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Bound by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 5)

Page 7

by L. P. Dover

  “Kami, are you okay?” Amelie asks, gently tapping on the bedroom door.

  I turn on the faucet and splash cold water on my face. “I’m fine. Just a nightmare.”

  “Ah, I see. You’re probably just nervous about today.”

  She couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, I’m nervous about my training, but I’m terrified about my dream. It can’t be real. I won’t let it.

  “Yeah, that’s probably it,” I lie. Looking into the bedroom, I see the alarm clock says it’s five in the morning. There’s no going back to sleep for me.

  Amelie’s footsteps echo down the hallway toward her room. I dry off my face and walk back into my bedroom to sit on the bed. There are so many emotions fighting inside of me. My heart and my wolf tell me one thing, but my mind screams another. I can’t give in.

  I see my cell on the nightstand, and I snatch it up. It’s early, but I have to talk to Tia. Heart racing, I click her name and hit send. It rings and rings, but she picks up, her voice groggy with sleep.

  “Kami? Is something wrong?”

  “Everything’s wrong,” I hiss, keeping my voice low. “Please tell me you have a magical spell to make people forget things.”

  She yawns. “I do. Is it for you?”

  Groaning, I close my eyes and sit back down on the bed. All I can see is his face. “Yes. I had another dream.”

  “Okay,” she replies, sounding confused. “I thought you liked your dreams?”

  “Not this one. I’m almost scared to fall asleep again.” I know I’ll dream about him.

  “What the hell? Was it a nightmare?”

  I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “You could say that. Do you think you can help me? The last thing I want is to use your magic, but I really need you.”

  “It’s fine, Kami. I know you’re not my friend because of my magic. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Tomorrow, I’ll gather up everything I need. I don’t have a spell to help with bad dreams, but there is a tonic I remember my mother giving me when I was little. It was an herbal tea I drank at night before going to bed. I’m sure I can find the herbs here.”

  With a heavy sigh, I open my eyes and walk over to the window. “Thank you, Tia.”

  The magic of the full moon isn’t as strong, but I can feel its pull. I don’t know what to do. My dreams all make sense now. There’s a reason why I could never see him. I don’t know why it took him biting me for the spell to break. Is it because there’s a full moon, and my magic is at its strongest? Either way, I’m screwed.

  “What did you dream about, Kami?” Tia asks, her voice soft and full of concern. She knows I used to have nightmares about my time in captivity before I began having the mating dreams.

  “My mate,” I say, barely getting the words out. “I finally got to see who he is.”

  She gasps. “Seriously? Who is he?”

  Looking out the window, it’s so dark I can see my reflection in the glass. “He’s the one wolf I loathe above all others. It figures he’d wind up being my mate.”

  “Oh. My. God. What are you going to do?”

  I look at my reflection and turn away from it. “I’m going to stay away from him.”

  “Is that even possible? I thought once the mating signs started, it’s impossible to ignore them.”

  Even now, my body still remembers my mate’s touch in my dreams. There’s no way Colin could be like that. I force the thoughts from my mind. “I refuse to give in to this, Tia. Colin and I don’t fit. We never will.” Colin Storm will not be my mate. I’ll fight against it with every fiber of my being.

  “What if he realizes you’re his mate now too? It’s inevitable, Kami. He won’t let you go.”

  Colin is relentless. I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like if he were to find out. The best thing is to stay away from him. “I’ll figure that out when the time comes.”

  Two hours have passed, and I did everything I could to forget about my dream. Nothing worked. I checked my emails to find one from Reed, saying to dress in comfortable clothes since our training for the first week will be to test our endurance. He also sent pictures of the three men I’ll be training with, along with their names and backgrounds. That way, I’ll know who to look for when I show up at the Meadow Creek Lodge. I’m the only one who doesn’t have any police or military background.

