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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3)

Page 58

by Red Phoenix

  Brie blushed, her heart thrilling at how her new name sounded when spoken with a Russian accent. She turned to him and nodded gracefully. “Thank you, Rytsar.”

  “I have been watching your husband closely, radost moya. The way he looks at you leads me to suspect I will be a dyadya very soon.”

  Brie let out a small gasp as she looked at Sir, imagining him taking her. The lust she felt was reflected in his eyes as they stared at each other.

  “Possibly a dyadya to twins…” Rytsar stated, laughing as he walked away.

  Sir pulled Brie to him. “It’s true—I desire you, wife.”

  Brie felt butterflies on hearing Sir call her his wife. Such a simple thing, seemingly insignificant, but it thrilled her to the depths of her soul. She stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “My husband…” she sighed contentedly. “I love calling you that.”

  “Soon you will be screaming it,” he growled in her ear, grazing her brand with his finger before shaking the hand of the next person who approached them.

  When Lea announced that dinner was being served, Sir escorted Brie to a long table where the entire wedding party already sat, waiting for them. The length of the table was decorated with simple white flowers and greenery lining the middle. It was simple in its elegance, like everything else.

  As she sat down next to Sir, Brie took notice of the charming table setting. The linen napkins had been tied with sprigs of rosemary, and each person had their own tiny vial of olive oil and a small tulle bag with sugared almonds.

  “Every single detail makes me smile, Sir.”

  Sir took her hand and kissed it tenderly. “I’m glad, wife.”

  Rytsar stood up, clinking his glass to get the attention of the guests. “Before we begin, I would like to propose a toast.”

  “Hear, hear,” Lea said, smiling at Brie.

  Rytsar turned to Sir. “This man has been my friend since college, but he is much more than just a comrade—he is my brother. There is no one in the world I trust more and no one else I would lay down my life for.”

  He looked at Brie. “I remember when he called me about a girl. Moy droog claimed she was something special and asked if I would come to America to meet her.”

  Brie blushed, remembering what had transpired during that first meeting…

  “I had to agree with him. Brianna Bennett was indeed a rare find. I’ve never seen my comrade as content as he is now. The peasant has even been known to smile on occasion.”

  Several of the guests laughed.

  Rytsar looked over the crowd, his tone and expression serious. “It is an honor to call Thane Davis my brother, and it is an honor to know his wife. I hope someday each of us will experience the kind of happiness these two share. It is tradition in my country for the first toast to be to the newlyweds’ health, so I say with a full heart, Dlya zdorov’ya molodozhenov.”

  Everyone raised their glasses, and Brie heard Sir’s family shout, “Salute degli sposi!”

  Lea stood up next, holding her glass out towards Brie.

  “I met the lovely Miss Bennett over a joke about credit cards.”

  Brie giggled, remembering the lesson on obedience—one that Lea had failed miserably.

  “This girl is like no one else I’ve ever met. Brie’s fearless and strong, but she cares about people—I mean really cares about people—even those who are hard to love.” Lea glanced over at Mary and winked. “She has the ability to bring people together. You just have to look around this room to see proof of that.”

  Lea looked at Brie with a wicked grin. “A little fact you may not know about my friend is that she’s a sucker for a good joke. So in honor of that, I would like to tell one now.”

  “Oh, no…” Brie muttered under her breath.

  “What do you call two spiders who just got married?” Lea giggled before she burst out, “Newlywebs!”

  Loud groans erupted from the crowd.

  “Okay, that was just the warm up—here’s the real one. So a little girl was attending a wedding for the first time and whispered to her mother, ‘Mommy, why is the bride dressed in white?’ Her mother answered, ‘Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.’ The child thought about this for a moment and asked, ‘So why is the groom wearing black?’”

  This time her joke was met with chuckles from the men.

  “But seriously, ladies, we know why Thane Davis is wearing black today. He’s Italian and he knows the power of a good suit.”

  The women twittered in agreement.

  “And just look at my girlfriend. Have you ever seen a more gorgeous bride? It’s scary to think how good-looking their children will be. Am I right?”

