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A Twisted Kind Of Love: Rebel Guardians MC

Page 5

by Liberty Parker

  Travis leans over me and places a gentle kiss on his son’s head. Then he intertwines his fingers with mine before placing a kiss on my lips. “You did it, Momma.” The unshed tears are held captive in his eyes as he admires his boy.

  “We did it,” I say. Our boy is whisked away after only holding him for a few minutes and I usher Travis to go with him. I don’t want him to be without one of us. He’s the most important part of the two of us.


  As Paisley sleeps, I hold our little man in my arms. He’s the perfect mix of his mother and myself. He has her nose, my chin, her forehead, my lips...the list goes on and on. I just hope that the poor kid doesn’t end up with my feet. Curiosity getting the better of me, I unwrap him to check. A chuckle escapes me when I realize he does.

  “You poor kid, having that big toe that curves to the side. Just like your old man,” I tease him.

  “I think it’s cute,” Paisley says on a yawn.

  “At this age it is,” I agree, “but it’s a pain in the ass with shoes and boots when you’re a grown ass man.”

  “How long are you home for?” she questions.

  “Two weeks, baby. I wish it could be longer, but all hell was breaking loose before I left. The guys didn’t get theirs approved, last minute it was pulled. But my CO decided that I needed to be here for you and pushed for me to get mine. He knew that I’d cause havoc if I wasn’t here in time for my son’s delivery.”

  “Remind me to send him a care package,” she tells me.

  “He reads a lot of mystery and sci-fi books. He’d love you forever if you shipped him a few.” I can tell by the look on her face he’ll be receiving more than a couple.

  “Wait a minute, you nearly missed my birth?” Tig questions.

  “Yep, but I was there, and it was the proudest moment of my life,” I inform him.

  “I’d lose my shit if I missed my kid being born,” Talon says. We all turn and look at Axe, knowing that he suffered that fate.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” Lily whispers to Axe, only we all hear it and can feel the disappointment radiating off of her.

  “Nothing to be sorry for,” he replies. “Nan and Paisley were there and trust me, they got a lot of pictures.”

  “You weren’t there?” Trinity asks him. “That had to be hard.”

  “I didn’t even know Daria was pregnant,” he admits. “And someone,” he glares at me, “felt it could wait for some reason.”

  “Axe, you know we were in the middle of that mission. My woman had it under control and there was nothing you could do about it anyway.” And she did too. My mind drifts back in time once again.

  “Should we tell him?” she asks me during one of our rare phone calls.

  “I don’t know, I’m not sure that he won’t go AWOL, and that will only get him into trouble. I’ll talk with my commander and see what he advises, but I’m sure he’ll say it won’t do any good to tell him, sweetness. Not only can’t he take leave, but he has to be on his A game right now. Plus, it’s not like they’re an actual couple.” That sounds bad, but it is what it is. When we get our leave, he spends time with Daria, but when we’re back in our tent, he never mentions her. She doesn’t write to him and has never sent so much as a pair of socks to him.

  “If you’re sure,” she grumbles.

  “I’m sure. Now, how’s my boy?” I love the pictures that she sends in her letters. It’s not the same as being there, but right now, it’s what we have to work with, so I don’t complain.

  “Growing like a weed. Thank God Nan found a shop in town that sells gently used baby clothes!”

  “Paisley, I know we’ve got the money, why are you shopping at a place like that?” I question. She’s still in that shoebox apartment and while she no longer works the way she did before she got pregnant, I know she still bartends one or two nights a week, plus she does the bar’s books now.

  “Travis, I know we do. You take very good care of me...of us. But he’s growing too fast to waste money on clothes he might wear a month if that! I’m trying to remember what we wanna do when you get out.” Ah, I see what’s she’s doing. She wants a nest egg built up for our future.

  “Are you taking care of yourself?” I know my voice is gruff, but she had a rough month once she got home with Tig. I’m grateful as hell that Nan was there because she fell into a depression of sorts. Not sure how much was because of having the baby and how much had to do with the fact that I had to leave again.