  After taking a shower, I put on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top, covered by a T-shirt. I also packed a bag with extra clothes to change into later. I have no clue what to expect. I grab my bag, carry it downstairs, and drop it by the door. Amelie is in the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of coffee, still dressed in her pink pajama pants and pink tank top with her caramel-colored hair in a messy bun. She’s older than me by a couple of decades, but we look the same age. A shifter can be two hundred years old and have the looks of someone in their mid-twenties. When my mother and I would go out shopping together, we’d get mistaken for sisters all the time.

  “Want any coffee?” Amelie asks me.

  I walk over to the kitchen table and grab an apple from the fruit basket sitting in the center. “No, thanks. I’ll just grab a bottle of water.” Before I can get to the refrigerator, she opens it and tosses me one.

  “There you go.”

  “Thanks,” I say, smiling at her. Faith said when she and Laila lived with Amelie, Amelie was more like the mother hen. I can see it. She’s been through a lot in her life as well, a dark past I know she wants to forget. Her parents were murdered, and she was coerced into mating an evil man who tried to use her for his own gain. In the end, she got her revenge.

  Sinking my teeth into the apple, I take a bite and walk over to the door to get my bag. “Reed said our training should be over by six. I’ll see you then.”

  Amelie giggles. “I can’t wait to hear about it.”

  I take another bite of my apple and wave at her. “Talk to you later.” When I get outside, I toss my bag into my Jeep and head to the Meadow Creek Lodge, which is about twenty minutes away. I finish my apple and guzzle the bottle of water. I thought I was nervous about the FBI training, but I find myself more terrified about Colin. I might be able to avoid him for a while, but his sister is my brother’s mate. There’s no way I can stay away from him forever.

  I want to call Faith and tell her what’s going on, but I know she won’t agree with what I want to do. We’re close, but she loves her brother. She’ll want to see him happy, and if she finds out I’m his mate, she’ll push us together.

  The Meadow Creek Lodge entrance is close, so I slow down and make the turn. The hotel is beautiful, with its log cabin exterior and exquisite gardens surrounding it. All of the flowers are in full bloom, giving the place a magical feel. I pull into the parking lot and grab my bag before getting out of the car. There are three men out front, and I recognize them from the email Reed sent. As I walk up, they seem to recognize me too by the knowing expressions on their faces. The tall, overly muscular guy with a shaved head is Chris Thompson, a former cop from New York City. He smiles at me but chuckles under his breath when he looks over at Anthony Gillis, an average height, dirty blond hair, and brown-eyed former marine from Florida who isn’t as muscular but still built like an ox.

  They’re both in their early thirties and have never been married. I have a feeling they’re both going to be arrogant jackasses.

  “She’s not going to last long. What the hell was the FBI thinking?” Chris says, trying not to move his lips. And my assumption about him being an ass is correct. My wolf hearing does come in handy at times.

  I look forward to proving him wrong.

  The third guy is Sawyer Briggs, a twenty-eight-year-old police officer from California with dark brown hair and kind green eyes. He’s the only one I don’t get jackass vibes from. He walks toward me and holds out his hand.

  “You must be Kami Grayson. I’m Sawyer.”

  I shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  The other two step forward and shake my hands as well. “There wasn
’t much information on you in the file,” Chris says, raking his gaze over me curiously. “You are a celebrity though. I saw you on TV the other day.”

  “Same,” Anthony pipes in. “You’re the one who found the man who murdered Samantha Teller.”

  Seeing her dead, violated body still haunts me. “That’s me,” I reply, really hoping they don’t want to talk about the case. Luckily, a black SUV pulls up into the parking lot and stops right at us. When the driver gets out, I know it’s Reed Chandler; I recognize him from the internet searches I did.

  “Good morning,” he says, walking around the front of his SUV. He’s young and in his late twenties with dark brown hair and emerald-colored eyes. He shakes Chris’s hand first, then moves to Anthony and Sawyer. He gets to me, and his grin widens. “I’m happy you’re here.”

