency surgery due to internal injuries and Atticus is supposed to keep us informed. Silas and Destiny are with him and I hope they’re keeping him calm, but I seriously doubt anyone has that ability at this point.

  He pulls me close and wraps me in a hug, something I desperately need right now. Despite the chaos surrounding my husband’s whereabouts, I feel safe in Jonas’ arms, and know that he’ll do anything in his power to protect me and my son. I’m beginning to question my reasoning for keeping him at an arm's length. “It’ll be okay, baby,” he whispers. “We’ll find out who did this once we know that Piper and Damien are on the mend.”

  “I want them dead. I want them all to pay. Don’t be nice about it either, Jonas. I want them to shed blood for what they’ve done to my boy and Piper,” I seethe in anger. The more time that passes by, the angrier I become, and the more I need retribution on their behalves.

  “Then that’s what’ll happen. We’ll take care of it. No one messes with our family and lives to tell the tale,” he states.

  “Good. Those fuckers need to go down.” As I say this to him, my finger is pointing to the ground to emphasize how serious I am about this. The look on his face is priceless. Guess tossing around an f-bomb when it’s not something you generally do is reason enough for the look he’s giving me.

  “Have I mentioned how turned on you make me when you’re all angry, growly, and shit?” He catches me off-guard when he says this, and I can feel the blush take over me. Was I growling? I didn’t realize I was doing anything other than expressing my feelings...adamantly.

  “No you haven’t.” What else can I say? I’m a mama bear when it comes to my son. I’ve been the only one who fought for him and I don’t see that changing any time soon. But now that he mentions it, the fire that’s blazing in his eyes makes me want to climb him like a monkey does a tree. I really am reevaluating my feelings of waiting for a legal divorce from my wayward husband.

  “Well, you do and soon, we’ll explore that very thing, you and I,” he states before kissing my temple.

  “Once my divorce is done, right?” I question.

  He leans down and quietly states, “Sinclair’s not of this world anymore, baby. You don’t have to worry about a divorce. If it’s the law you’re worried about, soon...very soon, they will know exactly how single you really are.” He doesn’t offer any details and quite frankly, I don’t want or need them.

  “Really?” I feel hope blooming deep inside that my hell on earth is finally over. I did have an inkling, but I’ve been waiting for him to voice it out loud for me so that I can move forward.

  “Yeah, Raven, really.” I want to do a happy dance at his affirmation, but I’m too worried about my son to really show him my appreciation.

  I’m about to say something when the nurse brings Damien back in, stating, “He did really well, Mom, so I’m going to get him a cherry popsicle. The doctor will be in shortly to go over the test results.” I nod as I give Damien a once-over. He looks so small in the pediatric hospital gown they have him in and I wince when I see all the cuts and bruises.

  “You did so well today, little man,” Jonas tells him as he ruffles his hair. “You called for help and didn’t panic.”

  “I cried, Jonas,” Damien responds, looking down.

  “Damien, we all cried today, every single one of us,” he tells him. “It’s okay for men to cry and show their emotions when it comes to their family.”

  “Even you guys?” His voice is trembling, and I know he’s stuck in a memory of how Sinclair talked to him about ‘being a man’ and what they did and didn’t do.

  “Even us guys.” Jonas’ voice is firm but not unkind and I watch as Damien nods, like he finally gets it. Every single time a memory surfaces of the way his father treated him and verbally disciplined him, I feel murderous. If he wasn’t already dead, I’d be wearing orange, and part of the prison chain gang, doing twenty years for showing him my true feelings.

  Silas comes into the room and heads straight to the bed. “You did good,” he says to Damien. “Kept your head and knew to call for help. We’re gonna need someone with a cool head like yours when you’re older.” I watch the grin cross Damien’s face and mentally cheer at how these gruff, grumbly men, have tapped into a side they likely didn’t know they had in order to interact with my son. He’s eating up the attention in a good way. It’s nice to have some positive male influences in his life. He’s needed that for such a long time.

  “How’s Miss Piper?” Damien asks.

  “Still in surgery, little man.” Silas leans down and pats Damien’s shoulder, showing him some solidarity. It’s reinforcing within my boy that he understands Damien’s feelings, and accepts them for what they are.

  “Can...can you tell Mr. Atticus thank you for finding us?” Damien questions.

  “Honey,” I gather Damien’s attention, “none of us would’ve given up until we found you.” I want him to understand that he is an important person to us all.

  “I know, Mom.” He all but rolls his eyes at me, “h-he got me out before he got Miss Piper, that way he could hold her until the paramedics got down to us.” I have to turn my head to the side so Damien doesn't see the way his words are affecting me. I want to hold him in my arms, but I know that he wouldn’t want that in front of Jonas and Silas. He doesn’t even let me give him a peck on the cheek in front of the guys. It’s all done privately or not at all… I wish he’d stop growing up.


