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Page 10

by Christina James

  She turned and glanced at the closed door. Alexander had told her to stay in their chamber until he returned but with the passage of time, her intention to do exactly as she had been told flew right out the window. He couldn’t possibly expect her to stay in this room all day long by herself. He’d made an unreasonable request. If he had bothered to tell her just how long he planned to be gone, she would have had an easier time sitting there waiting. But he had not given her any such reasonable time schedule. So, she rationalized, she could consider his command null and void. Before she lost her courage and with curiosity to lead her on, Gusty exited their chamber and wandered down the long, dimly lit hall, heading away from the main staircase.

  Without a final destination in mind, she took her time in her exploration, looking through rooms as she went, learning the lay of the land, so to speak. After all, this was home now so it only made sense for her to get better acquainted with the keep and its residents.

  The first thing she noticed was the lack of good lighting. But she quickly discovered that moving the window coverings back from the window openings to let in the natural daylight brightened up the rooms. All the floors were covered with clean rushes, freshly cut flowers strewn among them, giving the air a clean and pleasant smell. Alexander was a man who liked his living space tidy. This was one good mark in his favor.

  In one of the larger chambers she wandered over to a pair of large windows and leaned out to get a better view of the countryside. The keep sat high upon a mound of earth, surrounded by thick stone walls, while the rest of the castle grounds lay at the base of the knoll. People filled the courtyard below, busily moving about their daily chores. Her gaze lifted to peruse the bailey wall that protected Alexander’s people. In the distance, beyond the outer wall, lay a rolling meadow, which ended at the edge of a mighty forest. The knowledge that she had ended up in a safe, secure place with a man she could come to care for comforted her a great deal. A slight smile curled the corners of her mouth as she thought about her husband, the Sutherland.

  Gusty moved on to view more rooms, making her way to what she judged to be the east tower. Sooner or later, Alexander would come looking for her. She had already noticed the man’s stubborn streak and he was not about to let her truancy pass without some sort of retribution. As she wandered through the halls and rooms of her new home it gave her an odd feeling to find herself in a real medieval castle, the likes of which most people would only read about in romance novels or history books. If any of these old buildings managed to last into the twenty-first century, they were no doubt nothing more than crumbling ruins.

  Alexander’s keep was not huge but it was large enough to be comfortable. Built of stone walls and hewn-wood floors and ceilings, it was solid and strong enough to keep his enemies at bay. The strategic position of the stronghold, on the tall knoll with high, thick walls surrounding its upper and lower baileys, made the keep almost impenetrable.

  From one of several windows in what she surmised was a large receiving room, she found a magnificent view of the coastline in the distance. The sea appeared green against the brilliant blue sky.

  “Beautiful view, is it not?”

  Gusty whirled around at the booming sound of an unfamiliar masculine voice. The speaker stood just inside the doorway of the chamber, his words carrying across the room to her, echoing off the stone walls. As she stared at the stranger, the term “bulldog” came to mind. The man resembled the flat-faced, thick-necked, ugly dog so closely that Gusty had to stop herself from gaping at him. He had the fat, smashed-in face for which that particular breed was renowned. His jowls folded over themselves on either side of his face and she wouldn’t have been surprised to see drool dripping from his chin. His brooding appearance matched the deep rumble of his voice. He was a large man, thick in the chest and neck, only average in height with big, beefy arms and thick, squat legs. He wore a plaid kilt similar to that which Alexander had worn, with only a bit of variation in the color scheme. A closer inspection told her the man was not exactly fat but rather solidly built, even stocky.

  “Yes it is nice,” she answered, tearing her gaze away from perusing the man.

  Gusty certainly didn’t want him to think she was giving him the once-over. In fact she did not want the very unattractive man to think she wanted anything to do with him at all and she hoped her distant, decidedly unfriendly tone expressed her lack of interest. But she wasn’t to be so lucky. The ugly man stood there, continuing to stare at her. Apparently he didn’t get her none-too-subtle hint.

