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Page 17

by Shoraz

Jonah then stopped kicking and staggered to his feet as the men led him to an area where the other captives were being held.

  “Are you okay?” Octavius asked Jonah.

  “Yeah I’ll be fine,” Jonah replied.

  They were then led into a facility and were separated into three groups and taken to separate rooms.

  “What’s your name?” Octavius asked.

  “My name is Jonah,” he answered.

  Octavius then introduced him to a couple of the boys in the group who Octavius knew prior to being captured.

  “What are they going to do to us?” Jonah asked.

  “Whatever they want; they sell our organs, use us as slaves or servants or even trade us to other outlaws,” Octavius replied.

  “We have to get out of here,” Jonah quietly told Octavius.

  “How do you plan on doing that?” Octavius asked him.

  “Just follow my lead,” Jonah said.

  “Do you have somewhere to go?” Octavius asked.

  “Yeah I have to find my sister,” Jonah replied.

  “I’ll help you in any way I can,” Octavius told Jonah.

  The other boys in the group also told Octavius and Jonah they were ready to help; and now they just needed a plan.

  “I have superhuman abilities,” Jonah told the group, “However, the thing is, once I use my powers my mind and body become weak, you’ll need to carry me if this happens,” Jonah continued saying.

  “How long are you weak for?” one of the boys asked.

  “Depends on how much using my abilities drain me, so it varies,” Jonah replied.

  The door was then opened and in walked three armed men, “Put these on,” they said to the group as they threw shackles to each of them.

  The boys looked to Jonah and he nodded to them to shackle themselves, and they followed his lead and began to put the shackles on, then suddenly one of the boys shouted, “They’re planning to escape,” pointing to Jonah.

  The three armed men then pointed their lasers to Jonah, “Escape this,” one of them shouted and shot his laser towards Jonah.

  As the laser traveled towards Jonah he focused on it and created a force field around himself, it was gold in color and absorbed the shot; and the other two men also fired on him but he stood his ground and the force field absorbed whatever came his way. Suddenly the door slammed shut, and the lasers were pulled away from their hands and floated in mid–air just out of their reach.

  As the men looked on in awe, Octavius and the others attacked them, while Jonah grabbed a laser and pointed it towards the men. They were then shackled to the wall along with the boy who said that Jonah and the others were planning an escape, and they were told not to make any noise as the group of boys along with Jonah recuperated and planned their next move.

  “That was awesome!” Octavius said to Jonah, who was sitting in a corner trying his best to ease the pain he was feeling.

  “I need a few minutes, I have to recuperate,” Jonah said to the group.

  Octavius and the others gave Jonah the time he needed as they stood guard against the shackled men. After a few minutes Jonah decided it was time to go, his head was still in pain but he knew they had to move soon as others would come looking for them.

  “We should kill them,” Octavius said.

  “No, let them be, they can’t harm us now,” Jonah said.

  They then opened the door slowly, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear, “All clear,” Octavius said as he led the way, and the five boys walked down an empty hallway, and as they did so they heard some voices and footsteps and stopped moving. It was another group of goons who now came looking for their fellow hooligans as they were taking too long to return.

  “Into that room,” Jonah said pointing to an empty room, and the boys ran into the room and hid and the group of hoodlums made their way past the room and continued heading in the direction to where Jonah and the others were previously held.

  Jonah, Octavius, and the others then made their way out of the room and continued down the hallway, they then came to a window and looked outside where to their delight they saw approximately a dozen airmobiles.

  Octavius opened the window as the boys made their way outside, it was dark but they could see a lookout tower which was guarded by two or three lookouts. They were now ready to make a run for the airmobiles when suddenly an alarm sounded, “Prisoners have escaped, be on the lookout,” the voice said and the entire facility was put on high alert, and it was now or never and Jonah and his group of newfound friends made a run for the airmobiles.

  “There they are,” a voice shouted while pointing to the group of captives, and about one dozen guards began running towards them.

  As Jonah and the group of hopeful prisoners ran towards the airmobiles the guards opened fire on them as they were in an open area and were sitting targets just ripe for the picking.

  Then Jonah, using his abilities unarmed all of the guards and brought the lasers towards Octavius and the others, he also took control of the guards and suspended them in mid–air, then as other guards came out, Jonah took control of them as well and some of them froze while others were sent airborne.

  His head was in pain but he was still managing to keep the guards at bay while the others made their way to the airmobiles, the five boys then jumped into three airmobiles. Octavius flew his airmobile while Jonah sat in the back using his unhuman–like abilities to keep the enemy from harming them.

  As the three airmobiles made their way out of the compound, dozens of guards were firing at them and Jonah did everything he could to keep his newfound friends safe and keep his mission of making his way back to Ava stay on course.

  Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a group of guards headed towards the nine remaining airmobiles, and he used his abilities to levitate the airmobiles about five meters off the ground and he then threw them towards the wall of the compound, damaging almost all of them. He then put a force field around the three airmobiles until they were at a safe distance away from their enemy.