  Brie blushed as she glanced shyly at Sir.

  “I can’t wait to celebrate with them fifty years from now, when they’re old and gray but still just as in love.”

  She held up her glass to them. “Here’s to condor love, baby!”

  Their friends shouted, “To condor love!” while the Italians answered with a hearty, “Auguri!”

  Brie grinned as Sir intertwined his arm with hers so they could drink from each other’s glasses.

  Just before dinner began, Master Anderson stood up. “If you don’t mind, I would like to add my own toast before the festivities begin. Like Rytsar, Thane and I became friends in college. You wouldn’t know it to look at him now, but he was a real nerd back then.”

  The group laughed, with Sir shaking his head, a smirk on his face.

  After the laughter died down, he continued. “Thane Davis is a rock, the person I count on. He’s a leader among his friends, but still humble enough to take advice from them. In Brie, he’s truly found his one and only—his counterpart. The strength of the love they share inspires even an old cynic like me.”

  He held his glass high. “May you two enjoy a long and fruitful life together.”

  Sir’s family shouted in unison, “Per Cent’anni.”

  The meal began with a small bowl of ribollita, followed by a course of fresh vegetables and white beans, both favorites of Sir’s. The main course consisted of the most delicate and delicious gnocchi Brie had ever tasted, and she moaned in pure bliss.

  “I hope to hear more of that shortly,” Sir mentioned in a casual voice before he turned to talk to Rytsar.

  Brie let out a little squeak, suddenly anxious for the meal to be over.

  After the final course, Sir stood and held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  Brie took his hand and proudly walked beside him, barefoot under her dress, each step making a delightful jingling sound. It was exhilarating to feel the smooth tile beneath her feet—their little secret.

  Sir led Brie over to the wedding cake, a tall, simple, white, layered cake decorated with pink bougainvilleas and greenery. Rather than a traditional cake topper, Brie noticed the silver base that held the cake was etched with filigree that had both their names and an artful likeness of condors on either side.

  Once again, Sir had charmed her with his taste and attention to detail.

  Her heart skipped a beat when he moved behind her and took hold of the knife. His closeness had her senses reeling, and she blushed as they pushed down the knife and cut into the cake.

  Brie took the piece to feed him, feeling a little silly about the ritual, but when she put the cake to his lips and he took a bite, she found it incredibly sexy. Brie licked her lips in sexual frustration as he took another bite, finishing it off.

  She parted her lips, taking the bite he offered, her eyes locked on his. When he leaned down and licked the frosting from her lips, her knees almost buckled. Sir took hold of her arm to steady her and smiled, knowing the effect he was having on her.

  “Are we okay, Mrs. Davis?”

  She nodded, completely entranced by the man.

  Lea announced, “Single ladies, it’s that time! Get yourselves out there and get ready to catch that bouquet.”

  Brie moved where Lea directed her and turned around, facin
g the wall. When Lea said they were ready, she threw the bouquet into the air, then whipped around to see who caught it.

  There was a frenzy of activity, but it was the girl who didn’t move a muscle who ended up catching it. Autumn blushed as she held up the bouquet, to the applause of the crowd.

  Rytsar brought out a chair and instructed Brie to sit down. He then covered Sir’s eyes with a blindfold before he was allowed to remove the lacy garter she wore.

  Sir looked sexy-hot as he knelt down before her and reached out his hands. Brie giggled nervously when he made contact with her knees. Just that simple touch alone had her quivering inside.

  Once he got his bearings, Sir’s hands found their way underneath her dress. He gently caressed her bare leg as his hand traveled slowly up. Goosebumps rose on her skin as he got closer to his target.

  When he finally touched it, Brie let out a soft moan only Sir could hear. He shook his head and murmured, “Naughty girl.” Sir pulled off the garter and held it up in triumph as he untied the blindfold.