  She glanced toward the door, hoping someone else would appear and rescue her from the situation. The way his gaze roamed over her body in an avaricious manner left her feeling insulted and physically ill. The repulsive little ogre gave her the creeps.

  “Nice hardly describes the vision I see before me.”

  He started across the room toward her, slowly, in a measured manner. His stealthy movements made her feel like a cornered animal being stalked by a predator.

  “Well I…thank you for the compliment.”

  Gusty moved away from him as he circled her, her sense of self-preservation setting off an alarm in her mind. She gathered her courage and prepared to make her escape. “If you will excuse me, I…I really must be going now. My…husband will be looking for me.”

  She made an attempt to scoot past him to reach the door, careful not to get within arm’s reach of his beefy hands but she misjudged the distance. His thick arm snaked out and he snared her wrist in a viselike grip. Her first instinct was to wrench her wrist away as she’d learned to do in the self-defense class she had taken in college. Just a twist of her wrist inward toward her body, as if she was waving, and then a downward motion and she would be free. But she decided to bide her time. If he made no further move to harm her, there was no need to exert herself unnecessarily.

  “You expect me to believe you are married, do you, sweet liar?”


  “I do not think you are married, my dear, lovely lady.”

  “Why don’t you believe me?”

  “What man would let such a treasure out of his sight, even for a moment?”

  “I can assure you, sir, I am indeed a married woman and my husband would not appreciate you putting your hands on me. Now if you will please excuse me?”

  “What do you suppose he would do about it, this husband of yours?”

  What had sufficed as a smile slid into an ugly scowl as a large, dark shadow suddenly filled the doorway.

  “Would you care to find out, Bart?” Alexander asked casually from the entrance of the room. He stood as solid as an oak and as menacing as the wolf for which he was nicknamed, his silver eyes glowing with what looked like barely suppressed rage.

  “Is this yours, Alexander? You had better keep a closer eye on your whore, my boy. She has been telling me some tale about being your wife.” He laughed harshly but he released his cruel grip on her wrist.

  Without hesitation, Gusty rushed to Alexander’s side. His heavy arm fell about her shoulder and he pulled her tightly against him. At that moment she realized how much she had come to trust him. In the short time they had spent together he had never harmed her. He had shown her nothing but respect and he had been patient with her less-than-loving slurs about his manhood. Was it possible he might turn out to be a real-live knight in shining armor?

  “She speaks the truth, Bart. She is indeed my wife. And you would do well to show her the respect due the lady of the keep. I will not tolerate less.”

  For a moment Bart looked startled. Then his cunning eyes narrowed as he stared intently at Gusty. “When did you take a wife, nephew?”

  “Last eve.”

  “Who is she? What clan is she? Do we know anything about her? Is she suited to be the wife of the great Highland Wolf?”

  “She has courage and beauty, Uncle. She is the daughter of a clan chieftain so I see no reason why she would not make a suitable wife for one as well.” Alexander pushed her behind his
back so she and his uncle could no longer see each other.

  “Whose daughter is she?”

  “Her sire is Malcolm Sinclair.”

  Black Bart made a strange noise, remarkably like that of an enraged wild boar, but he did not say another word. In the next instant he stormed past Gusty and Alexander and out a side door. Gusty stepped from behind Alexander and sighed with relief. She was more than a little pleased to be rid of the rude, vicious man. She had not cared for him at all and she now understood why Alexander and Davin had been so concerned with his presence here.

  “What are you doing down here, woman? I left you in the security of our chamber for a reason! You should have done as I commanded!” Alexander rounded on her, his anger simmering just under the surface.

  “I’m sorry! But I got bored up there by myself. I didn’t think it would do any harm to do a bit of exploring.” She tried to shrug off the stupidity of her actions in defying his orders with the delicate movement of one shoulder, but despite her bravado she had a difficult time meeting his angry silver gaze.

  “Damn it, Augusta! The next time I tell you to stay put, you had better stay where I put you!”

