Landasy Reality: Angel's Escape
Page 22
“Enough to level my leviathan class almost fifteen times. These war events are awesome,” she said excitedly before stretching out, the muscles sore after all that excitement. “So, what's next? Has the assault on Yggdrasil been planned yet or has the coalition not decided?”
The leviathan shrugged. “No idea. I think they still plan to have the next major event on a vote. We can still do the smaller missions though. Damage supply lines, get supplies, get some bounties. Things like that,” he said thoughtfully. “I bet we could get a group together to try and assassinate one of their generals. Though last time we tried that, we almost all died.”
“Yeah, this is getting pretty difficult at times. But hey, we have the advantage,” Asura said with a smirk.
“Oh? How so? They've still got two capitals, we're trapped in one.”
“We're on the offensive. They have to defend all those points at once, not to mention side places. We on the other hand, only have to defend Everlight. Even with the siege they have on it, they'll never be able to take it over and defend their most important areas. The defenses on the fortress are just too good compared to the open cities. Once we eliminate their last cities the fun will really start.”
“Oh? Why do you think-”
“ATTACK!” a voice rang out, moments before fire balls filled the sky and began to rain down on the group.
“Scatter!” Asura screamed, the group following orders quickly. The balls slammed into the ground, leaving craters in their wake. Off in the distance they could see large flaming catapults, manned by dragons, taking aim at their force. “How did they find us? Angels, holy beasts, grab whatever leviathans you can and get them out of here. I'll hold them off! Whoever wants to stay and has the same escape abilities can!” She drew her blades.
Scalios glanced to her before sighing and, after being grabbed by a holy beast, disappeared underground. The rest dispersed while she and a handful of others charged at the attackers. She dove to the left so a fire ball shot past her, so close the heat singed her wings. She landed on the ground and rolled forward, stopping on her feet a yard from the nearest dragon. Her sword shot out and impaled him in the stomach. She slashed up, cleaving through his armor and body. He disappeared in a shower of red sparkles.
For a few seconds the opposition stood in unmoving shock, before throwing themselves at her. “Ice shield!” The barrier formed between her and the dragons on her left. Unfortunately, the ones on her right continued their charge, swinging their axes. She leaped into the air, using her wings to help propel her up, and landed on the nearest catapult. She cleaved downwards to destroy the ropes that held the wood down. As the ropes were sliced the timber surged up, striking her across the side, making her fall back with a shriek of pain.
She landed on something hard, rough and spiked. She glanced down at the dragon she landed on and tried to pull away as his arms wrapped around her waist. She was trapped. Only one trick she could try. “EEK! Pervert!”
“W-what?” His hands moved away instantly, “I-I wasn't trying to, I was just, I mean I was, I-- aghh!” His remaining cries were silenced when she stabbed him with her dagger and pulled away. She considered stabbing him a few more times, but she already felt a bit mean having used such a dirty trick on him. Instead, she just gave him a kick into his friends before darting towards the next catapult.
Once again she found her path blocked by more dragons. She slashed her sword ahead of her and, fortunately for her, she found her blade cleaved through a few before being stopped by an axe. Her dagger was clasped tightly in her right hand, which she stabbed into the chest of one of the startled newly unarmed dragons. A massive fireball erupted from the blade, forcing the dragons to scatter. “I love this weapon,” she said with a gleeful squeal.
Pain shot through her back as her left wing was cleaved through from behind, the end disappearing in red sparkles. She let out a pained shriek and turned to face her attacker, a dragon wielding the Parashu axe. She growled and charged, driving her longsword against his axe and forcing it back. She stepped in close and stabbed him three times with her dagger, each time causing more flame to explode outward and envelop the dragons. With a satisfied smirk she stabbed him once more, the fires spreading out and, with a solid snapping sound, she heard the second catapult crumble from the spreading flames. The dragon-man she stabbed finally fell, his body crumbling to red sparkles and leaving a few red beams of light in his wake.
She quickly readied her weapons and looked around, but no one was around. She was surrounded by a handful of red beams of light though. “That's weird. There were a lot more. If I killed them they would have... oh dear.” She paled when her eyes fell on the last of the catapults. They had fallen, at her allies hands, but not without cost. Arrows covered the area and when she turned to the retreating line of dragons she saw a number of archers, bows at the ready and aimed at her.
She gulped nervously before waving, “Err, hello!” The twang of bowstrings filled the air as the sky itself was darkened by the hail of arrows. “Ice shield!” A wall of ice formed in front of her. It wasn't enough, within seconds the wall fell and dozens of arrows stabbed into her body. She stumbled backwards with a pained groan before crumbling.
She slowly raised a hand to her chest, “Great--” Her spell was interrupted when a boot came crashing down on her stomach.
“Not a chance angel. We've won,” her attacker said before he held out a golden stone. A moment later his axe came down and the sensation of death enveloped her once again
Rather than resurrecting at the nearby town, Asura instead appeared in a dark prison cell, with a small bed and thick metal bars blocking the exit. She rolled her eyes before mumbling to herself “Really? That's not going to hold me.” She took a step forward and reached for her sword. When she tried to pull it out a warning popped up, 'Weapons/spells/class change cannot be accessed while a prisoner.' That made her freeze and she looked at the bars a bit more worriedly.
