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One Night...Nine-Month Scandal

Page 10

by Sarah Morgan

  It was a big sacrifice for a guy like Alekos who was completely driven in his work and constantly in demand. The fact that he was making such huge adjustments in his schedule for her was incredibly flattering. In fact it would have been all too easy to fall back into their old relationship with no thought. Every minute of the day, she had to remind herself to be wary.

  Living together was becoming all too intense, she thought to herself, watching him lean forward, transfixed by the ripple of muscle and display of strength. It was all too intense. It was a good thing they were going out.

  ‘Is this a date or something?’ Horribly conscious of him, Kelly wished she hadn’t risked the bikini. It drew his gaze, and his smouldering, sizzling attention was sending her hormones screaming into the danger zone.

  His gaze lingered on hers and then his sensual mouth curved into a smile. ‘More of a business dinner than a date. I want you with me tonight.’

  The words made Kelly’s insides soften to pulp. He wanted her with him. He was including her in his life. He was sharing things with her.

  Their relationship was progressing. Obviously it had been a good idea to suggest separate bedrooms. She shifted slightly on the sun lounger, wishing that denying herself didn’t feel quite so difficult. The chemistry between them was electric. Even without touching him she could feel the tension in his muscles. She was experiencing the same tension. By imposing bedroom limits all she’d done was increase the sexual temperature around them to dangerous levels.

  ‘This meeting—’ she curled her legs up so that there was less chance of brushing against him ‘—tell me what I’m supposed to say. I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing.’

  ‘I am not expecting you to close a deal,’ Alekos said dryly. ‘Just to be yourself.’

  ‘What do I have to wear? Will it be smart?’

  ‘Very. I have already arranged a selection of clothes to be taken to our Athens home so that you can choose something you like.’

  Our Athens home.

  The words made the breath catch in her throat and Kelly allowed a little flame of hope to bloom inside her. Would he be talking about ‘our’ home if he was planning to walk out on her again? No. He was talking as if they were a couple. A partnership.

  The fact that she’d never heard him talk like that before raised her spirits, and she sat patiently while he took phone call after phone call, some in English, some in Greek.

  Determined not to be impressed by the influence he wielded, Kelly pondered the evening ahead. ‘So, how long are we spending in Athens?’

  ‘Just one night. My pilot is picking us up in an hour.’

  ‘An hour?’ Losing her pretence at cool, Kelly sat upright in a flash of panic. ‘I have one hour to get ready to go and meet a load of people I’m supposed to impress? That’s all?’

  ‘I’m the only person you have to impress,’ he said smoothly. ‘And I assumed you would get ready when we arrive in Athens. I have arranged for some people to help you.’

  ‘What sort of people?’ Torn between relief and outrage, Kelly frowned at him. ‘A plastic surgeon?’

  ‘Not a plastic surgeon. I don’t think you’re in need of one of those.’ There was laughter in his eyes. ‘A stylist and a hairdresser.’

  ‘Stylist? I’m not in need of a plastic surgeon but I am in need of a stylist?’ Her confidence punctured, Kelly pushed her hair behind her ear. ‘Are you saying you don’t like my style?’

  He sighed. ‘I love your style. But most women consider that sort of thing a treat.’ His smile faded and his eyes narrowed warily. ‘Did I get it wrong? Because I can cancel.’

  ‘No,’ Kelly said hurriedly, ‘Don’t cancel. It might be quite—’ she shrugged ‘—fun, I suppose. Maybe they’ll give me one of those seaweed-wrap things that makes you lose a stone in five minutes.’

  ‘If they do that, then they’ll never work for me again. Why are women always so incredibly conscious about their weight?’

  ‘Because men are incredibly shallow,’ Kelly said with dignity, swinging her legs off the sun lounger.

  ‘Where are you going?’

  She picked up her sunglasses and her book. ‘I’m going to get ready.’

  ‘You can get ready when we arrive at Athens.’

  ‘I’m getting ready to get ready. I can’t face a stylist looking like this.’

