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Page 11

by Shoraz

  Chandra then put one foot in, and then another and then began to slowly lie down. Then, as a rogue knight began to cover the pod Chandra sat up and she began to cry and started doubting her decision.

  “I can’t do this,” she said. “I can’t leave my baby behind; he’ll kill her. What kind of mother am I?” she then said in a sobbing voice.

  “If you go back Frank Brady will kill you both. At least this way he will not touch her as he does not know where you are, you have the advantage – use it,” Milo said in a stern voice.

  “And who will take care of her?” she asked.

  “Roma will take care of her, and I promise you I will do my best to reunite you both,” Milo said to her.

  “We’ve made it this far, we have to keep with the plan; we have to distract Frank. Once he initiates the Second Great War there will be no more humans; and we have to do everything in our power to stop it,” Milo said, in hopes of making Chandra’s decision to leave the Invisible Dome easier.

  “Very well, I guess this is best for everyone. Please tell Bridget that I love her,” she said, and with that, she lay back down in the pod.

  But before the lid was closed, Milo said to Chandra, “Don’t forget the message Chandra, if you do only one thing, let it be this. Warn them that the Second Great War will begin soon.”

  “I will, I promise you this Milo, and thank you for everything,” Chandra said.

  They then closed the lid, and the rogue knights picked up the pod and began flying towards the port. Then as they arrived at the port, Milo reported the pod to the white knights that stood guard, “I am not sure of the contents, but I was told that it is toxic and needs to be disposed of immediately,” Milo told them.

  “That’s fine with us,” the guard said, and he then took the pod, scanned it and told them to proceed.

  Milo and another rogue knight then took the pod while the other rogue knights flew off back to their base. Milo then opened the gate, and they both flew out of the Invisible Dome with the pod, they then flew about two hundred miles away from the coast and dropped the pod in the ocean and headed back towards land.

  “Do you think she’ll be okay?” the rogue white knight asked Milo.

  “I certainly hope so,” Milo replied.

  “And what do we do now?” he asked Milo.

  “We hope and we pray my friend, we hope and we pray,” Milo replied.

  “You pray Milo? I’ve never done that. I mean…I’m a robot, who should I pray to?” the rogue white knight asked, eager to hear Milo’s response.

  “You’re still new to being a free thinking knight my friend, one day you will understand,” Milo replied.

  “But I want to understand now,” he said.

  “Hope and pray my friend, pray that good will overcome evil, pray that one day there will be no more bloodshed and fighting, pray that we can all live in peace, and have hope that the One Great Creator is listening to you and answers your prayers,” Milo said to him.

  Then, as they arrived back at the gate the guards opened it, and as they entered, one of the guards shouted to them, “Have you heard the news? The mother–in–law of our great leader is dead, and they say a human has infiltrated the Invisible Dome and killed her. Death to the humans.”

  Milo then nodded his head in agreement and said, “Yes, death to the humans, we’ll destroy them all,” and began flying back in the direction of the betasapien headquarters.


  As Ava awoke from her surreal dream, she noticed the roof of the airmobile was open, and as she looked back to check on Jonah she noticed that he was gone. Startled, she called out his name and looked around, but there was no sign of him.

  She then exited the airmobile armed with a laser and a knife; and she walked towards the abandoned building and entered it using the same entrance that the two men had used earlier. As she entered the building, she called out Jonah’s name but again there was no response from Jonah. She was getting nervous, but deep inside she knew that she was protected, and as far back as she could remember she always felt protected even in trying times, and somehow she knew that she would be okay.

  A part of her always tried to bring herself back to reality and let her know that she was normal just like everyone else, but there was a light inside of her that kept telling her the opposite – she was special, she was extraordinary.

  She couldn’t explain it to anyone as it was just a feeling that she had. She then called out Jonah’s name again, and there was no answer, then suddenly a bright light was shone towards her, and she raised her forearms and squinted to see where it was coming from, and just as sudden as the light came on, it was turned off.

  The quick change in brightness made it extremely hard for Ava to see in the darkness; and she heard a noise and looked around frantically but was unable to see anything. Then out of nowhere an arm locked around her neck and her laser was knocked out of her hand and she struggled to get out of the hold but it was too strong and she could feel herself beginning to feel faint, “Please stop….please…I have to find…..” she slurred and then fell to the floor.

  As she fell to the floor she was still somewhat conscious and could vaguely hear screams of pain in the background. She then tried talking but was unable to, and all that she could feel was that she was being dragged by her captors along the cold and hard floor. The dragging felt like an eternity, and after what seemed like forever to her, she became unconscious.

  Then, as some time passed a voice shouted, “Wake up!” and another bucket of cold water was poured on her, and as she awoke she realized that she was in a dimly lit room and both of her ankles were tied in chains. Then, as she looked around she could see limbless, gutted bodies hanging from the ceiling and the stench was unbearable, and suddenly a voice said, “Finally you’re awake.”

