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Brie's Submission (7-9) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 3)

Page 60

by Red Phoenix

Sir positioned his cock against her wet opening, the head of his shaft almost scorching her with its heat. He looked her in the eyes as he slowly sank his hard shaft into her.

  Brie wrapped her legs around him, wanting all of him, needing all of him.

  Sir began slowly stroking her with his cock, rolling his hips to deepen the thrusts. She matched his rhythm, staring up at him with tears of joy. “Thane, I don’t think there’s anything sexier than making a baby.”

  Sir pressed his lips to hers, grabbing her ass cheeks as he forced himself deeper. “Two become one,” he murmured as he came inside her, his cock throbbing with each release of his seed.

  Brie cried out, the pleasure of it overwhelming on every level; the consummation of the marriage, the release of sexual tension, the intense connection and the primal act of procreation all rolled up into one monumental moment.

  She held on to him fiercely, knowing his essence was inside her seeking to make new life. Brie closed her eyes in sheer ecstasy as her spirit melded with Sir’s…

  (Special Bonus)

  16 Years Earlier

  Master’s POV

  Thane had been studying hard for the last three weeks preparing for his semester exams. He knew if he could pass these courses with outstanding marks, he stood a good chance of being able to advance a full year. As far as he was concerned, the sooner he was out of college, the sooner he could start his adult life and forget the horrors of the past.

  Financial independence was his primary goal—his only goal—and he’d do whatever it took to sever any and all ties from the Beast.

  His singular focus was admired by his roommate, Brad Anderson, and as a special reward for Thane’s scholarly diligence, he insisted on the two going out to enjoy a night on the town like good ol’ college boys. “Life’s so much more than books and endless tests, young grasshopper, but how can you know that when you spend your days stuck in this room? It’s time to live a little.”

  “That is exactly what I am doing,” Thane corrected Brad. “I’m going to graduate early through sheer will and effort so I can begin my life.”

  Brad shook his head. “But you’re missing the whole point. This is your life—right now. You’re a young man living on a campus of possibilities, my friend, and it’s my solemn duty to open your eyes to what you’ve been missing.”

  Thane put his arm around his roommate in a fatherly manner. “And it’s my duty to help you realize life is not all fun and games. What’s the point of going to college and going into debt on tuition if you aren’t going to seriously apply yourself every day you’re here?”

  Brad frowned, and the light seemed to leave the room. Thane half-regretted his words when he met Brad’s harsh gaze. It looked as if the boy were about to explode in a ball of pent up anger. Instead, he lifted his chin up and howled with laughter. “You’re one insulting little bastard, Thane Davis. No wonder you don’t have any friends…”

  Thane only shook his head at the insult. “As much as I appreciate your need to ‘fix’ me, I’m content to remain here in our room, focused on my school work. Go enjoy your night out with your college buddies.”

  “It that really how this is going down?” Brad asked.

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Then you leave me no other choice.” His roommate left without any further explanation.

  Thane settled down to start on a long session going over his Physics notes. He found the subject thoroughly fascinating and looked forward to taking a more advanced class in the fall.

  Half an hour later, Brad burst back into the room followed by a stockier built Russian.

  “Leave me alone, Durov,” Thane protested, not in the mood for their games.

  The Russian picked him up and started physically dragging him towards the door. “You’re coming with me,” he insisted, unceremoniously shoving Thane out into the hallway.

  Thane straightened his clothes before turning to face him. “I have no interest in getting drunk tonight.”

  The Russian only laughed. “Trust me, comrade. I have something far more interesting in mind.”

  Thane looked at Brad. “Do you have any idea what he’s talking about?”

  Brad shrugged. “Not a clue, but if Durov’s involved, you can be sure trouble isn’t far behind. I’m game if you are.”

  “I will only offer this opportunity once, moy droog. After tonight, it will be closed to you forever,” Durov said. The Russian’s serious tone surprised Thane.

