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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3)

Page 54

by Red Phoenix

  Mary teased, “Oh, I’ll make sure he taxes something.”

  Faelan winked at her. “Tax it, baby.”

  Rytsar grunted in the corner, their silly banter too much for him, but Brie was thoroughly charmed by it.

  “I don’t want you undressing for this scene, Todd. Keep your shirt and tie on, as well as your pants. Women love a well-dressed man, and it will hide your recent scars from the camera. Oh, and do you mind calling her ‘pet’ for the scene?”

  Faelan looked at Mary with a smirk.

  Brie instructed Mary, “You will wear only your heels, bra and panties.”

  “Nice,” Mary commented. “What do I get to address him as? Motherfucker?”

  Brie laughed. “No, you get to call him by his title.”

  Mary sighed, but faced her man and asked, “May I strip, Faelan?”

  “Of course, pet. I want you to show that scowling Russian over there what he’s missing.”

  Rytsar kept his eyes locked on Faelan with a fierce look of distrust.

  Watching Mary undress had a visible effect on Faelan. He loosened his tie and undid several of the buttons of his white shirt. His exposed chest would read well on the camera, along with his magnetic blue eyes. No doubt women would eat this scene up.

  “Okay, Todd, you’ll sit here in the leather chair. I’ll be filming directly in front of you. Try to find a comfortable position, because you’ll be staying in it for the entire shoot.”

  Brie felt wickedly clever. She hadn’t liked feeling pressured by Mr. Holloway to get this last shot, so she’d created a scene meant to tease the producer—as well as the audience.

  “Now, Mary, remember you’re supposed to be new at this.”

  “Yeah, yeah…”

  “Don’t ‘yeah, yeah’ me. This is serious. I want you to come off as a believable novice.”

  “I got this, Brie.”

  “Do you have any questions for me?” Brie asked Faelan before they began shooting.

  “Sure.” His eyes sparkled mischievously. “How many times do you think I could make you come with just my tongue?”

  Rytsar answered for her from where he stood, “None, because you would be picking up your teeth from the floor after I gave you a proper Russian hello.”

  Brie smiled at Rytsar as she positioned herself behind the camera. “Mr. Wallace, I believe Rytsar is trying to protect you from a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

  Faelan’s laughter was cut short as he sat down. Brie noticed him grimacing with pain and figured it only served him right for baiting Rytsar like that.

  “Mary, if you could open his shirt a little more…yes, that’s it. Perfect.”

  “He fucking is,” Mary agreed as she got down on her knees between Faelan’s legs. “How do I look?”

  “The back of your head is pure perfection.”

  Mary glanced over her shoulder. “I can’t believe you told me to spend extra time on my makeup.”

  Brie snickered to herself.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Faelan said. She nodded and started her silent countdown before hitting record.

  Faelan began the scene by caressing Mary’s hair.

  “Undo my belt and unzip my pants, pet. I have a new lesson for you.”

  Mary looked down at his crotch and hesitated for a second before doing what he asked.

  “Do you see how hard you make your Master?”

  She nodded, her long mane of blonde curls moving alluringly up and down her back with the movement of her head.

  “Open your lips and take it into your mouth.”

  Mary moved with a lack of confidence as she made an awkward attempt to free his cock from its confines and giggled softly from the effort. The sound of her innocent laughter was charming.

  She took his shaft in one hand and stared at it for a second before slowly lowering her head.

  Faelan sucked in his breath, indicating the moment her lips made contact with him. Brie felt the first stirrings of desire in her nether regions.

  Crap, this might prove a harder shoot than I thought.

  Soon Mary’s head was bobbing up and down, but it wasn’t enough. “Deeper,” Faelan commanded gently.

  She took it a little deeper, not really challenging herself. “Deeper,” he ordered, his tone more demanding.

  Mary lowered her head and made a choking sound, popping back up as if she were scared by the feeling.

  “That was good, pet. Try that again, but don’t pull away this time,” Faelan encouraged.

