Home > Other > HER SECRET, HIS DUTY > Page 18

by Carla Cassidy

  Maybe she should be afraid to go home since it had only been the night before that somebody had crept into her house and tried to kill her. But Thad was hunting down anyone who might have had a key to her place, new doorknobs and locks had been installed and according to Trey if a squirrel managed to so much as brush against a door or window the police would arrive within minutes.

  Besides, she knew that Trey would never allow her to return to a place that wasn’t safe, not as long as she carried his baby.

  She absently caressed her stomach as she sat in the family sitting room waiting for Trey’s arrival. Kate had left earlier for a charity event and Sam had gone to his room. Maddie had retired for the night and the house held an uncharacteristic silence.

  It wouldn’t be quiet for long. She had a feeling in the weeks and months to come the estate would be a buzz of activity as both Trey and Kate began campaigning in earnest.

  Although Kate had yet to make an announcement that she intended to run for president, Debra had a feeling next Sunday’s morning breakfast would be her time to hear any concerns that the family might have to say and then she’d let them know that she’d decided to run.

  Kate was as much a political animal as her husband before her and now her son. Debra knew she had a steely will and was not just ambitious but truly believed she would be the best choice for the country. Ultimately, Kate would be driven by a sense of duty.

  She jumped as Trey suddenly appeared in the doorway.

  “You startled me. I didn’t hear you come in.” She tried not to notice how handsome, how sexy he looked in his jeans and a blue button-up shirt.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” His gaze was dark and unreadable. “Are you ready to go?”

  “I’m definitely ready.” She rose from the sofa, feeling strange not to have a suitcase or a purse. But she’d arrived here with nothing but the nightgown she’d been wearing when Trey had pulled her out of the townhouse. She’d thrown the nightgown away, not wanting any memories of the night somebody had gotten inside her home and set a fire in an attempt to kill her.

  “I can’t believe everything you got accomplished today,” she said when they were in her car.

  He flashed a smile. “It helps to be a Winston when you want to get things done. People tend to jump through hoops in an effort to please.”

  “Even on a Sunday?”

  “Even on a Sunday,” he replied.

  She imagined he’d paid extra dollars to get the work done on a Sunday. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to pay him back, but she was determined to do so even if it took years.

  “Sam got me a present for the baby,” she said. “It’s a cute bib that says I Love Mommy.” Her heart expanded as she thought of the unexpectedness of the gift.

  “He brought me a present for the baby, too. Diapers.” Trey laughed. “I guess he figures you get feeding duty and I’m going to get diaper duty.”

  “It works for me,” Debra joked. But of course she knew that separation of baby duties would never work. They’d be living in different homes, leading separate lives. He would be a busy state senator while the child was growing up, but no matter how busy his life would become, Debra knew he’d be a fabulous father.

  She knew that if you stripped away the political aspirations, the trappings of the shrewd businessman, what would be left was a caring, giving man. He was a loving grandson to his grandmother, a role model for his younger brothers, and a help and support to his mother.

  He had a good sense of humor and a large streak of kindness. That was who Trey Winston was at his very core. And those qualities were what would make him a loving, caring father and what made her love him.

  “You know I’d never let you return home if I didn’t think it was safe,” he said, interrupting her contemplations.

  “I know that,” she affirmed. “Have you spoken to Thad today about the investigation?”

  “Officially the investigation is being headed by Lieutenant Al Chase, but unofficially Thad is working on it as much as he can. He called me about an hour ago and said they had interviewed Barry, who indicated that on the nights of both incidents he was working late with his secretary. Apparently his secretary confirmed his alibis.”

  Debra released a dry, humorless laugh. “Well, of course she would. They’ve been sleeping together for years. That’s why I wanted out of the relationship with him. He’s had a relationship with his secretary, who is married and has kids, since he opened the real estate office.”

  “From what Thad said, Lieutenant Chase wasn’t impressed with the alibi so Barry isn’t home free.”

  Debra frowned thoughtfully. “Barry is a slimeball, but I just can’t see him being behind any of this. He has no motive to hurt me.”

  “He has no motive that you know about,” Trey countered. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in big business and politics, it’s that there are some crazy-ass people out there.”

  “And it’s so comforting to think that one of them is after me,” she replied.

  Trey reached out and placed his palm on her thigh. It wasn’t a sexual touch, but rather meant to soothe her. “We’re not going to let anyone hurt you, Debra. Thad and the police will be able to figure this out and put the guilty party behind bars.” He removed his hand from her leg and returned it to the steering wheel in time to park by the curb in front of her house.

  She knew he’d be coming inside. He needed to show her the new security system and how to work it. She gasped in surprise as she walked into the living room. It smelled of new paint and carpet cleaning, of washed walls, and showed no sign of the life-threatening event of the fire.

  She shuddered to think of what might have happened if Trey hadn’t been parked outside, if he hadn’t seen the first flames and jumped into action. Consciously she shoved those thoughts away and continued to look around. The curtains that had hung in the window were gone, but wood-slatted blinds were in their place.

