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Thin Ice

Page 9

by Maryann Jordan

Within a few minutes, they pulled into the gravel parking lot next to the large, wooden plank building. A sign hung over the front, with the name Goldmine Saloon painted in reds and yellows. Logan watched Vivian’s eyes light up as they walked up the front steps and entered the dark, cool interior.

  “Preacher!” Iggie hollered in greeting. His eyes moved to Vivian and he grinned. “Hey, Sadie, come meet Preacher’s wife.”

  He had entered the bar behind Vivian with his hands on her shoulders. At Iggie’s yell, she stiffened and backed up to his front just as Sadie came barreling from the back, skidding to a stop directly in front of her.

  “Hi! Oh, aren’t you a beauty,” Sadie declared, grabbing Vivian’s hand, shaking it profusely. Standing back, she narrowed her eyes and said, “Damn, Preacher, you didn’t tell us your wife was Inuit!”

  With Vivian’s back still plastered to his front, he wrapped his arm around her chest and rested his chin on her head, feeling the tension leave her body.

  “This is Vivian. I thought we’d get something to eat. We missed lunch and know it’s kind of early for dinner. Can you set us up?”

  Now smiling, Vivian’s hand naturally went to his arm, her fingers wrapping around his muscular forearm. Trying to remind himself they were only playacting for a cover, he knew the tingle from her touch was more than just pretend.

  “Well, Vivian, I’m Sadie and that old coot back there is my husband, Iggie. We’ll get the best burger you’ve ever eaten out here in just a few minutes.”

  He gave Vivian a little nudge and they moved forward as one toward the bar. Giving her a boost onto the bar stool, they ordered beers from Iggie.

  Soon they were joined when Sadie brought out the burgers and fries. Vivian quickly learned there was no privacy at the Goldmine Saloon as Sadie plopped down next to her. Iggie stayed planted behind the bar right with them as well.

  “So, tell me about your family,” Sadie asked.

  After swallowing her bite, she explained about her grandparents, including how she had been raised in California.

  “Oh, Alaska never leaves your blood,” Iggie claimed, a wide smile gleaming against his tanned skin.

  “I don’t know about that,” she replied. “I like my sunshine and I can’t drive in the snow!”

  “You’ll get the hang of it, if you two stay here. That’s what you’re planning, right Preacher?”

  She slid a glance toward Logan and watched as he nodded slowly before replying, “We’ll see. Gotta go where the work is. Right now, the airfield here can pay me enough to make it worth our while, but if works comes from somewhere else, then I figure that’s where we’ll head.”

  The foursome continued to chat for another hour as she and Logan finished eating. “Sadie, you’re right,” she said, “you do make the best burgers.”

  As the crowd increased for dinner, Sadie and Iggie moved on to serve other customers. Someone put money in the jukebox and she stood, taking Logan’s hand, pulling him gently from the barstool. He looked up at her in confusion as she led him to the back, where a few tables were cleared away and another couple swayed to the music.

  Halting, giving a tug on her hand, he glanced around before muttering, “Viv, I don’t dance.”

  She grinned, moving in closer, wrapping her free hand around his waist. Standing on her tiptoes, she whispered, “All you gotta do is hold on to me and rock back and forth.”

  Not wanting her to let go, Logan pulled her body tightly to his. Placing one hand on her back, he took their clasped hands and pressed them over his heart between their bodies. Moving as one with the music swirling about them, their gazes locked on each other, they began to sway to the music. He was sure she could hear his heartbeat, it thudded so loudly in his chest. Her hair hung gracefully down her back, the ends brushing against his arm, making him want to run his fingers through the thick, sleek tresses.

  As he stared into her eyes, he felt as though he could drown in their depths…and be found again. His fingers flexed on her lower waist as the warmth traveled up his arm. This makes no sense…I’ve known her less than a week. But his heart warred with his mind. He wanted her. Maybe that’s it…this is just sex I need. Me…a pretty girl…yeah, maybe a fling is what we both need. But as those thoughts moved through his mind, he knew a fling was not what he wanted.