  “Yeah, handsome. I’m back to my fighting weight again, too.” I chuckle because she didn’t get that big while pregnant, even though she thought she was huge.

  “Can’t wait to see, baby.” And cue the fucking hard-on. Ever since our first night together, being with her has been an explosive act.

  My mind drifts back to that first night even though that’s not a memory I’ll be sharing with our family and friends. Hell no. That one’s all mine and I’m a greedy fucker because I wouldn’t tell them for anything.

  We spent hours going up and down the strip, drinking and gambling, after we got married. Finally, around three in the morning, despite the fact that the town was still going, I looked at Axe and Hatch and said, “We’re heading back.”

  Hatch starts making kissing sounds while wagging his eyebrows at me. “Shut it, fucker,” I growl out. “Stay out or come along but either way, we’re outta here.”

  Axe shrugs and pulls that bitch alongside stating, “Could use some shut-eye.”

  We all end up heading back to the suite but we’re barely inside before I’m all but dragging Paisley into our room. Once the door’s shut and locked, I spin her around and pin her against the wall. “Hope you’re ready for this,” I state before I take her lips in a scorching kiss. Soon the only sound in the room are our harsh pants.

  My hands are roaming underneath the scrap of cotton she’s wearing and her moans are spurring me on. Hastily, I undress her then myself before I scoop her in my arms and carry her to the bed. “God, you’re stunning,” I murmur as I lean down to capture a nipple between my lips.

  I’m not sure if the drinks we had are spurring me on or if it’s her, but I can’t focus on any one thing. My dick is so hard I feel like I could use it as a bat and her moans have pre-cum spilling from the head.

  “So fucking soft,” I state, moving down between her splayed thighs.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaks out as my mouth comes down on her mound.

  “Making you mine.” Her scent is overwhelming me. It’s uniquely hers and I find myself enraptured at her reaction to what I’m doing. I feel like a thirsty man who has found his oasis. “Never gonna get tired of this,” I murmur as I continue to lick and suck at her core. She’s writhing beneath me and moans when I insert one finger. Mimicking what I’ll be doing soon with my dick, I nip, lick and suck until she shudders, calling out my name.

  As I make my way up her body and kiss her, letting her taste herself, I line my dick with her pussy and slowly press home. And that’s what it feels like I’m doing—coming home.

  “Harder, Travis,” she moans when I break the kiss. “I need more.”

  “Glad to oblige, wife.” My thrusts increase in intensity and soon, the only sound beyond our combined moans is our flesh slapping together.

  “Travis!” she screams as her pussy clenches around my dick. With a roar, I come, pounding into her willing body.

  Over and over that early morning, we reach for one another. In the bed, in the shower, against the huge plate glass window. By the time we finally fall into a sated sleep, I’m sure I made the best fucking decision of my life and I’m never letting her go.



  “What’cha thinking about so hard over there?” I question Twisted.

  “Our wedding night.” When he says this, a blush covers my body from head to toe.

  “Let’s not share that, shall we?” Tig announces loudly, getting up from his seat and rushing over to the cooler to grab another

  “Yeah, that’s not for public consumption,” I mutter. Turning, I lean against his chest and whisper, “I remember it too.” I lost count of my orgasms and of how he took me. “I think my favorite was against the window.” The grin he gives me is hot and I feel myself grow wet. Of course, that’s a common occurrence whenever he’s around.

  He groans and I feel his dick grow harder against me. That’s one area we’ve never had any issue in, although it was rough whenever he was gone. I grin remembering one of the times when he came home and found my toy in the nightstand.

  “What the fuck is this?” he asks, turning around with my vibrator in his hand.

  Blushing, I stammer out, “Something to help me when thoughts of you drive me nuts and you’re not here to fuck it out of me.”

  He stalks towards me and my eyes widen. “Let me see, sweetness. Need to see what you do to take care of yourself when I’m gone.”

