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Equestria Girls / Rainbow Rocks / The Mane Event

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by Perdita Finn

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  For friends who overlook each other’s mistakes, differences… and those times when they accidentally turn into world-conquering devil-monsters

  All the Wrong Notes

  Teenagers streamed in and out of the fast-food hangout next to Canterlot High School, happily chatting with their friends. They were talking about soccer practice and dance committees and gossiping about the newest couples. They were also buzzing about the Sonic Rainbooms’ new song.

  “A friend for life is what we want to be!” sang a cheerful group of girls strolling out of the restaurant. With French fries and drinks in hand, the kids hurried off to do homework, waving good-byes and texting last-minute messages. No one noticed the three bickering new girls who left the restaurant without buying a single thing to eat.

  Adagio Dazzle, irritated, tossed her lush mane of pastel-colored hair. Aria Blaze let out a dissatisfied sigh that sounded just like a whinny, and Sonata Dusk stomped her foot, discovering that human shoes did not make the same satisfying clomp as pony hooves.

  A wisp of fluorescent green light wove in between the girls as they slumped against one another. As it wound around their heads, each girl slightly opened her mouth and seemed to drink in a tiny sip of the strange light. For a moment, the scarlet pendant hanging around each girl’s neck seemed to glow.

  “That was barely worth the effort,” complained Aria. “I’m tired of fast food. I need a meal.”

  “What did you expect?” said Adagio. “The energy in this world isn’t the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here.”

  Aria pouted and sighed again. “I wish we’d never been banished to this awful place!”

  “Really?” said Adagio, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I love it here.”

  “For realsies?” snipped Sonata. “Because I think this place is the worst.”

  “I think you’re the worst, Sonata,” Aria shot back at her.

  Sonata’s face turned red with fury. “Oh yeah? Well, I think you’re worser than the worst, Aria.”

  “Yeah?” Aria turned her back on the other girls and stared out at the street. “I’m kinda busy right now. Can I totally ignore you some other time?”

  Adagio practically snorted with rage. “I’ll tell you one thing: Being stuck here with you two isn’t making this world any more bearable.”

  Suddenly, underneath the normal evening noises of teenagers, cars, and music, each girl began to hear a strangely familiar hum. It was pleasingly pitched and just barely audible, so faint that no one else even realized it was there. But the girls heard it, and all three of them instantly turned toward the horizon.

  That’s when they saw it. In the distance, just beyond the fields of Canterlot High, was the faintest ripple of magical, rainbow light.

  Adagio’s eyes widened greedily. Beside her, Aria and Sonata were so thrilled they could barely breathe. The three girls were transfixed by the beautiful colors illuminating the sky.

  Adagio was the first to speak. “Did you feel that?” she asked the other girls in a hushed voice. “Do you know what that is?”

  The other girls couldn’t bring themselves to admit it. How could it be? It wasn’t possible.

  But Adagio couldn’t contain her excitement. “It’s… it’s… Equestrian magic!”

  Aria shook her head in disbelief. “But this world doesn’t have Equestrian magic.”

  “It does now!” Adagio knew what she’d seen. For whatever reason, however it had happened, this ordinary, human realm had Equestrian magic, and she was already hatching a plan. “And we’re going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!”

  Pitch-Perfect Ponies

  A few months earlier, Twilight Sparkle had traveled through a secret portal. She was the first Equestrian pony to come to Canterlot High. Sunset Shimmer had stolen her tiara and whisked it away to the human realm in the hopes that she might use its magic to become all-powerful. But Twilight showed her that being a princess is not about having everyone else bow down to you, it is about inspiring those around you to stand at your side.

  And that’s what happened when Twilight’s human friends fought alongside her, using the Elements of Harmony. Applejack’s honesty, Fluttershy’s kindness, Pinkie Pie’s laughter, Rarity’s generosity, and Rainbow Dash’s loyalty created a powerful rainbow of joy that swept the crown, which was warped with disharmony, from Sunset Shimmer’s head and returned it to Twilight Sparkle.

  By working together, something enchanting happened to the six friends—they ponied up! First, pony ears appeared, then their hair became full and lustrous like manes, and finally, their tails started swinging! They could be part pony and part girl at the same time!

  Sadly, the human girls had to say good-bye to Twilight Sparkle. The beloved pony princess needed to return to Equestria, and the portal between the worlds was destroyed forever. Even after Twilight left, the sparkling rainbow light continued to swirl through the halls of Canterlot High. It seemed to help everyone get along, and it even inspired the girls to start their own band and create music.

  Music seemed to pour out of the Equestria Girls after their adventures with Twilight Sparkle. They wrote songs as they whizzed around town in Rarity’s convertible and giggled together at the Sweet Shoppe. Rainbow Dash loved to play her guitar almost as much as she loved playing sports. Applejack was a marvel on the bass, and Rarity tickled every key of her keytar. Fluttershy had discovered that she was a natural with a tambourine, and Pinkie Pie poured all her energy and enthusiasm into wild drum solos. The Sonic Rainbooms rocked, and best of all, when the music took over, the girls would pony up!