  Bending down, he nuzzled her nose before sliding his lips over hers. Just a taste…just a touch. A soft gasp from her lips brushed warm breath across his lips and he took the kiss deeper.

  “Viv…” he groaned into her mouth, no longer caring what his head said, as long as he listened to what his heart demanded.

  Vivian gave in to the sensation of everything that was Logan. His arms wrapped around her as she slid her hands upward to encircle his neck. His thick chest as it pressed against her breasts, her nipples aching with need. His mouth, strong and soft, as it tormented hers, making her desire for the kiss to never end. Just as she thought she could not take any more, his tongue delved inside, stealing her breath as he plundered and teased. Her breasts felt heavy as the jolt from her lips to her core ignited.

  As the music ended, their bodies continued to sway and he lifted his head slightly, his breath still warm against her mouth. She stared into his eyes, stormy with lust while they held her pinned in place.

  Hating to ask, but feeling the needed to, she whispered, “Is that part of our cover?”

  Logan hesitated but the truth won out. “No,” he replied softly. His heart pounded and his body stiffened in preparation for her response.

  Her lips curved into a wide smile as she moved in closer so their lips were once more a whisper apart. “Good.”

  His heart leaped as he pulled away, staring down into her beautiful face. Without a word, he led her toward the door, his arm around her shoulders, firmly pulling her next to him. The early evening darkness surrounded them and, with a wave toward Sadie and Iggie, they stepped through the door to head home.


  The two-mile drive home seemed to stretch into eternity. Logan held tight to Vivian’s fingers, placing their entwined hands on his thigh. Casting a nervous glance to her, he breathed a sigh of relief to see her staring back, a smile etched on her face.

  “You okay, Viv?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” she replied. “Never better.”

  Stepping on the accelerator, the old truck kicked up gravel as they turned onto their road. As they approached the cul-de-sac, he noticed no cars were parked outside the Zaman’s house. Like a cold bucket of water dumped on his head, he remembered he had boxes in the back of his truck that held equipment that needed to be installed under cover of darkness—now was the best time.

  He parked and turned off the ignition, the sudden quiet of the evening filling the cab. Hesitating before looking at her, he felt the squeeze of her hand in his.

  Her soft voice filled the silence as she said, “The timing’s wrong, isn’t it? You’ve got to work with whatever’s in the back of the truck.”

  He turned toward her, her face illuminated by the light shining over the kitchen door. Understanding, mixed with regret, in her eyes caused his breath to stumble. “Viv, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on. That’s not me—”

  “Shh,” she said, her smile less wide and a little sad. “We’re here on business and have got things we need to take care of.”

  She started to pull away but he held fast to her hand. She looked back over her shoulder in surprise, her brow furrowed in question.

  “Viv…what happened back there…that was not business. You need to know that.”

  Nodding, she said, “I know. But it’s best we focus on our mission right now.” With that, she slid her hand from his and hopped out of the truck, walking to the kitchen door.

  Leaning his head back, he breathed, “Shit.” Sighing heavily, he climbed out and moved to the back to unload the boxes.

  An hour later, laying flat against the roof, hidden from view, Logan saw headlights coming down the driveway. He wa
tched as Akram and Farrah alighted from their car and went into their house. Lights shone through the cracks in their curtains as they moved through the house, first in the front and then toward the back.

  Rolling over onto his back, he stared at the clear, black sky dotted with stars. With no pollution or any atmospheric interference, they twinkled brightly, appearing close enough to touch. Bundled up against the cold, he remembered the warmth of Viv in his arms. What started as a continuation of their cover quickly became a need, on both their parts. Just lust based on proximity? Or something more? Something based on real emotions?

  A gust of cold wind hit him, bringing him back to the present. Frustrated that the situation took his mind off the mission, he rolled over. Continuing to work, he set up the transmitter and hid it behind the TV’s satellite dish. Finally, completing his tasks, he moved toward the back where a ladder was hidden. Entering through the kitchen, he stopped at the counter, looking into the living room where Vivian sat on the sofa, flipping channels on the TV. Her eyes lifted to his, a sad resignation on her face. Shutting the TV off, she stood and walked over to the other side of the counter.

