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Page 24

by Christina James

  She plucked the ugly weeds that would destroy the latest crop of plants she so desperately needed to fulfill her greatest ambitions. The sun shone brightly, making her grimace. If she did not need to care for her garden, she would never have come out in the brilliant light of day. She hated the sunlight. It had a way of aging a person with its hot, penetrating rays. When the smoldering heat beneath her wimple became too much to bear she pulled the cumbersome headgear off and threw it to the ground beside her. Her mass of snow-white hair fell in a wild array of curls down past her wide hips to touch the rich soil she worked in. One errant strand of black hair that she had cursed often enough hung in her face, until she managed to tame it by caging it behind her left ear. She needed to finish up her gardening so she could get back to planning the better part of her well-charted revenge.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I cannot say I’m sorry to see you gone, Sutherland,” Donovan remarked as he stood on the top step of his magnificent keep. A wry twist to his lips gave him an almost boyish look when he added, “Your wife, however, is another matter altogether. She is welcome to stay as long as she wishes. In fact if she would but change her mind, I would announce the wedding immediately. Unfortunately she is a stubborn woman and though I have tried to talk her into accepting me in your stead, she seems to be blind to your faults.”

  Alexander glared at the huge red-haired laird of Clan Ross and refused to succumb to his ribbing. He knew Gusty was not attracted to the Highlander but he still felt a stab of jealousy at the man’s words.

  “It would seem my lady has more sense than the rest of these Sinclair females. You will have to look to one of them for your future wife.”

  “What about me, Uncle Donovan? Can I stay as long as I want?” Duncan piped up as he emerged from the doorway of the keep.

  The boy’s appearance defused the tense situation that had Alexander close to issuing a challenge, if necessary, to retrieve his dear Gusty from the clutches of the Ross. The man came close to insulting him, insinuating he could not hold his wife. But his nephew’s timing saved him from losing his temper completely and he merely glared at Donovan.

  Donovan ignored the surly laird and turned his attention to the rest of his visitors.

  Davin, the giant, fierce-looking Norseman who guarded the Sutherland’s back with a vengeance, followed young Duncan. The small maid, Violet, reputed to be mute, stood at his side. Donovan breathed a sigh of relief. Both Lady Augusta and his nephew were in good hands.

  The youngster had proven to be a handful in the short time he had been there. He had been bouncing off the walls all night long and had worn out everyone who slept in the hall. The lad seemed excited to visit the dreaded enemy camp and had the time of his life visiting with his wicked Ross uncle.

  Donovan crouched down so he was at eye-level with the lad. He had not been around children much in the last few years and he’d been at a complete loss regarding how to handle this little demon when Alexander foisted the boy off on Donovan yesterday afternoon. Now as he looked at the child his dear sister Aileen had given birth to, his chest tightened and his words stuck in his throat.

  “Aye, Duncan. You shall be missed as well. Perhaps you can come for an extended visit sometime in the future,” he finally managed to whisper in a harsh tone that sounded more angry than emotional. “But in the meanwhile remember what I’ve instructed you, lad.”

  “I will, Uncle.” The boy chewed on his bottom lip before reciting word for word. “If the Sutherland should ever treat me badly, I am to come here and live with you while you take care of the heartless bastard.”

  Donovan patted the lad’s head and Duncan smiled.

  “Good, lad. You do exactly that.”

  “Aye, Uncle. But you know…I don’t think it will ever happen.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I’ve been a fiendish little imp ever since I could walk and Cousin Alexander has never laid a hand on me.”

  Duncan’s unrepentant grin had Donovan thinking twice about wanting to take on the raising of his sister’s orphaned child. Perhaps it was a fitting punishment for Alexander Sutherland to have this willful boy under his care. A lifetime spent chasing the lad down every time he took a notion to go adventuring might prove to be the greatest of revenges.

  “Good fortune with your bride search, Donovan.”

  Alexander’s smile reminded Donovan of Duncan’s impish grin.