A soft clapping could be heard before a light appeared outside her cell from an open doorway. A shadow appeared in the light and slowly made its way down. “Well well well. So we meet at last, the prisoner of-- oh bloody hell,” Yeanna said before she brought her hand to her face and shook her head. “You? They captured YOU?”
“I knew it! Hah! So you were just trying to trap me and... actually there shouldn't be one of those quests for a while. Why DID you capture me?” Asura asked while pointing an accusing finger.
“Oh relax. It's part of the event, people of opposite factions can capture those who attack their faction. Since you're a member of the conceited alliance we--”
“Righteous coalition,” Asura said quickly.
“We call ourselves the righteous coalition.”
“Whatever. You attacked us, we captured you and a number of others. We've already filled about three floors of this dungeon with members of your alli... group. You're just the first triple master we've caught.”
“Yay for you? So what now, you torture me for information?” she asked dryly.
“Well... sorta. Within reason of course.”
“Namely because I could just log out if you did anything bad, there are laws against such things in these games, I could turn off th-”
“Yes, because of that. However, we've been working on a few other methods to get to you, not to mention we have plans in the event you don't help us.”
“Well, that's never going to work. I don't know anything and, even if I did, I'd never tell you,” the angel said as she crossed her arms.
“Oh, I know, I know. But we don't want information. We want you to join us.”
“Well that... wait, what?”
“We want you to join us. In case you haven't noticed, most the triple masters ended up joining your side. Frankly I was hoping you were Eighth, but beggars can't be choosers. Our side has a larger population, and currently holds the advantage in terms of fortresses. But in terms of masters we ha
ve very few. Only a handful of double masters and I'm the only triple master. But if we can get some more of the triple masters to join we'd be set,” she said and held her hand out. “More would join us and we could win this war and whatever rewards come with it. What do you say?”
“Rewards? Aren't the quests for that?”
“Partly, yes. Those just reward participation though. Actually winning the war? I hear rumors that those who win, get the chance to unlock the old magics used by the races before the war. If we won, imagine it. You'd have access to real summoning magic. Stuff that no other player in the game would have access too.”
Asura nearly sat down, her mouth open as she thought about that. “No one else... something no one else could... How do you know this? Who told you? It could just be a fancy weapon like the master tournament reward.”
“Just hearsay from some sources of mine. It would make sense though, don't you think? What else could be such an adequate reward for winning the war?”
“Wait, why would I join you then? If my side is going to win this war anyway, what would be the point of joining you?”
“Because you're losing. We outnumber you, and have more outposts. Unfortunately, most of the masters have joined your side, but that won't matter in the end. We have a big enough advantage that more of your side will detach to ours. Besides, I can see you're already affiliated with us,” the woman said before motioning to Asura's wings.
“Well... that is true. But I'd never join your side. I much more prefer to be the good guys. These wings will be fixed soon enough.”
“Good guys? Oh you gotta be kidding me. They are no more the good guys than us! Sure, I'll admit some of the demon quests are malevolent, but it was your side that started the war in the first place, with their little 'purge' of all things they saw as evil. If anything your side are a bunch of brutal barbarians!” Evealie yelled before grabbing the bars.
“.... Ummm... wow. No need to get so passionate. I was just joking,” the angel said with a nervous chuckle before taking a step back.
“I'm not, ugh. I just HATE it when people do that. 'Oh, we have angels so we are obviously the good guys! Duh!' Don't even look at the lore or anything like that. No no, purely the race makes them the shining beacon of, just ugh. If you're going to spout off things like that at least do a little research,” the demon snapped while she paced, practically frothing at the mouth. “Anyway. I want your decision by tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?”
“Because your faction will be attempting a raid here tomorrow. It'll be important for me to know who you side with before then.”
The dungeon shook while catapults sent huge flaming boulders smashing across its walls. Angels attacked from above while leviathans and holy beasts charged the lower levels. The doors were barred so fae attempted to shoot arrows through the windows, though the angels continued to cast their spells or mount other assaults through them, forcing many of the windows to be locked tight.
Asura saw none of it as she hugged her knees to her chest and sat on her bed. With nothing better to do, she rummaged through her mail system, deleting her older ones as she waited for her rescue. She was finding this far more enjoyable than being stuck in a soul gem, but she would still be happy when she could rest in her own bed.
A message popped up, drawing her attention. Scalios! If he was able to message her now, that had to mean he was close. She sent him a quick response, “Hurry up. This cell sucks and the bed is hard. I keep getting leered at by the guard too,” she sent with a little smirk. Her guards were, in fact, nowhere near her and instead were guarding the entrance to the floor, a single dragon with an axe and two demons, who they probably thought she hadn't noticed, hiding in the shadows.
The door opened. Her eyes bulged when B4hamutt, 5t4r D3s7r0y3r, Andremedia, Scalios, and at least a dozen others from their faction charged inside. Even with the demon ambush, the three guards never stood a chance and within moments her cell door was opened. To her surprise, and embarrassment, 5t4r quickly wrapped his arms around her.
