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Page 10

by C. V. Hunt

  “Take the money and that note up to the front desk. They’ve dealt with me before; they’ll know what to do.”


  I watched her as she disappeared into the lobby. I felt as if I might never see her again. In those uncertain moments anger flooded my veins. I knew that if I ever got close to Kale again I would kill him. I would take out Sara too. It was the only way to keep Ash safe, but the idea seemed impossible. They would have the manpower. Ash and I were doomed.

  The vision was too dark. My thoughts turned to Ash’s new persona, and her need to feed off sexual energy. Though she didn’t need it to shift, or to exercise her power, she would crave sex constantly. When I thought of that in light of our impending doom, my first instinct was to break all laws.

  Ash came out holding the key for our room. As she got in I saw she was blushing. She handed me the key.

  “Um…apparently we get some kind of…honeymoon suite?”

  “I figured you could use being pampered,” I told her. “If the idea of us together like that bothers you I can get a separate room.”

  “No way.”

  I drove to the parking lot where we unloaded the essentials. I kept watching for people tailing us, but it was pointless. The ones who might be after us would be too well hidden. Suddenly I realized they’d been watching us from the start. Someone had come into Chris’s store acting like a customer, then killed him. That person didn’t just flee. We were being watched from somewhere nearby.

  Still, there was the chance that they’d lost us, so it didn’t hurt to change my looks. I grabbed a few items from the car that would help in that effort. When we got to the door to our room we stopped.

  “Set your stuff down and close your eyes,” I said.

  She did as I asked. I took the key from my pocket, opened the door, and set our stuff inside. “Okay, open your eyes,” I told her.

  She peeked into the room, and saw a hallway bedroom, bath, and multi-mirrored Jacuzzi. The living room even had a fireplace. I swept her off of her feet and carried her across the threshold. She giggled. As the door closed behind us, I carried her to the bedroom.

  “It’s beautiful,” she sighed.

  Numerous pillows and a red rose spread covered the canopied bed. It lay behind sheer white curtains. The curtains were tied to each post with ribbons festooned with red roses. More roses spilled across the headboard of the bed. I laid her down gently. The bed seemed to swallow her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and drew me to her.

  She kissed me passionately, and I felt my heart pounding. My breaths came hard and fast, and suddenly I heard my own loud gasps. I felt embarrassed, and I pulled back from her. She stared into my eyes. Verloren we have a death sentence. This is what I want.

  “It’s what I want too,” I confessed. “I just…I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I don’t think you will.

  “That’s the problem, you don’t think that I will, but I know that I will,” I said.

  Her eyes dropped from mine. I changed the subject: “Besides, I really need to shower, and I’ve got to dye my hair.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t,” she said, giving me a sad puppy dog look. “I like the way it is now.”

  I gave her a quick kiss.

  As Ash parked herself in front of the TV, I dug through our bags until I found the hair dye. I was glad to see that it was the 10-minute kind, and black, which seemed appropriate. In the bathroom I shut the door, then saw the two bathrobes. Every honeymoon suite has them: his and hers.

  I stripped off my shirt, and applied the dye like a pro. I didn’t need directions. I’d done this too many times. I knew the drill: put on the gloves, mix chemicals, apply. I even remembered the eyebrows. When 10 minutes had passed I stripped and got in the shower. I rinsed out the excess color, then let the water wash over me.

  As I turned off the water I heard a humming. It was audible even with the noise of the bathroom fan. I thought nothing of it as I used the dryer on my new jet black hair. In the mirror I looked like an all-out goth. They use make-up to look pale, but I was a natural. I turned off the hair dryer.

  As I slipped on a robe, and went out to the hall, I could still hear the humming. The bedroom door was open, and I realized it was the Jacuzzi. There I found Ash up to her neck in bubbles. In one of the mirrors I caught myself peeking at her like a pervert. She’d leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She was at peace. Suddenly she sensed me and opened her eyes. The pull in my chest returned.

