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Blood, Lust and Love

Page 1

by Sheri Velarde

  Blood, Lust and Love

  A Collection of Vampire Stories

  By Sheri Velarde

  © 2016

  Blood, Lust and Love © 2016 Sheri Velarde

  Under a Ring of Fire

  Curse of the Blood

  Alone No More

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This book would not have been possible without the following people.

  Original Editors:

  Under a Ring of Fire: Sue Toth

  Curse of the Blood: Sue Toth

  Alone No More: Leona Bushman

  Collection Editors: Sheri Velarde-Stoker

  William Stoker

  Cover Artist: Sheri Velarde-Stoker

  Proofreader: Charlotte Isaac

  Stoker Publishing


  As always I want to thank my loving husband William for all of his support.

  Thank you to all of my author friends who help me continue to grow and write.

  A special thank you to my friend Kelly B. who was the first to read Under a Ring of Fire and Alone No More. She encouraged me to originally submit them for publication and they were my first stories to be published. Thanks Kelly!

  And last but certainly not least, thank you to all the readers in the world. This would not be possible without you.

  Table of Contents:

  Under a Ring of Fire Page 5

  Curse of the Blood Page 21

  Alone No More Page 35

  Under a Ring of Fire

  By: Sheri Velarde

  Jackie couldn’t believe how busy the hotel was just because of a solar eclipse. She had never seen so many diverse people from so many countries gathering all at once and visiting New Mexico of all places. Add to that, so many of her foreign guests seemed to be beautiful and mesmerizing. She and her staff were constantly having to shake themselves out of a stupor when staring at yet another gorgeous visitor checking into the hotel. Looking over their books, Jackie was thrilled to see that they were booked to capacity, which meant she might even get a bonus, a rarity in this economy. Lord knew she could use the money, medical bills were piling up and she knew that before long she would not be able to keep her health a secret, and not being able to work would soon follow.

  Jackie became so lost in self-pity when she was jolted back to reality by the most gorgeous man she had ever seen ringing the bell to check in. He was so scrumptious that she just stared like a moron. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts enough to say her automatic greeting. “Good evening sir. Welcome to the Sandia Hotel, New Mexico’s finest resort and hotel. Do you have a reservations?”

  “Yes, I called ahead to make sure that a late check-in would be alright. It is under Barrett, Francois Barrett.” He reached in and handed her his credit card, letting his fingers briefly caress her own as he did, sending shivers down her body and bringing a flush to her cheeks. The minor touch also seemed to affect Mr. Barrett, as his eyes dilated ever so slightly and he seemed to be burrowing into Jackie with his gaze.

  It took Jackie a moment to stop ogling the man in front of her before she could do her job. She had never seen a better looking man. He looked like a male model but even yummier. Curly dark brown hair hung to his collar, deep chocolate eyes that seemed to penetrate Jackie to her soul, tall, lean and toned body, and wonderfully full lips that Jackie immediately imagined kissing, not to mention the French accent. Sexy as hell this man was.

  Shaking herself back to reality, she said, “Yes, Mr. Barrett, your late check-in has been all arranged. Are you here for the eclipse like so many of our other foreign guests?” She asked as she quickly worked, taking peaks at her alluring guest from beneath her eyelashes.

  “Please, call me Francois.” He looked at Jackie’s nametag. “And I shall call you Jackie. Agreed? Yes, I am here for the eclipse, the sun fascinates me.”

  Jackie finished up and handed Francois his card back and once again the slightest touch of his skin seemed to set her entire being on fire. “Sounds wonderful, Francois. You have our last suite. We are booked solid for the eclipse, we’ve never been this busy. I never thought that we would get so many international guests for something that lasts just a little over an hour.”

  Francois smiled, leaning over the counter towards Jackie. “But Albuquerque is the best place for viewing this solar event. It brings the curious, such as myself. Aren’t you interested in the eclipse yourself?”

  Jackie smiled back, wanting to keep the conversation going. “But what is so interesting that you would fly all the way from France to see such a thing? I might take a peak from my roof, but I guess I just don’t see what all the fuss is about.” She shrugged.

  “I, as well as many others who have come I suspect, simply want to see something that I have not seen in many years.” Francois suddenly seemed thoughtful and a little sad, which only deepened Jackie’s fascination with him.

  “Let me call a porter to take your things to your room.” Jackie said rather reluctantly, she hated letting this charmer out of her sight. “I truly hope that you enjoy your stay and your eclipse. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call.”

  “I was rather hoping you could show me to my room. Maybe give me an insider's view on what to do at night in Albuquerque, perhaps give me your number in case I had any questions.” The smoldering look that Francois gave her made it almost impossible for Jackie to think let alone answer. His glances were like physical caresses on her body. How could someone like him be hitting on her?

  “Well, my shift is up in less than 15 minutes. I can show you up to your room as soon as my replacement comes, and I suppose I can tell you about some interesting spots here in town.” Jackie smiled shyly. She had never been stared at so intensely by such a beautiful man before and she just didn’t know how to handle it. “I also guess I can give you my cell number just in case you need assistance away from the hotel, it’s not hotel policy but it’s the least I can do since you have flown so far.”

