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My Healer (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 3)

Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  Gavriel and Aiden looked at their fallen brothers, then the perimeter, then each other.

  "Oh God, they're going to go for it!" Meryn laughed gleefully.

  Beth shook her head. "They're not that stupid."

  Ryuu chuckled. "Want to make a wager on that?"

  "I have a higher level of immunity to electricity, I'll try it next." Gavriel said rolling up his sleeve.

  Next to them Beth groaned and covered her eyes with her hands.

  Seconds later the ancient vampire was on the ground next to the others.

  "Please, oh please, oh please do it," Meryn begged under her breath.

  Aiden stood, hands on his hips looking down at the men. He looked at the perimeter, then down at the men again.

  "I'm a big ole bear; they are weak compared to my manliness. Look how muscular I am, this perimeter can't take me down." Meryn deepened her voice providing a hilarious running commentary to Aiden's thought process.

  Aiden took a deep breath and reached out for the perimeter, a flash of purple flared and the Unit Commander was down. Everyone stared in disbelief at the entire Alpha Unit laid out unconscious on the ground. Finally, it was Beth's laughter that set everyone off.

  Rheia turned to Meryn who was laughing so hard Ryuu was holding her up with an arm wrapped around her waist.

  "Shouldn't we check on them?" Rheia asked.

  Jaxon shook his head. "Keelan and Colton are already coming around, looks like it doesn't last long."

  "I wish we'd recorded that," Meryn said wistfully.

  Grinning Noah held up his phone. Meryn threw her fist in the air. "Best. Minion. Ever!"

  They watched for a few more minutes until all the men were on their feet.

  Aiden turned to the men. "Okay Keelan, I think we all have a pretty good idea of how strong it is. Go ahead and take it down, Gamma will be here soon for drills," Aiden said as he Gavriel and Darian walked around to the side of the house.

  Colton lingered back, placing a hand on Keelan's shoulder.

  "Want to see if the perimeter is as effective against Gamma?" Colton's voice sounded devilish.

  "I do owe Sascha and Quinn for turning me purple," Keelan answered.

  "They wouldn't," Beth whispered.

  They didn't have long to wait, soon Gamma Unit was walking up the driveway. Colton placed his elbow on Keelan's shoulder and leaned against him nonchalantly.

  "Look Kee, it's hippo." Colton laughed as Sascha's face turned pink.

  "I'm not fat; my tiger has a lot of fur," Sascha protested.

  Colton nodded. "Of course. Man I can't wait for dinner. Ryuu said he's making pot roast with carrots and potatoes, hmmm, my favorite." Colton rubbed his belly.

  Sascha growled and Quinn frowned at Colton. "You know better than to tease him about food."

  "And for dessert I think I heard him say we're having chocolate pie. You know how Ryuu is Kee; I bet he made enough so that each of us has our own." Colton nudged Keelan knowingly.

  Sascha roared and charged at them, Quinn not too far behind. They both hit the perimeter and flew backward from the shock. Ben, Christoff and Oron stared, open-mouthed.

  Colton and Keelan were laughing and giving each other high fives.

  "What the hell is going on?" Aiden bellowed coming around the corner.

  Colton tuned to Aiden his face a mask of innocence. "Just testing the perimeter with Gamma. I'd say it works perfectly."

  Aiden looked over to the unconscious Gamma leader and rubbed his hands over his face. "Keelan, take the perimeter down now. Oron, Ben, help Sascha and Quinn to the drill field. They can join us when they wake up." He turned on his heel and walked back the way he came.

  The women watched as Keelan removed a brass key from inside of a dangling brass ring. He looked up. "Okay, it's disarmed now," He called out to the other Gamma unit members.

  Shaking their heads, Oron and Ben picked up their two unconscious members and they all headed to the back. When they all disappeared from sight the women turned to each other.

  "Do they do this kind of thing every day?" Beth asked.

  Rheia frowned. "I hope not, that kinda of jolt could cause brain damage."

  They all looked at each other and sighed.

  Rheia shook her head, this was her life now and she wouldn't change it for anything. The only thing that was missing was her daughter.