  “What kind of opportunity?”

  “A chance to visit a private club I frequent. It will change your life, but I warn you it is not for the faint of heart.”

  Thane had to admit he was interested. However, if he was expected to sacrifice a full night of study, he needed further details before agreeing.

  The Russian flatly refused. “Either you trust me or you do not.”

  Trust was not something Thane gave easily, but he admired the burly Russian. While the young man certainly enjoyed his vodka and women, he excelled as a student without devoting hours with his nose planted in books.

  “Why pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Your Physics notes aren’t going anywhere,” Brad encouraged with a winsome grin.

  Thane stared hard at Durov, glancing momentarily at the huge text book sitting on his desk beside his pile of notes. Thane couldn’t explain why, but he was suddenly overcome with a sense of exhilaration he hadn’t felt since he was a boy. “I have a feeling I will live to regret this…” he muttered.

  The Russian raised an eyebrow, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “If truly living for the first time in your life is a problem for you, then yes, moy droog, you will regret this night.”

  Brad slapped Thane on the back. “Here’s to having our minds expanded outside the realm of text books.”

  As the three were making their way out of the building, Thane suddenly stopped cold. “Your ‘private club’ wouldn’t happen to be some kind of drug den, would it?”

  Durov burst out in uproarious laughter, attracting the attention of passersby. “My drug of choice is naturally produced. Although it may be too harsh for the likes of you, peasant.”

  Thane laughed. “I’m not easily squeamish, although I can’t speak for my roommate here.”

  Brad punched Thane in the arm in protest. “If you’re calling me a sissy, I’ve got a bullwhip I’d like you to meet.”

  “It was actually your experience with the bullwhip that got you invited tonight,” Durov informed Brad.

  “Russian Cowboy Club, is it? Do you Ruskies ride steers for fun on the weekends?” Brad joked.

  “I ride something, yes, and it often grunts and squeals with pain,” Durov answered cryptically.

  Thane studied the Russian, coming to the realization he didn’t know Durov at all.

  Brad frowned and said to Thane. “I don’t know what kind of crazy shit you’re getting us into.”

  “Me? You’re the one who started this.”

  “Hey, Durov’s your friend, not mine.”

  “You will both thank me once the evening is over. Trust me,” Durov said in his thick Russian accent. Putting his arms around both of them, he added, “This is a solemn gift I give to you. Whether you choose to pursue it or not is up to you, but I guarantee you’ll be changed by what you experience tonight.” He grabbed their shoulders in a painful, vicelike grip before letting go—and laughed.

  Foolish or not, Thane was intrigued and willingly followed the Russian as he took them to the shadier part of town, guiding them down dark alleys until he came to a small abandoned warehouse. He knocked on the door three times in quick succession.

  Someone behind the door asked, “What’s the one truth?”

  To which Durov replied, “All is fair in passion and pain.”

  The door opened, and the man behind it gave Durov a curt nod before staring harshly at Thane and Brad.

  “These are my friends,” Durov informed him. “I spoke to the Dungeon Master about them coming to

  The man did not acknowledge his reply, but opened the door wider so the two could pass as he growled under his breath, intimidating them with his hostile glare.

  Durov seemed unconcerned about the man’s lack of hospitality. Instead, he explained as they walked down the hallway, “Tonight, you will only observe.” He added with a dangerous glint in his eye, “Keep your distance from the scenes.”

  Thane swore he heard a woman scream below him. “What the hell is going on, Durov? Are people being tortured in here?”

  The Russian met the question with a roguish smile. “What some consider torture, others consider ecstasy.”

  As they walked down a long flight of metal stairs, the woman let out another tormented scream, but Thane clearly heard her cry afterwards, “Please Master, more! More…”

  He put his hand out to stop Durov before the Russian opened the door. “I have an eerie feeling that I won’t be able to look at you in the same light after this.”