  Hey, hey, everybody,

  We’re here to shout

  That the Magic of Friendship

  Is what it’s all about!

  Everyone at Canterlot High did the Pony Stomp when the Rainbooms played. They crossed their arms and swayed from side to side. They lifted their knees and pranced. They jumped and clapped. No one could resist them! Not even the Great and Powerful Trixie. Not even Sunset Shimmer!

  The Sonic Rainbooms’ music was magic, and every time they performed, more of their rainbow energy seemed to shine through Canterlot High. Only one thing was missing—and that was Twilight Sparkle. What would it be like if she were singing with the Rainbooms? They couldn’t help but wonder, even though they knew it would never happen. Still, they were happy and everyone at Canterlot High was happy, too, happier than they’d ever been. But little did they know that a force of discord had just arrived in their world.…

  Sunset Shimmer’s Blues

  Canterlot High’s gymnasium was bustling with the preparations for the big spring fund-raiser. Sun splashed across the polished wooden floor. Kids were painting signs and decorating banners. The space was filled with laughter and excitement. Some of the kids were even wearing their Canterlot Wondercolt ears and tails to show their school spirit. But what was special about the scene was how effortlessly everyone was getting along.

  Jocks in team sweatshirts were chatting with the drama kids. Girls in the latest fashions shared secrets with friends in old T-shirts and jeans. It didn’t
seem to matter at Canterlot High what music you listened to, what clothes you wore, or what activities you did after school—everyone just seemed to be friends. Twilight Sparkle had left behind powerful magic.

  But when Sunset Shimmer walked into the gym, a cloud seemed to cover the sunshine. A few kids glanced at her and turned away. One or two whispered. Sunset tried not to notice. She knew kids still didn’t like her after what had happened. She had turned into a demonic force of evil determined to brainwash the entire student body and turn them into an army set to invade and conquer Equestria. Still, it hadn’t actually happened, and she really had learned her lesson. Since then, she was trying so hard to be friendly.

  Smiling, she approached Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, who were creating a colorful poster. None of the other girls met her eyes as she came over. Sunset sat down on the ground beside them and picked up a paintbrush dripping with red paint.

  “Want some help?” she asked as sweetly as she could.

  Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. Scootaloo covered a noise of surprise with a cough. All three girls shared a look that said, “Is she serious?”

  Apple Bloom stared at Sunset coldly. “Uh, no thanks,” she said. “We’re good.”

  Disappointed, Sunset Shimmer carefully rested the paintbrush on top of the can. “Oh, okay,” she said softly, glancing around the room for a friendly face.

  That’s when she saw Pinkie Pie waving her hands enthusiastically. “Over here, Sunset Shimmer!” she was shouting.

  Immediately, Sunset skipped across the gym to where Pinkie was working with her friends Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. These were the girls who had defended Twilight Sparkle, had seen Sunset Shimmer’s evil up close and personal, and yet had forgiven her the fastest.

  Other kids in the gym glanced at Sunset Shimmer suspiciously as she passed. She tried to ignore the mean whispers. But she felt better when she sat down with the Equestria Girls. They were open and warm and genuine with her. It was kind of amazing, she had to admit.

  “I had no idea the whole school would be here,” she confided as she sat down.

  Rarity held up the glittery poster she and Pinkie had been working on. All of Pinkie Pie’s art projects were spectacular with sparkles!

  “Quite the eye-catching advertisement, if I do say so myself.” Rarity giggled. She brushed some glitter off her skirt.

  “And it even smells like cake!” exclaimed Pinkie.

  “It does?” said Fluttershy. She leaned close to the poster and smelled it. When she pulled her face away, it was covered in glitter and vanilla icing.

  “I used vanilla frosting instead of paste!” explained Pinkie Pie, delightedly licking her fingers.

  Applejack shook her head when she saw Fluttershy’s glitter-covered face. “Fluttershy, you’ve got a little somethin’…”

  Fluttershy gently wiped her cheek with her hand, brushing away a few bits of glitter. “Did I get it?” she asked.

  Applejack grinned. “Not exactly!”

  Sunset Shimmer giggled along with the other girls. She was happy to be included in their laughter.

  Just then, a girl stood up and indignantly announced, “The Great and Powerful Trixie has run out of glue!”

  She was waiting for someone to give her more glue, but none of the kids in her group responded. So Rainbow Dash leaped up, vaulted over Pinkie Pie’s head, executed a perfect front handspring, and held out a bottle of glue to Trixie Lulumoon. Everyone in the room applauded Rainbow Dash’s flawless floor routine—except Trixie.

  “Was that really necessary?” she sneered.

  “I don’t know, Trixie. Is being totally excellent at everything necessary?” Rainbow Dash tossed her mane of multicolored hair and strutted back across the room to her friends. She really was good at so many different sports that sometimes she could get a little full of herself. She settled back into decorating posters as the principal walked onto a small stage at the front of the gym.

