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Greyriver Shifters

Page 99

by Kristina Weaver

  I manage to withhold my grin when it opens and Nick is standing there, his eyes going to me as his face hardens and his mouth pulls back to reveal his teeth.

  “Banner. What the hell is this?”

  “Fated law. I have been medically charged to bring the Fated Blainton Seers to his mate in the cells and under Section Three it is not within anyone’s rights, no matter their authority to deny a male and female their Fated rights under the law of all packs,” he says, keeping his voice and face neutral.

  I would laugh when he snarls, the anger that I see in him so fierce it’s like a blow, but Banner turns to glare at me and for some ridiculous reason I appreciate the male enough not to ruin this for him.

  “Bullshit! This is—”

  “Not something you can fight, Alpha. Without Julia, Blain Seers would die. It’s her choice whether she gives him blood or not, but as far as I can tell, she wants her Fated and so I am at pains to comply.”

  I’d laugh now, when the Alpha’s face goes a mottled red, but the male looks so furious I can’t be sure he’ll comply. Of course, I could die happy right now thinking Alpha Silverton would lose his leadership seat because he broke a pack law, but the truth is, I feel like shit, I need blood, and I don’t want to die.

  So for now, I keep my expression blank and wait for him to finally calm down. It doesn’t happen. Instead of wrestling himself under control, he starts shaking, the anger going so high his body shakes hard, and then I hear a growl before his body shifts and a big black wolf falls before us, his hackles raised.


  The wolf doesn’t listen to Banner’s barked warning, its teeth baring, the threatening snarl he lets off making me wonder idly if the male is even halfway aware right now.

  I yawn, my eyes going half lidded with fatigue that I want them to see as abject boredom, and I watch as Banner curses. I curse when he drops his bag of medical supplies on my stomach, the impact making me groan when pain shoots through me.


  “Nicholas! Stop it. Just stop it.”

  I perk up at the sound of that voice, almost disappointed when Banner backs down, calling back his own shift. Prissy Silverton rushes to the door, shoving her hands into the fur of her mate’s wolf and pulls him back, her touch more than soothing him.

  It’s sick the way females seem to rule their males, I think, watching the hackles bristle before he stops snarling and turns to face the female. Just like that, the wolf is calm, whining out, as she strokes his fur and brings his head closer.

  “Nicky, please just stop, baby. Please. We can’t do anything here, and you know it. He’s hers, whether we like it or not, and I don’t want to lose my baby because we have hang ups about it. Please. Just leave them to take him to her. Release her even, just stop,” she pleads, her tears tracking down her cheeks, as the wolf whines and nuzzles closer.


  “Go downstairs and release her, Banner. Get her out of here with that male and don’t bring them back to my home,” she cuts in, her eyes falling on me with a look of pure hatred.

  I return the favor, my chest filling with rage because I remember this bitch that day I came here, confused and in need of help. I was on fire, even at my young age, and half insane with everything happening inside me.

  All I knew was that I scented Julia and I would go mad without her. So I came here, afraid, hurting, and in need of help, needing just one person to look at me and explain what was happening to me.

  What I got instead was filthy words thrown at me, the Silvertons dragging me back home to my father, and then a beating so harsh I would have hurt if not for the pain already inside me.

  My wolf was crazed to the point of feral, and I actually turned for a full day, the half shift so intense I lay in that basement, bleeding and bruised and yet hurting myself more as I dug frantically at the earth to get out and find…always find my Fated.

  That’s how Dad found me, clawing at the floor, and myself, blood covering me as I clawed at the floor. He beat the shit out of me for that; he beat me so badly I thought—even in my state—that I was going to die. My wolf was nuts, nearly overtaking me, but I wrestled to keep some sort of consciousness, to hear what my father was saying about my Fated.

  How I would never mate her, how I would never shame the family by turning early. That I was a freak, and he’d beat me back into submission. How horrified the Silvertons were to know I was Julia’s Fated.

