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Love Unscripted

Page 13

by Emma Collins

  Laura finished her drink, running her hands down her black dress as she stood up. “I better go check on Amanda. She said she’d behave herself, but I really don’t trust her.”

  Riley stood, her heart pounding in her chest. As soon as they went back to the party, they’d both have people to talk to. They’d hardly be alone like this again. Riley licked her lips, trying to find something to say to keep Laura here for another few minutes.

  “I’m sure I’ll see you down there,” Laura said with half a smile before she turned to leave, but Riley’s hand flew out to catch Laura’s.

  Riley didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t have a plan. She just knew that she couldn’t let Laura go again without letting her know how she felt. She didn’t know what to say either now that she had her attention, but Riley took a step forward as she gently pulled Laura closer, her free hand brushing away a lock of Laura’s hair away from her eyes.

  This could backfire spectacularly, but she had to do it. Riley’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in, her fingers intertwined with Laura’s as she pressed her lips against hers. She had no idea what kind of response she’d get, so Riley’s kiss was shy almost, her lips barely brushing across Laura’s, her other hand gently resting on Laura’s hip as she waited for a reaction.

  Laura’s lips parted, deepening the kiss, and Riley matched her intensity, her tongue seeking out Laura’s. Riley forgot about the party downstairs. She had Laura, for the moment anyway, and Riley let everything else fall away. She lost herself in the kiss, a soft moan escaping her lips as Laura’s hand slid around her back, finding the cut out in her dress. Laura’s fingers grazed across her bare skin, sending a chill through Riley’s body.

  Laura broke the kiss, her lips sliding into a smile as she met Riley’s eyes. “I’ve been thinking about that for the last year.”


  Laura nodded, her smile even wider now. “I have... What about you? Was that a spur of the moment thing or...?”

  “It was, but I’ve been wondering where the last year has gone, and how exactly we’ve ended up here... As friends? Or whatever it is that we are... I’m crazy about you, Laura... I just wish that I’d said it sooner.”

  Laura shook her head slightly as she leaned in, and Riley could feel her smiling against her lips as she kissed her again, slower this time. Riley’s hand moved to Laura’s hip, steadying herself while she cupped Laura’s cheek, her tongue gliding across Laura’s.

  Riley would have given anything to have been anywhere but at this after party. She couldn’t just leave, and Laura had Amanda with her. What little self-control she had was slipping away. She wanted to back Laura up against the wall behind them and-

  “There you are.”

  They both turned, and there was Amanda, staring at them, one hand covering her mouth.

  “Oh shit,” she said. “Uh... Carry on,” she said as she turned to leave.

  “Amanda, wait,” Laura said, motioning her friend away from the door.

  Riley took a deep breath. With the way they’d been standing, Laura had been shielding Riley. Amanda wouldn’t have seen that they were kissing, until they’d turned anyway. Then it would have been obvious. Riley’s hand had been on Laura’s hip. Her cheeks would have been flushed.

  “I’m so sorry,” Amanda said as she got closer.

  “Amanda, this is Riley. Riley, this is Amanda.”

  Riley reached out to shake her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too... I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Riley said with a smile. “We were just talking about heading downstairs.”

  “Yes,” Laura agreed. “We were.”

  “You might want to uh,” Amanda started. “Fix your makeup.”

  Riley’s cheeks burned again. “There’s restrooms up here.”

  “We’ll meet you downstairs,” Laura added, and it looked like Amanda was suppressing a smile as she left.

  When Amanda was gone, Laura reached for her hand, leading them to the restrooms on the other side of the rooftop.

  “She wasn’t kidding,” Riley said as she followed Laura inside and checked her reflection. She set her black clutch on the white marble counter, ready to find her lipstick and reapply, but Laura’s hands found hers instead, interlacing their fingers.

  “I can’t go back downstairs just yet,” Laura said in just above a whisper as her lips inched closer.

  “Oh?” Riley asked, feigning curiosity. “Why not?”

  “Well... You had just told me that you were crazy about me, and I never got the chance to respond.”

  “You kissed me instead,” Riley whispered, her eyes flickering down to Laura’s lips.

  “Hmm hmm,” Laura agreed. “I did... But for the record, I’m crazy about you too.”

  Riley didn’t know what to say. She swallowed as she closed the gap between them, knowing there’d be time for words later. Right now, she needed Laura. She slid her hand out of Laura’s, cupping her neck as she parted her lips against Laura’s.

  Laura turned her, backing Riley up against the counter as they continued to kiss. Riley moaned as Laura’s tongue danced with her own. Kissing Laura was unlike anything Riley had ever experienced. She might have had a crush on Julie McCoy but kissing her couldn’t even compare to this.

  Laura pulled away, her thumb grazing Riley’s lower lip. “We should probably get back to the party though.”

  “I know,” Riley breathed. “How long are you in L.A. for?”

  “Just a few days... Amanda has a whole itinerary done up. She rarely gets away from the horses, so I think she’s trying to make the most of this.”

  “Okay,” Riley said, hearing the disappointment in her own voice.

  “There’s always the promo tour, but I’m only doing New York... Maybe we can meet up then?”

