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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3)

Page 49

by Red Phoenix

  He answered with a charming smirk. “Well, that wouldn’t be hard, now, would it?”

  Mary’s smile seemed forced, and she took a step back from him. Brie saw the look of pain flash in Faelan’s eyes.

  “Where have you been? Brie told me you left the commune.”

  “I’ve been staying with Captain. He took me in.”

  Faelan stared at Mary in disbelief. “Were you wearing Captain’s collar?”

  She shrugged. “Temporarily.”

  “But you told me you would never wear a collar.”

  Mary raised her eyebrow, saying in a defiant tone, “Truth is, I would only wear a collar for one man.”

  “Who? Captain?” he spat.

  She snarled angrily. “You’re a fucking idiot, Faelan.”

  “And you’re a cruel, heartless bitch.”

  Mary turned to Brie and shouted, “I shouldn’t be here. This is your fault!” She ran out of the room, a flurry of curses flying from her lips.

  Brie reluctantly faced Faelan and his accusatory glare. She explained, “The answer to your question was simple. Mary would only wear a collar for one man—you.”

  He shook his head, not believing her.

  “Captain agreed to take Mary on to help her work through her past. She did it so she could have a real chance with you.”

  Faelan stared at the open door, a look of sympathy on his face.

  “But I have no idea why she acted so strangely when she saw you…” Brie admitted.

  “I know why.”

  She looked at him sadly. “I’m sorry. I’ve made a mistake bringing her here.”

  “No reason to be sorry,” he answered, letting out a heavy sigh. “Bring Mary back this afternoon. I have something I need to say to her.”

  Brie was desperate for them to meet up again, hoping the two could resolve their differences when it was obvious they loved each other. “I’ll make sure she comes.”

  She left to find Mary, but didn’t come across her until she went outside and spied her sitting next to a water fountain. “What’s going on, woman? What happened in there?”

  “This was a mistake, Brie. A colossal mistake.”

  “But I don’t get it. You love Todd and he loves you. How can this be a mistake?”

  “You’re as big an idiot as Faelan. I hope to hell that ticket you got me is exchangeable, because I’m flying back to LA this afternoon.”

  “Oh no, you’re not! You’re not pushing him away again. I don’t know what your problem is, but you’d better get your act together real quick or you’re going to lose the only man who’s ever loved you.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do, bitch!”

  A group of orderlies walking into the building stopped due to the loud commotion. Brie waved them on. “Just a friendly spat. We’re fine here.”

  She turned back to Mary once the orderlies had entered the building. “I’m going to fucking kill you if you break his heart again. But…if that’s really what you intend to do, then you’ll do it face to face. You don’t get to play the coward this time.”

  Mary’s glare could have melted steel. “God, I hate you!”

  “Believe me, right now, I hate you too,” Brie snarled.

  “Just go! Leave me the fuck alone.”

  “Fine,” she spat, “because some of us actually care about people, and I need to see Tono right now.”

  Brie marched into the hospital, so livid she couldn’t see straight. Mary hadn’t changed at all! How disappointed would Captain be when he found out all his sacrifice and hard work had been for nothing?

  Brie escaped into Tono’s room and shared with him everything that had transpired—from Sir’s disturbing phone message down to Mary’s rejection of Faelan.

  Naturally, Tono struck at the heart of the issue. “Sir Davis comes first. You’ve done all you can here.” Brie smiled weakly, grateful for his wisdom and encouragement. She noted the glint in his eye when he added, “Asking Miss Autumn to look after me was a stroke of genius.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll admit I thought so too.”

  “Be confident in the fact that we all will be fine, including Mr. Wallace.”

  Brie’s smile crumbled. “Tono, I can’t stand it if Todd gets hurt again. It’s the last thing he needs right now. I’ll never forgive myself if it ends badly for him.”

  “I suspect there’s more going on than we know, but whatever happens is fated. The fact that Captain agreed to release her should ease any concerns you have on that matter.”

