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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  Mary, on the other hand, looked totally relaxed and in her element. Brie had never seen her friend exude such easy confidence. Unlike the Blonde Nemesis of her training days, Mary seemed comfortable and very content.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in…”

  “Hey, bitch,” Brie answered good-naturedly. “Too good to contact me just to let me know you’re okay? I assume you’re free to leave the commune to connect with friends and family on occasion.”

  Mary looked around, gesturing to several shirtless men in cowboy hats walking past, and shrugged. “If given the choice, I would pick staying here and playing with them every time. In fact…I have.”

  Brie glanced at Faelan, curious whether he was jealous hearing Mary speak like that. She was surprised to see Todd’s expression change as he stared at Mary. It was a protective but loving look, and made Brie reconsider her initial unease about him. Maybe this commune was a healthy environment for them both.

  “Why did I even bother to come?” Brie teased.

  “I don’t know. It’s not like I asked you to visit.”

  Faelan put his arm around Mary. “Now, now…” He looked at Brie with those mesmerizing blue eyes and said, “Don’t let her bitterness fool you. She’s been anxious for your arrival.”

  Mary elbowed him in the gut. “Shut the fuck up, Faelan.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “What did we say about the word ‘fuck’?”

  She let out an irritated sigh. “We only use it as a verb.”

  “That’s right,” he replied smoothly. “Drop and give me twenty.”

  Mary put her hands on her hips. “Don’t do this. Not in front of Stinky Cheese.”

  “We agreed,” he answered her.

  Mary huffed as she reluctantly got down on the ground and began counting out twenty pushups. Brie had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing seeing Mary submit so readily to Faelan.

  “Who the hell is this girl, and what did you do with Mary?” Brie demanded.

  Faelan smiled charmingly. “Same girl, different attitude.”

  Mary continued with her pushups without adding her own snarky remark, but in her attempt to hurry, her pushups became shallow. Faelan put his foot on Mary’s back, forcing her to lie still on the ground.

  “Try that again. Nose to the dirt—don’t half-ass it.”

  To Brie’s surprise, Mary didn’t argue as she started counting from one again.

  Brie looked wide-eyed at Faelan, her mouth agape in sheer disbelief.

  Mary looked up. “Hey, stop gawking at my man.”

  “But I’ve never seen you so…domesticated. This place is starting to remind me a little of the Stepford Wives.”

  Mary hesitated for a second, but Faelan reminded her, “Unless you want to start over, I suggest you continue.”

  Mary completed her set and got back up, wiping her hands on her skirt. Instead of verbally flaying Brie, she turned to Faelan. “I…apologize, Faelan.”

  “Kiss me,” he ordered.

  Mary leaned in to him and they kissed for several long, drawn-out minutes. Normally, Brie would have been irritated being forced to watch Blonde Nemesis play tonsil-hockey for such a long time, but it warmed her heart to see the two so hot for each other.

  When Faelan pulled away, he brushed his finger over her lips. “Pedestrian curses only taint this beautiful mouth.”

  A smile tugged on Mary’s lips.

  “It appears commune life agrees with you, Mary Quiet Contrary,” Brie complimented.

  She nodded in agreement, not taking her eyes off Faelan. “You have no idea.”

  “So show me around the place. I want to discover what makes it such a transformative setting.”

  “Yes, why don’t you take Brie for a tour of the grounds?” Faelan suggested. He grabbed Mary’s chin possessively and kissed her again before letting go.

  Mary shuddered in reaction to his impassioned kiss. “Fine, I will.”

  Faelan turned his attention back to Brie. “I look forward to hearing what you think of the Sanctuary once you’ve seen all it has to offer.”

  The Sanctuary

  Mary pointed towards the main lodge building. “That’s where we all live and do most of our play, but let me show you the estate first.”

  “You know,” Brie said as they walked, “when you told me you were living at a commune, I had images of log cabins and old hippies running around. I wasn’t prepared for it to be a high-class resort.”