  He hit me until all I could do was let it all sink in. Every word. Julia’s disgust. My family’s shame at my behavior. It all coalesced inside me until I was broken and shivering on the floor, my skin returning, the half-feral state deserting me in a moment when I needed the insanity of it the most.

  He left me there for longer, beaten and too filled with anger, hatred and my own madness to care that I hurt. I realised that hurt and pulled close every single word. Every rejection. Until I was cold and learned my lesson.

  Fating? It means nothing. It’s biology. Body. Need.

  I live with cold, calculated logic that has served me well for all my life. I don’t let myself feel anything else, but for right this minute, as I look down at this female, I allow emotion to touch me for once.

  I despise her and her mate. Everything about them. I especially despise that I have spent years hating Julia for something she never did. Maybe that is why I couldn’t hurt her. She never knew; she never rejected me out of turn.

  The years spent sniping at each other is likely down to the way I treated her and her own hatred growing from that. It has not been easy for me accepting that, but after eavesdropping on her and Cass in the basement I finally accepted that Julia isn’t to blame. Not fully.

  These two are though. These two looked at a boy who needed help and let a monster loose on him, and for that, I will never forgive them.

  By the time I look up from staring Prissy Silverton in the eye, I notice Banner returning from the basement, cradling Julia in his arms. My first instinct at seeing him holding what isn’t his makes me want to snarl and shift and rip him apart.

  The only thing stopping me is Lync’s low growl and the look in his eyes when I glance up.


  The reminder that Banner has his own mate, that he adores Cass and would die before hurting her settles me, as does the reflexive smile I see on Julia’s face when she looks over at me, as if she can’t help it.

  That alone stops me from making an ass of myself. Oh, and of course, the very real reality that I’m paralyzed and completely helpless.

  The wolf snarls when Banner passes him, and I see Prissy’s face go hard when I smile at my…female, but I ignore them all, and for his moment decide that yes, indeed, I think I just won.

  Julia, my Fated, just smiled at me and completely ignored her parents, her Alpha. For me. As if she’s glad to see me.

  Don’t quite know how to feel about that, but for now I accept a thrill of victory.

  “You look like shit, Seers,” she mutters when he brings her closer, her blue eyes winging over me in a quick sweep before she sniffs.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous today, female. Prison has obviously been good for you. Lank red hair, dark circles under your eyes…”

  “At least I’m not all fucked up and relying on a demented feral to lug me around. Hey Lync! You look great!” she says to greet him, smiling when he grunts and seems to preen.

  Feral bastard.

  “The feral looks better than I do?”

  “Dude, roadkill looks better, but I guess it can’t be all your fault since you got your throat ripped out for me and all. Goodness, that would be a totally romantic story if you weren’t a dick,” she says and sighs, making me grin reluctantly.

  “Who says I did it for you, female? Maybe I just wanted to kill something.”

  She mock gasps, holding a hand to her heart and gives me a hurt look.

  “That’s not nice, Seers. How ever will I live if I know you didn’t sacrifice your life
for me? God, it’s going to be really hard lying to the young one day and telling them we give a shit about each other when it’s all just about sex.”

  Banner’s shoulders shake, as do my own, and as I look at my female, a female I should and possibly do despise, I wonder what the hell is to become of us.

  Chapter Five


  I’m trembling inside when Banner carries us into the Seers’ home, my heart pounding when I look around and all I see is coldness. The house is visually perfect, every inch covered in classy décor, rich art on the walls, and marble on the floors.

  The stairs are a grand sweep upward, more steps than anyone should have to traverse and the living room I peep into as Banner sets me down is one of those classy-type places, where you’re too afraid to sit on the sofa because the thing looks fragile and worth its weight in gold.

  Oh Lord this place is nothing like my home. There it’s…expensive, sure. I mean, my mom uses money like water to keep the house decorated just right, but it’s a home. It’s comfortable and homey, not…

  “You may change anything you wish, malina,” Blain says, his eyes on my face as I step away from Banner and look around.