  “Now?” My breath hitches at the thought of doing this in front of him. It both makes my shy side come out, but at the same time has the tigress in me wanting to show him what I do to thoughts of him.

  “No better time. The guys are down at the bar and we’re alone. I’ll go put the sock on the door so they know not to come in.” That’s one of the challenges we face when they come home on leave is the privacy I crave so I can make love to my husband.

  As he comes towards me after ensuring that we won’t give Axe and Hatch a show, he motions for me to strip. I crawl onto the bed and he lays down next to me, not touching, but close enough so he can see what I’m gonna do. He hands me my vibrator and I take it, my blush deepening.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Paisley,” he whispers.

  “I uh, well, normally it’s after we’ve had a chance to talk. Your voice does something to me, Travis, and I end up missing you so much, I can’t help it.” I feel a little defensive until he leans over and kisses me.

  “Baby, if you knew the amount of lotion I used, you’d probably pass out.”

  “You too?” I eagerly ask.

  “Every fucking day.” Why does that thought make me want to clench my thighs in desire?

  “What?” There’s no way he jacks off every day. Well, he is a guy so maybe that’s not so farfetched.

  “All I gotta do is look at one of your pictures and I’m wanting you. Now, show me.”

  Closing my eyes, I turn the vibrator on and let it run across my body, getting my nipples hard and taut, before I slide it down. Spreading my legs slightly, I run it through my folds, gently at first, before I finally insert it into my pussy, which is dripping by now. As I begin moving it in and out, the vibrations adding to my pleasure, I reach down and slowly circle my clit. My moans increase and soon my hips are driving upward as I chase my release. “Travis,” I moan, my voice breathy with need. “God, I miss you. I miss this,” I state, my desire rising as my orgasm moves closer to the surface. With a low groan, I come, my body shuddering as I fall over the cliff.

  I feel the vibrator being removed and turned off before his hardness is at my opening. “Hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispers as he begins thrusting inside. “I almost came like a young boy on the cusp of manhood while watching you.”

  Using my body, I flip us until I’m on top. I like everything we do but this is one of my favorite positions because he goes so deep. I grind down each time I lower myself, adding a swivel so that my clit gets the pressure it needs to send me to nirvana. “Not gonna last long,” he warns, powering his hips upward. Once again, words become secondary as I lose myself to the feelings he’s evoked in me.

  “Me either,” I confess, leaning down to kiss him.

  “Best thing I ever did,” he states as he grips my hips tight and shouts my name.

  Collapsing on his chest, I work to catch my breath before replying, “Me too. I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Coming back to the present, I glance around to make sure no one is paying attention to me. “You’re squirming a lot, babe,” his voice whispers in my ear, so low only I can hear.

  “Just remembering when you came home that time on leave and found something,” I admit.

  “Still one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever seen,” he replies. Suddenly, I wish we were alone so I could try and put out the fire that my memories have caused. “It kept me going every time I was apart from you, although Hatch thought I was spending too much ‘alone time’ in the showers.”

  His words have me bursting into laughter because I can see Hatch doing just that very thing. The man in question glances over and says, “What? I didn’t do anything!” Another common refrain.

  “Lover, you always do something,” DJ replies.

  “Nah, not me,” he states, pulling a laughing DJ into his arms.

  “Hatch, you’re full of shit,” Axe says. “Whenever something was up, I knew it was either you or Smokey and Bandit at the helm.”

  “I plead the fifth,” Smokey states, innocently drinking his beer.

  “So Tig was what, two or three years old when Lily was born?” Trinity questions. “I’m trying to keep up. How did you get involved?” she inquires, looking at Chief.

  I glance at our friends and family and smile. We’ve grown so much since the early days when it was just me and Travis, Axe, Hatch, Smokey and Bandit. “When Daria dropped Lily off with me, I called Nan and also left a message for Travis to call me. We decided,” I look at Axe and give him an ‘I’m sorry’, “that is, Travis said he would ask his CO what the best plan of action would be. Anyhow, Law and Chief were recently discharged and Travis knew them so he reached out to them. Imagine my surprise when they show up at the apartment one day.”