  Mary scoffed. “Just because we’re self-sufficient doesn’t mean we have to live deprived lives.”

  “So how do you guys support a place like this? Were you required to invest your own money to join?”

  “Hell, no. Master Gannon built it before the stock market crashed in 2001. He used all his investments to build the entire estate. Since our community lives off the grid, each of us is required to help maintain the grounds and make enough to meet the needs of all of the members.”

  Brie was impressed. “So how does one become a member?”

  “Master Gannon hand-selects the people he wants to populate it. The vetting process is quite lengthy. Not only does the couple have to be experienced kinksters, they have to possess additional skills that can be utilized by the community. We’re all expected to volunteer our time and expertise in order to keep the commune running efficiently.”

  “So you’re required to work every day solely to support the commune without getting paid?”

  “Our payment is getting to live here.”

  “So what specific skills did you and Todd bring to the community?”

  “The commune recently lost their pharmacist, so I was a shoe-in when the man left to start a family. As for Faelan, he had his physical brawn and multiple BDSM skills to bring to the table.”

  Mary pointed to a huge, wooden barn. “The livestock and horses are kept there. Not only do we breed and train horses, but every morsel of meat we consume is born, raised and butchered on this property.”

  She pointed out a huge vegetable garden and orchard, with rolling wheat fields behind it. “Every vegetable, grain and fruit consumed comes from our own garden. It’s empowering to be responsible for every aspect of our lives.”

  Brie looked at the snow-covered peaks in the distance. “How does the community support itself through the winter?”

  “Nothing is cooked out of season, unless we’ve canned or preserved it.” Mary pointed to another large structure west of the barn. “We also make BDSM furniture to sell.”

  “So you’re kind of like the Amish.”

  Mary snorted. “Sure…but with awesome sex and modern conveniences thrown in.”

  Brie giggled, catching the attention of several males as they walked by. She noticed they nodded to Mary but completely ignored her. She found it curious but wasn’t necessarily surprised. Having hung out with Mary in the past, she was used to Mary’s power of attraction.

  Fucking blondes…she thought, shaking her head in amusement.

  “Out in the woods we have different areas designed for kinky play.”

  Brie looked at her oddly. “But you don’t seem the nature type to me.”

  “Oh, I’ve screamed in the woods multiple times. But you’re right, I prefer to stay indoors. You’ll understand why when I show you…” Mary led Brie through the large doors of the main building.

  The entrance opened up into a giant room with vaulted ceilings, an impressive fireplace made of river rock and a ridiculously long sectional couch in the center. Various play furniture lined the walls, including several styles of tantra chairs—one of which was currently in use.

  “Oh, Mary! This is a kinkster’s dream palace,” Brie whispered.

  “Yes, it is.”

  Mary smiled at the couple fucking on the chair as she led Brie to the other side of the spacious room.

  It was strange. Mary was acting so… pleasant and normal. It was hard to believe she was the same person Brie had trained with at the Center.

  “And d
ownstairs we have the bedrooms,” Mary informed her, pointing to a set of stairs.

  “Can I see yours?” Brie asked, curious what they looked like after seeing the impressive main room.

  Mary shrugged. “They’re nothing special, Brie. We just sleep there, so they’re small and unadorned. Master Gannon wants us interacting as a group during the day.” To Brie’s delight, Mary changed direction and led her down the long flight of stairs, walking past numerous doors of various colors in the narrow hallway.

  Mary abruptly stopped and turned, opening a blue one. “This is Faelan’s and my room.”

  Brie walked inside and whistled. There was only enough space for the king-sized bed, a closet and a private toilet. Brie’s luggage had been piled in the corner, taking up the remaining space. The only design element of any interest was the impressive mirror mounted on the ceiling.

  “Wow, girl. You weren’t kidding about these rooms being small. It’s reminiscent of a college dorm.”

  “Yes, but the beds are designed for fucking.”

  Brie jumped on the large bed and fell backwards, testing it out by rolling and gyrating on it.