  “Da,” Durov agreed with a mischievous smirk. “Tonight you will both be required to address me as Rytsar.”

  “Isn’t that Russian for the word knight?” Thane stated, rather than asked. “You can’t be serious.”

  Durov’s expression became grave, as did the tenor of his voice. “I assure you, I am.”

  Brad bumped shoulders with Thane. “Knight, asshole, it’s all the same.” He gave Durov a quick bow. “So be it…Rytsar Durov.”

  They heard a commotion on the other side of the door with several men cheering loudly as a lone girl cried out in pain after an extremely loud snap.

  “What’s happening to her?” Thane demanded.

  “There is only one way to find out, moy droog.”

  The exhilaration Thane had felt earlier increased as he reached for the door handle.

  Rytsar slapped his shoulder hard, proudly stating, “Welcome to my world…” as the creaking door slowly swung open.

  “Rytsar!” a young woman shouted in greeting from deep within the room. The girl was bound naked on a pole set in the center of the large basement. It was obvious she was thrilled to see him, which seemed odd considering her body was covered in angry red marks as if she’d been brutalized.

  Durov left his friends as he confidently strode over to the young woman, grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling her head back to kiss her roughly.

  Brad and Thane remained rooted where they were, watching in stunned silence.

  The large warehouse basement was dank—cold brick and cement flooring made up the room, strange contraptions lined the walls, with heavy chains hanging from the ceiling. The space was populated by severe looking men dressed in black leather and a preponderance of naked girls.

  “What is this Duro—Rytsar?” Thane blurted, when the Russian returned to them.

  He gestured to the massive room. “It’s a BDSM dungeon, moy droog! Down here we fulfill our darkest fantasies with those who hunger for our brand of pain.”

  Thane watched in disbelief as a young woman was paraded into the room from another entrance, led by a leash by another female, and was ordered to strip in front of them.

  Durov took over once the girl was naked, barking a command and she obediently placed her wrists in metal cuffs above her, not objecting when he secured the locks and jerked the chain to tighten it.

  His tone became menacing as he muttered words in Russian while he circled the girl. The look of lust in her eyes was tainted with genuine fear. Thane understood he was about to witness something dark and perverted, and yet he could not turn away as his friend picked up an ominous looking multi-tailed whip and swung it in the air.

  Such a device had no business touching, much less striking the girl, and yet Rytsar laughed seductively as he began lashing her with it. Her cries filled the dark dungeon as he let loose on her back.

  The idea of purposely causing pain was a foreign concept to Thane, and it would have sickened him if it weren’t for the devoted look the girl gave him every time he paused between volleys. Even as Rytsar delivered his demanding strikes, the girl begged for more, shuddering and moaning in pleasure by the time he was finished.

  Thane never knew such sexual power was possible—delivering pleasure with pain.

  He glanced over at Brad and could see he was equally entranced by the concept. Rytsar released the girl from her bonds and gave her one last kiss before smacking her on the ass and ordering her to clean up.

  He came striding over to Thane, a self-assured look on his face. “What do you think, moy droog?”

  “I’m not quite sure what to thin—”

  A woman’s scream of pure terror interrupted his answer. Thane immediately turned to see a girl bound spread-eagle on a wooden table. The man attending her began whipping her pubic area.

  Rytsar glanced her way and said dismissively, “The girl was being grossly disobedient and must pay the price for her willfulness.”

  When Thane moved to intervene, Rytsar stopped him short. “It is not your place.”

  “But he’s hurting her!”

  “Hurting her yes, but not harming her, comrade. There is a difference.”

  Brad growled in irritation. “I’m with Thane on this one. As witnesses to blatant abuse, we are required to stop it.”

  “Each girl here comes of her own accord, knowing full well what will happen. There is no need to feel sympathy for them. This is what they live for.”

  Thane shook his head as he watched welts rise on the girl’s thighs. “Well, it looks harmful to me.”