  He took her hand and all but dragged her back up to their chamber. He opened the door, pushed her inside.

  “For your own protection, stay here.”

  Before she could respond he slammed the door in her face. The sound of the key scraping in the lock brought Gusty out of her dazed state. Anger overtook all other emotions.

  “A knight in shining armor? Did I really think Alexander Sutherland could ever be one?” With a trembling hand she wiped a traitorous tear from her cheek. “Well shit! He’s nothing but a bully. An unfeeling bully at that. What did I do to be treated so abominably? Sure I disregarded his command to stay in his chamber. Give me a break. What do I know about the dangers that lay in wait for a girl raised in the future?”

  Gusty paused her angry monologue and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks. Comprehension hit her like a blow to the stomach. “Oh my God!” Her hands covered her face, hot with sudden shame. He had done no more than ask her to stay safe. It was her own fault she had ended up in such a compromising position. He had done no more than come to her rescue and how did she repay his good deed? She acted like a spoiled child…

  If the evil Black Bart was an example of the hazards she could run into, she would have to be more vigilant. The villains of this world were just as dangerous as those of the twenty-first century. She would never have put herself into the situation she’d encountered downstairs if she had been using her brain. She was very fortunate Alexander had found her before Black Bart forced himself on her. And based on the way he’d looked at her, she was pretty sure that was exactly what he’d had in mind. She shivered at the memory of the lust-filled eyes in his dog-ugly face.

  She only hoped Alexander’s temper would cool down by the time he returned. She didn’t think she had the energy to deal with a large, angry Highlander this evening.

  * * * * *

  Black Bart seethed with rage. His anger knew no bounds and the long ride through the cold night to keep his assignation with his mistress, Lady Brigitte Urquart, had done little to calm him. After leaving the Sutherland holdings, he had ridden straight there, trying to figure a way out of the dilemma in which he found himself. How could the wee bitch do something so stupid? She had ruined all his plans with this impetuous marriage. How had she come to be married to his nephew? He hadn’t even realized they were acquainted with each other.

  “You are a fool, Bart, a half-witted fool at that. Any woman who sets her eyes upon Alexander Sutherland would of course take what was offered. She was just fortunate enough to have caught the great Sutherland’s eye.” The half-dressed woman, lounging upon the bed as if she were a sleek and sated feline, purred contentedly.

  Until she spoke, Bart had not even noticed her. But by the way she mocked him he realized he had been ranting aloud. He did not need this intrusion. Her presence was anything but welcome to him right now. He had things to reason out. His plans had been ruined and he needed to determine what to do now.

  “What will you do?” She queried, a scornful smile touching her full, red lips.

  He turned his furious gaze on her. How dare she laugh at him? He took several deep breaths and marshaled all his self-control to avoid taking her lovely, long, slender neck in his hands and squeezing the life out of the rich bitch. He’d had enough of her and her acerbic tongue. But he would wait. Aye he would wait. For now, he still had need of her and her fortune.

  “Keep your tongue behind your teeth, woman. I do not need you badgering me with your inanities. I am at my wits’ ends. My strategies have all been shattered.”

  “You are being overly dramatic, Bart. At worst your schemes have been slightly sullied. We just need to find a way to clean them up a bit.”

  With the gracefulness of a feline she arose from the bed and Bart realized he’d been mistaken. She wasn’t half-clothed, she was naked. Despite his exasperation with her, his body responded to the obvious invitation she was extending with noticeable enthusiasm.

  He watched her warily, well aware she could be just as vicious as a cat with its claws out if pushed the wrong way. At the moment he wanted her soft and biddable and on the bed with his engorged shaft buried between her soft, white thighs. He whispered raggedly. “What do you have in mind, love?”

  “My dear Bart, this complication could actually work in our favor. Just think about it. It is now possible to gain more power than you had ever dreamed. Now instead of having just two clans at your command, you could have four. Set the lairds to war against each other. Attack and retreat, leaving behind false clues. None of them will know their true enemy. If you work this neatly, it seems, my dear, we have had our sights set too low.”