  “Caught me,” I said, embarrassed.

  She smiled. “It’s about time you come join me.”

  I walked over and sat on the edge of the tub, staring at my feet. “No, that’s okay,” I muttered, running my hand through my hair. “I’m glad you like the tub.”

  She stood up, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Bubbles slid down her body revealing her beauty. The tattoo was darker when it was wet. She stepped close, bent down, and whispered: “I would like it more if you joined me.”

  Her scent overwhelmed me. Her lips found my mouth, and she kissed me feverishly, untying my robe. I grabbed the belt and retied it. She tried pushing the robe off of my shoulders but I opened my arms to keep it up. I placed my hands on the sides of her head to steady her, and slow her.

  Why won’t you be with me? She jerked away, and sat back down in the water.

  I don’t think that I can be with you, without turning you, I told her. The bite, the urge…I’ll lose control.

  “I don’t care,” she said aloud. “We’re going to die either way.”

  As a primal growl escaped me I turned away from her. The growl scared me, and I didn’t want it to alarm her.

  She got up from the water and grabbed a towel. I closed my eyes, wishing this wasn’t an issue. I heard her footsteps, and kept my eyes closed. I was afraid of how I might react to her naked body. As she slid in next to me, and we embraced, I realized that she’d wrapped herself in a large towel. Finally I opened my eyes. As I lay my head on her shoulder I could smell her hair. She put her cold hand on my neck. Her mind was as blank as her expressionless face. I kept up my mental wall.

  She ran her cool thumb along my jaw line again and again, as if she were petting me. She traced a line across my chin and up to my lips.

  When her thumb dug into my mouth I stopped her. “What are you doing?”

  Her hand didn’t move. As I tried to push her away, I realized she was stronger than I was. As her other hand gripped me behind my neck, I struggled. It was no use. She forced her thumb down hard on my lower teeth. Strange thick blood flooded my mouth. It was over. She stepped back and looked at her thumb. Blood trickled down her hand. She closed her fingers into a fist.

  “There,” she said. “No more arguments. It’s done.”

  “No more arguments? Are you insane! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” I roared. I stood, dumbstruck, and then I felt anger beyond words.

  She gazed at me as her thoughts spilled into my head. Don’t bother. I know how mad you are. Now you don’t have to worry about hurting me.

  I took a deep breath, held it, then suddenly burst out laughing. Vampires had been known to lose their minds, but I was going to be all right. As I shook my head and looked at her I felt anger, worry, despair and even happiness.

  I watched blood trickle down her arm, and let out a sigh of defeat. “At least let me take a look at it and bandage it.” I held out my hand to her.

  When I wiped the blood away there were no teeth marks, just skin as white as mine. The whiteness was spreading. As I stared at it I said: “I don’t know what you will become.”

  It didn’t affect you much. You weren’t human, so it actually helped. You have something more than a normal vampire. You have an extraordinary vision, she thought.

  “That’s different,” I said. “I was a born knowing, not an incarnate. Vampires were the strongest of our kind. You’ve already proved that’s no longer true. You were already much stronger than I am. You didn’t
need this. You don’t understand the life you’ve chosen.”

  “I do understand,” she countered. “I’ve seen it in your mind. I wasn’t looking for a new lifestyle, I was looking for you.” She looked down at her bloodied hand. I held it lightly.

  “Vampires lose their souls, Ash. Why would you do it?”

  “Human vampires lose their souls. You and I weren’t human. I saw in Jessica’s mind the hope she had for us to move on to another life after death.”

  “That’s not a guarantee,” I said. “It was just Jessica’s theory.”

  If this is the only way that we can be together, than so be it. Either we live together, forever and immortal, or we meet our fate together, equally. I don’t want to come back in another life without you. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  I kissed her. She laid her hand on my chest and ran it down to my stomach. I grabbed her hand.

  I smiled at her and shook my head. “You’re so eager.”

  She giggled.

  “Let’s get it cleaned up.” I gently pulled her to the tub.

