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Thin Ice

Page 12

by Maryann Jordan

  “Waiting for things to get exciting?”

  Nodding, she dipped her chin, staring at her hand still clasped in his. “I told my supervisor that I wanted more responsibility and was willing to travel.” Snorting ruefully, she said, “And, I landed right back in Alaska.”

  “You landed right into my lap,” he said, giving her a little tug, pulling her closer.

  “It was a nice landing,” she admitted.

  “What’s your favorite food?”

  “Everything,” she responded with a laugh, “but I love Asian food…Chinese, Thai, Japanese.”

  “Biggest fear?”

  Twisting her head around, she looked up at him quizzically. She thought for a moment then said, “Driving on snow. I hate driving on snow.” Suddenly changing her mind, she leaned away from him and exclaimed, “No, no. Not driving on snow. That’s second. It would be thin ice.”

  Blinking at her unexpected response, he shook his head as his brow furrowed. “Thin ice?”

  Nodding rapidly, she said, “When I was a kid, a bunch of us went ice skating. I thought it was fun and had no idea how dangerous it was. One kid skated over some thin ice and fell through. He almost died and it scared me to death! I learned my lesson that day. Never go skating by yourself because you might be on thin ice and not even know it. So, if someone is with you and you fall through, then you can be saved.”

  Sitting quietly for another moment, she leaned her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. “I guess that’s kind of my story in a nutshell.” Looking into his eyes, she said, “Do you want to start on you?”

  Shaking his head, he said, “Nah. I’d rather start on you.” With that, he captured her mouth, this time taking the kiss soft and slow, savoring every nuance of her lips. He relished the soft flesh moving under his until he thrust his tongue into her mouth, delving into her warmth.

  Carefully sliding down the bed, he kissed her neck, nuzzling her wildly beating pulse point, his fingers unbuttoning her shirt. She shifted up, allowing him to remove both the flannel and her bra. With that accomplished, he glided his lips over her chest to latch onto a taut bud. Suckling one nipple after the other, he moved his hand over her stomach before his mouth trailed kisses in his hand’s wake.

  Quickly divesting her of her pants, he heard her moan in pleasure as he left her stomach to continue his trail of kisses down to her slick folds. Shouldering her legs apart as wide as they would go, he licked her wetness as he pulled her folds apart to allow his tongue deeper access. Her fingers ran through his hair, her breath catching in her lungs.

  His tongue thrusting in and out of her sex, he reached up with one hand to fondle her breast as her hips rotated upward, pushing into his face.

  Vivian could feel the delicious pressure building in her core, smell the scent of sex in the air, desperately needing her release. He moved his mouth up to her swollen clit, sucking it into his mouth, allowing his tongue to swirl around it. At the same time, he pinched her nipple and she convulsed against his face.

  Her hips bucked as she begged for more. He added a finger deep into her sex and she exploded as waves of bliss pounded over and over. Throwing her head back, she allowed the sensations to carry her away. Away to a place where there was no mission. No terrorists. No worry. Just Logan. And her.

  He watched her face carefully as the pleasure washed over, her eyes fluttering open just before she smiled at him. Raising her arms beckoning him, she longed to feel his body on hers. Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabbed a condom from the new stash he had bought from the store, rolling it on quickly. Betty had smiled when he put the box in with his groceries, but gratefully, she said nothing.

  He moved back over her body and carefully lowered his hips between her legs, positioning his cock at her opening. Sliding his hand between them he guided himself in and in one thrust was fully seated.

  “Babe, I want you to feel every inch,” he whispered.

  She felt stretched as his cock pushed all the way up into her. He began a slow thrusting, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in again. Kneeling on the bed between her legs, he pulled her hips upwards toward his dick, gently pushing her legs apart as wide as she was comfortable, and began his slow thrusting again. This angle produced a new sensation for her, and she began to moan as the friction deep in her core caused sparks to spread throughout her body. He leaned down to grasp her nipple in his mouth and, sucking it deeply, nipped at the hardened bud with his teeth.

  “Babe, come for me,” he begged.

  Right on cue, she felt lost in her release. Her inner walls grabbed his cock tightly, feeling wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her. Logan, losing control, pounded the last few thrusts deep inside, allowing her contracting muscles to milk him. Leaning up with her hips tightly held in his firm grip, he threw his head back, neck straining as his release poured deeply inside. Continuing to pump until the last drop was gone, he slowly pulled out. Gently moving to her side, he lay down beside her, pulling her into his embrace.

  They lay together, sated, and he pushed her hair from her face. After a moment, he untangled himself from her, rising from the bed. Vivian watched his muscular back and tight ass as he walked towards the bathroom to dispose of the condom. A moment later he stalked back and she grinned, admitting to herself that the front view was as breathtaking as the back.

  Both exhausted, he pulled her close as she snuggled into his side. Smiling with her cheek resting against his strong heartbeat, she wondered about the upcoming trip to the hot springs. Loving the idea of getting away from the world of spies, espionage, and terrorists, she could not wait.