  As they made their way away from the compound Jonah had a decision to make, he either had to go to Aspen, which was where he left Ava, or go to Las Vegas, which is where he truly believed Ava would be if she were alive.

  He followed his instincts and went with what he believed in and told the group to head to Las Vegas. As the group trekked onto a city once known as the Capital of the Americas, Jonah was in the midst of a life altering decision and it would be a decision that would propel him to be what he was always meant to be.

  Then as Jonah finished telling his story of how he escaped to Ava, he somehow became inexplicably tired as his mind was on the verge of something extraordinary and as he fell asleep it was as if his mind no longer belonged to him but instead belonged to the sheer evil that awaited them in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.


  Sarah and Stryker sat in silence as the airmobile sped towards Freedom City. They had already heard the message of the impending betasapien attack and they both had entirely different views about it.

  “So this is how it ends,” Stryker commented, breaking the silence.

  “No it can’t be,” Sarah replied.

  “Do you honestly believe that Sarah?” Stryker then asked.

  “I do Stryker, with everything in me,” Sarah answered.

  “You must believe in something Stryker, I mean, why did you help me escape?” Sarah asked him.

  “I don’t know Sarah, I honestly couldn’t help it, it’s just something that I knew I had to do,” Stryker replied.

  “Do you believe the betasapiens are going to kill us all?” Sarah asked him.

  “I don’t know Sarah; if I died right now what would it matter, we’re all going to die,” Stryker said to her.

  “You didn’t help me by chance Stryker, look deep inside yourself, and you’ll know what you believe in,” Sarah told him in hopes of helping Stryker find his belief.

  “I want to believe in
you Sarah, I want to believe in good and hope,” Stryker said.

  Stryker’s words were genuine, and he wanted to believe in something more than what he knew, which was murder, theft, betrayal and a life of evil. This was not the life he wanted for himself, and it was something that he was not proud of. However it was what the pen of destiny had written for him, and now he was beginning his journey of rewriting the pages of his life.

  “What do you believe in?” he asked Sarah.

  “I believe that good will always win over evil, it’s a belief I’ve had a hard time holding onto lately, but in my heart I know it’s true,” Sarah told him.

  “It’s great to see someone with such conviction, it’s not something I am accustomed to seeing,” Stryker told her.

  For most of his life Stryker was surrounded by despair and hopelessness, but now he had a chance to be on the side of good, and it was a chance that he was not going to let go of.

  As they continued their trek, Sarah turned the radio on again hoping to hear any news of the attack but there was only static and silence, and she kept switching frequencies but again only static and silence was there.

  Then finally they heard a voice saying, “We’re under attack in Athabasca, we need help. Please send reinforcements.”

  Stryker and Sarah then looked at each other, each knowing what had to be done. For now, Sarah’s mission to get to Alaska would have to take a slight detour. Then as they made a slight change to their destination, Stryker put his hands in his pocket and pulled out a few pills.

  “Hey, if we’re going to fight you’ll need your abilities,” he said as he gave the pills to Sarah.

  “Thank you so much, where did you get them?” she asked him.

  “When I went back to my room to pretend to get my knife that’s when I got them, I figured if I was going to help you, you should at least be at full strength,” he said to her jokingly.

  As they sped towards Athabasca ready to help those in need, Stryker said, “Maybe this is how I was meant to die Sarah.”

  “No Stryker, this is how you were meant to live,” and with those words, Sarah instilled in Stryker a belief that gave his life purpose and meaning which was something he never had or felt before.

  A day ago Stryker was the second in command to one of the top outlaws in the Americas; he was known to be a deadly assassin and a ruthless criminal. An hour ago he felt the end was near, after all, who would be able to stand up against the onslaught that was about to become a reality. But now, both he and Sarah were full of optimism in the face of the most undesirable and unwanted of circumstances.

  For Sarah, her optimism hit full peak after hearing news about the upcoming betasapien attack, for it would only be through such an attack that the prophecy she was racing to tell the elders in Alaska about would come true. When she first left the Denver Collective Church of Worship, there were doubts in her mind.

  But now, after learning the betasapiens wanted every last human on earth dead, she was now, more than ever full of conviction that Jonah was the one who would fulfill the prophecy and the one who would be the savior of the human race.


  As the submarine made its way up the coast of the Americas, there was a sense of relief among everyone that they escaped the attack on Las Vegas. However, there were some that still felt anxious and insecure about being in the middle of the ocean where an attack could occur at any time.

  In the control room, Roy was in command; and he barked out orders and ensured the submarine was on a safe path to Alaska and also ensured that there were no imminent threats of danger nearby.

  Meanwhile, Jonah was now finally fully awake after his inexplicable bout of tiredness.

  “Hi, how are you feeling?” Ava asked.

  “I feel good,” Jonah replied.

  “Where are we?” he asked.

  “We’re on a submarine headed to Alaska,” Ava told him.

  “Las Vegas was attacked, and most of the Americas are under attack right now,” Ava said to him.