  Mary went back down on him, lowering her head until she started to gag.

  “Good, keep it there. Get your throat used to the feel of my cock.”

  Mary only lasted a few seconds more before she lifted her head, pretending to gasp for air.

  “Again,” he told her.

  Mary obediently went back down on him, but this time when she tried to pull away, Faelan pressed her head lower, “Deeper, pet. That’s it…” He continued to hold her even as she struggled to breathe.

  When he let go, she came up gasping for breath.

  He wiped her mouth, looking down lustfully at her. “There we go—I want to see your mouth dribbling with more spit.”

  Mary moaned softly, indicating her excitement at trying to please him.

  “Do you want to try again, pet?”

  Brie really liked how Faelan was demanding more but still taking it slow with Mary—encouraging with his praise rather than forcing her to submit.

  Mary nodded enthusiastically. This time she went much lower, taking most of him into her throat, but when he started to thrust she began sputtering and struggled to break free. This time Faelan held her down on his shaft, saying repeatedly in a soothing voice, “Take it, pet, take it…”

  She coughed when he finally released her and wiped the water from her eyes.

  “A challenge, yes?” he asked.

  “Yes, Faelan, but I like it.”

  “Good, because this time I’m going to fuck your pretty face.”

  Mary took several deep breaths to ready herself before descending on his cock again. As she took him into her mouth, he fisted her hair, forcing his cock even deeper down her throat. It was actually a turn-on to watch Mary struggle as she instinctively pushed her hands against him as he thrust.

  “Hands, pet,” Faelan warned her.

  Mary put her hands behind her back and continued to take his lustful face-fucking.

  Brie had to give the woman kudos. She totally believed, based on Mary’s performance, that this was her first time.

  Mary moaned loudly when Faelan finally released her.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he growled, pulling her head back to look him in the eye.

  “Yes,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “For being such a willing student, I will come in your mouth.”

  Mary stared into his eyes, neither of them saying anything for several moments, the connection evident during their intimate yet voiceless exchange.

  “Are you ready?”

  Brie felt her pussy react to Faelan’s question and rolled her eyes, vowing never to let Mary know a towel would be necessary after the filming of their scene.

  When Mary nodded, Faelan commanded firmly, “Open.”

  He took her head in both hands and forced her mouth up and down his shaft, grunting with pleasure. Mary moaned enthusiastically, her hair bouncing rhythmically on her back with each thrust. Finally Faelan’s body stiffened, his hands gripping her head as he released his come deep in her throat.

  “Swallow, pet.”

  Brie bit her lip, panning back to show Mary’s beautiful body, her hands still behind her back in a perfect submissive pose as Faelan finished off inside her mouth.

  Well done, Mary…

  Once Brie was finished packing up her equipment, she went over to them with Rytsar standing protectively by her side. “That was amazing to watch. I totally believed you were inexperienced, woman. How did you pull it off so convincingly?”

  “It was easy, Stinky Cheese. I just pretended I was you.”

  Brie looked at her in shock, then burst out laughing. “You’re such an ass, Mary.”

  Brie spent the night in the company of her dearest friends. Autumn had invited her over to join Tono and Lea for dinner. Naturally, Rytsar joined her as well, acting as her charming yet intimidating bodyguard.

  As soon as she entered Autumn’s home, Brie was attacked by Lea. “Girl! How lucky am I? I didn’t think I’d get to see you again until the wedding.”

  “Yeah, I can’t believe you’re going to be there with me. It’s so far to travel, you know?” Brie answered, hoping to trick Lea into telling her the wedding destination.

  “Nebraska’s not that far from here.”

  Brie couldn’t tell whether Lea was teasing her or not. “Right, Nebraska…”

  A deep red blush crept from Lea’s cheeks to her breasts, as if she had just realized she’d said too much. She made a funny face and blurted, “What’s the difference between Nebraska and yogurt?” Lea didn’t even wait for Brie to answer before giving away the punchline. “Yogurt has an active living culture.”