  “Hey, did you get it all set up?”

  “Yeah. Let me work on my laptop for a few minutes and then I can show you what we need to focus on next.”

  Plastering a smile on her face, that did not reach her eyes, she nodded. “Sure, that’ll be great.”

  Not knowing what else to say, he headed to the kitchen table and opened his laptop. Half an hour later, he called her over. Clearly anxious to see what he had completed, she hurried to the table. Sitting in the chair next to him, she leaned close as she stared at the laptop screen. His nostrils filled with the floral scent of her shampoo and he leaned ever so slightly closer.

  “Is that what I think it is?” she asked, her eyes wide as she stared at the inside of the Zaman’s house. Akram was standing in the kitchen pouring a drink as Farrah moved down the hallway out of sight.

  Chuckling, he relaxed as he nodded. “I’ve got audio and visuals inside, as well as outside.”

  Vivian turned toward him, trying to ignore the closeness of his face, and asked, “But…but how?”

  “That’s what some of the equipment was that I picked up today. I got in and set up a few cameras in rooms that they are working in. The bedroom the Zamans are using appears clear, but the other bedroom, as you can see, has lab equipment set up in it. I also put visual and audio transmitters in the front room and kitchen, as those are the rooms where most conversations take place.”

  “How will they not detect the wires and stuff?”

  Logan heard the worry lacing her voice and clasped her hand. “Viv, the equipment I used is not the usual crap most security agencies use. It’s not even available to civilians…although I’m sure some have it. When I got tasked for this, I was told I had no limitations on equipment or costs.” He watched her face as she digested the information, slowly nodding.

  “So, they won’t know we’re doing this?”

  “It’s all transmitted to this laptop, both visuals and audio.”

  “And you need me to…?”

  “We need to know what they’re working on. If they’re creating something deadly, I can’t just go in and steal some random Petri dishes, or test tubes, or whatever the shit they’re using. I’ll need you to let me know what to get. What to take so that you’ll be able to safely transport and test it. So, as boring as this is, I need you to watch them, monitor them. It doesn’t have to be all the time, just enough to know what we’re up against.”

  “And no more cookouts, right?” she asked, attempting to joke.

  Dropping his chin, he agreed, “Yeah.” Lifting his head, he said, “Look, I know this is fucked. You didn’t sign on for any of this. Your asshole supervisor just sent you to do testing. Granted, he at least told you what you’d possibly be facing, but none of this other shit—”

  “It’s okay,” she interrupted, her chocolate eyes piercing his. Offering a small shrug, she added, “I haven’t had this much excitement in a long time.”

  Unknowingly, they had both leaned so that their lips were so close together that it only took the barest movement in each other’s direction for their mouths to seal together.

  Vivian brought her hand up to cup his strong jaw, the rough stubble of his beard abrading her fingers. The kiss was slow, sensual, the barest touch of flesh on flesh.

  A soft moan escaped from her lips as he pulled back, resting his forehead on hers. Sucking in a ragged breath, she whispered, “What are we doing? I’ve never been a fling kind of girl…but with you, I’m willing to throw caution to the wind and give in to whatever this is between us.”

  “I know, Viv. Me too.”

  His large hands cupped her face, calloused thumbs gently smoothing over her skin. Peaceful silence moved between them, their eyes never wavering.

  “I don’t want to do anything to hurt you. What started as just pretending, now feels like it’s something more. But…”

  “I know. I feel it too. But, we come from different places…different states. When this is over…I just don’t know.”

  Pulling her forward, Logan kissed her again, first on her lips, then on her forehead, resting there for a moment. Swallowing, he dug deeply upon all his training, and pulled back. “Let’s take it slow. Keep working the mission. And this…between us…let’s give it time to see what it is.”

  She nodded as she let out a long, ragged breath. “You’re right. If this is really something, we can take it slow.”

  “Slow is good,” he said, his stormy eyes capturing hers as his chest heaved, as though out of breath from a long run.

  “Yeah, slow is the right thing to do.”