  “There you are! Honestly Blainton, you’ve taken your sweet time coming home. I’ve had to deal with the— Oh Goodness. You’re not alone. Who are these people?”

  Her sniff of disdain would make me snarl, but instead I feel my lips twitch, hearing Cass explain that Mrs. Seers is a bitch with a heart. I can’t see it when she meets my eyes and raises her nose in the air, her sniff coming out again, much louder.

  “Miss Silverton. How marvelous to see you again. I trust you’re well?”

  The normal elite greeting has me fighting a laugh, and I look over at Banner who’s pinching his nose and muttering something under his breath in the old language.

  I don’t bother to pay attention though because all I can do is watch as Blain frowns and looks at his mother like she’s a fly in his ointment. Hmm.

  “Mother. I suggest you leave and go to your room if you cannot be civil. Julia is here to stay,” Blain says, looking over at me with an expressionless gaze that in no way makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  But then I’m not here for warm and fuzzy, I remind myself, looking away to take in his mother. I’m here in the home of a male who despises me but cannot hate me enough to kill me.

  I have to remember that, remember that this is a life debt I’m repaying and not set myself up for disappointment. He’s not mine, not in any real way, and I can’t forget it. And I’m not his.

  “Well, no one said I wouldn’t be civil, just that I wouldn’t be nice necessarily,” she says haughtily, giving me another one of her looks.

  “Oh you! Stop pretending you’re unhappy that they’re here and go finish your snack! Hi Blain. Jules! You look, er, hungry.”

  I grin when Cass comes out of what I suspect is the kitchen and waves my nemesis away, stopping to look Blain over before hugging me and rubbing my back.

  Banner shifts, obviously wanting to touch Cass, but she waves him off with an eye roll and waves us to follow her. When we reach a room at the back of the house, a place that looks like a living room with actual sofas in a dark grey and comfy pillows I feel my nerves ease a little. Finally, something normal.

  “Put him here, Lync. Oh you, don’t you give me lip. Ban, honey would you hand me that package without hurting Blain more. Okay! So this is gonna be gross, but Althea told me exactly what to do when she called.”

  “She called?” I ask, thoroughly confused.

  “Yeah your mom called her to tell her about what happened, and she called me because she knew I’d be here. Stop snarling, baby! I’m coming home just as soon as I’ve fixed them up. Julia, come over here.”

  My eyes stretch when she holds up a blood bag and needle the size of my arm and smiles, her expression meaning to be comforting but coming off like a serial killer holding a cleaver.

  “Uh, no.” I mumble, taking a step back that makes the males chuckle and Banner lay a restraining hand on my arm.

  “Take your medicine now, little female, so that you can help your male.”

  I huff, throwing Blain a fulminating glare and stomp toward the couch where I fall down and look away. Cass practically skips to me, but the minute she has to insert the needle her hand starts shaking so much I fear for my arm. The whole arm.

  Taking it out of her hand, I swallow and ignore her gagging when I insert it into a vein and things start flowing. The minute the blood hits my vein I slump back like a junkie getting a fix, the feeling of relief that courses through me making me so high with euphoria that I moan and just let it rush through me.

  It takes a while for it to be done, and when I feel that last rush of Althea’s blood enter me and start that slow healing process that my body isn’t used to, I open my eyes to see three worried faces and hear Lync huff.


  I really wish I could, but one of those concerned faces belongs to Blain, the male I’m supposed to be keeping alive, and as it is, he looks ready to keel over.

  His usually golden tanned skin is pale, and the blue eyes I’ve come to see as the sky on a crisp and clear winter’s day are dull and filled with pain. A pain I cannot imagine surviving myself because dead to rights if I’d been attacked by four wolves, had my throat ripped out, and not had the ability to heal properly, you may as well just wrap me up and put me in the ground.

  I’d be dead already.

  “I need to blood Blain.”

  “You’re barely conscious! I can wait for blood. The doctor just re-bandaged my throat and—”

  “Me!” Lync snarls, cutting Blain off before he can rasp out anything more.