  The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Rheia sat with Meryn and Beth in Aiden's office as they worked with Noah and Jaxon. She stared at Penny's drawing and smiled. Her eyes wandered over each face until she noticed something odd. One face wasn't smiling back at her, in fact it looked downright terrifying. She realized she was looking at Penny's nightmare, the scary man that haunted her dreams. The dark figure was outside the house by the window looking in. Rheia shuddered and fought back the urge to paint over the dark figure. If this is was what Penny needed to do to face her fears, she couldn't undo it. She still couldn't shake the image from her mind. Her daughter was very talented.

  "Ladies, gentlemen, dinner is ready," Ryuu announced from the doorway.

  "Come on, Rheia, Ryuu's pot roast is amazing," Meryn said walking up behind her chair. Rheia stood and walked out with Meryn. On the way to the dining room they passed another group of men.

  "Hey, Lennox, what's shaking?" Meryn asked one of the men.

  Lennox turned and smiled at them before bumping fists with Noah and Jaxon. "Good evening, Lady McKenzie. We finished dinner about an hour ago. Ryuu made us chicken Alfredo. We've been hanging out in the family room playing on the X-Box since ours isn't hooked up yet. We're about to head back to the barracks to unpack some more. Lord Ambrosios really went all out for us, the new addition looks like a five star hotel."

  Meryn blinked. "Who?"

  Beth laughed. "Gavriel."

  Meryn grinned. "Oh yeah, I knew that. Lord Ambrosios sounds so swanky. Anyway, I'm glad you like your new digs. I didn't want you guys think we were kicking you out."

  The other guys shook their heads. "Lennox is right, that place feels like a spa hotel, we've never had it so good." The smaller of the men smiled.

  "That's good to hear, Basil. I'll pass along your thanks to my mate," Beth said, then turned to Rheia. "These gentlemen are the Alpha Unit's trainees. You haven't seen them much since they were helping out with construction. From left to right we have Kai Anders, tiger shifter. Cedric Ri'Emere, fae. Basil Barberry, witch and the charming one is Lennox Chevalier, vampire."

  Rheia nodded to the trainees.

  Basil stepped forward his face serious. "We heard about your daughter, if you need us to do anything to help, just let us know. We got to know her when she helped out with our drills I think we all fell a bit in love with the tiny angel."

  Rheia blinked. "When did she help out with drills?"

  Basil paled and turned to Lennox, their unofficial leader. Lennox smiled wide. "On that note, we're heading out. Goodnight, ladies."

  The trainees didn't waste any time rushing out the door.

  Rheia looked at Beth then Meryn. "They probably just meant that she got their water or something like that right?"

  Meryn and Beth nodded. "Absolutely," Beth assured her.

  Together they entered the dining room and the men stood. Rheia sat next to Colton. The look he gave her told her that he missed having Penny between them at meal times, too. Taking a deep breath she reached for his hand. His thumb slowly rubbed back and forth on the back of her hand.

  As Ryuu served their dinner, she turned to Colton. "When did Penny help out with drills?"

  Colton choked on the wine he was sipping as did Aiden. Colton turned to her smiling weakly. "Do you remember when I said I'd tell you later?"

  "What did you have her do?"

  "Just ring bells, that's all, baby." Colton said squeezing her hand.

  "That's it?" Rheia asked. She knew there had to be more to the story since both men were sweating bullets.

  "Yup, she us
ed her ninja like skills to sneak past the different units and ring their bell tower bells. It helped the men look for an unseen enemy. She was amazing." Colton's face shone with pride.

  "At least you didn't try to teach her how to shoot. I had to put my foot down with Radek over that one." Rheia picked up her fork and pushed her food around.

  "I seriously need to call and ask him what in the hell he taught my daughter," Colton growled.

  Rheia smiled. "It wasn't just Radek. Levi, Dax, Marco and Athan would show her things as well. I never knew what I would walk in on next. I remember one day I thought Athan was teaching her about the different parts of the body and how they worked. The more I listened, I realized he was showing her kill zones that had major arteries. It'll be a miracle if she turns out half normal."