  Brie looked at him tenderly. “You’ve always known how to speak to my heart.”

  He placed his hand on her chest, above the heart. “We speak the same language, you and I.”

  Brie took hold of his hand and lifted it to her cheek, gazing into his chocolate-brown eyes. “Tono, I—”

  Mary burst into the room and stopped short. “Whoa, I didn’t realize what I was walking into. Don’t mind me, Rope Freak, I didn’t see a thing…” She made an about-face and exited the room.

  Brie let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Go talk to her.”

  “Yes, I’d better. Knowing how Mary’s mind works, I can only imagine what she’s thinking right now.”

  “Safe travels, Brie. Know that my thoughts will be with you and Sir Davis.”

  “I appreciate that more than you know, Tono.” Before she left, she bowed low to him, holding back tears as she walked out of the room.

  With help from the nursing staff, Brie found Mary in the waiting room, banging on the candy dispenser and screeching, “The hell you’re going to steal my money!”

  “Stop, already,” Brie said, grabbing her hands. “I’ll buy whatever you want downstairs. Come on, before they throw us both out.”

  Mary gave the machine a resounding kick before consenting to leave. “Fucking deny me chocolate!”

  Brie noticed the nervous glances of several older visitors there waiting, and quickly ushered Mary out.

  “I need to head out to get something for Master Anderson before I leave for China tomorrow,” she explained. “So I’ll just leave you here in the cafeteria, where you can eat as much chocolate cake as you want.”

  “Can’t I join you?”

  Brie was surprised by Mary’s request, “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really.”

  Brie took it as a good sign, until they got into the car and Mary asked, “So tell me, what was going on back there with Nosaka?”


  “Nothing… Okay, ’cause I swear I saw you gazing all lovey-dovey into each other’s eyes. It makes me wonder if that’s how you ‘cared’ for Faelan.”

  Brie slammed on the brakes and pulled to the side of the road. “Don’t even go there.”

  Mary shrugged. “Hey, I only call it like I see it.”

  “Tono died on the table during surgery, Mary. I bet you didn’t know that. Well, I still haven’t gotten over the shock of it.”

  “Look, I don’t care if you’re two-timing Sir—I won’t tell. But you’d better not be pulling that shit with Faelan.”

  “What would it matter if I was? I asked you to come to Denver to care for him, but you’re planning to dump him instead? I don’t get you at all!”

  Mary glared at her. “Let it go, Brie… Get your fucking errand done so I can go back and get this over with.” She looked visibly shaken and turned away to hide it.

  Brie was at a loss, but remembered Tono’s assertion that there were things she didn’t know about Mary—and might never know. Pulling back onto the road, she continued on her mission.

  “What the hell is this place?” Mary grumbled when Brie parked the car in an old neighborhood north of Denver.

  “A no-kill animal shelter. I owe Master Anderson,” Brie answered, without explaining further.

  Brie headed straight into the large home that had been converted into a shelter for dogs and cats, leaving Mary behind. She stopped just inside to watch a glassed-walled room full of tumbling pu
ppies. She figured Mary couldn’t resist such adorableness, and smiled to herself when Blonde Nemesis walked through the door and stood beside her.

  “Aren’t they the cutest?” Brie asked, giggling when one of the pups nipped its own tail and started running in circles.

  “They may be cute to look at, but they’re a pain in the ass to care for,” Mary answered.

  “Puppies are a lot of work… Oh, my gosh, did you see that? The little Golden just fell into the water bowl.” Brie giggled.

  “Get whatever you came for so we can get the hell out of here.”

  Mary pretended she didn’t enjoy the puppy’s antics, but Brie knew better. As she walked away to talk to the staff, she looked back and noted that Mary chose not to return to the car, staying to watch the adorable puppies instead.

  Animals are good for the soul, Brie thought, and it made her that much more excited about her gift.

  She spent nearly an hour observing and playing with many of the tiny creatures, wanting to make sure she picked the right one for the sexy Dom, being in no hurry to return to the hospital with Blonde Nemesis.