  “I didn’t want to buy new curtains for you. My mother has always told me all my decorating taste is in my mouth, but I thought the blinds would be fine until you can shop for something else,” he said.

  “They’re perfect,” she replied. “Everything looks perfect. I don’t know how to thank you. We’ll set up some sort of payment plan so that I can pay you back for everything this has cost you.”

  He waved a hand to dismiss her offer. “I’m not worried about that now. Let me show you how to work the new security system.”

  As he showed her the monitor next to the front door and how to switch it to views of different areas from the cameras mounted outside, she tried not to smell his cologne, not to revel in the warmth of his nearness.

  “If the alarm goes off, you’ll immediately be contacted by the security company. If there is no danger, then you’re to answer that everything is fine. If there’s somebody with you and you’re in danger, then you’re supposed to say that everything is okay. Fine is safe. Okay is danger.”

  Debra nodded, taking in the information that might save her life. “When you enter the house you’ll have two minutes to punch in a code that will reset the security behind you. I set up the code and I’ve got it right here.” His gaze held hers intently as he handed her a small piece of paper he pulled from his pocket. “You and I are the only ones who know the code. Don’t share it with anyone on staff at the estate or friends or neighbors,” he said.

  “Trust me, I intend to memorize the number and then I should probably eat this piece of paper to assure nobody finds it,” she kidded.

  He grinned. “I’m not sure that’s necessary.”

  “After everything I’ve been through I think it is.” She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly chilled as she thought of everything she’d endured. “Would you like something to drink?” she asked, not sure if she wanted to be alone just yet. “
I think I might have some orange juice in the fridge.”

  “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you get the juice and I’ll build you a nice fire.”

  “That sounds perfect.” He started work on the fire and she went into the kitchen. By the time he had the fire crackling in the fireplace, she had two tall glasses of juice waiting.

  “We can take it into the living room,” she said.

  “Sounds perfect,” he agreed. Together they went back into the living room with their glasses and sank down on the sofa.

  “What a difference a day makes,” she said, and released a pent-up sigh. “I feel like I’ve ruined things for you.”

  “You haven’t ruined anything, Debra. You’ve given me a great gift. Your pregnancy will be old news within a couple of days, but for me it’s the beginning of a wonderful event that will last the rest of my life.”

  Debra took a sip of her drink. “I was so afraid, I mean it wasn’t exactly like we planned this. I was so worried that if you found out, if anyone found out that the baby was yours, then it would ruin all of the dreams you had for yourself and I didn’t want to do that to you.”

  “As far as I’m concerned nothing has changed my dreams. The only thing you have done is added to the dreams I have for myself.”

  “But, I totally messed things up between you and Cecily,” she replied.

  He shrugged. “Cecily and I made a great political team. But I wasn’t in love with her and I’m sure she wasn’t in love with me. You probably did me a favor, because had we gotten married based on mutual ambition alone, we may have ended up two bitter, unhappy people and in the end that’s what I experienced with my own parents. I don’t want that for myself.”

  Debra shook her head in amazement. “You Winstons have always managed to turn any negative into a positive.”

  “That’s because we don’t see negatives, we only see opportunities. You’re giving me the opportunity to be a dad.” His eyes darkened with emotion. “And I didn’t realize how badly I wanted that until you told me you were pregnant with my baby.”

  He turned his head and stared at the fire. “I don’t know what the future holds, but I can tell you what I want at this very minute.” He turned back to look at her. “I want you to know that I haven’t had sex with Cecily since the night you and I spent together and what I want right now is to make love to the mother of my child on that red rug in front of the fire.”

  Debra paused with her glass halfway to her mouth, stunned by his words and by the heat of desire that pulsed in his eyes, desire that instantly pulsed through her.

  Part of the reason she’d stopped their near lovemaking in her foyer was because she knew he was going to marry Cecily, because she didn’t want to be that woman who cheated with a man who was already taken.

  She’d made that mistake on the night they’d been together, and had refused to make it yet again when they’d almost lost it in her entryway.

  She set her glass down, her hand trembling slightly. “I won’t be your mistress, Trey. I won’t be your baby mama who you occasionally stop by to have sex with. I want better than that. I deserve more than that.” She drew a tremulous breath. “But I won’t lie. I want you again. I want you tonight and then we’re never going to be together intimately again.”

  One last night with him to remember, she told herself. One final time to be held in his arms, to feel his body against hers. A final chance to love him without inhibition, without restraint, surely after all she’d been through she deserved that.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to talk you into doing something you aren’t comfortable with.”

  “The only thing that is making me uncomfortable is how long it’s taking you to kiss me,” she replied.

  He shot across the small space between them on the sofa and wrapped her in his arms as his mouth covered hers in a fiery kiss that stole her breath away. Her heartbeat responded by rapidly fluttering in her chest.