  “But that’s not a joke, girl, because it’s true,” Brie replied, swatting Lea’s butt. As they made their way into Autumn’s kitchen, she was left wondering if she had just been played. There was no way her wedding would be in Nebraska—no way!

  Brie was impressed by Autumn’s cooking skills. The girl had truly outdone herself, having made four different kinds of pizza for them to try. The pies filled the kitchen with their heavenly aroma as the cheese bubbled under the broiler. Brie noted she’d made some of Tono’s favorites.

  The Asian Dom was the picture of health, and his soulful spirit seemed to take over the room. He stood up and bowed to Rytsar and then to her. “It is a pleasure to see you both again.”

  If he was surprised by the presence of the Russian Dom, he didn’t show any indication of it, but Brie explained, “Rytsar Durov is taking me to China to meet with Sir.”

  Tono’s expression saddened. “Has the time finally come?”

  Brie nodded, unable to tell him all that had gone on during her first trip to China. She had no doubt that Tono could tell there had been terrible complications, but he only said, “I’m sorry for your Master, but I know you will be a great comfort to him.”

  His simple encouragement soothed her troubled spirit, and she bowed. “Thank you, Tono. I take great solace in that.”

  Autumn cried out as she pulled the last pan of sizzling-hot pizza from the oven and quickly placed it on the table, sticking two of her fingers in her mouth.

  “Are you okay?” Tono asked, moving to get up.

  She waved off his concern. “No, no… It’s nothing, Ren. Please don’t get up.”

  Brie didn’t miss that Autumn was calling Tono by his first name. That was huge in the Japanese culture and spoke of a deeper level of friendship. It appeared that her caring for the Kinbaku Master after his surgery had progressed their relationship in a positive direction.

  Autumn gave her a hug. “So glad you could come for a surprise visit, Brie.”

  “Yeah, it seems there’s no rest for the wicked, but at least I get the perk of seeing you guys again. By the way, Autumn, I forgot to introduce you. This is my good friend—and part-time bodyguard—Rytsar Durov.”

  Autumn glanced apprehensively at the impressive Russian. “Are you really her bodyguard?”

  “In spirit,” he answered with a slight smirk. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Autumn. Or as we would say in my country—Miss Osen.”

  “Oh, I like the way that sounds, Mr. Durov.”

  “Most things sound better in Russian.”

  Autumn laughed, then asked shyly, a blush rising to her cheeks, “Can I tell you a joke? I’ve been saving this one for a while.”

  “Please,” he answered.

  Brie stifled a giggle, knowing Rytsar had no idea what he was in for.

  Autumn seemed really nervous, but forged ahead anyway. “I’m really starting to dislike those stupid Russian dolls.”

  He tilted his head and asked, “Do you mean the matryoshkas?”

  “Yeah…” She paused for a moment. “They just seem so full of themselves.”

  Rytsar threw back his head and laughed. Not just a polite, forced kind of laugh, but an all-out rolling thunder of a laugh. The entire kitchen rocked with it, and everyone soon followed.

  That was one of the best Brie had heard—and who better to share that joke with than Rytsar?


  The plane ride to China was such an excruciatingly long one that encouraged either sleep or deep conversation.

  It was something that Brie actually appreciated, since she was with Rytsar. Once the stewardesses finished fawning over the Russian Dom and had retired to their stations, Brie turned to him and asked, “What happened with the girl from America after she revealed your name? Has there been any fallout from it?”

  He shook his head, an amused look on his face. “You Americans…”


  “So tenacious.”

  “Why? What did she do?”

  “It’s not her, it’s your damn reporters. Every few weeks, a new one shows up at my door begging for an exclusive interview.”

  “So they know where you live now?” Brie asked with concern.

  “It was only a matter of time, radost moya. Thankfully, no serious professionals, just little girls sent from the entertainment side of your news. So strange, the fascination you Americans have with celebrities…”

  Brie lowered her voice, “Have you heard from the Russian police?”

