All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218)

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All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218) Page 6

by Ferrari, Flora

  I’ve always left it up to local and area management to do their own thing, only ever signed off on the bonuses due and making a face at the yearly board reports and emails sent out with my name on them.

  No, Christmas never has been my thing.

  So why the hell do I feel so excited? Like I’m about to unwrap the biggest present of my whole life?

  Avery. That’s why.

  I’ve made sure I have her Secret Santa gift, tucked in my pocket.

  Taking our tray back with me after trying as hard as I might to get her to eat more; I leave it in the kitchen and head to my office across the hall from my bedroom, sneaking a glimpse of Avery as she slips out of her clothes and into a steaming shower.

  Man, the things that girl does to me.

  It’s early still, but I know I’ll catch some of the board who I know are early risers too. They’ve all got the memo about moving basecamp to the new building, most couldn’t care but its David I call first up.

  I know he’ll have the most to say.

  He’s also the only one I know I really have to watch. Been looking to sink his knife into me for years.

  “All highly irregular, Jack,” he growls down the phone at me.

  He’s older, and I know he resents my success in business. He should be sipping something with an umbrella in it on a beach at his age, but with three, or is it four ex-wives? He has his own reasons for fronting up day after day.

  “Moving the whole administrative team across town, two days before Christmas!” he puffs, not holding back any of his anger, willing me to fail at every step too, I bet.

  “You’re on holiday, David. So is half the company, relax. It’s central to the branching into finance and insurance anyway,” I tell him, wondering why I need to even justify my decision.

  “Word has it you took an employee home last night,” he adds cuttingly, and I can feel the sadistic pleasure in his tone as he tries to push me into a corner.

  “I hear you have three, or is it four of those yourself, Dave?” I quip, not meaning to sound like a complete prick. But poke the bear and you’ll get a scratch.

  “Except my guests don’t have alimony suits on when I take their coat at the door.”

  “Is there a point to your calling so early, Cole?” he snarls, reminding me why I’m calling him.

  “I wanted to ask if you’d come down today and show yourself. If we have a strong board presence, big names to match the faces in the foyer after today, it will have a stronger impact on morale. This company can go places, Dave. We need to treat these people with respect, they just had the scare of their careers.”

  He sighs heavily. “Seriously Cole, you’re concern for employees worries me sometimes. They’re all a dime a dozen.”

  I can think of one who isn’t.

  “Well, I wanted to surprise everyone at morning break, give them the rest of the day off after that leading into the holidays with a party and Secret Santa. Hope we’ll see you there,” I sign off, doing my best to sound like Kris Kringle when I can only picture myself punching the man’s teeth to the back of his scrawny neck.

  Not hearing the shower running anymore, I make a beeline for the bathroom, hoping for a little surprise of my own, and am not disappointed.

  Avery’s drying off.

  Bending over with the door open, and giving me a view of everything I fought hard not to think about too much last night.

  I deserve a handful, at least.

  She shrieks and then giggles as my hands find her, running right up between her legs before cupping her chest as I gnaw at her throat like some rabid beast.

  My pants are wet, and I’ll have to change I know it. The evidence of my own intense, instant arousal will be showing. I can feel it.

  But I don’t mind.

  “We’ll be late,” she teases, reaching behind herself and gasping as she feels just how glad I am to see her like this.

  “See what you do to me?” I ask her, confirming it by pressing her hand harder on me, growling as she grips my thick cock with her hand through my pants, starting to shiver under me.

  I remind myself of my promise to let Avery take things slow, but also think why not? Now’s as good a time as any, isn’t it?

  Turning to face me, gnawing her lower lip, she plays with me just enough to prove I need to change and tells me she needs to get dressed.

  “Maybe… if we have a minute after work today…” she says innocently, looking up at me, and I know I’ll have her after the party.

  I just know I will.

  It gives me such a feeling, a ripple in my heart that I don’t mind being teased a little so early in the day.

  And to see her smile and laugh, it means everything to me.

  I hurriedly dress after holding her close just one more time.

  Telling myself it won’t be long now and knowing she feels the same.

  “We should go,” I finally announce, hearing the morning staff letting themselves in through the kitchen.

  “Just the maid, cleaners,” I tell Avery, who looks up, startled when she hears movement through the house as she finishes dressing.

  “Get used to it,” I murmur. “There’ll be hell to pay for cooking breakfast, but they’re a decent bunch of people. Hardly know they’re here. And they’re always gone before I get home,” I tell her, looking at my watch, wanting to get in early, before anyone else.

  “Shall we?” I ask, and feeling her take my arm as we brave the bitter cold outside briefly before settling into the car again, I can’t stop smiling myself.

  “I think… this is what Christmas feels like,” I tell her as she squeezes my arm.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It’s a little before eight when we arrive, and I have to admit Jack’s right. He does get up early.

  I’ve never been to work so early and if it wasn’t for Jack I wouldn’t be here before nine either. If it wasn’t for the man and his excellent coffee, I’d be a wreck.