  He ignores Cass’s words as well and walks over to where he must have deposited Blain on the opposite side of the couch and sits down, his eyes glowing as he lifts his wrists to his mouth.

  I can hardly believe what I think he’s doing and almost come out of my skin when Banner barks and stops him, shaking his head. My hopes, the tiny kernel of hope I had for us, for Blain is dashed before I see Banner reach into the bed to withdraw a tube with needles on both ends.

  “You sure about this, buddy?”

  Lync chuffs and holds his arm out forcefully, ignoring Blain’s gaping silence while Banner swallows and inserts the needles, one in Blain’s arm and another in Lync’s.

  I hear Blain shudder, relief flooding him when blood starts flowing, and I watch as color immediately returns to his face. Blain moans, the sound filled with a release of everything he’s feeling, and I swallow down tears when he rests back and closes his eyes in bliss.

  Banner and Cass just stand and watch silently, Cass’s face wet with tears.

  “Buddy, that’s gonna have to do it for now, okay? Too much and you’ll make yourself sick.”

  I sigh, biting my lips when Lync shakes his head and keeps staring at Blain. A few more minutes pass before he nods at Banner and lets him disconnect the blood line, his eyes blinking eerily when Blain grabs his arm to stop him when he rises to leave.

  “Thank you, Lync.”

  The male chuffs, his hand going to Blain’s shoulder, almost as if he’s comforting him and then he rises and grunts at Banner, earning a laugh of disbelief.

  “Oh, I’ll definitely make cookies,” Cass breathes, throwing herself at Lync.

  He catches her in his huge arms and hugs her back, his huge clawed hands patting her back so gently I feel my eyes go soft.


  “I love you too, big guy. Jules, I left food in the oven under the warmer and Mrs. Seers has my instructions to help where she can. For now, I think the two of you need to stay down here and get some rest. Banner and I will check in with you again tomorrow morning.”

  I hug her back when she turns to enfold me in her arms, blinking away tears because I want to grab her to me and beg her not to leave me alone. I need someone to tell me things will be be
tter. I need my mom, but right now I don’t have her, and I’m on the verge of crying and never stopping.

  “You’ll be okay, honey. Just take it easy and go with it. Nothing worth having is ever easy,” she whispers, kissing me before pulling away.

  I nod, not saying a word as they leave, and turn to face Blain.

  “I cannot believe he did that.”

  “Why not? Not everyone’s bad, Blain.”

  “He just went against Alpha’s orders,” he says tiredly, though I see his face has gained some color.

  All that crazy in Lync’s blood must make him stronger. Shifting over so I’m now at Blain’s feet, I shrug and find a smile.

  “Technically Dad isn’t his Alpha since ferals don’t submit to pack law. How are you feeling?”

  “Like someone danced all over me with steel-toed shoes and took a set of razor sharp teeth to my throat,” he rasps, making me giggle.

  “Sounds about right, Seers. Sound just about right.”

  “Why did you do it?” he asks after a long silence in which I give up hopes of a conversation and start drifting.

  God, I am so tired.

  “Do what?”

  “Renounce him? Help me?”

  I hear vulnerability in his voice, something that I don’t think he’d appreciate if he knew what he sounded like and that makes me smile. I bet once he’s back to normal I’ll have the bastard back on my hands. For now, I like knowing that we can speak, maybe honestly for the first time in ever.

  “I did it because it was the right thing to do. Because my whole life I’ve seen things one way, and it’s recently been brought to my attention that I have a skewed reality. Maybe also because you saved my life and I couldn’t not save yours in return. Hell, I don’t know.”

  Tell him you wanna see his balls! Please! I’m so bored I need entertainment.

  Oh Jesus. Please go away. I’m already sick. I don’t want to die or start hoping for it.

  Hannah giggles, the sound filled with mischief, and I roll my head back on the couch to stare at Blain.

  “Julia, I—”


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