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Forever With You

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by E. L. Todd

  Forever With You

  Book Fourteen Of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  “What if I fall?

  Oh but my darling, what if you fly?”

  Erin Hanson

  Chapter One


  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” We were cruising over the Atlantic and the view outside the small window was breathtaking. It was a cloudless day, and the sun shined across the world.

  Ward was reading a book. “Why?”

  “Because it’s crazy.”

  “It’s crazy you’re bedding me in London?” He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think it’s crazy.”

  I got time off work just to be with him. I hadn’t told anyone I was coming with him, so I hoped no one would stop by my apartment and freak out at my absence. If someone called, I would just lie and say I was at the grocery store or something.

  “Don’t be nervous, darling.” He rested his hand on my thigh and continued to read.

  It was hard to freak out when he stayed so calm. I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. My arm hooked through his and I felt comfortable even though I was a million miles above the earth.

  He turned to me and kissed my forehead. “I’ll wake you up when the plane lands, darling.”

  “Okay.” I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.


  A town car took us to his house in London. It was two stories and had a small front yard. The windows were large but tinted. I stared at it for a moment, immediately finding it homey before I even walked inside.

  The driver carried our bags inside and placed them near the stairs.

  “See you soon, sir.”

  “Thank you, Scott.” Ward tipped him then shut the door. “So, this is it.”

  The place looked identical to his apartment but as a house. He preferred dark colors accompanied with natural light. The wood of his kitchen table was hard and of high quality, and his couches were made of leather. “It’s nice.” I moved into the kitchen and saw the stainless steel appliances and the granite countertops. “Very sleek.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I’ll get some groceries so you won’t starve when I’m at work.”

  “I’ll probably eat out, actually.”

  He smiled as he grabbed my bags. “You want to explore the city on your own?”

  “What else will I do while you’re at work?”

  “Just be careful. I’ve been mugged before.”

  My eyes widened. “What?”

  “I was mugged at knife point. It wasn’t that big of a deal. I just handed over my wallet and he ran off. It was my fault for walking down an alley. I’m a big guy and I just assumed I was intimidating.”

  “It wasn’t your fault! He’s the one who robbed you.”

  He flashed me an amused grin. “Baby, just stay out of alleyways. That’s the point I’m trying to make.”

  “I will,” I said. “If I know my way around Manhattan, I can figure out London.”

  He carried everything upstairs and I followed him. It had four different rooms and a long hallway. When we entered his bedroom, I stared at his king size bed and dark nightstands. His furniture was dark brown, and a large mirror was on the wall, facing his bed.

  I eyed it then looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  He chuckled. “I like to watch myself have sex. It’s my one kinky thing.”

  “I don’t recall you mentioning this to me…”

  “Well, now I am.”

  “So, you like to watch yourself? Not your partner?”

  “No, both,” he said. “I think it’s hot.”

  “Well, we’ll have to try it out.”

  He gave me a smug look. “I knew you were naughty.”

  I walked to his bathroom and looked at the two sinks, expansive bath, and the walk-in shower. “Pretty nice.” I admired the counters and how clean it was.

  He came behind me then kissed my neck. “It’s good enough for my guest?”

  “I think so. But I’m surprised it’s practically sterile.”

  “I have housecleaners.”

  “Fancy…” I turned around and gripped the front of his shirt.

  He looked down at me, a hungry expression on his face. “Want to try out that mirror?”

  “Yeah, let’s give it a go.”


  After a session of hot sex, we went to the grocery store. His London car was a Jaguar. It was black just like his Mercedes. I realized he preferred dark colors. But he could pull off anything.

  “Get anything you want.” He pushed the cart down the aisles and started to throw stuff inside.

  I got a few grapes and apples, my favorite fruits. Then I grabbed a few chocolate bars, among other things.

  He eyed me, an amused look on his face. “You’re a sweets person, I see.”

  “So?” I asked. “I’m not ashamed.”

  “You shouldn’t be.” He threw more items inside then went to the drug aisle. He grabbed a pack of large condoms and threw them in the basket.

  “You know…I’m on birth control.”

  He looked up at my words, his eyes intense. “Really?”

  “Really.” I gave him a flirtatious look.

  “And why do you want me to know that?” he asked quietly.

  “Maybe we don’t need those.” I nodded to the basket. “I’m sure you’re as clean as I am.”

  He seemed tempted. “You’d be okay with that?”

  “As long as we’re monogamous…until one of us meets someone else.”

  He accepted the offer by returning the condoms. “Now I’m in a hurry to get out of here.”

  I chuckled. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

  We got in the check out line and waited for our turn. Ward was casting glances at me, watching my gaze. I met his look, a slight smirk on my lips. He kept staring at me, paying attention to my lips in particular.

  “You stare a lot,” I whispered.

  “How would you know unless you were looking?” he countered.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the magazines.