  Donovan turned his attention to Gusty, who was already seated on her mount.

  “I want to thank you for your generous hospitality, Laird Ross,” she said. “It has been…interesting meeting you. I wish you the best of luck finding the bride who will fulfill your every need. I know you will find your perfect match eventually.”

  “Thank you, Lady Augusta, I pray you are correct.”

  Alexander mounted Caesar. “Let us go, Duncan, before we wear out our welcome. I extend my sincerest thanks, Ross, for all you have done for my lady. I owe you a great favor.”

  Struck speechless once again, Donovan nodded. He had never expected to hear such sincere words of appreciation from Alexander Sutherland.

  As the small party turned their mounts toward the gates, a loud shout from the top of the wall caught their attention. They looked up to see what was causing all the commotion. The guard called out a warning, alerting the Ross to the presence of a large contingency of armed men approaching the fortress.

  “They bear the king’s standards!” Another guard announced.

  Donovan made his way across the bailey up the steep steps to the top of the wall, aware his guests had dismounted and followed along in his wake. The three of them reached the rampart and Donovan looked down at the messenger expectantly.

  “Yes,” he called out, “what is it?”

  “War, Laird Ross. The northern horde even now pushes toward Inverness and the king’s stronghold. King Edgar has sent out a call to arms to all his clans. We came to deliver his missive and to take into custody the Lady Augusta Sinclair. The king has declared her his ward.” The king’s messenger announced.

  Alexander could not believe his ears. “Her name is Sutherland now. The Lady Augusta already has a husband. Therefore she cannot be Edgar’s ward,” Alexander roared. He gripped the stones of the sturdy wall in an attempt to keep his temper in check.

  “It is known that the lady is only handfasted, Laird. Unless she is breeding, her marriage can still be dissolved and another husband found for her. Those are the king’s orders. Is she breeding, by chance?” The messenger’s face turned as red as his hair.

  “By law I have a year and a day with her. If she is not breeding by the end of that time, she has the choice of whether she wishes to seek another husband. Until that time she is mine!” Alexander exploded. Another option would be for them to marry now, but they had yet to discuss the issue in any great detail and his Gusty deserved much more than a speedy wedding with none of her family present to witness her taking her vows. But Alexander had no intention of giving up Gusty…not now and not at the end of their year. She was his wife and she would stay that way.

  “Nevertheless it has been brought to the king’s attention that the lady’s presence in the Highlands has been causing a disturbance and he would take control of the situation. Allow us to do our duty while you prepare for war. I suggest you, Laird Sutherland, gather your men and supplies and answer the king’s call for arms without delay.”

  “By God—”Alexander began in a thunderous voice that rivaled anything the All Mighty could summon but Gusty’s hand slipped into his and squeezed, turning his attention. The fear he saw in her eyes had nothing to do with being taken away by the king’s men. He could see by her expression she feared for him and his safety.

  “Please, Alexander, do not interfere,” she said, her voice laced with steely determination. “It will only take a visit with the king to straighten out this misunderstanding. I beg you do not cause them to raise their weapons against you or any of our clan. I coul
d not stand it if something happened to any of you.”

  “What she says is true, Alexander. Talk to Edgar and state your case before his court. If someone is challenging your handfasting, you have the right to know who it is. Then you can defend your legitimate claim.” Donovan spoke with rational calmness from Alexander’s other side. “In the meantime, it appears we are to be embroiled in another fight with the Viking hordes.”

  Gusty squeezed his hand and nodded up at him in apparent agreement with Donovan’s words.

  “If you don’t let them take her now, you run the risk of displeasing Edgar. Don’t risk it, Alexander. He is a fair king, an honest man. But you are not in his good graces at the moment. Clear this up and she will be yours once again.”

  Alexander’s muscles had grown so taut he felt as if he’d turned to stone. He hadn’t taken his eyes off Gusty’s face nor had she broken their gaze. He pulled her against his chest and wrapped her in his arms. In a low, rumbling whisper, he let her know his feelings.

