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Saving Beth

Page 15

by Kaylee, Katy

  “Fuck!” The word exploded out of my mouth, loud and low. I grabbed a gun and rushed towards the garage and the fastest car I had.

  “Luca, I’ll be at your place in ten. Call my uncle. Tell him to meet us. Tell him what happened. And figure out how the fuck to fix this.”

  I let the phone drop to the passenger’s side seat, my hand trembling too hard to hold it any longer.

  I couldn’t remember the drive to Luca’s apartment at all. It was a complete blur as my mind raged. One moment I was getting into the car, and the next screeching to a stop in front of the man’s buildings.

  I didn’t stop to think about what I was doing. Fueled by fear for Beth, and panic for what even then might be happening to her, I stalked to Luca’s door and pounded it open.

  With a roar of rage, I charged at Luca, grabbing the front of his shirt and holding him in place even though the other man didn’t fight or even try to get away when I pulled my fist back, ready to let it fly.

  “Aiden, wait!” My uncle’s voice held me back but just for a moment as I snarled at Luca. If not for him, Beth would still be at home. She would be with me. She would still be safe.

  “Aiden,” Phillipe laid a hand against my shoulder, “It’s not his fault. You knew it was only a matter of time before Beth did something reckless. She’s like you. Can’t stay still for a god damned minute.”

  I pulled back in surprise. I never heard my uncle swear and it shocked me enough to calm me down, at least enough that I could look at Luca without flying into a mindless rage.

  I turned away, stalking to the other end of the apartment while I wrestled to get myself under control once more. It was harder than I thought it would be, but when it came to Beth, something wild inside me took over. Especially at the thought of her in danger. The thought of her hurt. Or worse.

  “Tell me what happened, now.” Phillipe said, looking between both of us. I couldn’t force the words out so Luca took over, explaining the situation.

  After he was done, my uncle sat down on the edge of a chair with a look of consternation.

  “So, we know she had Matteo with her right?”

  I nodded my head.

  “I tried to call both of their cells but neither answered.” I said, my voice sounding like lead but my heart squeezed tight on the words. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. Like I was going to shatter apart into a million tiny pieces and I would never be the same again.

  I’d never been this scared in my entire life.

  “Matteo’s good, Aiden,” Luca said with a forced smile, “He’ll look out for her. He knows you’d kill him if she got hurt.”

  I glared at him and he swallowed her. I considered landing one punch just for good measure but my uncle was standing between us once more.

  “What time did you talk to her, Luca?” Phillipe asked.

  “Maybe an hour ago. Forty five minutes.”

  “So, they can’t have more than let’s say thirty minutes on us.”

  “Thirty minute is a long time if they have her. If they…” I cut off, unable to force the words out. My uncle shot me a sympathetic look but it did nothing to stem the rage and fear inside me.

  “So, what the fuck are we going to do?” Luca asked, looking at both them determinately.

  Phillipe just stood with a grim smile, pulling a small gun from a hidden holster at his waist.

  “We’re going to get back, of course.”

  Chapter 21


  Terror washed over me like a tidal wave as the men with guns shoved me inside, through a narrow hallway littered with garbage and into a living room that was little better. There was a couch, but it was shredded and stained, and half of the stuffing was missing from the cushions.

  All the lamp shades were broken and glass littered parts of the ragged carpeting. I was trying to watch the men behind me and watch where I stepped at the same time. There was no way this place was sanitary.

  I nearly let out a hysterical little laugh at the thought. I’m about to be murdered by a gang and I’m worried about getting an infection.

  I knew it was the panic that was pushing me towards the edge but there was little that I could do to stop it, especially as Ollie shoved me hard into a corner and my gaze fell on another group of rough looking, tattooed guys that were waiting inside the living room.

  “Jesus, Ollie. Took you long enough. Where’s the food!”

  “Hey, hey. He brought something better than food,” one of them sneered at me, “She looks tasty, doesn’t she?”