  He discreetly squeezed my ass with his hand then returned it to his pocket.

  I gave him a threatening look before I turned away.

  Ward smirked but pretended he didn’t do anything inappropriate. Then he grabbed my shirt and yanked me to him, pressing a kiss to my lips. After he rubbed his nose against mine, he let me go.

  Butterflies the size of whales fluttered in my stomach. I couldn’t stop grinning so I buried my face in a magazine so no one else would see how thrilled I was to be spending time with this gorgeous, sensitive, and amazing man.

  We bagged our groceries and Ward paid for everything. Then we headed back to his townhouse. The garage was in the rear alley, difficult to see unless you knew where it was.

  After we carried everything inside, Ward turned to me. “What should we make for dinner?”


  He chuckled. “We need to eat real food.”

  “Ice cream?”

  He gave me a fond look. “You remind me of a child sometimes—in a good way.”

  “Why, thank you.” I sat on his granite countertop and crossed my legs. Even at this height, he was still taller than me.

  “Help yourself to anything while I’m gone.”


  He came to me then pulled my knees apart, standing between them. “Want to go out for dinner?”

  “Ooh…some London food? Fish and chips?”

  He rubbed his nose against mine. “We eat more than that.”

  “I’d love to try,” I said in a British accent. “How about some biscuits, eh?”

  He laughed. “Baby, you’re damn ad
orable but don’t do that in public.”

  “Why?” I kept up my terrible British accent.

  “We aren’t fond of Americans as it is.”

  “Coming from a guy who works in America…”

  “Hey, I don’t have a problem with Americans…otherwise I wouldn’t have one in my house right now.”

  I leaned forward and kissed his neck, loving the taste of him on my lips.

  He moaned quietly. “We should get to dinner otherwise we’ll never make it there.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take me in front of your mirror?”

  He released another moan. “My performance would be much better if my stomach was full.”

  “In that case…” I hopped down to my feet.

  He grabbed his keys and wallet then headed to the garage. “There’s steakhouse I think you’ll like.”

  “You know me,” I said. “I eat anything.”


  We sat across from each other in the dim lit restaurant. The tables were much closer together than they were in America. And the chairs and tables were smaller as well. Quiet voices trailed through the restaurant.

  Ward only had eyes for me. “I like your dress.”

  “Thanks. I like anything you wear—and don’t wear.”

  He smirked then sipped his wine.

  “How far away is your work?” I asked.

  “A ten minute drive. The traffic in London is just as bad as New York. If that weren’t an issue, I’d be there in about two minutes.”

  “Why don’t you walk?”

  “I would but I can’t get my suit dirty or wrinkly. Image is everything, darling.”

  “You sound lazy to me,” I teased.


  “What do you do for exercise?” I asked.

  “I like to box.”

  “Boxing?” I asked incredulously.

  “My arms didn’t give it away?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Wow, Ward is cocky? He does have a flaw.”

  He laughed. “Damn, you caught me.”

  “And he’s kinky.”

  He blushed slightly. “I never said I was perfect.”

  My hand stroked his for a moment. “I’m just teasing you. I think it’s sexy.”

  “You do?” he asked.


  “Tell me one of yours,” he whispered.

  I had to think for a moment. “I like to be tied up.”

  He nodded his head slowly. “Good to know.”

  “And I like to be spanked.”

  His eyes widened. “I won’t forget that.”

  “Do you have any others?” I asked.

  He thought for a moment. “No, not really.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I said. “And you have to be totally honest.”

  “On scout’s honor,” he said.

  “You were a boy scout?” I asked. “How cute!”

  He blushed again. “Well, thanks…”

  “Are you ready for my question?”

  “Yes.” He looked me in the eye.

  “Am I really the best you ever had? Or is that something you say to all your girls?”

  “Yes, I wasn’t feeding you a line, darling.” He looked me in the eyes as he said it. “And I don’t feed lines to any of the women I date. Am I yours?”

  “Duh,” I said.

  He chuckled. “I’m glad I leave you as satisfied as I am.”

  Spending the evening with Ward was nice. Our relationship was different than it used to be. A friendship had formed between us, and we were a lot more comfortable around one another. We could joke and tease each other, and when we were alone in bed, the sparks still ignited and exploded high in the sky.

  We finished dinner and Ward was about to pay the tab when we had a visitor.

  “Hello, Ward.” A brunette looked at him with a flirty smile. Then she leaned down and kissed his cheek.

  I think that was normal in Britain, but I didn’t like it one bit.

  “Hello, Crystal. How are you?”

  Crystal? Was she a stripper too?

  “Well.” She grabbed his shoulder and didn’t drop her hold. “How are you?”

  “Great,” he said. “I’m just spending an evening with my beautiful date, Clementine.”