  “What the hell, Brie?”

  “Just testing it out for myself. I have to agree, the bed seems sturdy enough for Todd’s brand of spirited play.”

  Mary gave her a knowing smile. “Yeah, but the bed’s barely strong enough for the two of us.” Then she huffed in irritation. “But unfortunately for me, I’m stuck housing you for the next two weeks.”

  “What? All three of us here?” Brie asked, suddenly concerned.

  “No, you twit. Faelan’s been invited to join another couple. Damn, I wish it were me, but no…I get stuck sleeping with you.”

  Brie jumped off the bed, feeling relieved. “Hey, you’d better not get any ideas. I’m not into women, especially not bitchy blondes.”

  “Hah! Like you would ever be good enough for me.”

  As they walked back down the hallway, Brie asked, “Does it bother you that Todd will be with others at night?”

  Mary stopped and stared at her as if she were a simpleton. “Are you kidding me? This is a commune—we share everything. Besides, you see the way Faelan looks at me. He may fuck the other girls here, but that boy’s heart is all mine.”

  Brie nudged her. “I did notice that, and it seems to go both ways.”

  Mary gave her an irritated look. “I’m not you. God, why do you always have to assume I’m as lovesick and stupid as you are?” She tromped up the stairs, forcing Brie to run to catch up. The bitch might have changed in many ways, but she was still just as impossible.

  Mary nonchalantly pointed out the large dining room. It was truly impressive, with a single, incredibly long table and all the numerous chairs that surrounded it. “Master Gannon insists we eat dinner together every night, no exceptions. He says mealtime is when familial connections are made and cemented.”

  She opened two swinging doors just right of the table. “And here is the kitchen. Everyone in the commune is required to cook. Tonight happens to be my night, but I warned them not to let you anywhere near the kitchen.”

  “Shows how much you know,” Brie stated smugly. “I can cook killer dishes these days.”

  Mary snorted. “Killer is right.”

  “They’re delicious. Even Sir approves. Boa took me under his wing and taught me.”

  “You mean under his cock?”

  Brie giggled at the reference to the sub’s colossal shaft. “Bet you didn’t know Boa is a patient teacher. Far more patient than Marquis Gray.”

  “Yeah, I’ll never forget the look on Marquis’ face when you kept presenting him with your crappy omelets.”

  “Yours weren’t any better.”

  “Hell yes, they were. I beat you out of the kitchen that day, didn’t I?”

  Brie rolled her eyes. “Well, now I can cook several authentic Italian dishes, but because of what you just said I’m not going to cook them for you—ever.”

  “Thank God,” Mary said with sarcastic enthusiasm.

  “I’m shocked they let you in the kitchen.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of prepping, and…I provide ‘release’ for the chefs.”

  “Ah, your true worth revealed.”

  Mary grabbed a large knife and waved it teasingly at Brie. “Unlike you, I have many talents.”

  Brie held up her arms in mock surrender. “Look, I’m not into knife play, but if you insist…”

  Mary dropped the knife back onto the counter just as a fine-looking cowboy strutted into the kitchen. He took one look at Mary from under his wide-brimmed hat and tsked disapprovingly. “You’re to treat the instruments of this kitchen with the respect they deserve.”

  Mary immediately picked up the knife and carefully slid it into the wooden block, looking sheepishly at him. Brie loved it. For all her bravado, Mary was still as much of a goof as she was. It was comforting to know.

  “Yes, let me show you the equipment upstairs now, Miss Bennett,” she said in an official tone, leading Brie out of the kitchen under the intense stare of the sexy cowboy. “It’s my favorite place to play because of the view and exposure.”

  They climbed a long spiral staircase that led up to a row of separate play rooms. The first had a medical theme, complete with examining table, a wall of medical equipment, and scrubs. Brie shuddered and quickly made her way to the next room. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the variety of floggers and the binding post. It appeared each room had its own theme with corresponding instruments and furniture to match, very similar to The Haven.