  Startled at the sound of the voice, Ava asked, “Who are you?”

  “None of your business little lady,” the voice replied.

  “Who are you? Please let me go,” Ava pleaded.

  “We’ll fetch a nice price for you,” the voice said to Ava’s distress.

  “Where’s my brother?” she asked.

  “Oh him, I’m not sure where they took him, but he did a hell of a job keeping you safe last night, too bad we got you anyways,” the masked captor said to her.

  Ava couldn’t believe it, “No, you’re lying,” she said to her captor.

  “Believe what you like to believe missy, it makes no difference to me,” her captor said as he made his way towards her, and he then kneeled down and unlocked her ankle chains.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  But her captor didn’t reply as he pulled her up and told her to walk towards the door, and as she exited the door and walked down the hallway towards an elevator she could hear the chatter of voices as well as screams of pain and torture.

  As they reached the elevator and pressed the button the elevator arrived, and they entered it and pressed the button for the ground floor, and as the elevator made its way down, the ride was noisy and bumpy as the elevator was barely in working condition. On the floor, there was fresh blood, and the smell was intolerable although none of it seemed to bother her captor. As the door to the elevator opened they exited it and were greeted by a group of six people, “Is that her?” one of them asked.

  “Yes that’s the one,” her captor replied.

  They then made their way to a large airmobile with a cargo area; and two men then opened the doors to the cargo area and to Ava’s surprise there were approximately twenty teenagers being held in there, obviously against their will.

  “Up you go, get in there,” one of the men said to Ava.

  At first, Ava said no but she was then quickly grabbed by the two men and thrown into the cargo area of the airmobile, and she was then dragged over to an empty area and shackled to the wall in the same manner as the other teenagers. As the two men left, one of the abductees shouted, “Where are you taking us?”r />
  “Sit tight and enjoy the ride,” one of the men replied, and he then slammed the cargo doors shut.

  After the door was slammed shut there was silence for about ten minutes, and everyone kept to themselves thinking about what lay ahead, while some of them even thought about ways to escape, but at the moment there was no chance of that given their unfortunate situation.

  Finally, the silence was broken, “My name is Krishna,” said one of the boys.

  Most of the captive group replied back to him and one by one they said their names so the others would know who they were.

  “Do you have any idea where they are taking us?” one of the girls asked.

  “I think they might be taking us to Kansas City,” another girl replied.

  “No, I overheard someone say that they are taking us to Las Vegas,” said another girl.

  Hearing the words Las Vegas got Ava’s attention, as this was her and Jonah’s destination as well; and they were heading there to meet an old family friend as this was their plan, and it was laid out a few years back by their father. The plan was, if for any reason something were to happen where the family got separated or persecuted in Denver, they would head to Las Vegas to the safety of their friends in hopes of staying alive in these most dangerous of times.

  Ava knew that if she made it there, she had a good chance to find her brother and father, as she was fairly certain that they would be headed to Las Vegas as well, as long as they were alive. And Ava kept that information to herself as she was unsure of who could be trusted in such dire circumstances.

  “What’s your name?” one of the boys asked Ava.

  “My name is Ava,” she replied.

  “How long have you been in their possession?” another captive asked.

  “I’m not sure, maybe a few days,” she replied.

  “That’s not too long,” said one of the girls named Laurie, “I’ve been held captive for almost three months, and they won’t even let me kill myself,” she said as she started crying.

  Ava then instinctively went to console her only to be pulled back by the shackles that bound her to the wall of the airmobile.

  “I can kill you if you want,” Krishna said, “I don’t want to do it, but I will do it if it will make you happy and be at peace,” he continued saying.

  Krishna who was sitting beside Laurie then explained to her what he would do given his situation of being shackled to the wall.

  “Can you do it for me as well?” one of the boys asked, “I have nothing to live for; I have no family, no love, nothing,” the boy continued saying.

  “You’re too far away from me,” Krishna replied.

  “Please stop it, all of you,” Ava shouted, her voice stern yet sorrowful and regretful at the same time.

  These were young adults similar in age to her, and they were asking to be killed, and she wondered what could have driven them to such a state.

  “Why do you want to die?” she asked.

  “If you went through what we did then you would want to die as well,” Laurie replied.

  “No I wouldn’t,” Ava defiantly said.

  “Look at what this world has become Ava, there is no peace, no happiness and nothing worth living for, there is only evil and hate left in this world Ava. If I could have chosen not to be born, I would have done that knowing what life had in store for me.” Laurie said as she broke down in tears.

  “If we take our own lives it means that their evil was greater than our good. We have to escape and fight back,” Ava said, “And remember that good and love will always outlast evil and hate even if it takes a lifetime,” she continued saying with utter conviction.

  “How are we going to get out of here, it’s open land, they’ll find us, and on top of that we have no weapons,” Krishna said.

  “Just believe and have hope and faith,” Ava said.

  “There is no hope, there is no faith, there is no good, and there is only despair and evil left on earth Ava,” Laurie said.