  Time stood still. Nothing existed but the two of them in the room, gazes never wavering, hands still cupping each other’s faces. The only sound was the old clock on the wall, ticking off the seconds.

  “Oh, fuck slow,” Vivian cried, as she crashed into him, erasing the space between them. Not just lips, but she shifted her body, crawling onto his lap, her arms moving from his face to around his neck.

  Logan’s arms encircled her waist as he pulled her tighter to his body, heedless of the chairs they knocked over as he stood with her in his arms. Noses bumped as they twisted, each angling for the closest position. His tongue thrust inside her warmth, tangling with hers as he searched every crevice, determined to memorize the taste and feel of her. With one hand under her ass, he stalked toward the back of the house, his lips still pressed against hers, mumbling, “Thank fuck. No more slow.”


  Logan managed to maneuver them into the bedroom, bumping Vivian’s legs twice and only missing hitting her head on the doorframe because he placed his hand on the back of it to protect it. When they finally stumbled into the room and fell sideways together on the twin-sized bed, their mouths separated just long enough for her to say, “Ow,” as she grinned against his lips.

  “Shut it,” he chuckled, grabbing her by the waist and rolling, pulling her on top of him before sealing her lips with his again.

  While their lips moved in concert, their hands flew haphazardly between their bodies, trying to pull their clothes off without ending the kiss. Finally, after they fumbled like teenagers, getting nowhere, Vivian sat up, her hand on the wall of his chest as she panted. Sliding her hands to the bottom of her shirt, she pulled it slowly up over her breasts, teasing him as the material caught on the underside first before revealing her black, lacy bra. Flipping the shirt over her head, she tossed it to the side.

  Suddenly nervous, she held her breath as his eyes moved from her face to her chest. Lifting one hand, he traced the swell of flesh with his forefinger, dipping down into her cleavage before moving over the next swell. Her breasts ached with need and her nipples hardened.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he groaned, his voice surprisingly reverent as his eyes lifted back to hers.

  Smiling in relief, she reached behind her and unclasped he
r bra, tossing it into the air. Logan continued to watch, her naked breasts bouncing slightly with the movement. The dark, rosy nipples beckoned him and he lifted his hands, palming their fullness. Rising forward, he latched his mouth over one, lost in the feel of the pliant flesh as he sucked deeply. Taking his fill of one breast, he moved to the other, before letting go and nipping the tender flesh.

  Rolling, he straddled her body, his hands moving to her jeans’ zipper, having to shift to keep from rolling off the small bed. Lowering her pants, he slowly revealed her beauty, lifting off her just long enough to pull her jeans down, snagging her black panties as he went. Bending, he kissed her stomach, causing her to jerk while giggling.

  “I’m ticklish,” she groaned, as his lips moved down. Vivian watched as he stood by the bed, his eyes moving from her head to her toes, her body completely naked for his slow perusal. “You make me nervous,” she said, her voice quivering.

  “Don’t be.” His eyes were once more back to hers. “You’re fuckin’ perfection.”

  Licking her lips, still tingling from their kisses, “You’re kind of overdressed for what I think is going to happen.”

  “Oh, what you think is going to happen, is going to happen,” he assured. Jerking his shirt over his head, he reached for his pants while toeing out of his boots. In a few seconds, he stood, tall and proud, his erect cock in his hand as he palmed it. Snagging a condom from his billfold, he crawled back on top of her, halting a whisper away from her lips.

  She allowed her gaze to travel slowly over his body. His dark brown hair was newly clipped and his daily scruff gave off a dangerous air. She followed his body with her eyes, from his muscular chest to his defined abs. A smattering of chest hair tapered to his waist. “You’re gorgeous,” she whispered, marveling at the play of his muscles as he held himself above her.

  She watched him hesitate for an instant, as though giving her the opportunity to call a halt to what they were doing. Her response was to grab his cheeks again and pull him down to her. Thrusting her tongue into his mouth, she relished the taste of him as their tongues tangled. She heard his groan, feeling it rumble in his chest, as it was pressed against her breasts.


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