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Ridin' Her Rough

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  She panted against him, and it was just now that he realized she had her hands wrapped around his neck and her lips by his ear. “No regrets.”

  He didn’t know if she was talking to herself or him, but he didn’t say anything because honestly he didn’t know what to say. He pulled out of her with a hiss and set her gently on the ground. For a moment all they did was stare at each other. Torque lifted his hand and ran his thumb over her forehead, down her temple, and followed the line of her cheek to her jaw.

  “I can’t even tell you how that was.” She smiled up at him and his chest grew tight. Shit, he wanted her, but it wasn’t just for this one time.

  He really fucking wanted her, wanted to do this again, and hold her afterward, and talk to her about shit that didn’t really matter. “I know.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’m going to get cleaned up.” Damn he could look at her all fucking night and never get tired of the sight of her. Before he did something dumb like express his feelings, Torque turned and headed to the bathroom. Once the door was shut and the irritating florescent light was on, he braced his hands on the edge of the sink and stared at his reflection. He was getting too fucking old for this shit, and the fact that he was thinking about being with Delilah for more than just one night was insane. Even if Brack didn’t kill him for touching his daughter, for fucking taking her damn virginity for Christ’s sake, Torque had always told himself he didn’t need or want an Old Lady. He was content by himself, riding alone with only his thoughts to keep his stubborn ass company. He was happy living that life. Right?

  Letting his head hang between his shoulders he thought for several minutes on what in the hell he was going to do. If he were being honest with himself he knew that walking away from Delilah wouldn’t help him forget about her, or the fact he had been trying almost desperately to purge her from his thoughts. Whatever it was about her was not something he could just push off as being hard up for her pussy. In fact, taking her pussy had made him feel this proprietary need for her, and just the thought of any other asshole sticking their dick in what was his had him damn near homicidal. He wanted Delilah, and for more than this one night. It may not have been what he wanted in life, or what he thought he needed, but thinking about riding without her on the back of his bike was uncomfortable in a way he had never felt before. What had started four years ago with one look of pain on her face had slowly grew inside of him, worked its way into his once cold and hardened heart, and came to an explosive ending when he had claimed her. And Torque had claimed the shit out of her. They needed to talk, and Torque needed to find out where Delilah saw this going. Because Torque sure as hell didn’t want to walk away, even if the club brothers beat the shit out of him for touching what was off-limits.

  Chapter Five

  Delilah grabbed her shirt and bra off the floor and quickly put them on. Her panties were torn in half and useless, but she picked them up regardless because no way in hell was she leaving these lying around. When she found her pants she was in the process of pulling them up when the bedroom door was pushed open. The light from the hallway had the front half of the person shrouded in darkness, but Delilah didn’t need to see the face to know it was Pinkie standing in the doorway.

  “Well what do we have here?” A few seconds later the sound of heavy boots coming down the hallway preceded the big form of her father stepping up behind the bitch. “Brack, baby, looks like this room is taken. We’ll have to fuck somewhere else.”

  Pinkie grinned and Delilah narrowed her eyes. That bitch. Her father pushed the Cherry out of the way and flicked on the light. Just standing there her dad was a scary-looking guy, but when he was pissed people better clear out of his path because shit was about to hit the fan. And that anger he kept a tight rein on morphed his face as he looked her up and down. He turned his attention to the bed, which had the appearance of just being fucked in. It was only a second that had passed before he snapped his eyes to the bathroom where running water could be heard. She could see the way his entire body tensed, saw him tighten his hands into fists, and heard as he cracked his knuckles.

  “What the fuck is going on here, Delilah?” Her father turned his head to her direction and pierced her with the same blue eyes she saw every day when she looked in the mirror.