  When she was convinced she’d found the one, Brie talked to the owner personally to set up delivery for her special gift. She walked out grinning like an idiot.

  “Don’t tell me you spent all that time in there for no apparent reason,” Mary complained when Brie showed up empty-handed.

  “Actually, I found exactly what I was looking for and am having it delivered to Master Anderson tomorrow.”

  “You’d better pray he doesn’t kill you.”

  “I’m sure he won’t. I got exactly what Master Anderson needs, I’m sure of it.”

  “Says the girl who fucked with my life.”

  “How did I fuck with your life? All I’ve ever done is try to support you. Please explain what I did wrong here. I’d really like to know.”

  “I never would have met Faelan if it weren’t for you.”

  “And how was meeting him a bad thing?”

  Mary’s countenance changed. She shook her head and looked away, unwilling to look Brie in the eye.

  “Talk to me, Mary. I want to understand.”

  Her voice was barely audible when she confided, “I finally give my heart to a guy…and he’s going to die on me.”

  Brie put her hand on Mary’s shoulder. “He isn’t going to die.”

  Mary jerked away from her, turning on Brie, her eyes flashing with anger. “I saw him, bitch! Don’t lie to me about that. You brought me here to watch him die.”

  Brie was stunned and just stared at her.

  “So here’s what’s going to happen. You’re taking me back to the hospital. I’ll tell him goodbye and then I’m out of here—and you’d better hope to God I never come across you again.”


  It was disturbing that Mary seemed serene as they drove back to the hospital, as if the task ahead meant nothing to her. It pissed Brie off.

  Faelan needed support, and here Mary was intent on stabbing the poor guy in the heart when he needed her most—because she loved him.

  “You’d better be kind,” Brie warned as they entered the hospital.

  “I’ll be quick and to the point.”

  Brie groaned inwardly when she saw Faelan’s parents standing outside his room, their faces glowing with excitement. Mrs. Wallace immediately walked up to Mary.

  “You must be the girl. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Mary stood there, a look of panic on her face.

  Mr. Wallace held out his hand to Mary. “What a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wilson. Although my son is close-mouthed about his personal life, it’s easy to tell how much he cares for you.”

  Brie had to nudge Mary to take his hand.

  Mary laughed nervously as she shook it, then looked back at Brie, a frozen smile on her lips.

  Oh, hell, this was going to be so much worse than Brie had imagined.

  Better to get it over with now—like ripping off a Band-Aid, she decided. “Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Mary and I would like a chance to talk to Todd privately. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Mrs. Wallace beamed with delight. “Of course not. He’s expecting you.”

  Brie opened the door for Mary, but the girl stopped abruptly as soon as she entered the room, causing Brie to walk into her. “What the heck, Mary?” she complained, and then she saw the reason why…

  Faelan stood before them, dressed in a suit, with his hand gripping the IV pole.

  “What the—?” Mary gasped.

  Brie noticed the white-knuckled grip he had on the IV pole, and understood the sheer effort he was making for Mary.

  “Mary Wilson,” Faelan stated, “you are mine.”

  Mary shook her head slowly, opening her mouth to speak.

  Don’t do it… Brie silently begged.

  “Faelan, I—”

  “I know you’re scared, Mary,” he interrupted. “I could tell it when you came in this morning. You probably thought you were looking at a dead man, but you’re wrong. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Tears filled Mary’s eyes.

  “Tono Nosaka donated his kidney so that I could have this second chance.”

  “I don’t…”

  “Bow at my feet,” he commanded. “It’s either now or never, Mary. Make your choice.”

  Brie could see the inner battle Mary was fighting. The risk of loving him only to lose him was more than she could bear.

  With great effort, Faelan took a step towards her and commanded again, “Bow to me, Mary.”

  Brie held her breath as Mary slowly approached Faelan, her eyes locked on his. She paused for a moment before gracefully lowering herself to the floor, kneeling before him. As an added gesture of obedience, she lowered her head until her forehead touched his feet.