“Wow, quite the rescue operation going on here. Are you guys it or...?” she asked with a nervous chuckle before pushing the happy rescuer away.
“Of course not. There's a whole army down below. Once the information of where you guys were at became available, this quest popped up with the others,” 5t4r said with a smile before he took her hand and helped her to her feet.
“Yeah, once we found out you were one of the captured Star here was all ready to charge the prison himself. Took a bit of convincing to get him to calm down and wait for all of us,” Scalios said with a snicker. “Though we have a bet going, how many messages did he send you?”
“None. There's a range filter on them while locked up,” Asura said with a chuckle. “Haven't gotten any since you guys arrived, though.”
“S-see? I told you guys! I was just worried, she's our friend after all,” 5t4r said, unable to look them in the eyes.
“I wonder if you'd pace that much if I was the one captured,” B4hamutt said with a chuckle before turning towards the door. “We should go. The longer we wait here, the more likely it is everyone will leave us behind.” The group took off. More demons and dragons attempted to block their way, but they were quickly swept aside. The forces of the coalition plowed out from the prison quickly with all the captives in tow.
“How many dead?” Yeanna asked while she watched the forces retreating from a window.
“Plenty,” Evealie said, sitting on a chair in the small room. “Are you sure this was a good idea? We already have spies, all we've done is expanded the numbers we worked so hard to decrease.”
“It'll be fine. This war won't be won by killing people anyway. It'll be won by whichever side can draw the most to them,” the fae said with a little smirk. “Death means nothing here.”
“You've been playing those war sims again, haven't you?” the spider asked with a roll of her eyes.
“What? No! Maybe... yes,” she said softly. “But it's still true!”
Asura laid in her bed, nervously glancing at the clock. In only a short bit her time would be up. She'd have to go back... there. To the real world. She struggled and hugged her pillow to her chest while shaking her head. “I don't wanna go back, please don't make me go back, please, please, please,” she begged to no one in particular. The clock continued to tick down, second by second. Only thirty to go.
“Please, anything but there. I'd rather be back in that dungeon, back in the soul shard, anything,” she said as it got closer and closer. With ten seconds left she let out an angry scream before her foot lashed out, kicking her lamp and sending it flying across the room to shatter against the wall. It didn't matter as within moments it reformed and, despite her protests, the world disappeared around her.
Asher laid completely still as the headset automatically shut down. He looked around and, barely able to turn his head, saw he was alone. He looked down at the call nurse button on his bed. Mere inches from his hands. It might as well have been a mile away.
His hand refused to acknowledge any orders. He couldn't roll it, wiggle it or even poke with it. He just laid there. The only sound that remained was the sound of his heart rate monitor as it slowly beeped over and over.
After what felt like hours, she came. Amy. “Hey Asher, how are you feeling today?” She looked him over. “Are you out, or are you still in the game?”
He merely grunted in response.
“Okay, let's get started then,” she said before removing the blanket. “We'll start by removing your diaper.” So began the process of stripping him of every fiber of dignity he had managed to accrue since, well, last time they had done this. His diaper was changed, he was sponged down, feeding tube, I.V., heart rate monitor and other equipment were all quickly checked to make sure he was getting everything he needed. Amy tried to be sympathetic and would tell him what she was doing each time, even talking
to him a little about the weather. He wished she would just finish.
It was one of the worst daily experiences of his life, he couldn't even feel like a person any more. Just a piece of meat that got poked, prodded and cleaned every day so it didn't stink. To make it even more horrible, what came next made him almost enjoy this process.
Hours. Hours of just laying there, completely still and staring at the roof. He didn't want to watch TV, since he had barely any control over what to watch. He couldn't hold up a book to read and the one thing he wanted to do, play his game, was held out of reach on the desk by his bed.
He closed his eyes and struggled to focus on something, anything else. He soon found his mind drifting towards the game and what the fae had said. Was it true? Could the war be a chance to unlock the full power of the races? Would it allow him to unlock summoning magic? True summoning magic, not just the pets that weakened their wielders?
He closed his eyes, something he could mercifully still do, and formed the image in his head. He imagined Asura standing over cheering crowds, her wings magnificent and golden, summoning massive creature's to do her bidding. Minotaurs, krakens and even wyverns. All creatures would be hers to command and summon. As the first to achieve such power, she would be the envy of all. Admired, longed for. No one would ever believe the great and legendary Asura was, in fact, trapped in a hospital bed and unable to move. Living every day almost completely lifeless and struggling to survive.
Even though the game would one day disappear and most would forget about his achievement, at least, even if only for a short while, he would stop being the cripple everyone pitied and become the hero that everyone desired to be.
Chapter 11
Age: 17 years, 10 months
Asura groaned inwardly before making faces at B4hamutt across a large rectangular table. She was finally re-aligned with the coalition, so she had been invited to one of the bigger group meetings where they would discuss their next attack. Unsurprisingly, the entire thing was about as thrilling as watching fresh eggshell paint dry over older, slightly dirtier, satin white paint. The dragon had told her to at least try to behave, so she made due by making faces at him and trying to make him at least chuckle. Her attempts had been largely unsuccessful.