  Hearing her breathing slow, Logan knew zombie Viv was already peacefully slumbering. Sliding from underneath her, he moved through the house, checking the doors. Standing in the dark living room he pulled the curtain back slightly, seeing the darkened house next door. Heaving a sigh, he wondered how much longer the mission would take, finding that he did not want to end his time with Vivian.

  Walking quietly back into the bedroom, he slipped under the covers, pulling her close, tangling their legs. Kissing the top of her head, he followed her into sleep.


  Stumbling into the kitchen, taking the proffered cup of perfectly creamed and sugared coffee, Vivian managed a smile at Logan as he looked her up and down.

  “I’ve told Oscar that I’m not working the next couple of days, so we’ve got today for you to do some more digging into what the neighbors are cooking up and some digging into what you want to learn about me.”

  “Hmm. Got the day planned, do you?”

  “Come on, zombie Viv. Have a seat and let me get some food in you. You’re always a nicer zombie when your belly is full.”

  Attempting to cast a glare in his direction, he had already turned his back, so she shuffled over, sitting down in a chair. Plating scrambled eggs, sausage, and pancakes, she perked up.

  “Pancakes? I love pancakes.” Her smile, wider now, beamed up at him.

  “See what I mean? Get you interested in food and my girl’s smile comes out of hiding.”

  Sticking her tongue out at him, she felt the butterflies in her stomach as his words, my girl, slid over her. She watched as he laughed before sitting down next to her. Sucking in a deep breath, she turned her attention to her pancakes, finding them fluffy and light, just the way she liked them.

  “How about we talk about you first, before I start checking into next door,” she suggested as she scraped the last bite of pancake through the syrup before closing her lips over the fork in ecstasy. When he did not reply, she turned to look at him. His eyes were locked on her mouth as she licked the syrup off. “Logan?”

  He blinked slowly before his gaze drifted back to hers. Letting his breath out slowly, he said, “Damn. That was sexy.”

  “Me eating pancakes?”

  “You. Your mouth around that fork. That syrup on your lips. And where I’d like to put that syrup to lick off myself.”

  Laughing, he shifted in his seat, adjusting himself. She leaned forward until she was a breath away from his lips. “Talk first, sex later.”

  Kissing her quickly, he shook his head as he took the plates to the sink. “You drive a hard bargain, woman.”

  Having determined that the lab work was being accomplished when Malik, Rashad, or Nafisa were next door, they settled in the living room, so they could talk while keeping an eye on the neighbor’s driveway.

  “I feel like I should be taking notes on you.”

  “So, what do you need to know, to feel like you’re a Logan-expert?”

  “I guess the same things we went over about me. Your family. Your career. And how you ended up here as a mechanic known as Logan Preacher.”

  “Grew up in the middle of nowhere Kansas on a farm.”

  “Really? That’s weird, ‘cause I can see that. I can imagine you as a dark-headed little boy running around a farm.”

  Chuckling, he said, “The farm has been in my family since my great-grandfather.” His voice softened as he shifted his eyes, focusing on a distant point on the wall. “Clean air. Crops. Cows. Hard work from sun up to sun down.”

  She did not need to ask, instead stating, “And it wasn’t what you wanted to do.”

  “First time I saw a Navy commercial on TV, I was totally gone. Gone off the farm in the middle of the country. I wanted water, boats, submarines…if it had to do with the Navy, I wanted it. By the time I graduated from high school, I spent more time at the recruiter’s office than I did anywhere else. When I found out about SEALs, I knew.” His eyes jumped up to hers and he asked, “Have you ever wanted something so bad, it was all you thought about?”

  Shifting on the sofa to get more comfortable, she felt a pang of envy—she loved her job but had never felt about it the way Logan described the Navy. She shook her head slowly. “I wish…but no…not so far.”

  “My recruiter wanted me to join right away, but I wanted a college degree so that I could be an officer. I went to Kansas State on an ROTC scholarship. Did four years, finished, then headed to the Navy. Did basic training, Officer school, and then started the many levels of SEAL training.

  “I still remember the first time I was out on a ship. I stood on deck and watched the shore recede into the background. Thought about what it must have been like for those sailors of centuries ago, not knowing what or who was out there.”

  They were quiet a moment as she gave him time for his memories to slide over him. Finally, with a head jerk, he said, “Anyway, I was accepted and made it through each level. Special Warfare Prep School, Basic Underwater Demolition, Parachute Jump, and SEAL Qualification. Hard as shit, but had the best team. Since I’d been flying my family’s crop dusting plane since I was a teen, I did pilot training as well.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “I fuckin’ loved my job…best job and greatest friends. But the last mission, things were getting fucked. One of my team was shot in the chest and had gone down. Our rescue helicopter had arrived and we had to get out of there. It was too hot…too much firepower getting rained down on us. The whole mission was fucked if we didn’t get out. I heard him shout and turned back to get him. Managed to pick him up and jog toward the bird.”

  He was silent, his eyes stormy as they settled on the wall opposite him. “Almost fuckin’ made it.” Shaking his head, almost in disbelief, “Managed to get close but then went down as an explosion hit nearby. We got into the bird, but I tore my knee to hell. Damn near shredded it.”