  Law looks at Lily and grins. “You were the tiniest thing we’d ever seen. Chief was doing what he could to find your mother and, in the meantime, I filed temporary guardianship for Paisley so she could seek medical care for you if needed. Once we tracked down your mother, and trust me, it wasn’t easy back then because technology wasn’t as advanced, she relinquished her rights to your father.”

  “This doesn’t surprise me, she never really wanted me to begin with. I guess I can be happy she decided to at least birth me and hand me off to people who would love me.” Suddenly, we all jump up when Lily grabs her head and moans. “Sorry, I’m okay...I’ve just had this headache for a few days that doesn’t seem to want to go away.” She waves us all away with a flick of her hand, then takes the water Tig hands her with a smile.

  “You’ve always been loved, Lily,” I tell her. “And when your dad came home and finally met you, you wrapped him around your little finger so fast it wasn’t funny.”

  “After he woke up,” Hatch calls out.

  “Well, yeah, after he woke up from fainting, that is.”

  “You fainted, Dad?” Lily asks, her eyes wide.

  “Must have been some bad food on the plane.” Axe tries to push it off onto something other than what was the truth.

  “Fucker, you didn’t eat,” Hatch says.

  “Will you tell me about it?” Lily asks, with laughter dancing in her eyes.

  “Oh, we’d be happy to, darlin’,” Hatch smirks at Axe.


  The memory comes back, and I double over in laughter as I begin to share. “Axe,” I say as we enter the bar doors. “I need you to keep an open mind when we get to the apartment.” He gives me a questionable look as we continue to trek up the stairs.

  “Did you guys slip a mickey into his drink?” he asks the bozo twins over his shoulder as they trail behind him.

  “Man, why are we always being accused of such horrid things. It was Hatch this time,” Bandit insists.

  “Don’t blame me for your stupidity,” Hatch slugs Smokey in the arm.

  “Hey! I didn’t say anything, that was my twin over there,” Smokey whines, rubbing his arm.

  “You share everything, dont’cha?” Hatchet asks.

  “Not everything, fucker! I don’t feel his pain and vice ve

  “Huh, guess you learn something new every day,” Hatch responds.

  We finally make it to the door of the apartment, and I turn around with a silent apology to Axe. Twisting the door open, we walk in and Nan is playing on the floor with Tig and Paisley has a pink bundle wrapped in her arms.

  “You fucker, you didn’t tell me you and Paisley had another baby. I thought we shared everything,” Axe states, walking up to Paisley and looking at the face peeking through the blanket. “The fuck?” he whispers.

  “Axe,” I start but he turns a look of pure rage on his face. “Something you need to tell me?”

  “Axe, we all decided with the mission you were on and the fact that Daria didn’t want you involved that we should keep it on the down low,” Paisley attempts to tame the beast of our brother.

  “I’ll need more information later,” he leans down and removes the blanket from the rest of her face. When he looks at her for a few minutes he turns around, holds his index finger up and goes to walk away, but before he even takes a step he goes down.

  “Oh God! Is he okay?” Paisley begins freaking out.

  “He’ll be fine, he was always a tad dramatic,” Nan offers, rolling her eyes as she looks at her son sprawled out on the floor.

  “Take her,” Paisley shoves Lily in my arms.

  “Princess, your daddy’s gonna be just fine,” I soothe her as she begins to whimper. Sweet baby sounds that I missed with Tig.

  Paisley comes running back into the room with a wet washcloth in her hand. When she kneels down and starts caring for Axe, a growl rumbles from my chest at watching her hands on another man.

  “You do it,” I say to Smokey.

  “Would you also like me to become his milkmaid?” Smokey sarcastically asks, as he rolls his eyes at the death glare I’m sending his way. He leans down and takes the rag from my woman and begins rubbing it along Axe’s forehead. “I’m not performing CPR, just putting that out there.”


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