  “Damn it, man. I’m still hungry.”

  “Shut up.” Ollie snarled, tossing a grease soaked bag at the sulking man, “Here’s your fucking burger.

  “Who the hell is she?” One of the men asked and I tried to shrink into myself. There was far too much interest in his dark gaze and it made me want to vomit.

  “Found these two snooping out back.” Ollie said with a nod toward Matteo. He was still unconscious and being hauled like a sack of flour by two other men who deposited him none too gently on the floor.

  I winced, praying that he landed on a spot that was glass free, at least. Clean would have been too much to ask for, especially in this place.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Kill them both.”

  “Wait a minute,” Ollie said, looking around at the other men after there was a restless agreement with the call to kill them. “Let’s just wait and see what Cooper says.”

  I didn’t move. I didn’t speak. Just crouched there, huddling in on myself and praying that I could just disappear, turn invisible. I knew that was physically impossible. I knew I needed to get a hold of myself and do some clever thinking, fast, if I wanted to get out of there alive but fear was making it hard to do much of anything. Panic was making my thoughts chaotic and sluggish.

  I glanced over at Matteo, but he was still unconscious, slumped over and drooling with a dark spot on the back of his head. I watched close, letting out a sigh of relief when I could make out the slow, but steady movement of his breathing. I wasn’t in this alone. That helped to steady me and I set about figuring a way out of this.

  It’s just a puzzle. Another problem to solve. Stay objection. It was certainly easier said than done but I took a deep breath and tried to look at it as I would any scientific problem.

  First step, gather the facts.

  I was being held by a group of at least six men, several who looked to be carrying weapons, and they were waiting on another man named Cooper, who was presumably their leader.

  I pulled at the restraints that held my wrists and realized I still held the photograph crumpled in one hand. The photograph that had led us here. Not much help at the moment though. Not unless they were all terrified of nasty papercuts.

  I couldn’t get my hands free. The restraints were too tight and I didn’t think there was any way to loosen the plastic but I kept trying, careful not to raise suspicion. They had all seemed to forget about me after they’d reached the consensus to wait, which, in all honestly, was perfectly fine with me.

  I glanced around the room again but there was nothing there I could use, not with my hands bound. And Matteo was no help in his current stated.

  I bit back a sob. I was on my own. All on my own.

  My mind raced for a way out, but there was nothing forthcoming. No brilliant idea. No amazing plan. Nothing. Nothing at all. For the first time in my life, my brain failed me.

  I sat there, numb with fear as my thoughts went blank. I tried and tried to think of something, some way to get out of this situation but any solution evaded me.

  My cell phone was in the car so I couldn’t have called someone if I wanted to. I glanced at Matteo. They hadn’t searched him. He probably had his phone on him. If I could only get to it…

  “Hey, what are you doing bitch?”

  “I…I just want to make sure that he’s okay.” I said, trying to sound like I was too scared to possibly pose any threat, which wasn’t that far from the truth, as I sl
id towards Matteo’s slumped body.

  One of the men nodded, the others ignoring me as they watched a small, beaten up tv set and I let out a sigh of relief, and a little bit of hope, as I bent beside him. With my hands tied it was hard to find anything but a quick search and I found it in his back pocket.

  “I’m sorry, Matteo,” I whispered as I frisked him, trying to remain hidden as I pulled the phone out and quickly dialed the first number on speed dial. I couldn’t actually type in a number into the phone with my hands restrained. It rang and I prayed it was Aiden’s phone. I leaned close, about to try and whisper into the phone when a sudden hand in my hair pulled my painfully up to my feet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I was just making sure…” I trailed off at the hard look from the man, “Nothing. Nothing. Just…waiting for Cooper. Right?”