  She sniffed her hand, then licked it. I laughed at her. “That’s not a requirement.”

  “I know, but it’s symbolic. Anyway, I have to get used to it.”

  As she kissed me I tasted her blood on her tongue. Unlike human blood it was thick and sweet. In that moment, I almost lost control. I kissed her again and again down her neck, and my hands wandered under her towel. I caught myself and stepped back. “I...I...I’m sorry,” I stammered.

  She bit her lip and looked at me. “You don’t have to apologize.”

  It scared me how quickly my natural instincts had kicked in, spinning things out of control. What if I went too far and wound up killing her.

  We washed her hand in the tub, then I let her dress in private. She emerged from the bedroom in pajamas. She looked tired. The virus was already spreading.

  “I can barely keep my eyes open,” she said.

  “Maybe you should lie down,” I told her. “It looks like the virus is working pretty quick. You’re going to want to sleep a lot.”

  I helped her into bed. She was weak already, and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. I let her be.

  I watched TV for awhile, then felt tired. I lay down, trying not to disturb her, but just as I got settled, she cuddled up to me.

  She kissed me, and pulled at my clothes. I caught her hand. It was like grabbing a stone. She could have easily continued but yielded.

  It doesn’t matter anymore. Remember?

  She was right. I couldn’t deny her anymore. I would always let her have what she wanted.

  Chapter 14


  I woke in darkness and looked at the clock: four in the morning. I’d slept for a long time. At first I thought I was burning up, but it wasn’t me, it was Ash. Her aura was changing with black outlines forming around the red. Her skin was hot to the touch. Just lying next to her was enough to make me sweat. Moonlight filtered through the window.

  I lay on my side watching her. Her sleeping face looked peaceful. One of her hands was tucked under her pillow and the other was entwined in my hair.

  I felt her forehead with the back of my hand. She was burning up. I gently pulled her hair from her face and noticed a small lump on her forehead a couple of inches above her temple. I touched it. Her eyes fluttered and she moaned.

  “Sleep my love,” I whispered.

  She pulled her hand out of my hair and rubbed her forehead. She touched the lump and winced.

  “What is that?” she murmured. “It feels tender, like I hit my head.” She ran her hand to the other side of her forehead where she found an identical lump. It too caused her to wince. As I watched her I realized her irises had gone from brilliant blue to dark purple.

  “I can only give you my best guess,” I said. “I believe you’re going through the change. You’ve got a fever. I should run you a lukewarm bath. It might cool you down.” I turned on the bedside lamp. When I pulled back the covers I noticed a hand-sized patch of skin on her stomach had already turned white. I pointed to it. “Apparently you will be as white as me.” I kept myself from looking directly at her. I felt ashamed of biting her so many times in so many places. These white spots were like a map of my assaults. They were spreading over her entire body.

  She looked at the spot on her stomach, then at one on her wrist. “Look,” she said. “It’s making my tattoo disappear.” A large spot across the inside of her wrist had turned completely white, erasing what had been there before.

  “Wow!” she cried as she rolled onto her back. She reached back, but couldn’t get to the painful spot.

  I walked around the bed to see what had disturbed her. Two large bumps the size of eggs protruded symmetrically from between her shoulder blades and her spine. Another lump was forming at the end of her spine.

  I’d also bit her on the shoulder, and now the white stretched there. I touched one of the bumps.

  She pulled away. “It’s really tender. I guess I’m trying to shift.”

  I sat on the bed, pulled her chin to me and kissed her. “Remember,” I breathed, “this has never been done before. We don’t know what will happen. I just always want you to know that I love you.”

  Her eyes teared with black liquid. “I love you too,” she said, closing her eyes. I wiped a black tear from her cheek and showed it to her.

  “What is that? My tear?”

  “I’ll draw a bath for you,” I said. As I got up I kissed her, and whispered: “When you look in the mirror you’ll be surprised.”

  In the bathroom I ran the water in the Jacuzzi, checking the temperature every minute or so. She would need cool water to get her fever down.