  Colton was about to respond when they heard a loud banging on the door. The men jumped to their feet and hurried to the front door. Aiden swung it open and Sascha rushed in cradling Penny. Behind him Quinn and Oron ushered in an older couple.

  "Penny!" Rheia exclaimed and pulled her daughter out of the large, white haired shifter's arms.

  "Sascha, report!" Aiden barked.

  Sascha turned to Aiden. "After drills today we relieved Beta and took over guard duty. Thirty minutes ago we heard screams and breaking glass. When we entered the home the ferals were being held at bay by a flickering wall of light. We dispatched those ferals and chased off the survivors. We called in Beta to track them and brought Penny and the Carmichaels here."

  Aiden frowned. "Wall of light?"

  Oron stepped forward and reached into his front shirt pocket. He carefully lifted out a tiny doll like body and, with sad eyes handed it to Meryn.

  "Felix! Oh, honey, what did you do?" Meryn cuddled the small sprite, tears streaming down her face. She looked around. "Ryuu! Ryuu!"

  Ryuu rushed forward, "I am here, denka. Keep him close to your body to keep him warm. He used up a lot of magic keeping Penny and the Carmichaels safe." Ryuu picked up a tiny hand and a small blue current passed to the sprite. To everyone it looked like his breathing got a lot easier.

  Ryuu straightened and looked around the foyer. "Gentlemen, please escort our guests to the family room and wrap them in blankets. I'll be right back with warm drinks for everyone and some honey for our little warrior."

  Colton and Keelan helped Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael to the family room and into chairs. Rheia sat down on the sofa and proceeded to inspect every inch of her daughter. When she went to check for a second time Penny rolled her eyes and snuggled close. Colton sat down beside them and wrapped his arm around them both.

  In the foyer Aiden and Gavriel gave instructions to Sascha to continue their guard duty around the Alpha estate. When everyone was gathered together in the family room, Ryuu began to pass out cups of warm coffee and hot chocolate.

  "We're probably the last people you want to help, aren't we?" Mrs. Carmichael asked, twisting her napkin in her hands.

  Rheia looked up, surprised. "Of course we'd help. You're Penny's grandparents."

  Mrs. Carmichael looked from her to Colton. "But we took her from you."

  Colton tightened his arm around them. "We just hadn't had a chance to work out a suitable arrangement yet. You're family and we protect our own."

  Mr. Carmichael patted his mate's knee. "Please forgive Mina, we're both shook up. My name is Gerard and this is my mate Wilomina. Thank you for everything you've done. We never believed that ferals would attack us in Lycaonia."

  Aiden sat next to Meryn who was still cooing softly to Felix helping him with his honey. He looked at Gerard. "Can you tell us what happened?"

  Gerard nodded, his hand trembling slightly as he covered his mouth. "We had just finished eating dinner. Mina made stuffed raviolis, they were always Elena's favorite. Anyway, we were cleaning up the kitchen while Penny colored at the table when the back door was suddenly kicked in. Mina grabbed Penny and I stood between them and the door, but we didn't see any intruders. Suddenly sparks were flying. Every time one of those creatures hit the wall of light they became visible for a moment. Mina was screaming her head off so it didn't take long for the unit warriors to hear and come to our aid. If we hadn't had that tiny little sprite with us, I hate to imagine what would have happened."

  "They tried to take our grandbaby away from us, like they took Elena." Mina wept into her hands.

  "Thank the Gods you sent Felix with Penny, Meryn," Colton whispered.

  Meryn looked up, her eyes rimmed red. "He's my little hero."

  Ryuu stepped forward. "If I may? It has been an extremely long day for everyone and my denka is exhausted. Might I suggest everyone retire for the evening to get some rest?"

  Aiden stood nodding. "We'll leave the perimeter up indefinitely until we can figure out why they're attacking. Ryuu, can you get the word out to everyone, especially the trainees, not to approach the Alpha estate without clearing it with you? I'm afraid that means you'll have to raise and lower the perimeter throughout the day as needed."

  Ryuu placed a hand over his chest and bowed. "Of course. If it will keep my charge safe and able to sleep at night, I will gladly do so."

  Keelan shook his head. "Aiden, we can't live like this. That spell is far from perfect."