  “Hah, you’re eager is that it?” He sneered, “Well I can give you a little taste before Cooper…”

  “’Before Cooper’ what?” A hard voice asked and the man dropped me so fast I fell to my knees, hitting them hard enough to bruise without my hands to catch me. “Well Crow? Before Cooper what?”

  “I…I’m sorry, boss. I didn’t mean anything by it.” the man stuttered in obvious fear and trepidation set in. Who made this man so afraid that he looked ready to wet himself?

  My question was answered a moment later as a tall, thin looking man walked into the room. He scanned the others, no one saying a word.

  At first, I couldn’t see anything remarkable about him. He was leanly muscled like a runner with short cropped dark hair and he had clean-shaven average features.

  But then he turned his dark eyes on me and I could see death inside them. They were like chips of obsidian, totally emotionless. Unfeeling. This man truly was a psychopath. Completely incapable of emotion or empathy. He would kill on a whim. And had, judging by the way the men remained still and silent as if afraid to draw his attention.

  “Who are you?” He asked quietly.

  “We…we found her snooping outside with the other one.” Crow said, obviously trying to make up for his mistake but Cooper drew a gun on him so fast I hardly saw the move.

  “I didn’t ask you, Crow. I asked her.” Cooper said in that same soft, emotionless voice. He took a step towards me. “Who are you?”

  “B…Beth. My name is Beth.”

  “Beth.” He said, tasting it, and the look in his eyes made me shiver with dread. “What were you doing looking around my place, Beth?”

  “I…I was lost and I was just hoping for a…”

  His hand shot out with the same speed he’d draw the weapon, knocking me sideways.

  “Don’t lie.”

  “It was because of this.” I said quickly, waving the photograph still clutched in my hand. “This is why.”

  Cooper bent down and picked it up, examining it before looking at me again.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “My sister took it. I’m trying to find her.”

  He tilted his head, as if listening to something only he could hear.

  “Now, that is the truth.” He shook his head, “it’s a shame. You really are pretty. Like a bird. And now you’re about to die like one.”

  He raised the gun and I opened my mouth, fear forcing out the words I prayed would safe my life and Matteo’s.

  “Wait. You don’t want to do that!”

  He paused, “and why’s that little bird?”

  “Because…Do…Do you know the name Aiden Diorno?” By the way the man’s brows furrowed I could tell that he did, “Well, if you hurt me Aiden will come after you. He has a lot of men and a lot of guns. You won’t get away from him!”

  “Aiden, is it?” Cooper whispered, a new light gleaming in his dead eyes and I realized in that moment that I’d made a terrible mistake.

  “No. I won’t just kill you. I’m going to make you pay for everything that bastard did to me. And then I’ll send you back to him. Piece by piece.”

  I screamed when he grabbed me, fighting as he dragged me down a hallway to an empty room. He tossed me inside but I still couldn’t stop screaming. It was like something was broken inside me. Something shattered by too much fear. Too much pain.

  “Stop it! I SAID STOP FUCKING SCREAMING!” He raged at me, suddenly leveling the gun at my forehead.

  I froze in shock and stared at Cooper, at the gun he had pointed at me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was how my sister had felt? If it really had been a gun shot on that message, if she really had been shot, what thoughts had gone through her head? Had she even seen it coming? Had she even had a chance?

  Suddenly, rage and anger like I had never known filled me. At the horror of it all. Of the pain that had wracked me ever since that awful night I’d first gotten the call. How I wish I would have answered it. Talked to her one last time.

  Cooper must have seen something change on my face, in my eyes, because the gun lowered an inch and his brows furrowed.

  “What the hell?”

  “I’m not afraid of you, asshole.” I sneered the words, more than surprised to find that they were true. I was too pissed off to be scared. All I could feel was the anger. Anger at my sister for putting herself in that position, anger at myself for the same, and for not being there when she needed me. Anger at Cooper. At Redman. At everyone. At the terrible injustice of it all.

  Leah had only been twenty eight years old. And her life had been cut down like it had meant nothing. But it did. It mattered. To me.