  Clearly out of his depth, Alekos dug his hand into his hair. ‘I will never understand women.’

  ‘Stick at it. You’re a bright man; you’ll get there eventually.’

  His house was in the smartest district of Athens, tucked away from the other mansions and hidden at the end of a long, winding drive.

  Approaching from the air, Kelly felt slightly faint.

  It was huge. Beneath her she could see the architecturally beautiful villa with its wide terrace facing over the city of Athens. An ancient vine offered shade, and water cascaded over a series of stones and into an incredible swimming pool. It was a smooth curve, an oasis of clear, turquoise water framed by tumbling bougainvillea and hot-pink oleander.

  Kelly thought of her tiny rented cottage in Little Molting. When she stood in her kitchen, she could almost touch all four walls. This was another world.

  Feeling overwhelmed and more than a little intimidated, she clutched her seat as the helicopter settled on a circular pad a little distance from the villa.

  Four powerfully built men immediately came into view.

  Kelly lifted her eyebrows. ‘Who are they?’

  ‘Part of my security team.’

  ‘Is there something you’re not telling me?’

  ‘In Athens I am more careful,’ Alekos said shortly, unclipping her seat belt and urging her towards the door. ‘Wealth makes you a kidnap target. I want to be able to get on with my work without looking over my shoulder.’

  Kelly was affronted on his behalf. She knew his ever-expanding business had created literally thousands of jobs, many of which went to Greeks. She knew him to be fiercely patriotic, supporting local charities and numerous good causes. It was one of the things she’d loved about him when they’d first met.

  Following him along the path and into the villa, it was impossible not to stare because it was, without doubt, the most impressive home she’d ever seen. When they’d been together before, they’d spent all their time at his villa in Corfu, so she’d never seen his main residence.

  Acres of costly marble and glass gave a sleek, contemporary feel to the place. Beautiful artwork added splashes of colour to the white walls; the furnishings were simple and elegant but the overall feel was one of incredible wealth and privilege. All of it a million miles from her own incredibly ordinary background.

  ‘We don’t have much time.’ Without breaking stride, Alekos led her up a wide staircase and pushed open a door. ‘The staff are all waiting to help you. I will leave you to get ready.’

  ‘But—’ Kelly had a million questions she wanted to ask, but he was already striding away from her, his mobile in his hand as he fielded yet another phone call.

  Humbled and frustrated by the constant demands on his attention, she stood there feeling like an intruder.

  ‘Miss Jenkins?’ A woman hurried across the room towards her, her black hair caught up in an elegant knot at the base of her neck. ‘I’m Helen. If we could make a start?’

  Relieved to have a purpose, Kelly followed her into a suite of rooms and stared in disbelief at the racks of clothes in front of her. It was as if an exclusive store had been opened up for her use alone. In the short time she’d spent with Alekos four years ago, she’d never seen this side of his life. They’d spent time walking barefoot on the beach; they’d shared dinner on the terrace of his villa wearing the same clothes they’d worn to visit a local market.

  Now his life was laid out in front of her.

  Two other women were hovering but it was obvious that it was Helen who was in charge. ‘If we could start by choosing the dress, Miss Jenkins, then we can decide on hair and mak
e-up.’ Her eyes narrowed, she studied Kelly and then walked briskly to the rails. ‘I think I have something that would be perfect.’

  Kelly, who had been worrying about exactly what constituted ‘perfect’ for a business dinner, stared as the woman whisked a dress off the rail. ‘Hot pink?’

  ‘You will look spectacular. Colours of the Mediterranean.’ Helen slipped the dress off the hanger. ‘Your eyes are the colour of the sea, your hair the colour of washed sand and this dress—’ she shrugged ‘—is the colour of oleander. Do you like it?’

  Kelly stared at the mouth-watering silk confection on the hanger. ‘I’m trying to look grown-up and sophisticated—I thought maybe something safe. Something black?’

  The woman gave her a pitying smile. ‘Black is for funerals. I was told that tonight is a celebration. Why don’t you slide into the bath that Nina has prepared for you and then we’ll try this for a change. If you don’t like it, we’ll find something else.’

