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A Twisted Kind Of Love: Rebel Guardians MC

Page 1

by Liberty Parker

  A Twisted Kind Of Love

  Liberty Parker

  Darlene Tallman


  Cover Page


  Character Bible


  1. Paisley

  2. Twisted

  3. Paisley

  4. Twisted

  5. Twisted

  6. Paisley

  7. Twisted

  8. Paisley

  9. Twisted

  10. Paisley

  11. Twisted

  12. Paisley

  13. Paisley

  14. Twisted

  15. Twisted


  Book 2 Seeking Our Forever

  Faithfully Devoted Teaser

  Draegon Teaser

  Blade’s Edge Blurb

  About Liberty

  About Darlene

  Also by Liberty Parker

  Also By Darlene Tallman

  Liberty and Darlene’s co-written books


  One stolen kiss.

  One midnight ride.

  Coming up on a big anniversary has Paisley thinking about her past and how she and Twisted came to be a couple. For years, her fellow sisters in the RGMC have asked how they came to be, but there's never been time to share with raising kids and building businesses.

  During the weekend celebration of their anniversary, the couple share stories of their early days when they first started out, living in a one-room apartment over the bar she worked at, as well as becoming parents.

  Join us for Twisted and Paisley's story—one filled with laughter, heartbreak and most importantly love—RGMC style and catch up on what the rest of the couples are up to!


  A Twisted Kind Of Love

  Rebel Guardians

  Copyright © Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman 2019

  Published by Liberty Parker & Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Dark Water Covers

  Model: Shawn Joseph

  Photographer: @RplusMphotos

  Edited by: Joanne Dearman, Kat Beecham, Melanie Gray,

  Shannon McFadden, Beth DiLoreto

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real, or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being, living or not.

  Character Bible

  Rebel Guardians MC

  Braxton *Axe* - President

  Twisted - VP

  Davidson *Bandit* - IT

  Elijah *Law* - Club Attorney

  Turk *Chief* - SAA

  Jayden *Hatch* - Enforcer

  Kade *Capone* - Road Captain

  Harley *Smokey* - Secretary

  Duke - Patch

  Chef - Patch

  Chet - Patch

  Boothe - Patch

  Jaxson - Patch

  Maxum - Patch


  Caraleigh *Cara*


  Donna Jo *DJ*






























  This book has been a year in the making. Back when we started the RGMC, Twisted and Paisley were an established couple, so they were never supposed to have their own book. But our readers asked about them and they started talking to us and telling us their story. So, this is for every reader who has read and fallen in love with the Rebel Guardians MC guys and gals.


  As always, we couldn’t do this without the support of our families. Their encouragement and love is what keeps us going after the caffeine wears off. In the midst of writing this story, Liberty had a tragedy befall her when she lost her beloved oldest son, Colton. The love and support of the indie community and our readers ensured that she was able to give him a proper send-off. In a way, this book is for him as well, because Liberty has been able to ‘lose’ herself in the words, something he was always so very proud of her for. He told everyone that his mom was a writer and somehow, I know that he and my parents are smiling down on us as we complete another book together.



  As I get ready for the ‘anniversary blowout celebration’ that Cara and the other old ladies decided that Twisted and I needed—to renew our vows—and then spend the weekend partying with our friends and family, I can’t help but let my mind travel to my man. After twenty-six years together, I still get butterflies whenever he walks into a room and gives me a certain smoldering look—one that’s always made my toes curl and heart beat rapidly. Shaking my head, I finish putting myself together, excited to see what my friends have planned for us. They tend to go above and beyond for special occasions, and something tells me they really let loose for this particular event. My only ‘job’ is to find something to wear, according to Cara. She and the rest of the girls are handling everything else and I’m pretty sure that Nan and Gino are catering the food—which was my only request.

  “Mom!” Tig calls out from the bedroom. “You about ready? I’m still waiting to give you a ride to the clubhouse.”

  “Give me five more minutes,” I holler back.

  “You said that thirty minutes ago.” I roll my eyes at the playful banter I’ve always had with my boy. To me, he’s a momma’s boy, but I’m not allowed to voice that opinion out loud, the day he got too old for a kiss goodbye was the day my heart broke for the first time.