  Ava then thought about what Laurie just said and realized that she was right and that made Ava’s decision easier. She then also remembered what her mother had told her in her dream, “Believe in yourself,” and as the words went through her head a certain sense of assurance coursed throughout her body.

  Then as Ava pondered on those words she knew that it was now or never and there wasn’t any time to waste. And as she looked around and thought of the situation at hand, she knew that there was no way they could escape the clutches of their well–armed captors.

  But deep inside she felt as if the outcome was already decided, and all that was left to do was to follow her instincts, and the rest would take care of itself. Then as she gazed upon the somber faces of her fellow captives she knew that they had to escape in order to realize that there was still some good left on earth, and she would be the one that would lead their escape.


  The sky was red, and the noise of the wind was getting louder and louder. It was as if the clouds were bleeding and in the distance, Dean and John could see the super tornado heading their way.

  “We can’t outfly it John, we have to take shelter,” Dean shouted, and John nodded his head in agreement.

  “There!” John said as he looked through his binoculars and pointed towards a seemingly deserted barn in the distance.

  Dean then quickly guided the airmobile in that direction, and as they arrived they both hurriedly jumped out of the airmobile and ran towards the barn door, and luckily for them it was unlocked and they quickly opened it. Then, once it was opened, Dean ran back to the airmobile and flew it into the barn through the opened door.

  They then frantically searched for anything to keep the barn door shut from the incoming super tornado, and John found some rope and chains and he and Dean started wrapping it around the door handle. Dean then looked outside and the super tornado was now less than three minutes away and barreling towards them. Neither of them had ever seen a super tornado of such size and magnitude, and they were in awe of the sheer power of it, and as they looked at it, it covered almost the entire horizon and was destroying almost everything in its path.

  “Tighter John,” Dean screamed, as John pulled the ropes and chains tighter in hopes of keeping the barn door closed.

  Then after quickly tying the door handles together they both ran looking for a safe place to hide. Dean ran towards the back of the barn and John ran to the right side of the barn, and in his desperate search, John somehow spotted a door in the ground about ten meters away from the barn; it was a bunker.

  As John ran and opened it, he realized that it was made to only fit one person comfortably. Then as he was about to go in, he stopped, and he ran back into the barn to get Dean as he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him alone out there while he was in the relative safety of the bunker. As he ran to the back of the barn, he saw Dean huddled and curled in a corner behind a few stacks of hay.

  “This way,” John shouted and Dean ran towards him, and John then ran towards the bunker and Dean followed him.

  As John opened the bunker door, Dean said, “No John, we both can’t fit in there, you found it, it’s yours.”

  “No!” John said, “We either live together, or we either die together,” he continued saying, and with that, they both then squirmed their way into the bunker and closed the door as the super tornado was now mere seconds away from them.

  And then, just as the door was shut they could hear the deafening noise of the super tornado as it was now directly above them; and they held the door down tightly and hoped that their strength was enough against the raw power of nature.

  As the tornado raged overhead they could feel its power pulling at the bunker door, and in turn, they held the handle tightly hoping the bunker door would not open; for if it were to open it would mean an almost certain death for them both.

  Above them they could hear the tornado as it ravaged through the barn and the surrounding areas; and then within
a few seconds, it was over. After the tornado had passed there was a sudden silence and calm, and John was eager to get out of the bunker but Dean insisted they wait to ensure that the tornado had passed due to its power and size; and they then waited about five minutes to ensure it was safe and then unlocked the door and pushed it open.

  As they pushed the door there was some debris that made it heavier, and they both then gave it a good push which opened the door slightly; John then managed to get his arm out and he then slowly struggled and squirmed his way out of the bunker, and he then pushed the debris aside and opened the door for Dean.

  As Dean exited the bunker he was very appreciative towards John, “Thanks for letting me in the bunker,” he said to him.

  John then smiled and they both walked towards what remained of the barn to see if the airmobile was still intact. As they looked around, they could see the trees that were uprooted from the ground, along with a few dead animals that were caught in the tornado and there was debris scattered as far as the eye can see.

  Far in the distance, they could see the super tornado continuing its violent path of devastation and destruction, and as they looked around, the barn was completely gone except for the back wall; and there was quite a bit of debris and they could see the airmobile buried under it.

  Fortunately for them, the debris was relatively light and they started pulling it off of the airmobile. After removing the debris off of the airmobile, they were happy to see that it was not severely damaged except for a couple of cracks on one of the windows, along with some damage to the body and both flood lights were busted as well.

  “Let’s go and find your kids,” John said.

  They both then went into the airmobile and headed in the direction of Las Vegas. John then thought back to his dream of Luanne, and he wondered if he should tell Dean or not, but decided not to as he didn’t want Dean looking at him or viewing him differently. In addition to that, he didn’t want to take the focus off their main task which was finding Ava and Jonah. Instead, he would try to find out about the history of Luanne and try to figure out and understand why she came to him in his surreal dream.


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