  I nod. “So am I.”

  He claps his hands once and motions toward his car. “All right, let’s get started. Kami sits up front.” Sawyer opens the door for me, and I can already tell I’m going to get along with him.

  The guys hop in the backseat while I take the front. Chris slams his door and clears his throat. “So … are we all going to be expected to perform equally, or does the little lady up there get special treatment?”

  Clenching my teeth, it takes all I have not to come back with a smart-ass remark. I can’t wait until I can show Chris what I’m really made of. I have no doubt we’ll have to train against each other at some point. Out of the corner of my eye, Reed glances over at me, but I keep my eyes on the road.

  “No, she won’t get special treatment in training, but it’s common courtesy to let a lady sit up front. Any gentleman would know that.”

  Sawyer snorts, and when I look at him in the side-view mirror, he smiles mischievously at me. We ride for about ten minutes before Reed slows down and turns down a long, paved driveway to a large ranch-style house that’s the size of a mansion. Then again, I know the Chandler family is worth a lot of money.

  “Is this someone’s home?” I ask.

  Reed pulls up to the house and parks. “It’s where I grew up. My father was a part of the FBI, but now he’s retired. He left this house to me and my three brothers, who are also agents. Right now, my brother, Ian, and his wife live here. My other brother, Bryce, who’s Ian’s twin, helps us with the more in-depth part of the training. You’ll meet him next week.”

  “A family of FBI agents. That’s pretty cool,” I say.

  Reed chuckles. “It has its perks. Let’s just say we’ve saved each other’s asses many times.”

  We get out of the SUV and follow Reed to the back of the house where there’s a gray, garage-type building. Reed points to it and then focuses on us, meeting each of our gazes. “This is where you’ll change clothes, shower, and rest while you’re here. You’ll get breaks throughout the day, and trust me, you’ll need them. There’s always food in the kitchen, courtesy of my wife. She loves to cook. I’m sure you’ll see her around here at some point.”

  Sawyer raises his hand. “Not much has been explained as to what we’re doing here. Are you able to explain it a little more now?”

  Reed’s expression turns serious. “Not yet. I have to see if you have what it takes. This first week is all about endurance. I’m going to push your bodies to the limit. Next week, we’ll work on gun skills. And then the next, hand-to-hand combat. You’ll train against each other. After that, we’ll do a combination of everything. I think you’ll find it all interesting.”

  It takes all I have not to smile. I want Chris and Anthony to be surprised when I kick their asses. But more importantly, I feel like I’m where I belong. I don’t know what I’m training for, but I know I’m in the right place.

  Reed stretches his arms over his head and rolls his neck. “All right, now’s your time to stretch. Training begins in ten minutes. You have a lot of miles to run today.” He points toward the field where blue flags mark a path leading into the forest in the distance. “Out there, you’ll find flags marking the route. Cameras are stationed in various spots so we can watch you. Pace yourself and don’t overdo it. Also, we’ll know if you cut corners. Stay on the path and finish the entire course.”

  The guys begin to stretch, and I do the same even though I don’t need to. With being a shifter, my body’s always ready. Reed disappears into the training building and comes out with four hydration packs filled with water to strap onto our backs. I take mine and secure it while the other men do the same. The ten minutes are almost up, and I find my thoughts straying to Colin. Hopefully, a long run will put him out of my mind. Or at least, maybe I’ll be able to think of a way to change the dynamics and make him not be my mate.

  Reed clears his throat. “Okay, get ready. Your time’s about to start.” Chris, Anthony, and Sawyer stand side by side, all in position to take off toward the blue flags. I take my spot beside Sawyer and wait for the signal. I know to play it safe and not take off like the wind just yet, but as soon as we hit the forest, it’s game on. Reed drapes a whistle over his neck and brings it to his lips. “All right, go!”

  The whistle blows, and we’re off.