  A celebration?

  Kelly’s heart fluttered. As she slid into scented water in the largest bath-tub she’d ever seen, she wondered exactly what they were going to be celebrating.

  It must be something big if Alekos was going to all this trouble.

  And he’d wanted her here, which meant it couldn’t be business-related or he would have done that on his own.

  It must be about them, she thought to herself with a shiver of excitement. Over the past few weeks they hadn’t really discussed the future; they’d been concentrating more on the present and their relationship. Which was good, she told herself. That was the right way to do it.

  And if a small part of her was slightly disappointed that Alekos hadn’t mentioned the baby, then another part of her understood. This was a big thing for him, wasn’t it? And he was nothing like her; he didn’t deal with problems publicly. He worked them out quietly for himself.

  She needed to be patient and give him time.

  The fact that he’d brought her here proved that he saw them as a couple. She was part of his life now.

  Reflecting on the likely nature of the forthcoming ‘celebration’, Kelly trailed her fingers through the frothy, scented bubbles. Obviously they were going to be celebrating something that hadn’t happened yet.

  Her heart gave a spring and she felt a flutter of excitement.

  Was he going to propose?

  She racked her brains to think of other reasons to celebrate, but nothing came to mind. Exams, new jobs: it couldn’t be any of those things.

  Lying in the warm water, Kelly tried to work out whether she’d say yes straight away or make him wait.

  But why make him wait? What would be the point of that? She loved him—she’d never stopped loving him—and now she was having his child. It was a pointless waste of time pretending that she didn’t want to be with him.

  Her excitement levels rose to almost agonising proportions, and Kelly could barely sit still as one of the girls washed and conditioned her hair.

  ‘I dare not do too much to it or I will be in trouble with the boss.’ Helen trimmed it and then blow dried it into soft waves. ‘He is right that you have beautiful hair.’

  ‘Alekos said that?’

  ‘“I need her to stun the crowd, Helen”,’ Helen parroted as she repeated her instructions from Alekos. ‘“But don’t touch her hair. She has beautiful hair. And, whatever you do, don’t cut it short or you will never work for me again”.’

  Taking the fact that she had to stun a crowd to be yet more evidence that he was introducing her to the world as someone important in his life, Kelly beamed. ‘You work for him a lot?’

  Helen smiled and reached for the make-up she’d already spread across the table. ‘He used to fly me to Corfu to blow dry his grandmother’s hair. She always loved to look her best, but she found it harder and harder to travel because of her health, so Alekos took me to her. He adored her.’

  ‘Oh.’ Surprised by that revelation, Kelly realised that Alekos had rarely mentioned his grandmother. ‘I never knew her. She died before I met him. He told me that the Corfu villa was once hers.’

  The doctor’s words flew into her head.

  I remember you coming here to stay with your grandmother as a child. I remember one summer in particular, when you were six years old. You didn’t speak for a month. You had suffered a terrible trauma.

  Corfu had been his sanctuary, she realised as she allowed Helen to apply her make-up. But he didn’t talk about it, did he? She wondered whether that was something Alekos would ever open up and discuss.

  ‘You look stunning,’ Helen enthused, standing back to admire the finished effect. ‘Now, the dress.’ She snapped her fingers and Nina passed it across. Slipping it deftly over Kelly’s head, Helen straightened it and stood back, eyes narrowed. ‘And now the shoes.’

  Nina appeared again with something in her hand and Kelly pulled a face. ‘I’ll never be able to walk in those. I have a bit of a problem with shoes and shiny floors.’

  ‘That’s why God invented man. Alekos will hold your arm.’ Helen placed them on the floor in front of her. ‘They are perfect.’

  As Kelly slid her feet into the shoes, Helen frowned at her. ‘We just need to decide on jewellery—the neck is too bare.’

  ‘Are you ready?’ Alekos strode into the room with his phone to his ear, spectacularly handsome in a white dinner-jacket, an impatient frown touching his bronzed forehead as he clearly tried to conduct a conversation and finish dressing.