  Although, I have to admit, having never slept so well I do feel like today is gonna be different.

  Heading straight up to the top floor, we meet the district manager, Jason who looks like he hasn’t slept a wink.

  There are just the last touches being added to what looks like the perfect blend of old and new, with the gleaming brass and wood paneling looking better than ever.

  Heavy wooden furniture and ambient lighting to match the new computers and phone network sees Jack nodding with approval as he casts his eye over every detail.

  “Not bad for a night’s work, eh?” he asks me, and looking to Jason, he congratulates him on a job well done.

  “A whole team of people to thank, really,” he says bashfully, looking over to me and then back to Jack.

  Joining the dots.

  I guess I’ll have to get used to that.

  We’re not in each other’s arms, but anyone can see there’s something pretty powerful going on between us.

  Thankfully, Jason’s mature enough to not make a thing out of it, his smile is more a quiet ‘congratulations’ than the usual mockery I’m used to.

  “Something wrong, Jason?” I hear Jack ask him, an edge in his voice that matches a certain growl I know he can also make.

  The animal soundtrack when he’s staking claim over what he knows is his.

  “Not a thing,” Jason replies and leaves us both to finish what looks like the busiest night of his life.

  “Just a little tired, I guess,” he murmurs.

  “That’s the spirit,” Jack cries enthusiastically. “You should have grabbed some Z’s on the couch in my office. I hear it can be quite therapeutic,” he adds, smiling to himself and making me blush at the memory.

  Making me wish I’d packed extra underwear.

  The man makes me wet just by breathing, let alone dropping things like that in front of me.

  I follow Jack, taking a tablet he’s handed to me to make any notes on.

  Keeping the whole assistant thin
g going.

  He grunts when we visit the board room. It looks a little out of place compared to the rest of the floor so far.

  “Deliberately kept this the same,” Jack notes, reading my mind. “They hate change, and this is the only way I could think of compromising without being too compromising,” he winks.

  “Let’s go check the office,” he murmurs, looking a little worried they might have given the old stately room the same treatment.

  “Ah, Jason. You’ll go places,” he exclaims, pulling me close and kicking the door closed now that we’re alone.

  The room’s exactly the same, but somehow everything looks brand new like we’ve just stepped back in time.

  Even the same old comforting smell of old leather and cigars hangs in the air.

  It makes me glad to see Jack happy.

  “I really hope what’s his name doesn’t want his office back,” he quips, pecking my cheek before strutting around with my hand in his.

  There’s a smaller version of Jack’s huge chair, right next to his, which he motions to as he runs his hands over his desk, which looks like it’s had a full restoration job.

  “How did they even,” I start to ask, but Jack throws his hands up.

  “It beats me,” he says, grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap before I can get myself to my seat. “But I hope they managed to get the downstairs done as well.”


  “For the party,” he adds noting my look of near panic.

  “We’ve got time yet,” he assures me, running a huge hand of his up my thigh and squeezing my hip.

  I’m starting to wonder if he locked the door and if this is actually what he meant by my being his assistant. But I recall his words, and Jack is a man of his word.

  As fast or as slow as you like, Avery.

  The hotline of his arousal burying into my thigh is enough to have me sucking a sharp breath between my teeth.

  If Jack’s not careful, I’ll be on all fours on that damned desk, any minute.

  “Sorry, Avery,” he croons, gnawing my neckline. “You just get me so damned hard every time I look at you. I just wanna-”

  There’s a loud sound from his desk phone, which he snatches up. “Yeah?” he says gruffly, breathing out through his nose and making a face. “Put him through,” he adds, giving me a little shrug but hanging onto me as tight as ever.

  I get the strong feeling Jack’s set the ground rules for everybody, which includes not disturbing him unless it’s absolutely necessary.

  I’m not trying to overhear, far from it. But Jack put’s whoever it is on speaker, leaning back and holding me closer.

  I’m only scared I’ll make a noise, especially once I feel Jack’s hands starting to ride up my skirt again.

  “I won’t be at your little Christmas party, Jack,” the voice on the end of the line spits. “I just came into the office this morning to get some papers. Where is the office?” he barks, and I feel Jack shaking under me with laughter.

  “I was trying to tell you, Dave. I moved us down here, the boardroom and most of your other stuff’s unchanged. I like it better here,” he says, doing a perfect deadpan voice despite his body still shaking with silent laughter.

  “Well. I’ve called a meeting of my own, you know?” Dave hisses. “A board meeting to pass a vote of no confidence in your insane actions over not just over the past few days, but the past few months.”

  “What’s that Dave? You’re breaking up… I’ll have to call you back.”

  Jack clunks the phone down. “Asshole,” he mutters, getting his attention back to me, smiling again.

  “But, aren’t you worried, Jack?” I ask, clutching at him as I feel my own heartbeat rising at the thought of everyone turning on Jack.

  “Already had that meeting, Avery. By phone early this morning. Dave’s the one who’ll find his vote of no confidence with his own name on it, soon enough. Now, let’s see how that party’s shaping up downstairs,” he says.