  I wish I had the guys' faces on camera the moment I bypassed them in the woods. Chris cussed the entire time and almost passed out from trying to catch up to me. From as far ahead as I was, almost five hundred yards, I could hear his strangled breathing. We ran the entire morning and even had to climb rocks and back down to get back on the path. I came in first, Sawyer was second, and Anthony was third, with Chris just a few seconds behind him. As far as humans go, their times were impressive.

  After the first run, we were told to rest for thirty minutes in the training building. Inside, there are two different locker rooms, one for the men and one for the women. I have the women’s side all to myself, which is nice. Unfortunately, I can still hear Chris in the next room, complaining about his hurting calves. I also get to listen to him and Anthony talk about how sexy I am. Sawyer ended up telling them they need to show me respect. It makes me like him even more. Our time is almost up, so I guzzle another bottle of water and head outside. Reed is there, and Sawyer is already at the starting line, ready to go.

  He looks at me and smiles. “Good job this morning. Were you on the cross-country team in high school or something?”

  I wanted to partake in school sports, but it wouldn’t have been fair. “No, but I love to run,” I say.

  Sawyer laughs. “Yeah, I can tell. I’m going to try to keep up with you this next go around.”

  I wink. “Good luck with that.”

  Anthony and Chris walk out of the training building and line up with us. “I am going to need a fucking beer after all of this. You guys down for it?” Chris asks us. He even looks at me and raises his brows. “Maybe you can tell us your secrets? I already know you’re going to kick our asses on this run.”

  I look over at Sawyer, and he nods. “It’ll be fun.”

  Is it wise to have drinks while you’re in the middle of the most critical training in your life? No, but they have to make their own decisions. Alcohol doesn’t affect my performance.

  “Okay,” I give in. “I’m staying with a girlfriend of mine, so maybe I can get her to come too.” Chris’s eyes light up, but I’m not about to tell him he doesn’t have a chance in hell. I’ll let him figure that out when Amelie turns him down.

  Reed watches us all with narrowed eyes as if he’s studying our every move. It makes me wonder what he’s looking for. “You ready?” he shouts, bringing the whistle to his lips. “The same route, but I want faster times.” He blows the whistle. “Go!”

  If he wants faster times, he’ll get it. I take off past the guys and head straight for the forest, smiling when I hear the guys groan behind me. Reed says they have cameras stationed throughout the woods, so I know I have to be careful what I do. The second I’m hidden within the trees, I run faster without even breaking a sweat. Once I get up to the rock-climbing section, I’ll slow it down.
I remember every single crevice I used to climb up it.

  When I get there, I climb to the top with ease and take a deep breath. I’m not that high up, so there isn’t much of a view, other than a drop-off and trees. Still, it feels incredible to be surrounded by the forest. The guys are so far behind me, I could easily take an hour nap. I could use it after being jolted awake early this morning. I’m terrified about going to sleep tonight. I have no clue what my dreams will be like now that I know Colin is my mate.

  “Don’t say that,” I hiss under my breath. “It can’t be true.” I sit down on a boulder and cover my face with my hands. My wolf stirs impatiently inside of me. We’re both one and the same, but she’s the animalistic side of my personality. If Colin is my mate, she’ll fight me until she claims him. The real Colin isn’t like the man in my dreams. There’s no way he has the capability of touching me and making love to me the way he did. That was my imagination. One thing’s for sure, I have no intention of letting the real Colin get that close to me.

  Unlatching the straw to my hydration pack, I bring it to my lips and gulp down a bunch of the water. I can’t go back with it completely full. Once it’s secured back in place, I stand and stretch my legs. I’m about to take off when I get the feeling of eyes on me. It’s very faint, but there’s a shifter close by. The second I feel my wolf wanting to run to him, I tense. It’s Colin. I don’t know if he wants me to know he’s there or not or if he’s testing me because he knows too. I sure hope that’s not the case. Either way, I have to ignore him.


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