  “How much longer until we get to Alaska?” Jonah asked.

  “I’m not sure, let’s go and find out,” Ava replied, and with that, they left the room to find Krishna and Laurie.

  As they entered the main hall, they saw Krishna and Laurie sitting with Max, and they approached them.

  “How are you feeling?” Krishna asked Jonah.

  “I’m good,” Jonah replied.

  “The guys told us what you did to save them,” Laurie said to Jonah.

  “It was nothing, I did what I had to do,” Jonah said to her.

  “How much longer until we get to Alaska?” Ava asked.

  “About three or four hours,” Max replied.

  As the conversation continued it was abruptly ended by a voice over the PA system, “Max please report to the control room right away.”

  “Well I guess I should go,” Max said.

  “Can I come with you?” Ava asked.

  “Sure let’s go,” Max replied.

  “Are you guys coming?” Ava asked Jonah, Krishna, and Laurie.

  “I wouldn’t mind checking out the control room,” Jonah said, and with that, they all followed Max to the control room.

  As they arrived in the control room, Max could see the look of concern on his father’s face.

  “Dad is everything okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so son, we have a massive betasapien aircraft heading our way,” Roy replied.

  “Do you think they see us?” Ava asked.

  “No I doubt they can, we are hidden by our cloak, but I can’t say for sure as I don’t know what technology they have on their aircraft,” Roy replied.

  “Boss they’re getting closer,” said one of the men as he looked at the radar screen.

  “Take us down lower,” Roy commanded, and with that, the submarine was guided to the depths of the ocean.

  As the submarine began its descent to the murky waters of the Pacific Ocean, Roy sounded the alarm which was a signal for everyone on board to get in a safe position. As the descent continued, the submarine creaked and groaned, but inside the control room, there was only an anxious silence as all eyes were glued to the betasapien aircraft on the radar screen. Suddenly the betasapien aircraft came to a halt; and Roy and the rest of the crew looked at the screen in anticipation of their next move.

  “Stop!” Roy commanded, and the submarine slowly came to a stop.

  It was now a game of cat and mouse, and the betasapiens had a distinct advantage.

  “We have to do something,” Ava said to Max and Roy.

  “Not now, we have to wait to see what their next move is,” Roy said, and as the crew looked at the screen the betasapien aircraft was still stationary.

  “Boss we have to make a move,” one of the crewmen stated.

  “They haven’t seen us, we have to wait until they make a move,” Roy said to him.

  After a few minutes had passed the betasapien aircraft was still motionless; and as the crew awaited their next move their hopes of escape were becoming more and more of a reality.

  “I think you might be right boss, if they saw us they would have already attacked us,” said one of the crew members.

  Roy then looked to the crew member and just before the words, “I told you so,” escaped from his mouth the radar screen lit up with hundreds of knights and small aircrafts emerging from the large betasapien aircraft. Everyone then looked on in horror as they knew this was the end, and their string of luck of escaping betasapien attacks were about to come to an end in the most unlikeliest of places – the depths of the Pacific Ocean.


  “Prepare for battle!” Roy shouted over the PA system and everyone ran in preparation for the imminent attack.

  Some hid, while others ran for the few escape pods that were available, but the majority of the people on board the vessel readied themselves to fight to their death; a death that was certain given their precarious position
of fighting a small army of knights that were adaptable to any environment.

  As the crew dispersed to ready themselves Max pulled Ava aside; “Go hide Ava, do what you can to save yourself,” he said to her.

  “He’s right Ava,” Jonah said in agreement with Max.

  “I’m not a coward, I’ll stand beside you and fight,” Ava replied, “We need some of your magic Jonah,” she continued saying.

  “Everybody in position; unleash hell on these robots,” Roy said as the crew awaited signs of the first knight.

  Jonah then gazed at the vast ocean from the control room, “Which direction will they come from?” he asked.

  “They’ll come from everywhere,” one of the crew members answered.

  Jonah then prepared his mind for battle as he somehow knew that this fight was going to be the defining moment of his life, and he held Ava’s hand and looked into her eyes hoping that this battle would not be the end of their time together on earth.

  “I love you so much Ava, I’ll do what I can to protect you, but whatever happens, please know that you are everything to me,” he said to her.

  Ava’s eyes were filled with tears, “I love you too brother, this isn’t the end for you,” she said to him.

  Their emotional conversation was abruptly ended by one of the crew members saying, “Here they come,” pointing above the submarine. And as everyone looked up they saw roughly one hundred knights heading towards them.

  “Open fire,” Roy said, and a barrage of lasers and missile fire emerged from the submarine, and within seconds the first wave of knights were easily destroyed. But now, a second wave of knights was headed their way, this time however, the knights opened fire on the submarine and the crew of the submarine again returned fire on them.

  This time though, the knights were further away from the submarine and most of the lasers and missiles fizzled out before they could reach them, a few of them however, were destroyed which gave slight hope to the crew of the submarine that this fight was far from over.

  “Keep it up everyone, hold them off,” Roy said.


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