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Saving Beth

Page 28

by Kaylee, Katy

  “No, Aiden. It means family is your heart. It means that you are an integral part of something bigger than yourself. You will always have family. Always.” My father had paused and grinned, “And one day, you’ll find a woman that makes you realize just how important she is. And you’ll start a new family, because she will be your heart. And no matter how long or how short she’s in your life, you’ll always have her with you, here.”

  He had reached out and touched my chest, right over where my heart had beat out strong and steady.

  “My heart. She is my heart.”

  I spoke the words out loud, for the very first time understanding what my father had meant. I gunned the engine, throwing the gear into drive and raced down the long, tree lined driveway towards the highway. The city skyline growing smaller in my rear-view mirror.

  The drive to the lab passed in a blur that I couldn’t have recalled if I’d had a gun pointed at my head and my life depended on it. My mind was still full of Beth, of my fears, of my anxiety and images that kept flashing that I could control. Images of her hurt. Of her body, broken and bloody, just like the blonde woman Redman had killed that had looked so much like her.

  I slammed on the brakes, not even bothering to pull into a parking space once I reached the lot. I just stopped in front of the large double doors that led to the lab and leapt out of the car, rushing forward.

  I needed something, anything, to distract me from the thoughts that were torturing me and I realized in a flash that maybe that was the reason Luca had encouraged me to go. Because he knew that if I just sat there, in that big empty house, thinking about all the things Ian Redman could be doing to the woman I loved, I would just go insane.

  I was already on the edge of losing my mind, I could feel it creeping in on waves of grief and panic that got just a little bit closer with ever tide.

  I flew through security, not even bothering to stop of check in, ignoring the call of alarm from the security guard as I ran to Will’s desk.

  The younger man looked up in surprise at my abrupt entrance.

  “Jesus you got here fast.” He said, but I didn’t bother to explain.

  “What is it?” I asked, getting straight to the point, “What did you find? And Will? This better be fucking good.”

  Will’s face went deathly pale but he didn’t waste any more time as he tapped away in rapid succession on the keyboard. A second later a small box popped up on the screen and he hovered the mouse over the play button.

  “I’m not sure if I would call this good, or bad, to be honest. But I know you need to hear it. I tried to call Beth but it didn’t go through…” he trailed off, growing even paler, “I supposed she wouldn’t though, if she was–.”

  “Just play the damned thing, Will.” I growled, making Beth’s lab assistant jump but finally he did what I asked and started to replay the recording.

  The recording started out the same as it always did. Leah, Beth’s sister, talking, asking who was there. And then the screams. The pleas for help. I could make out the sounds of the bar in the background now too. And then the explosion of a gunshot.

  And just as abruptly as the screams began, they stopped. But before, when the message had just faded into crackling white noise as if someone was scraping the phone against gravel, there was another noise.

  A voice. A terribly familiar voice.

  Soft, and barely distinct but it sent a wave of white hot rage and dread spiraling through me.

  “I don’t understand what he’s saying. I don’t understand it.” Will said quietly before replaying the message, all the way to its awful end.

  “I do.” Two words had never been harder to speak. Doubt rose in me, disbelief and denial rose in my throat but I forced them down. I understood. Because the man in the recording was speaking Italian.

  “I need a copy of this. And I need to go. Now.”

  Will typed something into the keyboard and then turned back to me.

  “There. I just sent it to your phone. The whole thing.” Will shook his head, “But I still don’t understand, Aiden.”

  I didn’t explain. I couldn’t. Not yet. No until I was sure. And then…then there would be hell to pay.

  * * *


  “Ten years ago, I worked for Alexander Diorno.” Redman said, his voice so soft that I head to lean forward to hear it as he began his tale. “Aiden’s father. I had worked for the Diorno’s ever since Aiden was just a boy. Just after he’d lost his mother.”

  “Ten years ago, when you…When Aiden’s father died.” I said, prompting him but barely biting back the accusation. It didn’t matter. He’d picked up on it any and sent me another long look.

  “I told you, girl. You don’t understand.”

  “I’m trying to.”

  “Well then listen!” He huffed, shaking his head and I fell silent. The last thing I wanted to do was push him over the edge. “I worked for the Diorno’s for years before and Aiden’s father had always treated me fairly. Always. I wasn’t…I know that one day, I’ll have to pay for my sins, but I never killed an innocent person.”

  What about my sister?! She was innocent! I wanted to hurl the words at him, but I held my tongue. Waiting. Listening. Praying for escape.

  “That day,” he went on, shaking his head, “I’ll never forget that day. The day it happened. The day he…”

  “The day Aiden’s father died?”

  “No! You’re not listening.” He growled again, wringing his hands again in agitation. “I didn’t kill Alexander. I didn’t kill any of those people. I am…I was a contract killer. Do you know what that means?”

  I shook my head. I was too afraid to speak.