  “It’s, uh…” God, how in the hell was she going to explain this? It was bad enough that her dad had come to this room so he could fuck the club slut, but even worse that he caught her in her after-sex state. Delilah supposed it was better than Brack walking in on her actually doing it. Her heart thundered and she slowly shook her head. She had no clue how to proceed. It was stupid of her to have sex with Torque in general, but really stupid to do it at the clubhouse. She had known better, yet hadn’t cared because she had wanted Torque too badly, and she supposed it was her pent-up desire that had spanned four years that had made her throw caution to the wind.

  “Delilah, you need to tell me what the hell you’re doing in one of these rooms with your hair all fucked up, the bed looking like it was put through the damn washer, and your clothes all jacked up.” Her dad’s wide, big chest was rushing and falling quickly from his anger. Pinkie stood in the hallway, her arms crossed under her chest, and her big, fake tits nearly spilling out of her elastic top. She also had this shit-eating grin on her face, and it was clear she was enjoying the hell out of this.

  Before Delilah could say anything the bathroom door opened. She started at Torque, who was still butt fucking naked and semi-hard, and her eyes widened in fear.

  “Baby, we needed to talk about what the hell just happened.” His head was downcast, and she could see his brow furrowed as if he was thinking hard. When she didn’t respond he lifted his head. Torque stopped instantly, stared at her, and then moved his eyes to Brack. His body got just as tense as her dad’s had, and with both of the men equally tall and muscular, Delilah knew that what was about to happen was going to end in a lot of blood being spilled. Shit, this was not good, and things were about to go from really bad to pretty fucking shitty.


  Fuck. That was the only thing that went through his mind when he saw Brack standing just inside the room with a murderous expression on his face. There was no denying that he had just fucked the club president’s daughter. Hell, Torque was still naked with his dick half hard. He didn’t move, and sure as hell didn’t let his guard down. Shit was about to get real, but Torque had known that messing with Delilah would end in this result. Even if Brack hadn’t found out, Torque was going to talk to her about taking shit to the next level, to seeing if she wanted to be his Old Lady, and to give whatever it was that had been brewing between them for years a shot. He saw Delilah move closer to him, and a second later his jeans were tossed to him.

  “Dad, before you start jumping to any conclusions let me explain.”

  Torque put his jeans on but never took his eyes off Brack, and the prez kept his icy glare on Torque the whole time too.

  “There isn’t anything to explain, Delilah. I don’t need to be a genius to realize a brother just fucked my little girl in my fucking clubhouse.” Brack’s voice was booming, which drew the attention of Ace, Malice, and Vain, who now stood right behind Brack. The prez took off his cut, and Ace was right there to take it. Brack cracked his knuckles, rolled his head on his neck, and grinned. “I’m going to fuck you up, boy.”

  “Please. Dad, you don’t have to do this. I’m a damn adult and have the choice to have sex with whomever the hell I want.” Delilah’s voice was raised, which had a few of the brothers lifting their brows in surprise. Torque knew they were more entertained at the fact this little female was standing between two hulking bikers.

  “Baby, step back. This needs to happen if anything between us is going to move forward.” Even with the pumping music in the background, everything became deathly silent at Torque’s words.

  “She’s not your baby, and there isn’t anything going on between the two of you, and sure as fuck won’t be moving forward.�

  Torque had his attention on Delilah even though Brack’s words were low and menacing. She didn’t speak, but her shock was evident in her eyes. He picked up his jeans and put them on. He knew shit was about to get gritty. All he could do was smile at her, because this little revelation was a big shock to him as well. “Delilah, move back.” He reached out and pushed her aside gently, but that still had a low growl coming from Brack.

  “How long have you been fucking my daughter behind my back?” Brack still didn’t move, but he was just as juiced up for this fight as Torque was.

  “I haven’t been doing this behind your back. This is the first time I’ve been with her, but I won’t lie and say it’ll be the last. I also won’t lie and say I haven’t been thinking about being with Delilah since she was eighteen years old.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Man, Torque, why did you have to say that shit?”