  Francois broke out in a huge smile. “Excellent. Perhaps I might be able to convince you to show me some of said places? The night still seems so young to me, surely we can find something interesting to do once you are off.”

  Jackie seemed startled. “I’m not sure if I should go out with a guest, it is against company policy.”

  “But I am not asking you as an employee of the hotel, I am asking you out as a man asks out any beautiful woman whom he meets.” Francois smiled at her again with an intense look of desire in his eyes, making her hot all over.

  Once again Jackie did not know what to say, so she busied herself printing out her end of shift reports. She was not the kind of girl who was used to being called beautiful. Intellectually she knew that she was not ugly, but she always seemed to carry an extra ten pounds, she was curvy when skinny was in but at least her curves were in all the right places. Decent face, large brown eyes, average height. She had always thought of herself as average. Her long, thick, chestnut hair was her one pride and joy. But beautiful, this mysterious Frenchman must be pulling her leg. Briefly she wondered if someone was pulling a joke on her. Yet as she finished her paperwork Jackie could feel Francois’ eyes following her every move, it certainly did not feel like he was joking. When she looked up they held each other’s gaze for quite some time before a movement from behind caused Jac
kie to jump slightly.

  Just then her replacement David showed up. “Hey Dave. Paperwork is done, I am just going to show Mr. Barrett to his room and then I will be out of here.” David took one look at the waiting Francois and winked at Jackie as she walked by.

  Jackie led Francois to the elevators in silence, still not certain what to say and a little unnerved by his silent perusal of her. “Why do you keep staring at me?” she finally asked, trying to flatten her hair and look a little more put together without being too obvious.

  “I told you I find you beautiful. And there is something strong and sad about you at the same time, I can see it in your eyes, in the way you carry yourself. I am drawn to you. I cannot explain it further for I have no idea why I feel such a need to know you.” Francois answered simply.

  Jackie smiled despite her misgivings. “Well you are either telling the truth or you are much more inventive with your pick up lines in Europe.”

  Jackie showed Francois into his suite and he closed the door silently behind them. “Is everything to your liking Mr. Barrett?” Jackie asked, still smiling but trying to make up her mind what exactly she wanted to happen with this mysterious man.

  “Francois, please.” He replied from directly behind her, startling her as she turned around. “So, I believe you were going to show me interesting things to do in your fair city.” He was standing very close and staring directly into her eyes. He lifted his hand and brushed some stray hairs off her face and behind her ear then trailed his finger down her neck and continuing until it was cupping her breast, rubbing against her rock hard nipple, causing the tension between them to grow even more and for Jackie to grow wet between her legs.

  Jackie swallowed and tried to gain her composure even though she found it very hard to concentrate with a handsome Frenchman putting the moves on her, “Sure, it is late, but there are still some restaurants open and there are some decent clubs I could show you, though I am sure we have nothing like France. What were you thinking of? I will need to go home and change before we go anywhere.”

  “Somewhere quiet I think, we can discuss it at your place.”

  “I was thinking that I would swing back here and pick you up after I ran home and changed. You don’t have to come and wait for me.” Jackie thought that space would be a good thing before she ended up doing not only something she might regret in the morning or even worse, something that could get her fired. She needed her medical insurance more than she needed to get laid, no matter how tempting the man was proposing the laying. She couldn’t lose her job over a one night stand.

  Francois simply smiled. “I do not mind waiting whatsoever, gives us a chance to get to know each other, no?”

  Thinking that if she were going to do something stupid with this man tonight, at least it would be better if she were not in the hotel where she worked, Jackie gave in. “Sure that sounds good. But will you do me a favor, let me leave by the back door, get my car and then you leave by the front door a few minutes later and I will meet you on the corner? I have to protect my job and my reputation and people might jump to the wrong conclusions if they see us leave together.”

  “Or the correct conclusions,” Francois placed a quick kiss on her cheek. “But yes I will do whatever is best for you.”

  Blushing from the little kiss, Jackie started towards the door despite her shaky legs. “Give me a few minutes lead time. In about five minutes go down to the lobby door and go right. I’ll meet you on the corner a block over.” She quickly walked out the door before she reconsidered her actions and called the whole evening off. It would be much more prudent if she just went home and rested, did the responsible thing. But Jackie was done being responsible. When the universe put a spectacular specimen like Francois right in front of you, you had to go for it. Besides, Jackie’s time for having fun was running out quickly, she might as well live it up while she still could. Maybe the memories would sustain her when the end drew near.

  Precisely seven minutes later Francois was slipping into Jackie’s car. “I was thinking, perhaps we can just stay at your place, it will be much quieter than any restaurant or club. And I think I would enjoy quiet time with you, wouldn’t you enjoy that?”