  “Nyet. Although I’m getting too much attention, having young female reporters from America hound me weekly has only made me a target for jest.”

  Brie sat back in her chair, sighing with relief. “I’m glad to hear it, Rytsar. I’ve really been worried.”

  He confided, “I’ve been tempted to show a few of the obstinate ones my true interests when they flirt so outrageously, hoping to get an interview. However, I do not think they could handle it.”

  “I agree,” Brie said, laughing. “Most girls think being tickled with a feather is kinky. They have no idea what they’d be in for with you.”

  Rytsar’s expression changed when he shared, “The girl, Stephanie, did send me a letter. I have not answered it because it would only complicate matters, but I keep it with me.” Rytsar pulled out his leather wallet and took out a folded note, handing it to Brie.

  She unfolded the letter, noticing the perfect penmanship, and wondered how many times the girl had rewritten it, wanting it to be flawless.

  Dear Rytsar Durov,

  I have not been able to stop thinking about you and what you did for me.

  It’s hard being back home. I’m not the same person. No one understands me. Only someone who was there could know how I feel.

  I know it’s stupid, but every day I listen for a knock on the door, hoping you are there to rescue me from this strange existence. I feel so alone. You told me I am a survivor and that has helped me on those days when nothing makes sense.

  I feel so ungrateful, because you have done so much for me. How can one person ever truly repay another for saving their life? I would do anything, give anything to do just that for you. Please, Rytsar, tell me what I can do. It would make me so happy to fulfill the debt I owe you.

  Sincerely, Stephanie

  “She is on the edge, radost moya. This letter is like taking a peek into Tatyana’s soul.” He glanced at the letter, stating, “It hurts me to read it.”

  Brie wrapped her arms around him. His whole body was tense, the muscles of his arms shaking with unreleased emotion. “She’ll be okay,” she assured him.

  “I have sent a counselor to her, one who has much experience with freed sex slaves, but I’m uncertain whether it will be enough.”

  “You have done more than most people would ever do, Rytsar. You have to trust she can recover fr
om it.”

  He looked at her, all his defenses down. “Do you know what my given name is?”

  “No. Sir never told me.”

  Rytsar smiled. “He is a trustworthy comrade.”

  The Russian’s intense blue gaze caused her to momentarily stop breathing when he spoke. “When my mother passed, I refused to be called by the name she’d given me, preferring my title instead.” He looked down at her tenderly. “I would like to hear it spoken from your lips.”

  “What is your given name?”


  Brie placed her hand on his square jaw and smiled when she said it. “Anton.”

  Tears came to his eyes. “Thank you, radost moya.”

  Rytsar folded up the letter and placed it back in his wallet. He stared out the window, seemingly lost in a sea of past pain and regret.

  Priceless one… Brie knew that was the meaning of his name and could appreciate the power it must have over him. His mother was gone—how or why was still a mystery to Brie, but she suspected it had everything to do with his father.

  Don’t give up, Stephanie, Brie called out in her head, sending positive thoughts to the girl he’d rescued. People are counting on you to survive.

  Rytsar’s demeanor changed once they landed in Chengdu. He stayed beside her, his hand gripping the back of her neck. It was a very possessive hold that let others know to stay away.

  “It’s okay, Rytsar,” Brie said, looking up at him. “I’ve been here before. It’s a safe city.”

  He shook his head. “Nyet. There are human traffickers looking for foreigners like you. You are not safe.”

  Brie quickly scanned the airport in shock, wondering as each person passed which one held evil intentions behind their stoic expression. It was a frightening thought that Brie had never considered.

  She could not hold back her excitement, however, when she recognized a familiar face in the sea of Chinese. “May I?” she asked Rytsar.

  He released his hold, and Brie ran straight for Sir, nearly tripping over herself in her haste.

  “Slow down, babygirl.”

  Brie buried her head in his chest, sighing with relief.


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