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Crave: The Nora Heat Collection

Page 6

by Shanora Williams

  She let out a sharp whimper and I finally started to thrust, bringing her higher. Before I knew it, she was squealing—fucking squealing—as she stilled and came all over me.

  “Shit—Jude!” she cried, and watching her come like that—her body bucking with each slow, steady thrust of my cock, left me no choice but to empty myself inside her again.

  This girl was going to be filthy—filled with my cum—and I didn’t even care. She was mine—her pussy, mine—and there wasn’t a motherfucker on earth that was going to have her again.



  Nightfall had come and after taking a shower and tying my hair up into a loose bun, Jude helped me zip my dress up.

  He turned me around to face him before I could go for my heels by the door. “This upcoming weekend,” he started, his eyes a little more serious. “I want you to come to the gala.”

  “You mean the gala where your entire family and Michaela will be?” I scoffed, pulling away gently and going for my heels. “Yeah, I was thinking about that. After what I heard, I think I should pass this year.”

  I was flattered he’d asked me to come again, but it was going to be tough pretending we had nothing going on this time around. At least last year, we were only fantasizing about screwing each other. Now that we actually were, it was going to be a little trickier to keep our hands to ourselves or get through the night without anyone noticing how intimate we actually were.

  “I’m not even taking her as my date, Jenna,” he stated.

  I looked up after putting one of my heels on. “But she wants you to take her.”

  He shrugged. “Doesn’t mean I have to or that I will.”

  “So, you’re really going to go single again?” I asked, shoving a hand on my waist.

  “No. We’re going together,” he said with a small smile. “You and I.”

  “Together?” I frowned as I slid into my other heel. “How? I mean—I’m flattered, but they’d never accept that, Jude.”

  “You’re my secretary, Jenna. You’ll be coming as just that—my secretary, just like you did last year. There will be people I need to connect with there. My family will think you’re there to assist me.”

  “And Michaela?” I inquired, cocking a brow.

  He walked my way, his sweat pants sitting low on his hips. My eyes fell to the cuts in his abdomen, venturing over the happy trail that I knew led to a grand package.

  “Michaela can fuck off,” he mumbled. I laughed. I had no idea why that statement caused me so much delight.

  “You know how she is. She’s just—ugh.” I exhaled. “She could see us walking in together and then she’ll be all over you and I hate watching it, Jude. I hate knowing that she has the upper hand.”

  He studied my face. “Do you really think she has the upper hand, babe?” He gripped my shoulders and squeezed them lightly. “I don’t book hotels every week to spend them with Michaela. I’m with you. My time with her is…forced and ridiculous. My time with you is…desired and enjoyable.”

  I rolled my eyes but smiled a little. “Why can’t you just tell them that you don’t want to marry her?”

  He pulled his hands away, creating an absence that I wasn’t exactly comfortable with. He made his way to the wide window, staring ahead at the beach. The waves were a little rougher now, the wind blowing strong. It was a little darker out. The sun had mostly set. Much like the mood.

  “Jude?” I called, taking a slight step forward.

  Shoving his fingers through his hair, he let out an exasperated sigh. “My family isn’t that understanding, Jenna. You know that. You’ve met them.” Yeah, I had met them several times and they were not pleasant people—well more so his mother and sister, Janelle, than his father. They had Jude on this pedestal and expected nothing but greatness from him. He was the main breadwinner now since his dad had retired after a car accident that caused him to break his hip, so all the pressure was on him.

  Fortunately, Jude was a great businessman. He knew the ins and outs and the ups and downs. His only flaw? He loved sex and women. He was a playboy and sometimes an arrogant jackass, which is why it surprised me he was religiously meeting me on Sundays.

  A part of me wanted to believe that he just liked being around me—that I was his escape from everyday life and even his family. But I knew the truth.

  Sex. It was just sex.

  “You don’t know this, but we weren’t born into this industry,” he continued. “My father hardly had two pennies to rub together before he finally got Clement Architecture up and running. My mother was a waitress for a midnight diner. We were dirt poor before getting to this level, so I can understand their demands. They don’t want to see it fall. They will do anything to keep this business afloat—to keep me on top and have it running. Unfortunately, that means arranged marriages to daughters of wealthy men, just to meet the quota for the next ten years. That means having a child with said wealthy daughter, just to continue the Clement legacy.”

  The mention of a child made my chest cave in. “A child?” I whispered, but my voice cracked, betraying me.

  Jude glanced over his shoulder. “I’m working on something so that marrying her is no longer a requirement.”

  “But even if you don’t marry her, they’ll never accept you being with anyone else, Jude,” I murmured.

  He turned to face me. “They can’t tell me who to be around, Jenna. They can nag and demand, but they don’t own me. At the end of the day, I’m the one signing the contracts and walking into that office every single morning to keep the business up and running while they run around spending money and pretending they’re still a part of what I do. I appreciate what they’ve done and all they’ve sacrificed, but I’m a grown man. Until I can reach a position where my family feels secure and like they don’t have to rely on me marrying Michaela, this is how it has to be between us.”