  Principal Celestia was dressed in elegant purple pants and a soft beige jacket. She was young, but also smart and serious. She knew how to inspire her high school students. She cleared her throat and tapped the microphone to get everyone’s attention. “Good afternoon, students!”

  The kids looked up from their various projects. One boy flashed a thumbs-up, and she smiled at him.

  “I just wanted to tell you,” she continued, “how pleased I am that so many of you are going to participate in the first-ever Canterlot High School Musical Showcase.”

  Hoots and hollers of excitement roared through the gym. The kids were psyched! One kid stood up and played air guitar.

  Principal Celestia beamed at her students’ enthusiasm. “This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for all our after-school programs here at Canterlot High, so keep working on those signs and posters. The more people in the community who know about the showcase, the better. I think it’s going to be one of the most exciting events we’ve had at our school since… the Fall Formal!”

  At those words, the smiles on the faces of Canterlot High’s teenagers vanished. One or two kids even gasped. What a terrible, frightening night the Fall Formal had been! The battles, the zombies, the she-demon. And it had all been Sunset Shimmer’s fault! Everyone was glaring at her. Well, almost everyone. Fluttershy touched her arm in support. Rarity and Rainbow Dash smiled sympathetically. Applejack winked at her, trying to let her know that all was forgiven. Pinkie Pie handed her a giant piece of construction paper, but Sunset Shimmer tried to hide behind it.

  Poor Sunset Shimmer. Would anyone ever trust her again?

  Music to Their Ears (and Tails!)

  The girls knew how uncomfortable it was for Sunset in the gym, so they left with her and went to the music room.

  “I’m never going to live the Fall Formal down,” she moaned.

  “You were pretty bad.” Not even Fluttershy could defend her. She picked up her tambourine and began to shake it gently.

  Sunset Shimmer slumped in a chair. “I was a demon. A raging she-demon.”

  Pinkie Pie hit the cymbals of her drum kit. “And you tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army.” Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she held out her arms stiffly, trying to make Sunset Shimmer laugh. But all Sunset Shimmer did was sink down farther in her seat.

  Rarity, who had strapped on her keytar, smiled kindly at Sunset Shimmer. “Still, darling, you have us. We’ve forgiven you for your past… misdeeds.”

  The other girls all nodded in agreement as they prepped their instruments. Sunset Shimmer managed a small smile of gratitude.

  “To be honest,” said Applejack, who was always honest, “I’d say the whole experience brought everyone at Canterlot High closer than ever before.”

  This was Pinkie’s cue, and with a vibrant “One… two… three!” she executed a captivating drumroll that launched the girls into song. The Rainbooms’ upbeat sounds poured out the door and through the hallways of Canterlot High, bringing with it that special magic from the land of Equestria.

  The music filtered into the auditorium, where the drama kids were rehearsing the spring play. Sitting in the audience were a supportive group of soccer and lacrosse players, who gave their friends a standing ovation at the end of every scene. And then, one of Rainbow Dash’s guitar solos rocked the school. Backstage, some of the tech kids who’d been fixing a broken amp high-fived one another. Off in the art studio, a stylish group of fashionistas was happily working with the Save the Environment Club to create fabulous outfits from recycled materials. One pretty girl was modeling an exotic jacket made entirely out of gum wrappers! She walked across the room like a runway model as the Rainbooms’ song reached a crescendo.

  As they played their instruments and sang, each of the girls began to pony up. Their long, lush tails rocked back and forth in time to the music. Their cute little ears appeared perfectly in time to the beat of the bass. Pinkie Pie went wild one last time on the drums, and e
xhausted, the girls harmonized with the final notes of their song. As silence returned, their pony tails and ears disappeared.

  Sunset Shimmer had been watching them with a troubled mixture of joy and sadness. She was happy to share their wonderful music, but she couldn’t help wishing there was some way for her to be part of their group. Despite her confusing feelings, she clapped enthusiastically for them when they were done.

  Rarity took a deep breath and exhaled. “I still can’t believe that happens when we play. I have got to look into some new accessories for our band costumes. Something that looks good in a longer pony tail. Maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears.”

  “I just wonder why it happens,” said Applejack, removing her bass and resting it carefully on its stand. “Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. Shouldn’t that mean she took all that magic back with her?”

  Rainbow Dash was still strumming her guitar. She had some new riffs she wanted to try out. “Who cares why it happens? It makes my band totally awesome.”

  There was a moment of stunned silence in the music room. Fluttershy exchanged a glance with Applejack. Rarity spoke up first. “Your band?”

  “Duh,” said Rainbow Dash. She turned up her amp and began practicing some new chords. “It was my idea to start the Rainbooms so we could be in the showcase. Plus, I’m the lead guitarist.”

  The tiniest, almost imperceptible element of disharmony wafted through the room. What did it mean? All the girls had contributed to the band. They each had an invaluable part to play. A band was about teamwork and cooperation, after all.

  Before anyone could say anything else, the handsome and dashing Flash Sentry poked his head into the music room. He had a guitar slung over his back and a wide, charming smile on his face. “Heard you outside. You guys are sounding really tight.”


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