  “I think that would be nice,” Jackie said, throwing all caution to the wind. She was going to have a wild night that she was going to remember later on when she was wasting away in a hospital bed. A foreigner that she would never see after this weekend was the perfect fling, she would never run into when she started to look sick, never have to see the pity in his eyes and explain her illness. Fate was throwing her one last hurrah and she was going to make the most of it.

  They were both rather quiet on the drive. It was hard to see anything interesting from the freeway and Jackie really didn’t have a clue what to say to a man you just met but were planning to sleep with. She could, however, feel Francois’ eyes on her once more. His gaze literally left heat all over her body, she could feel it without even glancing at him. The air in her car seemed thick with desire and lust. As she finally pulled into her driveway, she broke the silence. “Sorry about my house, I haven’t cleaned up or did much yard work lately. I think I am always behind on everything and this is an old house, it was my grandmother’s and needs more tender loving care than I can provide for it.”

  “It is charming and original, like you,” Francois said as he followed her into the house.

  Jackie actually laughed as she led them inside. “You are full of one-liners aren’t you?”

  Francois looked puzzled for a moment, but then laughed too. “I am French you know, we are just very honest about our opinions, our wants, and desires.”

  Jackie turned and looked directly into Francois’ eyes, feeling bold, and asked, “And what do you want and desire tonight?”

  “I think that I have already found something interesting here in New Mexico and I believe it is pretty obvious what I want.” With no further ado he grabbed her and kissed her passionately. His tongue was forceful as he pushed into her mouth, claiming it as his own. This went on for several minutes. All the while they were rubbing against each, dry humping like teenagers.

  “Wow!” That was all Jackie could think to say after they finally broke apart. Before she even realized what she was doing, her fingers were rapidly working on unbuttoning Francois’ shirt. It was like she had suddenly become a wild animal in heat, she had never wanted a man this badly before.

  Francois seemed to be just as eager, not bothering with buttons and just ripping her shirt from her, only pausing from kissing his way down her neck to her breasts to mumble, “I will have to buy you a new shirt.”

  After that he unhooked her bra and his mouth was full, sucking and nipping her round breasts, fondling each nipple in turn until she was in a frenzy of lust. Moaning with desire, Jackie began working her way out of her own pants, wanting Francois to continue his exploration of her body with his mouth. He finished helping her take her pants off and ripped her panties off, delving right in and tasting her. Jackie let out a shriek of pleasure as she intertwined her fingers in his lush hair and held him between her thighs, rocking her hips against his tongue, willing him to fuck her with his mouth. The way he licked her and sucked her clit just right, slipping his fingers inside, fingering her and licking her at the same time, drove her out of her mind. Francois had her coming within minutes, she had multiple orgasms just standing in her entry way, leaning against the wall.

  Finally having enough and wanting pleasure in a different manner, Jackie yanked on Francois’ hair and pulled his lips back up to the ones on her face. She kissed him hard, relishing the taste of herself on his breath, and then demanded. “Get those pants off now! I want you in my mouth and then I want your cock inside of me!”

  Eager to please, Francois kicked off his shoes and removed his pants in lightening quick fashion. Almost as quickly Jackie was on her knees and taking him into her mouth. Now it was Francois’ turn to moan with pleasure as she licked him up and down, teased his head a
nd then sucked him deeply into her mouth, taking in as much of him as she possibly could even though he was certainly well endowed. She sucked harder and harder, deep throating him over and over, taking him right to the brink and then abruptly standing up.

  “I want you inside of me!” She leaned over her entry hall table and presented herself to him, ass in the air and legs spread wide, ready for the taking. “I’m on the pill and not worried about diseases, so just hurry up.”

  Francois was more than willing to oblige her, quickly plunging into Jackie hard and fast. His thrusting was so hard that at first Jackie was in pain, wondering if she was too shallow to keep taking all of him in, but soon her body adjusted and all she felt was pleasure. She arched her ass into Francois, begging for him to push in farther, take her a little bit harder. He pulled her hair and yanked her up so he could kiss her too, the tastes of each other mingling. When he pulled out of her, Jackie actually whimpered with regret, but Francois only swung her around to face him, picking her up and placing her ass on the table so that he could take her from the front.

  This time he entered her a little slower, taking his time, gliding in and then pulling back out as more sounds of begging came from of her. “Please, stop teasing me.”

  Francois only smiled and kept entering her and then pulling completely out and letting his cock lightly rub her engorged clit, all the time staring directly into her desperate eyes. “Teasing is half the fun.” Then he thrust into her fully and hard and once again she saw stars. Soon he picked up his rhythm and both he and Jackie were making animalistic sounds of pleasure as he fucked her like their lives depended on it. Jackie screamed when she came and Francois pumped even harder into her until he threw his head back in a triumphant roar of his own, went still for a moment, then brought his head down to her breasts and bit her. He bit her hard and then she felt such a wonderful sensation as he began to suck her breast is a whole new manner. Pain and pleasure mixed and sent her into some sort of euphoria. She kept moving on his cock that was still inside her and had never felt such bliss before, having orgasm after orgasm.


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