  “I do not want to let you go, my love. My first instinct is to throw you on a horse and race away from here and this farce. I will not lose you because of a royal decree. You are mine! You have always been mine.” He gave her a soft kiss on her neck before he drew back.

  Tears filled Gusty’s eyes and she blinked rapidly. He held her close, infusing her with his strength.

  “Davin and I will return to Sutherland Keep to ready my men and then I will join you in Inverness as soon as possible, I promise. You won’t be alone for long.”

  “I should hope not,” she replied through her tears. She lifted her head and kissed his chin before she continued. “I expect you to follow at my heels. Don’t disappoint me, my Alexander.”

  His mouth covered her trembling lips and he kissed her deeply, passionately—not a gentle caress but rather a claiming that would never let her forget she belonged to him…and in turn he belonged to her.

  “I love you, little selkie. Always remember that,” he murmured against her lips before he lifted his head and took her arm to lead the way back down to the ground and across the bailey to their waiting horses. He grasped her about the waist and lifted her on to her saddle. He stood beside her, his eyes never leaving her face.

  Gusty leaned toward Alexander and held out her arms. He clasped her in a hug as she held his head close to her breasts. He kissed her there through her clothing.

  “I love you so much, my great Highland warrior. Do not do anything foolish. We will speak to the king. I will wait for you there. Do not keep me waiting again.” Tears clogged her voice and she swallowed before continuing. “Remember I will always love you. Remember that.” Then she put her hands on his shoulders, pushed him away and turned her mount toward the gate.

  Just before she joined the king’s men, who awaited her just outside the walls, she turned in her saddle and looked back at him, mouthing the words, I love you.

  As Gusty rode away from him with Violet riding at her side, a guard of lethal-looking warriors surrounded them. Alexander and the rest of his party stood at the gates, watching until they disappeared into the thick green forest. His Gusty had ridden away like a queen with her back straight and head held high. The only telltale sign of her apprehension was that she turned in her saddle at the last moment and watched him until she disappeared.

  For a long moment Alexander stood in the middle of the road without moving. He wondered if it might not be worth it to put out a little coin for a good clerk just to keep track of his little selkie. The man could fill several parchments with her outlandish happenchance to get herself into strange predicaments that carried her across the length and breadth of Scotia.

  With a shake of his head he made his way into the bailey.

  Gusty was determined not to weep. Tears would do her no good and she would just make herself sick. So she willed her eyes to remain dry even though she was filled with dread over her uncertain future. The only thing that gave her any comfort was Alexander’s promise. He would follow her and she would see him very soon.

  Violet tapped her on the leg to get her attention and then with hands flying, tried to communicate her assurance. Gusty smiled wryly at the little maid’s gestures and nodded her agreement.

  “I know he won’t let me spend more than one night alone at court. I don’t think he trusts the courtiers much and I can’t say I blame him. From what I’ve heard a trip to court is similar to stepping into a spider’s web constructed of lies and intrigues.”

  Violet nodded vigorously and rolled her eyes.

  “You’ve been to court?” Gusty queried, distracted for the moment.

  Violet shook her head and gestured what Gusty took to mean that Violet wouldn’t be caught dead at court.

  “I am sorry for dragging you along. But I feel much better having someone I can trust with me.” Gusty took hold of Violet’s hand and squeezed gently.

  Violet nodded solemnly and returned the gesture.

  “We ride!” Alexander’s bellow filled the bailey as soon as the departing contingent of king’s men disappeared from sight.

  Alexander returned to Caesar and in one mighty leap, he swung up into the saddle, whirled the beast about and headed for the gate. His mind was set on the target but he had matters to attend to before he could ride for Inverness. The situation in which he found himself was completely ludicrous. In all his years he had never heard of a man who could not keep his wife in his custody. At one time he had known Edgar quite well. He had fought beside the man in many battles and he respected his king and liege lord greatly, but he didn’t understand what was going on. Who had the audacity to usurp his claim to his new bride? He would demand an immediate audience with Edgar so this matter could be cleared up as quickly as possible. Then he would take his wife back to the Sutherland keep and lock her in her rooms, if necessary, to keep her safe. At least a dozen of his finest solders would surround her at all times just to keep her secure once and for all.