  She appeared, hanging onto the doorframe. I stood up and lifted her. She protested, but then saw herself in the mirrors. “Is that me?”

  “Let me help you,” I said, holding her as we entered the tub together. As her skin burned against mine I knew that the lukewarm water must feel like ice to her.

  She closed her eyes, curled up and wrapped her arms around her legs. I bathed both of us. As I leaned over her to rinse the soap from her hair she opened her eyes. Her teeth chattered. She pulled me close and kissed me passionately. She was not shy about it.

  I want you now.

  “You’re too weak for that. I’ve already taken too much blood.” My rapid breathing and heartbeat betrayed my words.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, and pushed up against me. Her strength had grown. I felt as if I were trapped in a vise. Her body trembled with fever.

  I caught my breath, and said: “In a few more days you won’t have these limitations, but until then you need to save your strength. This is only the first day. You’ve got four more to go.”

  “But what if I mutate into something you can’t bring yourself to physically love?” she asked. “I want to be with you.”

  I pulled away from her, and she reluctantly let me go. “Ash, I’m begging you. We shouldn’t do this. You can’t take any more blood loss.”

  Finally she smiled at me, and for the first time I saw her fangs. I laughed. They were like a dog’s canines, top and bottom. They weren’t very noticeable, being no bigger than human canine teeth, but they came to sharp points.

  “Look at you,” I said, “turning into a stereotypical vampire.”

  She glanced at a mirror while reading my mind. “I’ll have to be more careful when I kiss you now, huh?” she said.

  I nodded. “Now you’re stronger than I am, so you’ll have to be careful not to break me.”

  She looked down at her knees. “I’m sorry. I just really wanted to be with you.”

  “I want to be with you too, Ash, but we have to wait until this change is done. You need to save your energy. This is the beginning. You’re still weak, and this will take everything you’ve got. Anything physically taxing is going to drain you.”

  She bowed her head. “Not any more. Remember I feed off of it. You know t
he physical…stuff.” She looked up from under her lashes. “Besides I can’t help myself.”

  I chuckled. “Right now you must think I’m some kind of irresistible stud, but that’s just the change happening. Your body craves it. You would be able to seduce any man that you want with a look.”

  “But I only want you,” she said. Remember…soul mates.

  Yes. Soul mates, I thought.

  She crept closer to me. My chest ached. The pull I’d been feeling was now replaced with fire. She smiled as she read my mind. She kissed me and ran her hand down my chest. I surrendered to her pleading. I couldn’t have stopped her if I’d tried.


  That afternoon she turned the fireplace on, took a book from one of her bags, and lay on the couch reading. Finally she dozed off. Once she was asleep I found it impossible to wake her.

  I turned on the television. Housekeeping stopped by. I told the maid we were there for an extended stay and my fiancé was ill. Could we leave the old sheets and towels out in the hall? I asked. If they replaced those with fresh bedding I could do the rest. That, combined with a good tip, convinced her. Ash slept through all of it.

  I went out to the car and got the rest of our things. I returned to find her still sleeping. I called room service and ordered an assortment of dishes. I wondered when she would go from food to blood.


  After falling asleep on the sofa Ash didn’t wake up for a long time. That evening I carried her to bed, then stayed up watching television. I nodded off, had a strange nightmare, and awoke early Tuesday morning. The sun had not yet appeared. I tried to remember the dream, but couldn’t. All I knew was that it seemed as if time were running out.

  When I checked on her I noticed patches of white hair forming. She still had a fever. As I felt her forehead I noticed that the two lumps had grown. They were forming points. The areas around them looked bruised. Paper-thin skin stretched over the dark areas. She was growing horns.

  She didn’t stir even when I removed her robe. The lumps between her shoulder blades were arching up-- wings. At the base of her spine I saw the beginnings of a tail. Though I was glad that she was sleeping through it, I wondered how she would react when she saw her new additions in the mirror.


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