  “You agreed to do promo?”

  Laura nodded. “Just to spend some time with Julie McCoy,” she said with a smirk.

  “I could have introduced you months ago.”

  “I know... And I should have gone out to see you on set, but I don’t know... I didn’t want to fall for you and seeing you again... I didn’t trust myself. I did have to cover for Amanda, but I could have found someone else. I was too afraid though... I thought it was for the best not to see you again, in any capacity.”

  “Yet, here we are.”

  “Here we are,” Laura said. “Finally talking.”

  “I’ll call you,” Riley said before she kissed Laura one last time.

  “We’ll figure this out... After all this movie stuff is over... If you want to, that is...”

  “I’d like that.”

  Riley brushed a lock of Laura’s hair away from her eyes. She’d tried to keep her expectations for tonight low. Talking to Laura had been the goal, but she’d gotten lucky. Laura had just appeared, right when Riley was about to head back to the party.

  “Okay,” Laura said, moving to stand in front of the mirror as she touched up her makeup. “How do I look?” she asked, turning to face Riley.

  Riley took her time, letting her eyes wander over her. “Stunning,” she said. “Absolutely stunning.”

  Chapter 37

  “Okay,” the makeup artist said from behind Laura as they both looked into the mirror. “You’re all set,” she said, brushing one last bit of powder onto her cheek.

  “Thanks,” Laura said, pushing herself out of the chair. She could get used to this. Two weeks ago, she was having someone else take care of her hair and makeup in Los Angeles, and here she was again, in New York City this time, having the morning show’s team get her camera ready.

  “Laura Foley...”

  She turned to see a man in his twenties standing in the doorway, a headset on and a clipboard in his hand.

  “We’re ready for you on set. We’ll be going live in just a few minutes.”

  “Okay,” Laura said, taking a deep breath as she left the room, wiping her moist palms down the sides of her white pant

  This was beyond any sort of publicity Laura had done before. Going live on national television while sitting beside Riley and Julie McCoy was nerve racking enough, but she hadn’t seen Riley since the movie premier two weeks ago. They were planning on spending the evening together. They’d be together for most of the day, but it was all work related: two TV shows, four radio interviews, and two hours of media with online publications.

  Laura followed the man down the hall and out onto the set where the familiar faces of the morning show hosts chatted with another guest on the beige wrap around sofa. She stood beside him, not sure where to go, and then Riley and Julie McCoy entered the studio. A flurry of activity erupted on set as they went to a commercial break.

  “Ladies,” one of the producers said to the three of them. “You’re up next. Have a seat on the sofa. Make yourselves comfortable.”

  Laura gave Riley a smile. “Hey...” She looked amazing in black skinny pants and a gray blouse. Her blond hair was styled in loose waves, cascading over her shoulders.

  Julie McCoy cleared her throat, and Laura turned to greet her too. “Laura Foley,” she said, extending her hand. “It’s lovely to finally meet you. I’m a big fan.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too,” Julie said as she shook her hand. “Thank you for putting your work out there... I hope you’re as happy with the final product as the rest of us are.”

  “I am,” Laura said, and she genuinely was.

  She’d been so caught up in the moment, in the attraction and her feelings for Riley that she hadn’t even said it when they’d met at the after party. The movie was something that they should all be proud of. It was beautifully done, and a lot of it was down to Riley’s adaptation. Laura wished she’d said something to her, but she’d probably get asked about it now.

  “After you,” Riley said, motioning for Laura to lead the way onto the raised set.

  Riley sat down beside her after they’d greeted the hosts, and Julie took the far side of the sofa. Laura reached for the glass of water on the coffee table in front of her, knowing they were going live in just a few seconds. She took a long drink, hoping her nerves would ease once the interview started. The lights were bright and hot, but she knew this would be over in just a matter of minutes.

  “Welcome back,” one of the women said, smiling into the camera. “Now, we’re joined by actresses Riley Hill and Julie McCoy, along with the author of the original book, Chasing Time, Laura Foley. They’re here to talk about the release of their movie of the same title. Ladies, welcome. Riley, Julie... You’re regulars here, but Laura Foley this is your first time on the show. What’s it like seeing your story brought to life like this?”

  Laura crossed one leg over the other, her thigh grazing Riley’s as she did. She didn’t think they’d come to her first.

  “It’s something I never thought I’d see,” Laura said. “Riley did an amazing job writing the adaptation. It’s all about representation really. It’s amazing to have so many LGBTQ characters on our screens, both in movies and on TV... I’m very proud of what this team has put together.”

  “What about you, Riley?” the middle-aged man in the middle of the two female hosts said. “Writing this screenplay and then acting in the movie... This was a big project for you.”

  “It was,” Riley said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “But I was so passionate about it. Right from the start really. I’d been a fan of Laura’s work for a while, and I just had this crazy idea of trying to turn Chasing Time into a movie.”

  “You must have been shocked to get that phone call, Laura,” the other woman said.

  “I didn’t get a phone call. Riley actually tracked me down and came to ask me in person.”


  Laura nodded. “She was very persuasive.”

  “Julie, what did you think when you were approached about this project?”