  Yesterday it would have been forced excitement, but today I can see it, I can feel it. Jack has a genuine enthusiasm for all things Christmas all of a sudden.

  And I think I might just too.

  Just a little bit.

  “Oh, and Avery?” he asks, holding me closer to him as we get to the door.

  I lift my brow in question, glad he’s there to catch me once I hear him say it.

  “I think I’ve fallen madly in love with you. Desperately and madly in love.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Once I can see everything’s ready from behind the scenes, I give the green light for things to get started early.

  A relieved looking catering crew in the cafeteria who looks like they’ve pulled an all-nighter seem to agree.

  Smiling to myself, I hold back from saying anything. That would kind of ruin the surprises.

  Not just because I don’t want to see this great staff of hundreds working for a few hours before they get to go home for the holiday, but because I’ve got a mind to get Avery someplace private again myself.

  I hope Avery feels as ready as I do to. I know I said as long as she wants to wait, but it’s been almost a whole day now.

  I hang back a little, hearing some murmurs of wonder, but mostly doubt once I’m spotted. Especially when people see me with Avery so close.

  Definitely not a part of the regular office set anymore.

  It’s nothing unusual for big businesses to tell you one thing and then change it again the next either.

  But I hope they’ll all like what’s coming.

  I wonder if Santa gets butterflies. I find myself suddenly wondering what to do if nobody likes what I have planned.

  I spot the tree she was decorating, moved into the office. I asked for another one to go into the window, keeping with tradition which I assume is there, along with the gifts for everyone else invited into the cafeteria once the office ‘party’ winds up.

  “I have no idea what your usual office parties are like,” I confess to Avery, hoping they’re nothing like the board member’s week long shenanigans on private islands.

  “Pretty quiet,” she says thoughtfully. “Most folks are moms and dads, eager to get home for their own holidays, I guess,” she adds.

  “And you?” I ask her, knowing she’s never struck me as the party girl type.

  “I usually leave before it even starts,” she admits, starting to look edgy until I bring her close again, squeezing her.

  Who cares who’s watching?

  “Wanna keep with that tradition?” I ask, feeling the almost begging look in my own eyes.

  “There are enough people here to do everything, I’ll say hi and bye, just like yesterday. Just let me hand out those presents,” I tell her, spotting Jason and his helpers, waving him over.

  “Presents?” I hear her asking as Jason and his crew scuttle over, huddling together as I give the all-clear.

  “Let’s go guys. I don’t wanna see another hand on their keyboard this year unless it’s really life or death, okay? Let’s have your Christmas party now. And not so Secret Santa from me to be announced first… then we really have to go,” I add, eyeing Avery who looks suddenly relieved.

  “Alright, Mr. Cole. I can say a few words, but would you mind?” Jason asks, asking me to speak for the new company as well, giving some words of encouragement.

  “Of course,” I concede, patting my chest pocket, notes at the ready.

  Having grabbed everyone’s attention, just like he did yesterday, I wait my turn after the usual but somewhat lacking ass-kissing.

  Which I appreciate.

  Nervous applause awaits, and once I stand on a desk and explain the reason the cafeteria was closed for breakfast, it’s only because of the food they have coming.

  “In case you couldn’t smell it,” I add, the blank stares still a little suspicious.

  I get it.

  “Everybody, you’ll each have a Secret Santa gift today, from your own coll
eagues, I imagine,” I continue.

  “But you’ll also have something else, straight from me. An envelope, which is being handed to you now.”

  A row of people hand out plain envelopes to each person.

  “Five thousand shares, each. In your own company. Starting from today. As well as your remittance notice for holiday pay and or annual leave, depending on your position.”

  The blank stares continue, some opening their envelopes, most just not getting it.

  “It’s a new kind of company. The kind run by its employees. I have the board on board, so to speak, and you’re all invited to work as hard as you want and be a part of the company as it grows,” I tell them, wondering if I could make it any clearer.

  “There’s an email to each of you, explaining the share option,” I add. “And I’d be grateful if you’d follow each of those instructions before the day is out… Uh… All that said. Merry Christmas and I hope to see you all again in a week for our New Year celebrations.”

  Blowing air from my swollen cheeks, I press Jason’s own envelope and my real notes into his chest.

  “They’re worth about a hundred eighty dollars apiece, I’d suggest they all go online and claim them, right now. Yourself included,” I add with a wink.

  The only thing I can feel is Avery’s hand in mine as we leave, I murmur something to the catering boss about not forgetting everyone else as we leave through a side door from the kitchen.

  The open cafeteria’s for anyone who wants or needs it, right through from tonight until Christmas night, when I have a rotating crew of cooks and servers waiting to serve them all.

  And everyone. Every single one, getting their own gift as well as a hot meal.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Didn’t you want to give anyone anything back there?” Jack asks me.

  I shrug, making a face.

  “I had something under the tree for Angela, my boss-” I start to say, remembering two things.

  I haven’t seen her since yesterday and she isn’t my boss anymore.


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