  It was almost frightening how easily he could take her from zero to a hundred on the desire scale. Although she would never speak of her love for him aloud, she could show him in her kiss, in the intimacy that was about to follow.

  The last time they’d had sex, it had been hot and wild and completely spontaneous. Now she wasn’t having sex with him, she was making love with him...for the first and the very last time.

  They kissed for some time before he broke the contact and stood. He held out his hand and she took it as he led her to the soft throw rug in front of the fireplace.

  He lowered her to the floor as if she were a fine piece of china and then he stretched out next to her and took her in his arms once again.

  As their lips met, Debra fought against the wild emotion that rose up in her heart. Love. She felt as if she’d loved Trey Winston forever.

  Despite the fact that she knew he loved her because she carried his baby, at the moment it didn’t matter what he felt for her. She just wanted to give to him everything her heart had to give. It didn’t matter if he couldn’t give her back what she wanted from him.

  The fire warmed her, but not as much as Trey’s mouth plying hers with heat, not as much as the love that burned hot in her soul.

  As they continued to kiss, she began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt, wanting, needing to feel his bare, muscled chest, the strength of his naked shoulders.

  Once she had his shirt unbuttoned, he threw it off and reached for the bottom of her T-shirt. He pulled it over her head and tossed it across the room and then he drew her against him, their nakedness melded together as her breasts rubbed his naked chest.

  His lips once again captured hers and she tried not to think about the fact that after tonight they would both be going cold turkey in their addiction to each other.

  It didn’t take long before kissing and hugging wasn’t enough. He kicked off his shoes and tore off his socks, then shucked his jeans and navy briefs in a hot minute. At the same time she shimmied out of the sweatpants and her panties.

  For several sweet moments he hovered just above her, his gaze sweeping the length of her. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

  He was beautiful as well, with the light of the fire illuminating his muscles and emphasizing his handsome features. “Don’t talk.... Kiss,” she said breathlessly.

  He complied, once again slanting his mouth down to hers where their tongues swirled as their bodies fell together like two pieces of a puzzle.

  His hands were everywhere, cupping her sensitive breasts, sliding down her stomach, running across her back. It was as if his fingers, his palms hungered for the feel of her skin and she couldn’t halt the small moan of pleasure that escaped her.

  She, too, loved the feel of his skin and ran her fingers down the length his back and then up to grip his shoulders and then the biceps that were like rocks.

  He tore his mouth from hers and trailed kisses down her jawline, into the soft hollow of her throat and then licked one of her nipples, creating an electric current that raced through her from head to toe.

  He toyed with first one nipple and then the other and she could feel his turgid manhood against her thigh, letting her know he was fully aroused.

  His mouth left her breasts and dragged down to her lower stomach, lingering there as if he were kissing the baby she carried inside. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed as once again emotion welled up from deep inside her.

  Love my baby, love me, a little voice whispered in the back of her head. The voice was silenced as his hands slid down her stomach, lightly touched her inner thigh and then caressed the center of her that throbbed with need.

  Rational thought left her as she raised her hips to meet the intimate touch, as the build-up of sexual tension climbed higher and higher.

  He moved his fingers faster and then slowed as he teased and tormented her. She dug her finger
s into the rug on either side of her as his fingers once again worked faster and she gave in to the waves of pleasure that washed over her, leaving her gasping, crying and laughing all at the same time.

  “Again,” he whispered, his eyes filled with the joy of her pleasure. Once again his fingers found the same spot and began to move...slowly, sensually rubbing and caressing as she struggled to catch her breath.

  He seemed to know exactly what she needed, what she wanted and then she was there again, crying out his name as her body shuddered with a second release.

  She grabbed his hand to stop him from touching her again. She needed to catch her breath, she wanted to give back to him a little of the sheer pleasure that he’d just given to her.

  She sat up and pushed him onto his back, determined that if this was the last time they were going to be together, she would make sure he had as much trouble forgetting it as she would.

  He lay perfectly still as she leaned over him and kissed him on the lips. Her kiss was soft and light, just a promise and then she began to trail kisses down the length of his chest and stomach.

  Light and teasing, she kissed and licked his skin, loving the taste of him on her tongue, loving the way he groaned her name as she made her way down his lower abdomen.

  His body held a tension that she reveled in as his hands tangled in her hair and he once again moaned her name. She licked first one inner thigh and then the other as she took him in her hand. Hard and throbbing, his arousal was magnificent and she loved the fact that it was her he wanted.

  “Debra.” Her name escaped him in a husky, strangled protest. “I need to be in you now. If you touch me anymore I’ll lose it.”

  “We wouldn’t want that,” she replied, surprised by the husky want in her own voice.

  He sat up and laid her down and she opened herself to receive him as he moved into position on top of her. As he eased into her, his mouth sought hers. The kiss was achingly tender and brought tears to her eyes once again.

  Love my baby. Love me.


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