  “A mistake I am going to remedy immediately.” Bart listened to her with only half an ear as his gaze swept up her lush body. His mind was slowly shutting down, his lust growing to uncontrollable proportions as the wench worked her magic on him. He should have been immune to her charms after using her for years but his carnal appetite for the delights of her willing flesh took control of him and he was barely able to continue the conversation.

  “I never leave things unattended, my sweet. I find if you do so, you will be sorry later,” he said.

  He eyed her with burning lust and flexed his hands as he watched her pose and preen before him. She walked sensually across the distance that separated them, swaying her hips suggestively until she was within his reach.

  “Is that so?” she asked in a low, hoarse whisper, one hand slithering down his torso, the other finding its way up his thigh to grasp and fondle his thickening cock.

  With a guttural growl he grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her to her knees. He thrust the blunt head of his cock against her lips.

  “Open for me. Now.”

  Her pink tongue swept out and over her lips, wetting them before she licked the tip of his cock, wrapping her tongue around the swollen head and then taking him deep. She looked up at him but he avoided her gaze and threw his head back with a groan, forcing her to take more of him. She sucked his cock, licking it as she stoked her hands up and down the length of him. When he could stand no more he pulled back, lifted her to her feet and pushed her toward the bed. She landed on her back and he flipped her onto her stomach. He ran his fingers over the tender flesh between her thighs, finding her wet and ready. With a grunt of satisfaction he thrust his cock deep into her welcoming heat and took her hard and fast, temporarily forgetting all his scheming for a few moments of bliss.

  * * * * *

  Alexander sat astride Caesar as Augusta, on the small mare he had saddled for her to ride, followed him down the narrow path that led to the seashore. He had decided to give her an outing to cool her temper and his. The incident with his uncle had nearly pushed his anger to its limits when he had sequestered her in their chambers. Only a good two hours of hard training cooled his

  He had finally returned to his chambers to tell her he had a surprise for her at the stables. He found her sitting miserably at the window, her eyes red from weeping. Without giving her time to say nay he had dragged her down to the stables and presented her to the small mare. When he told her the horse was a gift, she had thrown her arms about his neck and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you.” She’d whispered in his ear before she stepped back and turned to run her hands over the neck of the mare. “You lovely thing. Just look at you,” she crooned.”

  “Her name is Sera. I bought her to breed with Caesar. They will make good stock.”

  “I hope Caesar is gentle with her.” It was a statement that had barely hidden significance.

  He knew she wasn’t happy with their handfasting but neither was she opposed to his lovemaking. She welcomed his embraces and kisses with a warmth that left him believing that with time she might even come to care greatly for him. He looked forward to awakening her passions. She was a beautiful, passionate woman and he meant to keep her and wed her.

  “Oh it is beautiful here. Look! Look! Are those seals out on the rocks?”

  He smiled at her pleasure in finding the creatures he loved to watch whenever he had time to spend just wandering the length and breadth of the seashore.

  “Aye, my selkie. Perhaps they come looking for their lost kin,” he teased her. He remembered the wee lass he had once found sunning herself on the rocks with her long dark curls whipping about her in the strong sea breeze.

  Carefully making their way through the rocks, they finally reached the shore. With a wild yell he kicked Caesar into a hard gallop down the beach. He glanced back to find Gusty following him, her hair flowing wildly over her shoulders as she kicked the mare to keep up. Her scream of delight was lost in the wind as they rode for a distance before pulling up.

  Alexander dismounted first. He moved to Gusty’s side and she smiled down at him, her cheeks pink with exertion, her lips tempting his greatly. He reached up and grasped her about the waist and lifted her into his arms. With a slow, deliberate motion he let her slide down the length of his body until her feet touched the ground. The feel of her luscious curves under his hands had his body hard and needy instantly.


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