  Faelan undid the belt of his dress pants. “Look at me,” he ordered. With painful determination, he looped the belt around Mary’s neck, pulling it tight.

  Mary gazed up at him with an expression Brie had never seen on her beautiful face—a look of pure joy.

  “You are mine. From this day forward, you answer only to me.”

  “Yes, Faelan.”

  “Stand now and kiss your Master.”

  He tugged on the belt when she stood, bringing her lips hard against his. While they kissed, Faelan let go of the pole to caress her cheek. “When I get out of this hospital, I will get you a proper collar.”

  Mary smiled. “I don’t care.”

  He brushed her bottom lip with his finger. “But I do. I want the world to know you are my cherished submissive.”

  Mary kissed Faelan again, with such passion that Brie lowered her eyes. When she started towards the door to give the couple privacy, Faelan called out to Brie.

  “Don’t leave just yet.”

  Mary turned to face Brie, but her loving gaze remained locked on Faelan.

  “You have been a true friend in every sense of the word, blossom. I thank you for your diligence.”

  Brie smiled, tears coming to her eyes. She thought back to the man who had stood so confidently before her, expecting to receive her collar on Graduation Night. She would never have guessed how things would turn out. “It’s been my pleasure.”

  He tugged on the belt, forcing Mary to kiss him again. Brie took his cue and quietly exited. There was just one more task to take care of before she could return to Sir’s side.

  Lea did not have much time to spare before heading to work at the Academy, but she agreed to meet, knowing Brie was headed to China in the morning.

  “Okay, okay…we have to start this on a positive note,” Lea stated when Brie opened the door to let her in. “What do you call a Chinese billionaire?”

  “You’re kidding me. I haven’t even invited you inside yet.”

  Lea grinned. “Come on, Brie. What do you call a Chinese billionaire?”

  Brie rolled her eyes. “I have no idea.”


no, no…that was terrible!”

  “Did you hear what happened on the opening day at the newest Chinese zoo?”

  “I’m shutting the door now,” Brie said, pretending to close it on her.

  Lea stuck her foot out to block it. “It was Panda-monium!”

  Brie laughed in spite of herself. “Barely redeemed yourself with that second one. I guess you can come in.”

  Master Anderson was finishing up his meal in the kitchen. “Don’t be late, Ms. Taylor. You have a big scene to perform tonight.”

  “Don’t worry, Headmaster. As much as I love me some Brie, work always comes first.”

  “I won’t keep her, I promise,” Brie assured him.

  “See that you don’t. Baron would look awfully silly trying to play the part of Lea in front of the training Dominants. I’m not sure he would ever forgive you.” He pointed to a plate on the counter and smiled. “By the way, I made you brownies.”

  “Oh, thank you, Master Anderson!” Brie squealed, as both she and Lea descended on the plate.

  “Have fun, ladies,” he said, tipping an imaginary cowboy hat before leaving them.

  “Isn’t Master Anderson the best?” Brie purred, taking a huge bite of a warm brownie.

  “Yes…oh yes…” Lea moaned in ecstasy, sounding freakishly similar to when she was having sex. “I’m sure gonna miss that man.”

  Brie jumped on the comment, a natural transition to the reason she’d called Lea over. “You don’t have to miss him…”

  Lea smiled. “I know.”

  “Have you seriously considered moving back to LA?”

  Lea took another bite of brownie and finished chewing before answering her. “Sure, I’ve thought about it. I mean, LA is awesome, but I have my reasons for staying here.”

  “If it’s because of Autumn, you may want to rethink that. Who knows what’s going to happen with Tono now that she’s caring for him for the next few weeks? I’ve definitely seen some sparks fly between them.”

  Lea sighed. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that myself. I’m happy for them, don’t get me wrong, but whenever people hook up, friends seem to get the short end of the stick.”

  “It’s a natural process, I suppose.”

  “You know, with Baron and Master Anderson moving to LA, that leaves Mistress Clark all alone in Denver. It might be the best chance I ever get.”


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