  Startled from his silent musings by the Ross’ great roar, Alexander swung his horse around to see what the great red beast was making such a racket over. Donovan stood in the middle of the bailey, his fists on his hips and his head thrown back.

  “Is your mind so filled with your woman that you have forgotten your other responsibilities? Look around you, Laird. What have you forgotten?”

  “I have forgotten nothing. Do not think to distract me now. I have a war to prepare for and a wife to recover.”

  Donovan merely stood there and grinned.

  “Tell me, Ross! What’s on your mind? I do not have time for your riddles.”

  “Look around you, Sutherland. Who amongst your party is missing?”

  Alexander was not pleased with Donovan’s half answers but he did as the Ross bade him and turned to look around. He had only brought Davin and Violet with him into the walls of the fortress to fetch his wife. Violet had left with Gusty and Davin was mounted and ready to depart. He shook his head to deny that he was missing any of his party. The moment he realized his mistake he flushed under the loud roar of laughter that filled the bailey. Angry and annoyed that he had not been the first to notice his young nephew’s blatant absence, he let his feelings be known.

  “Duncan!” Alexander’s bellow had the horses sidestepping nervously. “Where is he?” he asked but feared he already knew the answer. Judging by the amused look on the Ross’ face, he did as well.

  “I believe he has joined your wife’s escort. His presence should become known sometime tonight or tomorrow, if his luck holds out.”

  Alexander chuckled, surprising himself. “Perhaps this will be a boon. I will have an inside ear to what goes on at court. My thanks, Donovan, for the generosity.”

  Alexander spun his horse around and put his heels to Caesar’s flanks. He and Davin rode like the wind, their horses’ hooves eating up the earth with each powerful stride.

  * * * * *

  “You are a great fool!”

k Bart tried to ignore the restraining hand clutching at his arm as he stood next to his horse, preparing to mount. Her grip tightened considerably and he could no longer ignore her as her long, sharp nails dug painfully into the flesh of his upper arm.

  “Listen to me for once in your life, Bart! You err if you go to Edgar’s court now. The timing is not right for your plans. Heed my words now and that which you desire most will come to pass. Ignore what I say and you shall fail in all things most sorrowfully.”

  Imogen’s prophetic warning gave Bart pause. He was determined to achieve his aspirations. He had no doubt he would, with this witch’s help. But he was not going to let her dictate his every move. Aye and right now, he felt his attendance at court would accomplish what he wanted.

  “So be it. But do not come back to me whining that you have ruined your chances for power and seek my assistance, for you will not be welcomed. If you leave me now, Bart, you leave for all time.”

  Bart looked at the woman who had been his mistress for so many years. A moment of regret filled his heart but disappeared in a flash. The bitch had changed in the many years they had been together. Imogen was no longer young and attractive. Her body had grown thin and her features sharp and angular. Her once glorious crown of black curls was white as snow except for one stubborn lock. Nay, she was no longer the beauty he had desired and taken without benefit of marriage. She was just one of the many mistresses he had known over the years and there were others, younger and certainly more comely to sample. He had a few regrets in his life and she was the last.

  “I must go. I won’t be returning to beg your aid.” He removed her fingers from his arm and kissed her stiff, cool lips one last time. For a moment he believed he could taste the bitterness of her soul, the hostility of her essence. “In truth, I won’t be returning at all.” The words gave Bart a moment of fleeting pain but when he saw there was no reaction in her eyes, no hurt, no joy, just a deep emptiness that lacked any kind of emotion at all, he realized she had been so lacking for a very long time. He had just refused to acknowledge the truth before now. So with a shrug, he mounted his horse and turned the steed down the road. He put his heels to the horse’s flanks and rode away, feeling only a slight twinge of remorse for leaving behind the mother of his children.


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