  “Hiding. Lying. Sneaking around,” I said, trying to keep my bottom lip from trembling.

  “I don’t want it to be this way, Jenna,” he said softly, meeting up to me. “Trust me, I don’t. I want to take you places. I want to go on dumb dates at cheap bars and drink cheap tequila like what you experienced Friday. I’m working something out. I swear.”

  “See, that’s where I’m confused. All of what you say you want to do is so misleading. You say not to take this seriously, but then you say things like that. Taking me on dates. Spending more time with me. You want to do all of that, but you say I shouldn’t expect more from you. It’s confusing, Jude.”

  He groaned and turned his back to me, like he knew he couldn’t win that debate.

  “If you want to do all of that with me, why won’t you kiss me?” I asked, leaning into him. “I know you feel more for me, Jude. I know this isn’t just about sex anymore. We have a connection, a strong one. I feel it every time I’m with you.”

  He turned around again and watched my mouth.

  He held my shoulders. “My mother always taught me to only kiss a woman I know I love. To kiss when it feels right.”

  “Right,” I mumbled. “And you don’t love me. You’ll never love me—or any woman for that matter because you’re Jude Clement.” I jerked away, going for my jacket and bag.

  “Jenna, what have I told you?” He caught my arm before I could slide the strap of my purse over my shoulder. “When this started, you said you wouldn’t get upset about the kissing—that you understood and weren’t expecting anything more from me. I feel like I’m in fucking middle school having to constantly break this down to you.”

  “I know what I said, that’s why I’m leaving, so I don’t sit around here like some mope, expecting my boss to kiss me.” I peeled his hand away and slid the strap of my bag over my shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Clement.”

  He called my name but I was out of the door before he could come after me again. I wasn’t going to let him use his body to dig himself out of this one.

  When I got in my car, I couldn’t figh
t the dread that filled my veins. Carrie was so right about me. About this whole arrangement. It wasn’t just for fun anymore. It’d become much more.

  Having to pull away was going to kill me, but I knew if this was all that I was getting out of it—leaving the hotel feeling like I hadn’t gotten enough of his heart and soul—then it was best to rip the Band-Aid right off and end it.

  I couldn’t sit around and wait for him to break my heart. That’s what was going to happen if I didn’t terminate this before he did.



  It shocked me to find out that Jude wasn’t coming in to work the next morning. My heart was racing on the way there, anxious to know if he had more to say, but then I reached my desk and found an email from him, and my racing heart had settled a bit.

  Subject: Meeting

  I flew back to Santa Ana for another meeting. Please make sure the files and presentations for Fox are organized for tomorrow morning. You may work at home today if you’d like.

  Judas Clement

  C.E.O of Clement Architecture

  I sighed, and took him up on the offer of working at home. Without him in the office it was just too boring.

  While I packed up, I wondered if he’d skipped Monday on purpose. After walking out on him, I felt bad about it when I got home, but I didn’t regret it. I was upset, and had thought a little too much about the future.

  Instead of thinking about the now, and how much I was enjoying my time with him, I was thinking ahead to a place and time we hadn’t even reached yet.

  I enjoyed my time with Jude.

  I liked the way he looked at me, and how he took good care of my body, doing things to me that no other man had ever done to me before.

  Why couldn’t I just accept what was going for us right now, and think about the consequences later? Being invested in a man like Judas Clement wasn’t such a bad thing…was it?

  I got home a little before 7:00 p.m. that same night and the house was quiet. Carrie was most likely working, but she’d made dinner for me, something I loved so much about her. Sometimes I’d skip dinner and just eat a piece of fruit if I had too much work to do. She knew this and couldn’t stand it, so she’d whip something up so I couldn’t make an excuse about not eating.

  I worked at a messy dinner table, covered in papers, prints, and an empty bowl of spaghetti, for several hours, until my phone rang. I wasn’t expecting the name that showed up on the screen. To be frank, I hadn’t thought much about him since Friday night.

  I answered the phone and put on a chipper tone. “Hi, Tyler,” I chimed.

  “Hey, Jenna. What’s up? Haven’t heard from you since yesterday. Everything okay?”

  “Mmm-hmm, yeah. Everything is fine. I’ve just been a little busy with work. I have a huge project to organize for my boss so I’ve had my hands full.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, maybe you can take a break for an hour and catch something to eat with me?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip, sitting down in my chair. I couldn’t do it, and I honestly didn’t want to. I figured maybe if I rejected his offers, eventually he would just stop asking and maybe even stop calling. But I wasn’t that person.

  I hated confrontation.

  “I wish, but I really have to finish this. This thing is due tomorrow morning and my boss will kill me if something isn’t right.”

  “He sounds strict,” he said.

  “He can be.” I bit a smile, just thinking about how strict he could get with me.

  “Okay, well, if you want to take a break, just call me. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing for you.”

  I laughed. “Thanks, Tyler. Talk to you soon, okay?”