  She winced in sympathy as she watched him rub his left knee absentmindedly. Reaching to him, she placed her hand on his leg, gently so as not to disturb his memories, but to remind him that he was alive.

  He looked over and smiled, placing his large hand over hers and squeezing. “It’s all good, Viv. No one can be a SEAL forever.”

  “Did you have to get out?”

  “Even after surgery, my knee was never going to be strong enough for me to jump outta planes anymore or even swim as long as I needed.”

  “So they kicked you out?” she cried with indignity.

  “No, babe. I got out. I could have stayed in the Navy. Done a desk job. Even done some training of new SEALs. But the more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea.”

  “And the farm?”

  Shaking his head while chuckling, he said, “It was never for me. I told my parents when I left for SEAL training that it needed to go to someone who loved it as much as they did. I have a younger sister and she stayed there. She married a good man, whose dad owned a farm nearby. They’ve got both farms now, and kids, two boys and two girls. They’ll have someone to keep it going.”

  “But it was your legacy—”

  “Nah,” he countered, conviction in his voice. “It was never my legacy. I loved the farm, loved growing up there, but farming’s not in my blood. It’s gotta be inside you every second and for me that was being a SEAL.”

  “So where did you go?”

  Leaning back with a grin on his face, he replied, “Montana. Cut Bank, Montana. Out in the boonies. Got acres out in the middle of nowhere. Built a house. Got a large hanger for my two helicopters. Made a business out of flying tourists around and doing rescues.”

  She heard all the words he spoke, but her mind was stuck back on Montana. Blinking, she repeated, “Montana? I didn’t even know people lived in Montana.”

  Throwing his head back, he laughed. “Yeah, Viv. People live in Montana.”

  Kicking him softly with her leg, she said, “But why Montana? It’s not near the water…it’s not near anything.”

  His mirth slowly fading, his eyes held hers and she nodded slowly, understanding dawning. “You don’t want to be near the water. You don’t want to be near people.”

  “I was never very sociable. Figured seeing the ocean every day would always remind me of what I lost. So, bumfuck Montana seemed like a good idea.”

  Sitting in silence, she turned his words over in her mind. Looking up, she asked, “And this job? What is this job to you?”

  Logan wrestled with how much to tell her, but as she turned her warm, brown eyes toward him, he wanted to share. Hoping this was going somewhere, he needed to share.

  “I help plan missions. I’ve got equipment in my home. I don’t participate in any missions, but I have…uh…contacts. And I help with the planning. This job is different though. Came from a different source. Someone who thought it was a good match for me—no jumping outta planes.”

  “And when it’s over?” Her words were spoken casually, but the air hung heavy between them as their gazes held.

  Swallowing deeply, he said, “I guess I’ll go back to Montana.”

  Her lips curved tightly, the slight smile forced and not reaching her eyes. He reached out and linked his fingers with hers.

  Vivian blinked, battling the desire to cry at how his fingers entangled with hers made her feel.

  “I figure I’ll take a trip to Kansas first though,” he added.

  Her head nodded in jerks, her heart aching with an unknown pain. She felt his thumb caressing her palm and swallowed deeply.

  “Figured I’d want to introduce you to my folks,” he continued, his eyes never leaving hers.


  “Breathe, babe.”

  She blinked but his words barely registered.

  “Viv. Breathe,” Logan ordered gently but firmly, his fingers giving hers a squeeze.

  Her breath left her in a whoosh but she continued to stare. Swallowing deeply, she whispered, “You want me to meet your family?”

  “I still don’t know what we’ve got here, Viv. But I know it feels like something real. Something that has fuckin’ roots that can grow. Fuckin’ wings that can fly.”

  His words, so badass and poetic at the same time, caused her smile to slip through despite the enormity of his confession.

  “I may be kinda out of practice, but I know what I feel,” he continued.

  Licking her lips, she
said, “We…uh…never talked about any past…relationships,” she said.

  Sighing, he said, “Girl like you, gorgeous and smart. I know you’ve had men crawl over you since you were probably fourteen.”

  Barking out a laugh, she shook her head. “Hardly. I had a high school boyfriend. Typical stuff. Fooling around in his daddy’s car. Dates at the pizza joint. Prom. In college, I dated a few guys, but no one ever sparked interest. In the last few year, I’ve rarely gone on a date. Most of the men I work with are married or, if they were single, we’d go out and talk about lab stuff. I work with it all day and so, why the hell would I want to spend a date talking about it? I’ve been on a few blind dates, but…nothing. No one.”

  She clutched his fingers, admitting, “Until you walked through that door, barking orders and being all pissy. You were larger than life. So handsome, it almost hurts my eyes to look at you. A body that wraps around me and makes me forget everything but you. It’s like I was holding out for some kind of a hero. I didn’t know it. But I was holding out for you.” She looked down, hating to see his face if he was going to laugh at her feelings.

  “I barely dated in high school…maybe one girl. Dated a few in college and had one girlfriend who lasted about four months. She was too jealous of the time I spent on my studies and getting ready for my Navy commission, so it ended. I’ll admit, I hit the bars when stationed stateside as a SEAL, but that was nothing more than an occasional scratch to an itch.”


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