  The comments came from the other members fast and furious, but they stayed put, knowing this was about him and Brack. But what he said was clearly Brack’s breaking point because he charged forward like a damn rhino intent on taking a tank down. But Torque was ready for this shit. Torque met him in the middle of the room, and as soon as they reached each other the fists started flying. Delilah was screaming something at them, but Torque saw Vain pull her away from the carnage that was happening. Brack popped him in the jaw and Torque stumbled back.

  “You fucking asshole.” Brack swung at him again but he caught the president in the gut. He grunted in pain.

  Torque slammed his fist into his jaw. “I’m not giving her up.” They sparred for several minutes, both of them of equal size and strength and neither one of them submitting.

  “She isn’t yours, Torque.” They fell to the floor and the fists were flying faster than either of them could keep up. Brack got him in the right kidney at the same time Torque gave him an uppercut. They both broke away, blood dripping down their faces, lips busted the fuck up, shit bruising and swelling. “She isn’t yours, man. You are a Nomad, never staying in one damn place and not caring about shit.” Brack pushed himself up, but he didn’t come after Torque. He did the same, and the two of them stared at each other.

  “She’s different. I knew it four years ago, but it didn’t register until right now when I thought about leaving her behind.”

  “What, you mean after you fucked her?” Brack spit out a mouthful of blood.

  Torque ran the back of his arm across his lips, saw the blood covering his forearm and sighed in defeat. “I meant no disrespect, brother, really I didn’t. I also didn’t plan this shit. It just happened.” He looked over at Delilah, who had a horrified look on her face.

  She shrugged off Vain’s hold and stepped closer. “Dad.” She waited until Brack turned around and looked at her. “I can only speak for me, but I knew what I was doing, and wanted this.” She looked over at Torque for a moment, and then turned her attention back to her dad. “I care about him, have for years, and up until tonight I made damn sure I keep all of that shit to myself. I don’t want anyone fighting because he wasn’t supposed to do this, or do that. I’m an adult, and I think I deserve to make my own decisions.”

  “Baby girl.” Brack sighed and lowered his head so he was looking at the ground. “This shit ain’t good. He’s too old for you, and he wants no roots. The only thing a Nomad wants is the open road.”

  “Age is just a number. Besides, I know my mom was only nineteen when she got pregnant with me. That made you thirty-one. It’s all just a number, Dad. You know that. Look at Ringo and Dixon.” Brack shook his head from side-to-side, but didn’t say anything. “And maybe I’m stepping over some kind of biker, brotherhood line, but don’t I have the right to choose who I want to be with? Haven’t I earned your respect?”

  The room grew tense at her words, and when Brack slowly lifted his head to stare at her, Torque knew that Delilah had reached a part of him that few had touched.

  “Yeah, baby girl, you’ve earned my trust, as well as the club’s, and a whole lot more.” He reached out, tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. Brack looked over at Torque, and even though he still had a hard look on his face, there was something in his eyes that he had never seen in the club president before: surrender. “You care about my daughter?” He turned fully around so they were face-to-face again.

  Torque looked over at Delilah, but she had her head downcast, like she didn’t want to look at him. “Yeah, prez, I really fucking do.” He looked at Brack in time to see the man coming closer.

  “She’s my baby girl.” They were only inches from each other, but Torque wasn’t going to back down.

  “Yeah, I know, man.”

  Brack nodded once. “If you hurt her I will hurt you.” The threat was very real, but Torque wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  “I understand, but there is no way I’m going to hurt her. She’s the first female I’ve wanted as an Old Lady, and you should know that isn’t something I would ever fuck around with.”

  Brack grunted and searched Torque’s face with his eyes. “Yeah, I guess I know that, but what you’re messing with is not some club Cherry.”

  “I want this with her, Brack.” They stared at each other for several long minutes.

  Brack nodded once, turned and staked out of the room. The rest of the guys stared at them as stunned as Torque felt, but they didn’t say anything. Ace smirked, Malice shook his head, and Vain watched Torque like he was some kind of fucking experiment.

  “You watch over her, brother.” Vain pointed his finger at Torque, and then turned and left.