  “Wanna check on Evie for me and make sure she’s ready? And FYI, nothing can happen until I get there, since it’s my party, so hold your horses!” He’s such a laid-back kid when it comes to me, but since he’s been patched into the club, he’s developed a maturity and intensity that I don’t always know how to handle. Especially when it comes to the young ladies that always seem to flock to him wherever he is. It’s a mother’s prerogative to not have to be a witness to the wooing’s of her boy. We thought we were expecting twins when we were pregnant with Evie. Turns out, there was a blip with the ultrasound machine. This making Evie even more special to Travis and me.

  “You trying to freak Dad out or something? He’s gonna think you changed your mind. You’re always right on time for all events at the clubhouse, if not an hour or two early.” Fat chance of that ever happening. From the day I laid eyes on him, I’ve bee
n his and vice versa. It’s not always been sunshine and roses, but we’ve had a helluva good ride in life, and even after almost three decades, he still to this day has the power to turn me on. We can hardly be in the same room as each other without wanting to tear each other’s clothes off.

  Putting on my lipstick, I step back into the bedroom and come face to face with my kids. A wave of pride radiates through me when I see them. They’re the best parts of both of us, and I hope that they get every good thing that they deserve in life. “Mom, you look beautiful!” Evie whispers, eyes wide as she takes in my appearance. I went above and beyond with my attire for tonight’s party. I’m wearing hip hugging skinny jeans, a red sequined tank top, my black knee-high riding boots and my makeup is done to perfection. Oh, and my cut, can’t forget that piece of leather that claims I’m the property of Twisted. The day I received this is still one of the happiest memories in my life.

  “Thanks, buttercup. You look beautiful, too.” And she does. Her auburn hair is long, and she’s got it curled so it flows down her back. Her dress is a pale yellow and comes to right below her knees. Something her daddy will be thrilled to see. If he had his way, she’d be locked up until she was forty. She’s more of a girly-girl whereas I’ve never been. Give me jeans, sweats, shirts and tennis shoes and I’m ready. Evie however, cries if she’s not wearing a pretty dress, has her hair done up with ribbons and bows, and shoes to go with each dress. She is the apple of her daddy’s eye, and he lets her have whatever her little heart desires.

  “Both of you look fine. Can we go now?” Tig probes. I grin because his impatience is cute to me. I look at my son who’s a younger carbon copy of his father and smile. As if he can read my mind, he rolls his eyes and turns his head from my penetrating stare. He’s already breaking hearts and I can’t wait for the day that a woman catches his fancy for more than a night or two.

  Nodding, I grab my purse and keys then head out of the bedroom. Since Twisted’s taking me somewhere after our party with the club weekend, I grab the suitcases to take them out and hide my smile when Tig snags them from me and gives me a ‘don’t even think about it’ look. “Seriously, Mom? You know you don’t carry shit when I’m around.” I usher Evie out the front door behind him, then close and lock it. We’ll all be at the clubhouse for the next few days, then Evie is staying with Hannah and the guys for the week. I know she’s excited and will have a good time, but I’ll miss my girl. Since the day Evie was born, I’ve had a hard time leaving her for any amount of time. With the loss of a baby before becoming pregnant with her, I’ve suffered separation anxiety. She became my world, a lot to put on a child’s shoulders, but she gave me a reason to smile again...and mean it.

  I slide into the passenger seat and buckle up as Tig starts the SUV. “Everyone set?” he questions. When we both nod, he puts it in gear and heads out toward the clubhouse.

  “Mom? How did you and Daddy meet?” Evie questions me as we begin our short journey to the clubhouse. I turn so I can look at her and smile at the memory that begins to play out in my mind. Some of our story she’s still too young to hear about, but this part, I can definitely tell her.

  “Your dad, Uncle Braxton, and Uncle Hatch had just finished their stint in the military. They came into the place I was working at the time and I ended up being their waitress and served them. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew my life was forever gonna change, I just didn’t know how much.” And boy, did he take me on a ride that I never imagined I’d be part of.

  Twenty-six years ago

  “Can I get you guys something?” I can’t keep my eyes off the man sitting in the middle. He’s gorgeous and I find my heart beating fast even though he hasn’t said anything yet.

  “We’d like a pitcher of beer,” the handsome man answers me in a gruff voice. It’s one that causes chills to permeate my entire body.

  “Anything else?” I huskily query, affected by the sound of his seductive tone.

  “A couple of burgers and fries would be good, beautiful,” the man sitting to his right states, but my eyes never stray from the man who’s captivated me.