  A black bow-tie hung round his neck ready to be tied and cufflinks gleamed at his wrists.

  When he saw her, his conversation dried up and Kelly felt her heart beat faster.

  She didn’t need to look in the mirror to know that Helen had done her job well. Looking into his eyes was enough.

  Impossibly excited about the celebration, and feeling incredible, Kelly turned and walked over to the mirror, treating him to a view of her bare back. The dress dipped low and she took his sudden indrawn breath to be a compliment. She needed that compliment because one glance in the mirror had told her that she looked nothing like herself. Normally she chose to wear black because it was safe. There was nothing safe about hot pink. It was bold and brave, but at the same time lighthearted and fun.

  What bothered her most was that the dress was un-deniably sexy.

  And she wasn’t sure it was a good idea to dress like this in front of Alekos.

  They were supposed to be taking the whole sex element out of their relationship, weren’t they?

  On the other hand, if they were going to be celebrating what she thought they would be celebrating, then what better way to make their relationship complete?

  ‘You look beautiful.’ His voice husky, he dismissed the staff with a barely discernable movement of his head. ‘I have something for you.’

  Kelly’s heart accelerated.

  Staring up at him dreamily, she waited, wondering why he’d bought her another ring when she already had a beautiful one on her hand—the wrong hand, admittedly, but that could be easily rectified.

  Alekos drew in a deep breath. ‘But first there is something I want to say to you.’

  Kelly smiled up at him mistily. ‘There’s something I want to say to you too.’ I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.

  ‘I want to end this farce of sleeping in separate beds,’ he breathed. ‘It’s driving me crazy. I can’t concentrate on my work, I’m not getting any sleep.’

  ‘Oh.’ Slightly surprised by his approach, Kelly readjusted her expectations. It probably wasn’t altogether surprising that he’d approached it from that angle, she reasoned. He was a healthy male with a powerful sexdrive. ‘I feel the same way. It’s driving me crazy, too.’

  ‘I want a real relationship with you, and that includes sex.’

  A real relationship.

  ‘That’s what I want too,’ she whispered, her heart pounding as Alekos slid his hand behind her neck and pulled her mouth to his.

  ‘I can’t help
myself.’ He groaned the words against her lips. ‘I have to just—’

  ‘Oh yes.’ The erotic slide of his tongue unleashed emotions that she thought she had well under control. After weeks of abstinence, Kelly went up in flames. She forgot that they were supposed to be going out. She even forgot that she was waiting for him to propose. Her body felt hot and tight, and everything inside her was focused on the moment.

  Desperate for him, she gave a moan of encouragement as she felt his rough palms slide up her bare thighs. Her hand went to the button of his trousers and she felt the hard ridge of his arousal straining against her fingers.

  His mouth was hot and demanding on hers, and Alekos bunched the silk dress as he shifted it out of the way impatiently. Kelly’s arms locked around his neck and he lifted her where she stood, his dark eyes burning into hers as he gripped her hips.


  ‘Yes, now,’ she groaned. There was a brief pause and then he lowered her to the ground, his breathing a harsh rasp.

  ‘Wait—we shouldn’t.’

  On fire and just desperate, Kelly clutched at the front of his dress shirt. ‘Why?’ She was breathless. ‘I thought—’

  ‘No.’ His voice vibrating with tension, Alekos closed his hands over her arms and put her away from him. ‘Not here. Not like this. That isn’t what I meant.’


  ‘Later.’ Smoothing her dress over her trembling body, Alekos took her face in his hands and kissed her. ‘I don’t want a few crazy minutes with you,’ he said huskily. ‘I want more than that.’

  She wanted more than that too.

  She wanted for ever, and when Alekos put his hand inside his jacket Kelly felt her heart stop.


  ‘I have something for you.’ His tone husky, Alekos withdrew a long, midnight-blue velvet box from his pocket. Kelly stared at it blankly, her brain refusing to compute the information that her eyes were transmitting. A long box: that was the wrong shape, wasn’t it?


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