  Two weeks later

  Atticus has been driving every one of us insane for the last couple of weeks. He paces the hallways of the hospital, hounding and harassing all of the doctors and nurses. If Piper so much as moans, he’s rushing out the door demanding they make her stop hurting. They keep explaining they can only give her so much pain medication without it hurting her or the baby. There is a limit to how much they can legally give a patient so that they don’t overdose.

  Thank fuck today is the day that Piper is being released under the conditions that we hire home healthcare for her. She’s coming home with not only a nurse, but our private doctor will be staying with us until she’s completely healed. Atticus deman
ded it and the good doctor was in an agreeing mood. Lucky for him, otherwise we’d be looking for another doctor and digging a grave for our current one. Atticus can be quite convincing, enough to where the doctor has been at our house for the last few days anticipating her arrival. Raven has been running around the house like a chicken with her head cut off. She’s been tending to Damien’s every whim and taking on Piper’s duties around the house.

  She’s done nothing but blame herself for what happened to the two of them. I’ve tried to explain to her that this is in no way her fault, it’s in the hands of the person who actually did the damage. “Raven, stop.” I say, grabbing her by the shoulders. “Damien’s asleep, Piper will be home in a couple of hours. You need to relax and take a breath. You can’t keep going on like this. The house is so clean we can eat off the bathroom floors. My head is spinning trying to keep up with you.” I can’t stand to watch her in this spiraling world she’s placed herself within.

  “I need to keep busy, Jonas.” She places her hands on her hips and slants her head at me. I feel like she’s trying to scold me the way she does Damien, the only difference is, it’s not working on me the way it does him.

  “I can help you out with that,” I tell her.

  I feel her body shiver as I lean over and nip her on her shoulder with my teeth. “And, how exactly do you plan on doing that?” she breathlessly inquires.

  “I can give you something else to focus on,” I lightly kiss her behind her ear.

  “W-what would that be?” I can see her chest rising and falling hastily.

  “My mouth on your breast,” I take my finger and run it over one nipple, then move to the other one. She sticks out her chest as my fingers graze from one breast to the other. “My mouth on your pussy, my tongue tasting your essence as you call out my name in ecstasy. I can make you feel so good, Raven. All you have to do is say yes.” Please, please say yes.

  “Yes,” she moans out, and that’s all I was waiting on. I lean down and place one of my arms under her knees and the other one under her armpits. I lift her up and quickly rush us to her bedroom while she’s bouncing in my arms and giggling like a young schoolgirl. Closing the door and locking it, I gently set her on her feet, then pull her into my arms and kiss her.

  Nothing prepares me for her taste. As our tongues duel, I find myself wanting her closer, with nothing in between us. I pull back slightly and grin at her moan of disappointment. “Too many clothes, baby, for what I plan on doing to you,” I tell her as I begin undressing her. When she’s standing there in nothing but a lacy bra that barely holds her breasts in and a matching thong, I groan. “Better than I imagined,” I murmur as I strip down to my boxers.

  “You’ve been holding out on me,” she teases, running a finger down my chest to the waistband of my boxers. “All these muscles have been hidden.”

  “Just like these curves,” I reply, sliding her bra straps down her arms before I reach behind her and unclasp her bra, freeing the two objects of my current obsession. Leaning in, I lightly nip at first one nipple, then the other, until both are swollen and distended. I scoop her up again and place her on the bed. “I want to go slow and worship you, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to manage that,” I admit. I can see how excited she’s getting as her thong is soaked. Dipping my finger underneath the lace, I lightly trace the seam of her pussy.

  Her slight shiver has me moving down her body, using my shoulders to spread her legs wider so my broad shoulders fit. It feels as if my body was meant to be right here…between her legs, worshiping her for the rest of my life. I breathe in and the scent of her arousal has me almost coming in my damn boxers. “Take me how you need to, Jonas,” she whimpers. I slip her thong off until I’m face-to-face with the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Her hair is nice and trimmed to where I have a perfect view of her swollen pink lips. My eyes are lasered onto her distended clit and I can’t wait to pull that beautiful pearl into my mouth.

  “Mmm,” I whisper before swiping my tongue through her folds. Fucking ambrosia.

  “Oh my God, Jonas,” she keens as she writhes on the bed. I get the impression that this isn’t something she’s used to but thankfully, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I add a finger as I continue to lick from ass to clit and am rewarded with a fresh batch of her screams. Her essence is delicious as it coats my tongue. I need her good and ready for me because from what she’s shared, it’s been a long time and I’m not a small man. Soon, I add a second then third finger and have to put my arm across her hips to keep her in place. I believe my woman is thoroughly enjoying my mouth on her.