  “It means it was a job. It was a gruesome job and like I said, I know one day I’ll have to stand in judgement for the lives I took but I never…” He trailed off, struggling to explain, “The men I killed were the worst of the worst. Killers, real killers, those men who took pleasure in torturing others. Rapists. The worst of humanity. I never…”

  “I never would have killed Alexander. He was my friend. My family.”

  “Then who did? Because Aiden believes that you slaughtered his father, that you killed all of them.”

  Redman’s eyes took on a haunted look and he shook his head again.

  “It wasn’t me. I was framed for those murders.”

  “And…and what about my sister? What about Leah?”

  “Why would I kill your sister?” He asked with a snort of disbelief. “What motive could I possibly have.”

  “Maybe she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know that she was investigating you.”

  “I was working with her.”

  “What?!” I asked, sitting back in surprise. He was serious. I could see the truth in his eyes.

  “I was her informant.” He said with a sigh, “I liked that girl. I never would have hurt her. And she was going to help me finally get free.”

  “Get free? Wait, what are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the deal!” He slammed has hand down, making me jump, “She was going to write my story. She was going to publish it so that I could finally be free.”

  “F–free from what, Ian?” I asked softly and he looked over at me.

  “You remind me so much of her.” He paused, “When I saw you looking into Leah’s story I was afraid you were going to end up just like her. And then you walked right into that rat Cooper’s…”

  “You left that threat.”

  “No, I saved you.” He looked up at me from beneath his eyebrows and suddenly I remembered. The gunshots, the spray of bullets. That had been before Aiden and his uncle had gotten there.

  “You…you killed them. You killed them all.”

  “I saved you. I knew Leah would have wanted that.” He said with a shrug, as if those deaths had meant nothing to him and I saw that he’d told me the truth. It was just a job to him, but Cooper and his men had truly been the worst of humanity.

�But the note? You threatened to kill me.”

  “No. I told you to stop looking for me, or you would end up just like her. Just like Leah. Poor girl. She didn’t deserve to die like that.”

  “No, she didn’t.” I said weakly after a moment, my thoughts racing, trying to make sense of what he was saying. I looked at him, staring him in the eye, and I knew.

  “You really didn’t kill her.”

  He shook his head sadly, “I didn’t.”

  “Then who did?”

  “I can’t tell you. I’m sorry. It’s part of the deal.”

  “What deal?”

  “Ten years ago, I sold my soul to the devil. Or I might as well have.” He let out a bitter laugh, “Leah was going to help free me but…”

  “I can help.” I said suddenly, leaning forward and he gave me a dubious look.

  “How can you help me?”

  “Leah sent me the photographs as insurance. She sent me her story, I just…I didn’t see it.” I took a deep breath, “If you let me go, I promise that I will help you get your story published, get Leah’s story published. You’ll be free.”

  I saw the light of hope burn to life in his eyes.

  “It’s a risk.”

  “So is living. But it’s worth it.”

  His eyes crinkled as he grinned, “Jesus you are so much like her. So naïve.”

  “I’m not naïve, Ian. These past two months made sure of that.”


  I held my breath, too afraid to speak again in case he would change his mind as he leaned forward and started to untie the ropes that still bound me to the chair.

  “Listen, you go straight home, straight to that boy and tell him that you made me a promise,” Redman said, undoing the last knot. His eyes met mine and there was the killer lurking underneath, “Make sure you keep it, Elizabeth.”

  “I will. I swear to you.”

  He nodded one final time, letting me go as he took a step back and I didn’t hesitate. I bolted for the door and I didn’t look back, not until I was out of the motel and a block away. Only then did I stop and draw in a sobbing breath, looking behind me but there was no one there. I was alone.

  I thought about calling the police but Redman’s warning was too loud in my ears still. I needed Aiden. He would know what to do.

  My fingers were trembling when I dialed his number, but it went straight to voicemail. With a curse, I looked up at the sky. I needed to get to him and the street was empty. No cabs or taxi’s in either direction. I called Matteo but he didn’t answer either.

  “Please answer the phone.” I said, dialing the other number saved to my phone. Aiden’s cousin. I knew he would come and pick me up. He had told me to call him if I ever needed anything and damn it, if there was ever a time I needed help, it was right then.

  Antony answered on the first ring.


  “Antony!” I cried, happy even to hear a familiar voice, any one. “I need help. Can you come get me?”

  “I’ll be right there. I’m just a few blocks away from you.” He said after I told him the intersection. I nearly collapsed in relieve. I still didn’t understand how, or why, but I was safe. Me and the baby were going to be fine.

  Biting back tears of relief, I sat on the curb and waited for Aiden’s cousin.

  Chapter 39


  I walked through the front door of my house with a feeling of dread like a terrible weight dragging down every single step. I had to fight my own self just to get inside and shut the door lightly behind me.

  As I turned, I could hear voices coming from down the hall, from the living room that sat at the center of the main floor.

  I stopped and listened for a long moment, unable to make my feet move as I heard Luca speak, and then Matteo answered him tersely. They were bickering, both men on edge with worry and fear.

  “…We should be out there. Looking for her. Going block by god damned block if we have to. We should be doing something!” That was from Matteo and my love for my cousin grew at the depth of worry in his voice for Beth.