  “I’ll turn this into the cook and be right back with that beer.” As I walk away, I vow that that man will be mine. Going up to the bartender, I put in their request before turning in their food order. Taking a moment to catch my bearings, knowing I don’t want to give off the impression that I’m a slut, I get my libido under control and grab the pitcher and three frosty mugs. Honest to God, I have no clue why he’s affecting me this way. I mean, we get good looking guys in here all the time, and I’ve dated my fair share of them, but none of them has ever made me want to jump their bones the way he does.

  Making my way to their table, I deposit the mugs in front of them and fill their first glasses for them. I don’t have to do this, usually when patrons order a pitcher, they’re on their own, but I want an excuse to stay by his side a little bit longer.

  Feeling the motor shut off, I get out of my head and notice the smiles covering my children’s faces. We’ve never shared our story with anyone, keeping it all to ourselves. But I’m feeling nostalgic and don’t mind telling everyone about our whirlwind romance. The reason we never shared, is because I didn’t want everyone to know how quickly I gave into him.


  I’m standing at the front door looking down at my watch wondering what’s taking my family so long. When I see a set of headlights coming into the parking lot, a smile covers my face from ear to ear. These three people are my entire world, nothing matters beyond them and my brothers. Rushing to the passenger door, I fling it open and pull my woman out and into my arms. “I missed you,” I affirm, into the side of her neck.

  “It’s only been three hours, babe.”

  “Three hours too long,” I heavily breathe. Since the day I saw her in the small bar right outside of Vegas, she’s been mine and I can’t breathe or think without her being near. “The ladies went...above and beyond,” I inform her. Because they’ve done some doozies before, but this time they left no surface uncovered.

  I nearly had a heart attack when I arrived earlier, unsure of what to say to express how utterly confused I was. Were we celebrating my anniversary, or did every color of confetti vomit all over the club? Needless to say, I think Axe grew some more gray hair upon entering. I could practically see the steam leaving his ears as he muttered a few curse words under his breath and stomped his way into his office. We all steered clear from him for about an hour before Smokey and Bandit decided he needed to look at the eyesore as much as we did.

  Taking my woman’s hand, I walk her into the clubhouse where she gasps upon seeing the ‘decorated’ clubhouse. “Nooo…” she whispers to me. “Is Braxton still breathing? Do we need to take him to the hospital?” She knows our president so well.

  “No, he didn’t have a heart attack, but he came really close to having an anxiety attack. I’ve never seen him look so utterly defeated before,” I declare.

  “Is he okay? I mean, the girls have tested him before, but nothing like this.” I can see the worry in her eyes, because the last time the women took charge, he walked around the entire evening clutching his chest. We all feared he was going to drop to the ground.

  “He’s fine. Your girls are blaming the teens, the teens are saying that the women told them to do what they wanted. It’s anybody’s guess, what really happened.”

  “I’m gonna go with Shelby and Emma, they had to play a big part in this. They think when you decorate you need every surface covered,” Paisley expresses with humor dancing around in her eyes.

  “Well, I think the women need to take them under their wings and show them the right and wrong ways. The men all grabbed a beer and headed outside as soon as we could.”

  “I’ll make sure that the next party they have adult supervision. For now, I think the old ladies and I should be sneaky and remove some things here and there.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. Tonight, is about us, there’s no cleaning or physic
al activities you are partaking in unless it’s in my bed.”

  “Okay, at least let me go talk to them so we can get a plan of action made.”

  “As long as you're by my side the rest of the weekend, I’m good. I’m having a hard time sharing you with everyone as it is.”

  “Same, I know you wanted to get away, just the two of us. But this is important to them, so we’ll deal and have our own getaway after the weekend.” She pats my hand as she attempts to walk away. I grab her wrist and pull her back into my arms.

  “Are you forgetting something?”

  She places her finger on her lips, pretending to think about it. “No, I don’t think so.” The sexy vixen is always playing with me.

  “I think you did,” I playfully growl, lowering my head and kiss her lips. “Could do this forever,” I murmur, finally breaking away while discreetly adjusting myself. Even after all these years, I get hard when I’m near her.

  “Yeah, until you got hungry.”

  “Woman, keep it up and next week will find you in bed for everything, including meals.” That’s right, I’ll order fucking room service if I have to!


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