  “It’s consensual play between two adults, and is none of your business, moy droog,” Rytsar asserted. “The girl has a safeword. Unless she calls it, he has her permission to punish her.”

  “It’s not right…” Brad said, sighing heavily.

  Rytsar grinned, shaking his head. “But it feels so right. I have played with submissives since my father first introduced me to BDSM when I was fifteen. I guarantee you, I understand women far better than either of you.”

  “And they like this stuff?” Brad asked incredulously.

  Rytsar grinned. “Yes, they can’t get enough of it. Imagine a girl laying down her will, allowing you to do whatever you wish to her body…”

  “Well,” Brad replied in a sarcastic tone, “if I had my way, I wouldn’t be beating the girl unless it was with my substantial cock.”

  The Russian raised his eyebrow. “Think about it. Isn’t there a part of you that would like to lick her body with your bullwhip, and watch her squirm in pleasure?”

  Brad glanced around the room, staring at the girls in various states of arousal, a new appreciation dawning in his eyes as he considered Rytsar’s words.

  Durov put his arm around Thane. “The power exchange between two souls is intoxicating, moy droog. It is like a drug—nothing compares.”

  “I couldn’t whip a girl,” Thane declared.

  “Did I not say you could do whatever you wished with them? You are full of tension—I can see it in your face—and it’s holding you back in your studies. The best way to break your stress is to release it on a willing partner. Trust me.”

  Thane smirked. “Is that how you maintain your high grades?”

  “Da, I am stress-free thanks to the devotion of my subs, and I can think straight because of it—unlike you.”

  The girl from earlier had been untied and walked over with her eyes focused on the ground as she bowed at Durov’s feet. “How may I serve you, Rytsar?”

  Durov looked at Thane and grinned. “This is a virgin Dom. Introduce him to our world.”

  The girl didn’t miss a beat, looking up at Durov and answering confidently, “Yes, Rytsar. It would be my pleasure.”

  She turned to Thane and bowed to him. “What would you ask of me?”

  Thane took a deep breath. Although he was certain Rytsar had other ideas in mind, he took the girl’s hand and helped her to her feet. “I would like to speak with you.”

  The submissive cocked her head to one side in s
urprise, but answered, “Certainly, sir.”

  Thane smiled in response to Durov’s shocked expression. “I’d like to know the submissive’s perspective in such a power exchange.”

  Durov shook his head. “A gift wasted…”

  Brad winked at the girl as she passed. “If you’re looking for something more, darlin’, come see me afterwards. I’m a virgin, too.”

  The submissive couldn’t hide her smile and quickly looked back down at her feet as Thane guided her to a quiet area in the corner. He spent the next hour talking to her. He found it fascinating the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her various submissive experiences. It was equally surprising to learn that focused communication was an integral aspect of the exchange prior to beginning a scene.

  After his experience with his own mother, whom he referred to as only the Beast, Thane had doubted he could ever have a relationship with a woman. But this…this was a profound exchange between a Dominant and submissive, built on a foundation of respect and trust. Emotional commitment was not a required element.

  According to the girl, some of her most memorable experiences had been with Dominants she’d not been collared by—including Rytsar Durov.

  The idea was a foreign concept to Thane, but it gave him hope and direction. Relieving his sexual needs without entangling himself in unwanted relationships or having to resort to prostitutes was the perfect solution.

  Better yet, he would have control over their pleasure, which he planned to explore extensively.

  “Do you mind if I touch your marks?” he asked her.

  “Please, Master.”

  “I’d prefer it if you call me sir.”

  The girl blushed. “Yes, Sir.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “I am called glee.”

  Thane smiled, liking the name. He reached out and lightly caressed the angry red marks on her skin. “These wounds, how long do they last, glee?”

  She shuddered under his gentle caress and looked at him with what appeared to be growing fondness. “It depends, but each one is cherished by me.”

  “Why?” he questioned as he circled the outline of one with his finger.


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