  “Nice…” Brie complimented.

  Mary smiled mischievously as she led Brie into the third room. Brie stopped short when she saw the wall of knives, needles and piercing equipment.

  “Here we can enjoy blood play all we want. No restrictions other than safety.”

  Brie slowly backed out of the room. “I think I’ll pass.”

  “You’re such a baby.”

  “And proud of it,” Brie stated.

  “But this is the best part,” Mary told her, dragging her out onto the balcony.

  Brie caught her breath. The view overlooking the lake was magnificent, absolutely stunning. The beauty of the snowy peaks surrounding them was reflected in the still water. “Oh, wow…”

  “There are four balconies up here, each facing in a different direction,” Mary informed her.

  Brie did not miss all the binding equipment stored in the glass case next to her. Before she could ask about it, the cowboy from the kitchen appeared beside Mary.

  “Remove your panties, go to the railing and kneel facing me.”

  Mary instantly obeyed, as if it were Faelan who’d commanded her. After removing her thong, she knelt with her legs spread apart in an inviting manner, the shortness of her skirt exposing her blonde pussy to him.

  The Dom grabbed nylon rope from the case and took her wrists, binding them together before securing them to the railing so she was immobilized.

  “Open,” he commanded, tilting his hat back so he could observe her.

  Mary obediently opened her crimson lips, glancing up at the man with a sexy look of fear and anticipation—the perfect submissive.

  He unzipped his pants and pulled his erect cock from his jeans, easing it into her mouth. “Deep-throat it, darlin’.”

  Brie remembered Mary’s skill at sucking cock, and was impressed yet again as she watched her friend take the length of the man’s shaft down her throat. He fisted her long blonde hair and thrust deeper, then began pumping vigorously as if he were fucking her pussy. Mary took it with grace, never losing eye contact as he thrust into her mouth. It was actually beautiful to watch, but it was his grunts of satisfaction that deeply affected Brie.

  She felt a trickle of excitement travel past her clit jewelry and down her leg. It was definitely going to be hard living in the commune for the next few weeks, knowing she would be a witness to all kinds of kinky fun with no outlet for release. Sir had specif
ically ordered her not to masturbate while they were apart.


  The cowboy pulled out and caressed Mary’s cheek. “I could fuck your lips all day, darlin’.”

  She smiled up at him. “I would be honored to service you.”

  He shook his head. “Unfortunately, there’s a filly that needs breaking. I’ll have to be satisfied with this for now.” He rubbed the tip of his cock over her lips before taking her mouth again. This time he grabbed Mary’s head with both hands and pumped forcefully into her, crying out when his orgasm finally hit.

  Brie swallowed hard, looking out over the lake as she tried to concentrate on the beauty of the scenery rather than her own sexual need.

  Missing you, Sir.

  After he’d finished, the cowboy untied Mary and helped her to her feet. He tipped his hat to her. “Tomorrow, same time and place.”

  Mary nodded demurely.

  The Dom kissed her well-used lips, all smeared with red lipstick, before leaving the girls alone on the balcony.

  “So that’s a common occurrence?” Brie whispered.

  Mary wiped her mouth with her forearm, a smirk on her lips. “Any Dom can take you at any time. It makes daily life on the commune most enjoyable for a sub.”

  “Are you allowed to say no?”

  “Naturally, but why the hell would I?” Mary pointed to a charming bridge in the distance. “I need to clean up. Why don’t I meet you down there?”

  “Sure,” Brie answered. She admired the view from the other three balconies before following a second spiral staircase down and heading outside. The blueness of the Montana sky reminded her of Colorado and made her think of Lea.

  “Girlfriend, I think you would go nuts here,” Brie said out loud, laughing to herself.

  She followed the dirt path to a footbridge that crossed over a stream, which fed into the mountain lake. She soaked in the sounds of rushing water as jays chirped above her in the pine trees. It was truly a relaxing environment…

  “Strip and present yourself to me.”

  Kinky Fun


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