  He breathed out, not realizing he had been holding his breath.

  “Shit.” Scrubbing a hand over his jaw, he felt like he might fucking pass out. He had just claimed Delilah in front of the club.

  “Torque.” Delilah was right in front of him before he even realized what the fuck was happening.

  “Yeah, baby?” What if she wasn’t all about what he wanted? What if this really had been just one night of sex? Yeah, he had heard what she said, but shit, didn’t chicks change their minds all the fucking time?

  “Did you mean what you said about me and you?”

  For a moment he just stared at her. Fuck, she was so beautiful. Her dark hair was mussed from what they had just done, her lips were red and swollen, and she stared up at him like she wanted to do this all over again. “Yeah, Delilah, I meant every word of it.” He reached out and wrapped his arms around her. “You want to go on this crazy ass ride with me, baby?”

  She pulled back and looked in his face. The smile she gave him could have sent Torque down to his fucking knees. It was insane how he had done a complete one-eighty over this girl, changed how he felt about life, and actually wanted to give this shit a chance.

  “This is crazy. You know that, right?”

  She was still smiling and he couldn’t help but smile back. “Don’t I fucking know it, but I know in my gut it will be worth it.” She didn’t ask why he had changed so quickly, why his thoughts had done some kind of Mr. Hyde bullshit, she just accepted it, and wasn’t that what trust was all about? Besides, Torque didn’t know if he would have been able to give her an honest answer anyway. Shit, he had never felt anything like this, and at this point was hanging on tight and going with the flow. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, but the sound of someone clearing their throat broke up their little moment.

  “Well isn’t this all sweet and sentimental and shit.” Pinkie leaned against the doorframe and narrowed her eyes at Delilah. Well fuck, he had totally forgotten about the Cherry, who had probably been standing in the hallway watching the whole scenario play out.


  “Ain’t this some shit. I don’t get to fuck Brack because he puts him in a bad mood, and now I’m in a bad mood because I didn’t get what I wanted.” Pinkie pushed off of the doorframe and took a step inside. Her heels clicked against the wood floor the closer she came. “I mean, what in the hell am I supposed to do now
?” Delilah didn’t miss the way she eyed Torque. “How about you and I go for a ride, big boy?” Pinkie grinned and flicked her eyes to Delilah.

  Delilah stared at Pinkie and smiled. It was a bullshit expression, one that was all saccharine and shit, but hell, this bitch was about to go down. This had been a long time in coming. “Why don’t you take your skank ass out of this room and continue until the front door hits you in your skinny ass.”

  The sound of Pinkie grinding her teeth sounded loud in the room. Good, she was getting to the bitch. “The only reason anyone keeps your uptight ass around is because you’re Brack’s bastard kid.” Oh no, the hell she didn’t just say that.

  Delilah held her hand up to stop Torque from coming any closer, and the deep sound he made told her that he was just as pissed as she was. But this was her fight, and was at least four years in the making. “I may be, but the only reason they keep you around is because you are a fucking slut that sucks a bunch of bikers’ dicks hoping one day you’ll be an Old Lady Newsflash, none of them want your loose ass as anything more than a hole to fill.”

  Pinkie squeaked in outrage and lunged forward, but Delilah was ready. In fact, her entire body shook from the adrenaline pounding through her. Her right hand was already a fist by the time Pinkie was in hitting distance, and that was just what Delilah did. She swung out, connected with her boney ass face, and had the slut’s whole body flipping to the side from the force of her punch. Pinkie fell to the ground, but not before she reached out and dragged her acrylic nails down Delilah’s arm. She hissed out and covered the scratch marks with her hand. “You stupid bitch.”

  “No, you’re the stupid bitch.”

  Pinkie pulled herself off the ground and ran a finger along her bottom lip that was split right open. “You think he’s gonna want you when he can have ass like this?” She gestured to herself. “Not likely. You’ll be the Old Lady that stays at home while he comes to the clubhouse to bang a hotter piece of ass.”


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