  She gave me a smile but it was forced. There were daggers in her eyes, and she didn’t like me at all. She was clearly an ex or a woman who wished she were an ex. “Hi.”


  She turned back to him. “We should get together and catch up.” She was dangerously close to him and she wouldn’t stop touching him.

  Ward seemed uncomfortable now. “I have a busy schedule but perhaps.”

  She wouldn’t back off. “How’s work?”

  Okay, she was pissing me off. “If you don’t mind, Ward and I are trying to have dinner together. If you want to get laid so bad stand on the corner outside and hike up your dress.”

  Crystal looked like she’d never been more offended in her life. “Excuse me?”

  Ward looked like he wanted to laugh.

  “Get your slimy hands off my man and go bother someone else.” I stood up, not afraid to take this bitch out.

  “Your man?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yes. Mine.”

  She rolled her eyes then strutted off, joining her girlfriends at a table.

  Once she was gone and we were alone again, I calmed down. But then I realized what I did. Ward was single and could do whatever he wanted. He wasn’t mine to claim but I did it anyway. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to get carried away.”

  He shot me a grin. “Baby, that was sexy. I enjoyed it.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He stood up then pulled me from the chair. “I want to have sex in front of my mirror now.”

  I smiled, glad that he wasn’t mad at me. “I just didn’t want to step on your toes just in case…you wanted to see her.”

  “Why would I want to see her when I have you?” he asked seriously.

  When I didn’t have an answer, he pulled me out of the restaurant and back to his place.


  After Ward took me doggy style in front of his mirror, we got under the covers and prepared for bed. He set his alarm on his nightstand. “I’m usually home by three.”

  “Okay.” I moved into his side and rested my head on his chest. I knew most guys didn’t enjoy cuddling after sex, but I was certain Ward did. If he didn’t, he would have moved or told me otherwise.

  “What will you do while I’m away?”

  “Probably go through your stuff.”

  He chuckled. “I have nothing to hide so look all you want.”

  “What if you have bodies hiding somewhere…?”

  He leaned close to me and made his voice sinister. “What if I add you to my collection?”

  I got goose bumps. “Would you really kill the best you ever had…?”

  “That’s a good point.” He stared at my face for a moment. “You’re safe. For now.”

  “I’ll have to keep fucking you the way you like, then.”

  “That’s right.”

  I chuckled then rested on his chest. “I won’t go through your stuff. I don’t want to see all your dirty secrets.”

  He opened his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of Vaseline. “That’s my dirty secret. And I’m not ashamed of it.”

  His forwardness was hot. “That’s really sexy…”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “You think me jerking off is sexy?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “You’re kinkier than I thought.”

  “I masturbate.”

  His eyes smoldered in intensity. “Really?”

  I nodded. “Any girl who says she doesn’t is full of it—unless she’s got a man.”

  “Interesting…” He continued to stare at me.

  “I have a dildo and a vibrator.”

  “That really is hot.”

  “So, what gets
you in the mood? Porn?”

  “I don’t watch porn.”

  I laughed. “Ward, you can tell me. I’m not going to judge you. I just told you it was hot.”

  He smirked. “I know. And I still don’t watch porn.”

  “Are you pulling my leg right now?” I asked.


  “Then what do you do?”

  “I prefer my own imagination. It’s a lot more intense that way.”


  “What?” he asked.

  “That’s really hot.”

  “I’ve thought about you before.” He didn’t have any shame on his face. “Several times, actually.”

  “Ooh…I feel special.” I rubbed his chest.

  “Do you think about me?”

  “I have…”

  He moved closer into me. He pressed his lips toward my ear and released a quiet growl. “Clementine, you drive me crazy…”

  “Hey, I have needs.”

  “You don’t have those needs when I’m around, right?”


  He kissed my neck. “Good. Otherwise I’d be doing something wrong.” He pulled me closer into his chest then spooned me from behind. Then his lips kissed the area between my shoulder blades.

  My nights had never been so peaceful or relaxing until Ward came around. I didn’t enjoy sleeping with my partners unless we were serious, but I loved sleeping with him. He removed all the stress from my body and made me feel protected and safe. Every bad thing that ever happened to me was non-existent.


  When I woke up the next morning, Ward was gone. Feeling his absence was a horrible way to wake up. I blinked my eyes several times before I looked at my nightstand. There was a note along with a candy bar.


  My work is going to suffer because of you. I can’t stop thinking about you.


  I read the letter several times before I put it down and examined the chocolate bar. It was too early for sweets, but I didn’t care. I ripped it open and ate the whole thing while lying in his bed.

  After I showered and got ready for the day, I left the house and explored London. There were tons of shops and plenty to do. I knew I couldn’t buy too many things because I didn’t have much space in my suitcase to bring anything back, so I found a cute pair of shoes then had lunch in a café. The coffee was excellent and put Starbucks to shame.


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