  “Jonas!” she exclaims and my ministrations double. Her pleasure is my one goal in life from this moment on.


  I don’t know how to express the fact that I’ve never come while with another to him. My husband didn’t care about anything but getting off himself...I also don’t know how to inform him that what we’re doing right now is only the second time in my life I’ve done so. Sinclair sure as hell never did what Jonas is doing right now. What he’s doing to me with his tongue is magical, what dreams are made of. I want him to do this every day for the rest of my life. Is that asking too much? I’ll make sure to ask him later.

  “Raven, do you like that?” he asks as his fingers touch that special place inside of me.

  “God, yes, please don’t stop, Jonas!” I’ll beg him if that’s what it takes. My vibrator never gave me this erotic feeling before...and I like this. Immensely.

  “Not until you’ve come all over my tongue and fingers,” he promises. I want to say yes please, but my tongue feels swollen in my mouth as my teeth clamp down on it as another wave of pleasure spikes through me.

  I can’t speak, I can only feel, so I give myself over to the sensations that are now coursing through my body. I feel something on the horizon and don’t know how to get there so I can’t ask for it. It’s as if he reads my mind because he hones in on my clit, putting just the right amount of pressure to cause my body to start spasming as I fall into oblivion.

  “So that’s what all the fuss is about,” I murmur once I can breathe again. “All the books I’ve read said it was good, they didn’t say it would be earth-shattering.” I hear him chuckle at my words.

  “We’re not done yet, baby,” he states, moving up my body so that his cock is now pressed against my core. “You ready for more?” Umm...yes please.

  Suddenly, all I want is him filling me up while he pounds me into another of those delectable orgasms. “Yeah,” I state, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.

  He slowly enters me, and I can feel the stretch and burn, as my body adjusts to accommodate his size and girth. Once he’s fully seated, he begins to move. Slow and steady, he maintains eye contact, shifting from my face to where we’re connected. “So fucking hot,” he states, looking at where we’re connected. “So fucking tight, and so fucking mine.” When he declares this, something inside of me screams out, yes!

  Once again, I’m rendered speechless as he reaches between us and circles my clit with his thumb. “You gonna come for me again, Raven?” he asks, his hips picking up speed.

  “I-I think so.” Hell, this will be another first if I do, that’s for damn sure. But I’m loving that these firsts are with him.

  “Yeah, you are, I can feel your pussy fluttering around my dick, baby.” His dirty talk has my libido purring in desire and need. He presses more firmly on my clit and I detonate, squeezing his cock as my back arches and I close my eyes with the pleasure he’s evoked in me.

  Three thrusts later and he’s calling out my name as he releases deep inside of me. My eyes close and a smile plasters my face as sleep takes me over.



  I can’t wipe the smile off my face and the desire to pound on my chest as I notice that our lovemaking has caused her to fall into a blissful sleep. Using this opportunity to admire her in her sleep, I’m pulled out of it as I feel something
leaking onto my balls. “Shit,” I hiss under my breath. I’ve never gone ungloved. Ever. I’m a firm believer in no cover, no lover, so to see the evidence of our passion soaking the sheets and us, has me wondering what kind of spell this siren has cast on me. Deciding to let her sleep, I carefully extricate myself from her arms, go into the bathroom and clean up and then get a warm cloth to take care of her.

  She’s so exhausted, I’m able to clean her up and cover her with the blanket, without her so much as stirring. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I quickly dress and leave the room, being sure to close the door behind me. I check on Damien and grin when I see him asleep on his bed, Scooby lying there with his head on the pillow. He raises his head and I give him a look because we’ve been training him to sleep on the floor where his doggy bed is at. He thumps his tail but doesn’t move and I finally give in. Damien has had a bit of a hard time sleeping and if having the damn dog on his bed keeps him from having the nightmares he’s been waking us up with, it’s a small thing in the grand scheme of things. Once satisfied that he is okay, I leave the upper level of the house and head down to make sure Atticus and Piper’s temporary room has all of the equipment and supplies they’ll need while being in there.

  Satisfied everything is in place, I head to the batcave to ponder Raven’s words about Sinclair and wanting to move forward. I talked with both of my brothers about how to handle Sinclair’s body being discovered, and all three of us agree that it needs to be an anonymous email. One that’s untraceable, something I happen to specialize in. Writing a statement up, I send it to Chief, knowing that he opens all of his daily emails every morning when he steps into his office.

  To Whom It May Concern:

  You can find the body of Sinclair Robenstein in the cemetery. He is buried on top of Curley Thomason’s remains. You may want to check into his known association with Marcus Welch, Sr. as well as his son, Marcus Welch, Jr.


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