  Aiden nodded. "I know, but it's the best we have right now. Give the key to Ryuu, he'll act as a gatekeeper."

  Penny yawned and snuggled closer to Rheia's chest. For the first time in twenty-four hours Rheia felt like she could breathe again. She couldn't stop kissing the top of Penny's head and she wasn't the only one. Colton hadn't stopped rubbing Penny's back since they sat down.

  Mina looked at them, her eyes shining. "You're very good with her. She's a very considerate child. I knew she was trying not to hurt our feelings, but we Gerard and I knew she wasn't happy. Now we see why, she missed her parents." Mina's voice choked up.

  Gerard rubbed her arm gently. "I think this is what Elena would have wanted, Mina."

  Mina dabbed at her eyes and turned to Rheia. "You will let us visit, won't you?" she asked timorously.

  Rheia's heart soared. Did this mean she and Colton could keep Penny? "You can visit any time you would like. In fact, once we get rid of these ferals, we'd love it if you'd watch her sometimes during the day or have her over for the weekend."

  Mina smiled warmly. "Thank you. We wanted a chance to do right by our daughter, but seeing the two of you with her, I can't in good conscience keep you apart. It's obvious she loves you."

  Rheia squeezed Penny tight. "And we love her, very much."

  Colton stood. "Come on, let's get our girl to bed."

  Rheia nodded and Colton helped her stand with Penny still in her arms.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, if you will follow me? I will show you to one of our guest suites," Ryuu offered with a bow.

  Everyone including Darian and Keelan had to kiss Penny goodnight. Penny, blinking sleepily, pointed to where Felix was snuggled close to Meryn. Rheia walked over and Penny kissed the tip of her finger and held it out to Felix. Felix kissed his finger and reached up slowly to touch finger tips with Penny. Satisfied that she had said goodnight to her friend Penny relaxed against Rheia.

  "That was too precious for words." Rheia heard Beth say as she and Colton walked into the foyer towards the stairs. She had only gone up three steps when Colton lifted Penny's drowsy body out of her arms. "Let me carry her up the stairs, honey."

  Rheia looped her arm through his and they walked together to their room. Since Penny was already in her pajamas they simply lay her down in the center of their bed. Rheia stared down at her daughter and the reality that she'd almost lost her began to sink in.

  Colton came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I know."

  She didn't have to explain why she was upset or defend her irrational fears, because he did know. The tremors she felt behind her told her more than any words that he knew exactly how she felt.

  "Let's get some sleep. I don't know about you, bu
t I can't wait for this horrid day to end," Colton whispered. Rheia nodded and quietly they both changed into their pajamas. Before they climbed into bed, Colton took his time holding her against his body and sharing tender kisses. They both needed the simple touch of the other to chase the fear away.

  Kissing her softly on the forehead, Colton stepped away and turned off the light. They got into bed on either side of Penny. From the moonlight coming through the window they both stared down at their daughter. Penny frowned in her sleep and turned her head. Immediately she and Colton reached out and each took one of the girl's hands. Penny smiled and calmed down and they fell asleep connected to one another.


  Rheia woke the next morning when she heard the door shut. When she looked up Colton was walking in with a hot cup of coffee. She sat up and looked around.


  Colton placed the cup on the nightstand. "She's having breakfast with everyone downstairs, I thought you might need just a bit more rest."

  Rheia scooted up and sat with her back against the headboard. "Any news?"

  Colton sat on the edge of the bed. "No, we're still running patrols, there's been no sign of them."

  Rheia sipped her coffee and then climbed past Colton to get out of bed. Instead of her normal scrubs she pulled on a pair of jeans and a cowl neck fleece top, it was one of her favorites for keeping her warm. To keep the hair out of her face she pulled her hair back in a ponytail. Since she wanted to get downstairs to Penny as soon as she could, she didn't even bother with makeup. She slipped on her sneakers and turned back to face Colton who was watching her with a contented smile on his face.


  He shook his head. "Nothing, you're just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

  Rheia saw the adoration on his face and knew that he meant it. "Let's go see our girl. I'd like to get to know her grandparents more as well, since it looks like they'll be a part of our lives."


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