  “I was thrilled to have been asked. I have to agree with Laura. It really is all about representation, and I jumped at the opportunity to be in this movie. I’d never worked with Riley before, but I’d heard nothing but good things. It was an easy decision for me.”

  “Now, ladies... I have to ask,” the woman on the left started. “There’s been rumors of romance since the start of this project, and Riley... You’re at the center of them. Of course, you came out recently. Is there any truth to these rumors?”

  Riley laughed warmly at that question, and Laura’s heart pounded in her chest. She had no idea what Riley was going to say, and she didn’t know what she wanted to hear. Would she deny it? Would she admit it? They still hadn’t said what this was. That’s what they were going to find out tonight.

  “First of all, Julie was a dream to work with,” Riley said, leaning forward to share a smile with the actress. “She’s one of the best in this business and an absolute professional.”

  “Riley was amazing,” Julie chimed in. “But there’s no truth to those rumors. We’re colleagues, friends... Nothing more though. Sorry!”

  “And Laura? What about you?” the presenter on the left asked, her eyes glinting as she tried to unearth some gossip. “Are you and Riley together?”

  Laura swallowed. She did not think this was going to come up today. They should be talking about the movie, not their love lives. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. She didn’t want to deny it in case she offended Riley, but she couldn’t just reveal their... Their what? They weren’t even together. Not yet anyway.

  Laura glanced down when she felt Riley’s hand cover hers. Riley gave it a gentle squeeze before she spoke.

  “Honestly,” Riley started. “I don’t know what’s in our future, but we’ve become close since this project started. Laura’s book is so emotional. I had to know where she was coming from if I was going to write a screenplay worthy of her story, so we’ve gotten to know one another through that process. I can’t even explain how proud I am of this movie. I hope you all go out and see it,” she finished with a smile.

  “I’m sure they will,” the male host said. “Riley Hill, Julie McCoy, and Laura Foley, thank you for joining us this morning. Chasing Time is in theaters nationwide on Friday. See you after the break.”

  “Thank you,” Laura whispered to Riley as they left the set.

  “No problem. I wish people could forget about that photo and focus on the movie... Not that I want to forget about that kiss,” Riley added in a rush. “Are we still on for tonight?”

  “Yes. If you still want to?”

  “Of course... I wish we could skip all these interviews and just get out of here.”

  “I know,” Laura said with a half-smile. At least she wasn’t the only one.

  Chapter 38

  Riley jumped when she heard a knock on her door even though she knew who it was. She closed the gray curtains that matched the rest of her hotel room, blocking out the city’s lights. She padded barefoot on the carpet, pausing at the mirror inside the door to check her reflection. Her makeup from early this morning was still holding up although she’d gotten changed into jeans and a white button-down blouse. The loose curls that she’d had in her hair had nearly fallen out, leaving it slightly wavy.

  She took a deep breath as she pulled the door open.

  “Hi,” Laura said as she smiled, and Riley almost forgot to answer her. Laura looked amazing in jeans and a white top with a black blazer over it. Her hair was styled the same way it had been this morning, parted to the side and flowing across her shoulders.

  “Come in,” Riley said as she held the door open for her.

  “I brought a bottle of whiskey... I wasn’t sure what the plans were.”

  “Thanks. I know. I’m sorry. I know we should be enjoying being in New York City, but I guess I kind of panicked about being out in public and being spotted, especially after all the interviews today,” Riley said.

  The door clicked shut behind them as Riley added a few ice cubes to each of the glasses that were sitting on the de
sk, and Laura opened the bottle of whiskey, standing beside her as she poured a generous amount into each.

  “Whatever you want to do is fine with me,” Laura said, clinking her glass off Riley’s. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” Riley said before she took a drink. She licked her lips as she tried to suppress a smile.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just thinking how nervous you were this morning... Doing the TV interviews especially.”

  Laura’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not used to doing anything like that.”

  “No. Sorry. That’s not why I was smiling... I was wondering how I could be so calm for a live TV interview, yet here... In my own hotel room, I’m the most nervous I’ve been today.”


  Riley swallowed. She wasn’t sure how much she should admit to. “That’s just what seems to happen when I’m around you.”

  “Ah,” Laura said, taking another sip of the amber colored liquid, the ice cubes knocking against the glass as she set it down on the desk. “Although I wouldn’t have thought you were nervous before... When I came to visit you... Or before that even, when you approached me at the coffee shop.”

  “I was... But it was different then. When I introduced myself, I was nervous about trying to convince you to let me work with your story. When you came to the house for those few days... I don’t know. I was falling for you... But nothing happened. And then when it did... We were interrupted that morning. We never talked...”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I’m not sure where we go from here... I don’t know what you want.”

  “Right now,” Laura said as she took a step closer. “I just want to kiss you... With no interruptions,” she whispered as she leaned in, and Riley blindly left her glass down as their lips met.

  Riley sighed into the kiss, her body tingling with desire as Laura’s lips brushed across hers. She parted her lips, finding Laura’s tongue, awakening a fresh wave of goosebumps across her skin. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of kissing Laura. Riley loved the way her hand slid around her waist, resting at the small of her back before sliding up to her shoulder blades.


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