  Lea instructed the single men to line up, and had to push several reluctant bachelors standing on the sidelines to join before she would let Sir throw it. Unlike the women, the men seemed scared of it, moving out of the way as it came down. It was Master Anderson who ended up catching her garter, much to his chagrin.

  Brie clapped, thinking he was the perfect man for the honor.

  He held it up with a charming grin as a herd of eligible women descended on him.

  Sir watched the pandemonium with amusement. “I’d say he doesn’t have long.”

  “I agree, Sir,” Brie giggled.

  He turned to face her, a romantic look in his eyes. “Are you ready to dance with me as my wife?” he asked, holding out his hand to her.

  The butterflies took over as she placed her hand in his. “I would be honored.”

  The area cleared as Sir guided her to the middle of the dance floor and waited. A solo violin began to play. Brie instantly recognized the sound of Alonzo’s violin. Sir placed his hand on her waist and took her left hand in his, guiding her across the dance floor as his father joined them—the recording of his powerful performance filling the reception hall.

  Tears came to Brie’s eyes as they danced. “It’s beautiful, Sir.”

  Sir twirled her around, then grasped her waist again, drawing her to him. “I knew he would want to be here with us today.”

  Brie lost herself in the moment, feeling as if she were floating on clouds as the sweet sound of his father’s violin carried them along. When the melody ended, Sir led her over to Lea. Her friend slipped a delicate silk purse onto her wrist.

  “What’s this for?” Brie asked.

  “Your gifts, silly” she replied. Lea held out a small envelope. “Although Ms. Clark couldn’t attend, she wanted you to have this.” Lea slipped it into Brie’s pouch and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking over to the crowd of ladies around Master Anderson and humbly requesting a dance.

  Rytsar walked up to Brie with an envelope in his hand. “May I have the honor of this dance, Mrs. Davis?”

  She looked at Sir, who explained, “It’s tradition for the men to give a gift before they share a dance with the bride.”

  Brie nodded and turned back to Rytsar. “It would be a pleasure to dance with you, Rytsar Durov.” She took his envelope and placed it in the pouch. “Thank you.”

  He whisked her away from Sir, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “You make a beautiful bride, radost moya.”

  “And you make a fetching best man. I’ve noticed quite a number of young ladies vying for your attention this evening.”

  “It is my Russian charm. No one can resist it.”

  He twirled her several times, the jewelry on her feet making a pleasant sound.

  “Ah, I love the sound of slave jewelry. I appreciate the way your Master thinks.” Rytsar twirled her several more times before he ended the dance in the middle of the song.

  “Why so short?” she asked, surprised when he handed her over to Marquis Gray.

  Rytsar leaned in and whispered, “We promised your husband not to take too long. He is anxious to make me a dyadya.”

  Brie blushed as Marquis Gray presented her with a small silver envelope. “A gift for the bride,” Marquis announced formally. She put it in her pouch, thanking him before taking his hand.

  “The ceremony was exquisite, Marquis Gray,” Brie gushed as they glided across the floor. “What you said at our wedding meant more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  “It was a privilege to officiate the union of two people I deeply respect.”

  She smiled, touched by his praise. “I remember when you were not thrilled by my choice of Master.”

  “I never held it against you, Mrs. Davis. It was your Master I had issue with.”

  “Do you have issues with him now?” she asked, looking over at Sir, who was talking to her parents.

  “He’s proven himself worthy since then. I’m encouraged by the fact he dealt with his mother before you began this next part of your journey. It shows his level of commitment to this marriage—and you.”

  Brie’s voice shook when she told him, “It was difficult, Marquis.”

  “I’m sure it was.” He held her tight as he twirled her around so fast it left her breathless. Gazing deep into her eyes he told her, “You will be stronger for it. Hold on to that knowledge and enjoy your evening, Mrs. Davis. Many blessings to you and your husband.”

  Marquis led her over to Mr. Gallant, who was standing on the side waiting for her. Brie graciously accepted his gift before taking his hand to dance.

  “Oh, Mr. Gallant, I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you’re here tonight.”