  “Go on, you bastard. Shoot me. Kill me and get it over with. I’m getting bored with your posturing.” I flung the words at him and he glared at me even harder, his face going red at my insults.

  Cooper raised the gun once more and I could see it in his eyes this time. I knew. I was going to die. He was going to kill me and I’d never get to tell Aiden that I loved him. That I’d loved him for ten years. But it was too late for regrets. It was too late for anything.

  I refused to look away. I stared him in the eye as his finger started to move. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t do anything.

  Suddenly, the lights in the house all flashed off throwing everyone into total, pitch blackness that was disorienting but I threw myself to the side as the sound of gunfire erupted everywhere.

  * * *


  We were driving too slow. I scowled at Luca who was in the driver’s seat. My uncle was in the back. I knew I should have driven.


  “I’m breaking every speed limit. I’ll get us there. Don’t–.”

  “Don’t you dare fucking tell me not to worry.”

  “Stop it. Both of you. This isn’t going to help Beth.” Phillipe chided from the back seat and I retreated back into silence.

  The worse thoughts ran through my head like a waterfall, unstoppable. Destructive. All I could do was sit there, helpless, while god knew what was happening to her.

  It was driving me insane. I knew that. I knew I shouldn’t snap at Luca. That it really wasn’t his fault. But I couldn’t help it. It was either that or scream. And I was afraid if I started I would never stop again.

  We stopped in front of the address an eternity later and my heart sunk when I saw Matteo’s car. With no one inside.


  “Just stay calm, Aiden.” Phillipe said, drawing his weapon as he slid from the back seat and walked towards the abandoned looking building. “We’ll circle around. Stick to the plan.”

  “Got it.” I ground the words out like gravel. It was all I could manage.

  But as we neared the front door the sound of gunfire went off like firecrackers inside and I knew in my gut that we were too late.

  “Fuck the plan. They’re all dead.” I screamed in rage and pain as I shot out the lock of the door and stormed inside.

  Desperate, I rushed forward, my uncle and Luca just a step behind me but I stumbled to an abrupt halt.

  “What the fuck?”
Luca whispered in horror as we stared at the corpse that littered the living room. It was a massacre. Several bodies were strewn across the couch and floor, blood splattered everywhere.

  But I didn’t see Beth.

  “Where is she?” I gasped, taking off despite my uncle’s words to be cautious. I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. Only she did.

  “BETH!” I shouted her name, my voice ragged with fear and pain and confusion as I tore through the apartment. I heard a faint sound coming from behind a closed door and my heart leapt.

  “Beth?” I shoved it open and there she was. Alive and covered in blood. But there. “Oh, fuck. Beth. Are you okay?”

  I fell to my knees, scrabbling at the ties binding her wrists. Searching her body for injuries but she seemed unwounded.

  “The blood.”

  “It isn’t mine.” She said faintly, pointing to the body behind the door I hadn’t noticed. I recognized him immediately.


  I was knocked back as Beth threw herself into my arms and I held her tight against me.

  “You saved me. You saved me, Aiden.” She whispered and something nagged at me, something terrible. It rose to my feet, keeping her close to my side.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  She looked up at me in confusion.

  “I wasn’t the one who did this, Beth.”

  “Then who–.”

  “Aiden, in here! I found Matteo!”

  I rushed towards Luca’s voice, holding Beth just behind me. I was never letting her go again.

  He was leaning over Matteo’s unmoving body.

  “He’s breathing. Knocked out but otherwise okay.”

  “It was that one, Ollie,” Beth said, pointing at a very dead man sitting on the couch, eyes forward as if he was still watching the tv. “He hit him on the back of the head. He’s been unconscious for a while.”

  “Wait, what’s that?” Luca said, leaning forward. At Matteo’s feet was the crumpled photograph. The one that Leah had sent me. He picked it up, looking grim before handing it to me.


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