  “Where would we go? I have all my programs running – if they get a hit on her from any camera in the city, I’ll know it. But until then, we can’t just run around like chickens with our heads up our asses.”

  I understood both men’s reactions, but neither of them knew the truth of the situation. Hell, I was still trying to make sense of it myself.

  I forced myself to take a step forward, and then another, about to stride into the living room and tell them about what I had heard on the recording when a third voice chimed in.

  “Both of you stop. We have to think about Beth now. And Aiden.”

  I froze as the third man spoke again. The sound of that voice sent rage and terror and agony and betrayal all spinning through me at one. It was the same voice that I had heard on the voice mail message. The same voice that had been speaking an Italian prayer over Beth’s sister’s dead body.

  The worst sort of thoughts when through my head. If it wasn’t Redman who had Beth, did my uncle? Had he betrayed me? Had he betrayed us all?

  “Beth is strong. I’m sure she’ll be fine. She has to be.” My uncle said, and the sound of Beth’s name on his lips was enough to send a red rage filling me and spurred me forward in a rush. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to confront him. I had to find out the truth, no matter how bad it hurt.

  I strode into the room on nearly silent feet and all three men jumped in surprise.

  “Aiden, I didn’t hear you,” Phillipe said but I don’t acknowledge him. I can’t even look at him.

  I kept my gaze on the other two, unsure of what I would do if I even glanced in my uncle’s direction.

  “Luca, Matteo. Step away from him.”

  “What? What are you talking about, Aiden?” Luca said, shooting me a questioning look but I ignored it.

  “Step away from Phillipe. Now.”

  They were all looking at me know, confusion on their face but they didn’t understand. I wasn’t even sure I understood. But there was no mistaking the voice on that message.

  “Aiden, what–.”

  “Now, Luca!” I shouted, and it was so out of character for me that they finally obeyed, walking across the room to where I stood, leaving my uncle by himself still standing in front of the book shelf.

  “Aiden, what is the meaning of this? What’s happened? Is this about Beth?”

  “Don’t you dare say her name!” I said, my voice suddenly going soft and low and as hard as a diamond. “You have no fucking right to say her name.”

  I took a step towards the older man and watched his eyes flicker behind me towards the only way out. But it was blocked now, by me and the other two men even thought they were still looking back and forth between us with confusion.

  “Where is Beth?”

  “What are you talking about? Why would I know where she is? Redman has her, somewhere…”

  “Don’t lie to me, Phillipe.”

  “I’m not lying to you, Aiden. I swear to you. I’m not.”

  “Then tell me where she is.”

  “I don’t know!” my uncle said, looking shaken. As well he might. “Aiden, this is ridiculous.”

  “Is it, uncle? Where is she?” I asked softly, and he blanched.

  “I’m not going to stay here and stand for this…” Phillipe moved to push past Luca, but the other men stopped him.

  “What is he talking about Phillipe? What is Aiden talking about?” Luca asked, and Matteo was even more blunt.

  “Did you have something to do with Beth being taken?”

  “No…no of course not. That’s…let me go.”

  “Tell them the truth, uncle.” I ordered softly, and Phillipe went even paler. “Tell them the truth.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Aiden. You don’t’ know what you’re doing.”

  “Yes I do. I am letting the truth out, and then I am going to go save the woman I love.�
�� My voice was as hard as steel. “Tell them. Tell them how you killed Beth’s sister. And now you’re going to kill Beth too.”

  “NO!” Phillipe cried, a soul wrenching sob, “You don’t understand.”

  “I do. I finally do.” I said softly as I pulled out my phone and played him the voice mail message. The same recording that I’d heard earlier. The same on that damned him.

  “You can’t tell me that’s not your voice uncle. You said that same damned prayer at my father’s funeral.”

  “You don’t understand.” Phillipe said, quieter this time but with a desperation that set the hairs on the back of my neck on end. He looked like a broken man, but suddenly a snarl transformed his features and he was pulling a gun from the back of his waistband quicker than I would have thought possible.

  Before anyone could speak, my phone rang but I didn’t dare look at who it was.

  “Don’t answer it,” Phillipe snarled, pointing the weapon at me, “Drop it.”

  I did as he ordered, raising my hands in the air and wishing I still had my gun on me instead of leaving it in the car. A moment later Matteo’s phone rang and Phillipe ordered him to toss his cell to the floor to join mine.

  “Now, we are all going to stay nice and calm. If anyone moves, I shoot them, got it?” Phillipe said, wiping sweat from his brow.

  I nodded slowly, already planning how to take him down. I slid a sidelong glance towards the other two men who looked just as shocked as I had been when I’d first heard the recording, but both surreptitiously met my gaze. They would be ready. We would all be ready.

  * * *


  I had just about given up on waiting when a dark car pulled to a slow stop on the shoulder of the road. The window rolled down enough to show Antony’s concerned face and I rose to my feet, stumbling around the car and jumping in with a breath of relief. I felt like I had just escaped with my life.


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