  He had more to say but I ended the call before he could get the chance. I couldn’t do this to him. He was such a nice guy, but he wasn’t Jude.

  Before I could place my phone down and get back to work, a chiming came from my computer. An email.

  Subject: Need to know

  You didn’t respond to the email earlier. Just want to know you’re okay. I don’t want you to be upset, Jenna. You know the rules.

  Judas Clement

  C.E.O of Clement Architecture

  Sighing, I straightened my back and responded to his email.

  Subject: Re: Need to know

  Mr. Clement, I’m fine. I got a little carried away with my feelings last night but I’m better now, and I’m not angry with you. Yes, I know the rules and I’ll stick to following them from now on.

  Jenna Taylor

  Executive Secretary of Clement Architecture

  I waited several minutes before getting his response.

  Subject: Re: Re: Need to know

  Well, if you’re not angry, attend the gala with me. As my secretary and as my date…but only we will know that last part.

  Judas Clement

  C.E.O of Clement Architecture

  I laughed softly and shook my head, responding immediately.

  Subject: Re: Re: Re: Need to know

  I probably won’t attend the gala, Mr. Clement. I don’t even have a dress for the occasion. I can’t just go out and buy a Dior or Versace dress to show off like you and your family can.

  Jenna Taylor

  Executive Secretary of Clement Architecture

  Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Need to know

  If you had the choice to pick, which would you prefer? Dior or Versace?

  Judas Clement

  C.E.O of Clement Architecture

  I debated for a bit.

  Subject: Re. Re: Re: Re: Re: Need to know

  Probably Dior.

  Jenna Taylor

  Executive Assistant of Clement Architecture

  Subject: Re. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Need to know

  Don’t make any plans after work tomorrow. I’ll have you flown to San Francisco, where you can pick your favorite Dior dress and be fitted for it. Now you have no choice but to attend the gala with me.

  Judas Clement

  C.E.O of Clement Architecture


  Was he serious? Did he really want me to go so badly that he’d buy me a thousand-dollar dress just to be sure I showed up? I scoffed, but couldn’t stop beaming. How was any woman supposed to pass up the opportunity to be fitted in a one-of-a-kind designer dress?

  Subject: Re. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Need to know

  You are out of your mind, Mr. Clement…but I’ll be sure all plans are cancelled for tomorrow afternoon.

  Jenna Taylor

  Executive Assistant of Clement Architecture

  I smiled and shut my laptop, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. This push and pull was becoming a dangerous game and I knew it, yet I was sinking into the clutches of this budding romance like quicksand.



  The week passed by rather quickly.

  After nailing the presentation for Fox on Tuesday and landing another five-million-dollar deal, the week breezed by and before I knew it, it was Saturday morning, the day of the Christmas gala.

  My mother had been calling constantly, asking when I’d be arriving. She knew Jenna was flying in with me on the jet. What she didn’t know was that my secretary would also be staying in my hotel room.

  The rooms were connected, but still. She was going to be right next me. Close, so I could have her anytime I wanted.

  When the jet was about to land, Jenna sucked in a sharp breath. “Seeing your family is always so nerve-wracking,” she confessed.

  I couldn’t blame her on that one. My family—my mother and older sister especially—stressed me out way too much. But the gala was this weekend, which meant all of my time wasn’t going to have to be spent around them. The good thing about the galas was that my family occupied themselves with the guests and paid less attention to me.

  They started their famous Clement Christmas Gala five years ago, after my father had retired and recovered from his hip injury. It was a good way to continue business and to
let our clients know that we were good people, I suppose. In my opinion, it was how we kept them under our wing and how we obtained future clients.

  “Are you sure about the attached rooms? What if one of them follows you to the hotel or shows up or something?” Jenna asked, her eyes wide.

  “They won’t, Jenna. They never have before and they won’t start now. You’re worrying too much,” I laughed. “Seriously, once my parents start drinking and dancing, they’ll be worn out by the end of the night and headed home. Same goes for Janelle.”

  “And Michaela?” she demanded. “She’ll be following you. She’ll want to come back with you…because you’ve had sex with her before, too.”

  “It’s been months since the last time I did anything with her, Jenna. I haven’t touched her since we started this. It’s easy for me to make an excuse to not be around her.”

  She rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. “If she tries to flirt with you or touch you around me, I’ll leave, Jude. I’m just…I’m not up for the competition. You say I have the upper hand, but that’s only behind closed doors. In public, she has the upper hand, and she knows it and she’ll use that. I’ve always gotten the feeling that she doesn’t like me, that she knows I’m interested in you.”

  “Jenna, babe. Seriously, stop.” I wanted to wrap my arm around her, tell her it was going to be okay. If we hadn’t been instructed to strap in, I would have.

  It was going to be okay. Michaela didn’t own me. I had no idea where Jenna got the idea that I couldn’t do shit without having Michaela on my back.

  She overheard one conversation and thought she knew everything about the situation, but she didn’t even know the half of it.


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