  “I’m grateful as well, Miss B—excuse me—Mrs. Davis. As a student you made an unusual choice on the night of the Collaring Ceremony, and you’ve continued to astound me with the direction your journey has taken. It is a joy and honor to know you.”

  She blushed. “The honor is mine. I still think back on my training days and wish I could attend class with you again.”

  “I recall those sessions with great fondness.”

  Before he let her go, Brie leaned in to tell him, “Mr. Gallant, I want to thank you for what you did for Candy. Mary, Mr. Wallace and I will forever be in your debt.”

  He was startled by her declaration and asked, “How did you—?”

  Brie pressed her finger to her lips, gliding gracefully over to Baron, who was smiling at her.


  “What a lovely surprise,” she said, grateful that he had come.

  “I would not miss such a happy occasion.”

  With a devilish smile, Baron handed her a red envelope, then escorted her onto the dance floor. She stared up at him while they danced, captivated by his smile.

  “Have you moved back to LA yet?”

  “I have. Found a nice place in an established neighborhood. Good people, walking distance to most things, and best of all, I feel Adrianna’s spirit there.”

  “That doesn’t upset you?” she asked in surprise.

  “No, kitten. It feels as if it’s meant to be. That I have found my new home and do not have to lose her in the process.”

  “Then I’m glad for you, Baron, and even happier I’ll be seeing more of you.”

  He hugged her before letting go. “I want you and Sir Davis to visit me when you get back. I have something I want to show you.”

  On that mysterious note, Baron handed her off to Master Coen, who was waiting for her next.

  “This is an honor, Headmaster.”

  Master Coen placed his envelope into Brie’s hand before holding out his beefy arm to her. “I had to pay my respects to the girl who tore the trainers apart.”

  “What?” she asked, stumbling over her own feet, unsure she’d heard him correctly.

  Master Coen explained, “I’m headed off to Australia, Ms. Clark is stationed in Denver, and your Master is out of the program al
together. Three of the original four are no longer part of the Training Center. We were a stable group until you and your film came along.”

  She smiled shyly. “I guess you were right to be concerned after all.”

  “You’re certainly a catalyst for change, Mrs. Davis. I never would have guessed Thane would marry. I’m still stunned by it, in fact, and yet here we are.”

  “Yes, here we are…”

  “I have no doubt you will continue to shock and surprise me.” He swatted her once soundly on the ass before letting her go. “But don’t stir up too much trouble while I’m gone. I expect you to visit me Down Under—both you and your husband.”

  Brie looked over at Sir and found him staring intently at her. It seemed he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It didn’t matter where he was in the room or who he was with, his gaze kept returning to her. It was magnetic in its pull, and she longed to join him.

  “Mrs. Davis, may I have this dance?”

  Brie turned to see Captain looking quite distinguished in his military uniform. He was even more striking with the handsome leather patch over his eye. “I’d be honored, Captain,” she replied, putting his gift into her pouch.

  She gladly took the hand he offered. “You look quite dashing tonight.”

  His chuckle was low and deep. “My pet seems to agree with you.”

  “Where is she?”

  Captain nodded to Candy, who was talking with Mary.

  “You must be proud of her.”

  “Which one? Both are exceptional women.”

  Brie grinned, charmed by his answer. “I would agree with you, Captain.”

  His moves were exacting and flawless as he danced, guiding her effortlessly across the dancefloor. She felt graceful and beautiful in his skillful hands. Brie looked up at him in admiration.

  “I never knew what a fine dancer you were.”

  He kept his serious expression, but the edge of his lip rose in a half-smile.

  Brie felt proud to be his partner and was disappointed when the song came to an end. He took her hand and kissed it formally, thanking her before leaving to return to Candy.

  Sir’s cousin Benito came up to her holding out his envelope. “Bella donna, may I have the honor?” Brie graciously took his gift and continued to dance as she partnered with the men from the Italian side of her new family. They dazzled her with their beautiful language as they swept her along. Brie was acutely aware of Sir’s eyes on her, and wondered if he could hear the jingle of her dancing feet whenever she twirled past him.


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