All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218)

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All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218) Page 7

by Ferrari, Flora

  Jack just smiles to himself, pretending to look out the window while he reaches into his pocket for something.

  “Well, here’s my not so Secret Santa to you,” he says nonchalantly, a plain envelope like everyone else got.

  I don’t know anything about shares, but I can see it’s a lot. Like a lot.

  But it isn’t the shares that get me, it’s the little ribbon at the bottom of the envelope.

  A red ribbon with a shiny new brass key on it.

  Before I can even ask what it’s for, I have the sudden gripping realization that I haven’t got anything for Jack.

  Not for Secret Santa, not for Christmas, not for anything.

  Sensing my thoughts, he presses the key into my hand with such tenderness I instantly know that he’s already got his present.

  Even if he hasn’t officially unwrapped it yet.

  “What’s it a key to?” I finally ask, noticing we’re pulling up to his house, which I only recognize from the early morning light.

  “Let’s go find out,” he whispers with a grin, helping me out of the car and shielding me from the cold with his huge body as we climb the steps.

  Starting to shiver with cold at the huge front door, I sense Jack waiting for me. I almost think we’re waiting for his maid to open the door when it dawns on me.

  “It’s home if you want it to be… with me,” Jack says, his dark eyes glowing as he nods his head towards the door, which I open with the key he’s just given me.

  We step inside and I don’t hear a thing, the place is empty.

  “Everyone’s gone away for Christmas, at my say so,” Jack chimes, letting me know we’re alone for a few days at least.

  A huge vase of fresh white and red roses is on a table in the hall, with a card Jack asks me to read.

  My darling Avery,

  Please call this home ours and say you’ll stay.

  Ever yours,


  I feel myself starting to cry, but only because it’s the sweetest thing ever, from the sweetest man ever.

  A part of me wants to tell him I don’t deserve any of this, that I could never make him happy.

  But his hands on my waist from behind send shivers through my whole body, telling me we are both perfect for each other.

  Because we love each other more than words could even try to say.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart,” Jack says, turning me to face him, holding my face in his hands as he wipes a tear from my cheek before pressing it to his own lips.

  “Just stay. We can see how long it takes before we get on each other’s nerves. Remember? We can go as-”

  I’d love to be able to say as fast as I want, but I think Jack gets the idea once I leap into his arms.

  He lifts me clear off the ground, kissing me so deeply, so hard that we both know at once that now’s the time.

  It’s time for Jack to open his present, even though it is a little early.

  Sweeping my legs up into his arms, he starts to climb the stairs, up to his bedroom.

  Our bedroom.

  I know we’re alone, but I’m still thankful for Jack thinking to close and lock the door behind us.

  He lays me on the bed and I notice his body tensing, not from holding my weight, but I actually think he’s a little nervous.

  “Time to open your present, Jack,” I coo in his ear, moaning as he groans with delight. His huge hand cupping my chest and pulling my blouse down to free his first target before he lifts it over my head and snaps open my bra.

  Climbing over on top of me, he’s on all fours like a beast, hungry to finally claim what’s his.

  “I could have waited longer,” he lies, his hardness pressing into my belly and making me squirm already.

  Feeling I need him inside me more than anything right now.

  Feeling him taking my chest into his mouth, both his hands kneading me and his thick fingers circling my nipples so hard it feels like they’ll break if he doesn’t get me totally naked soon.

  “Jack,” I whimper, feeling dizzy even though I’m laying down. But I know he’s sensing my own need as much as his own.

  There’s no fire in the huge fireplace, but I’m burning up, tugging at my own skirt as well as his pants, trying to free what I need most from him.

  The only time Jack moves away from me is to undress us both, and within seconds I feel his hard body on top of mine. My legs opening in reflex and my feet hooking around his back.

  His thick cock already prodding my wetness, making us groan louder.

  “I want you to have me, Jack. Right now, I wanted you the moment I saw you but I-”

  His lips over mine silence me, anything I’d normally say that has ‘if’, ‘but’ or ‘can’t in it.

  Those words aren’t in Jack Cole’s vocabulary, and certainly not in the bedroom.

  What I was so worried about, the anxiety of being with a man for the first time turns out to be an instant remedy.

  Feeling his smooth hardness nudging at my twitching hole, my whole body shivers in time with my aching pussy as he eases into me, inch by delicious inch.

  I gasp, and he groans, gripping me almost as hard as I am him. I can tell he’s gonna have some scratches across that huge back of his.

  “Mine, Avery,” he growls, finally filling me with every inch of his manhood, exciting a new place I never even knew existed inside me as we both find ourselves right at home entangled with each other.

  Thrusting and moaning. A perfect knot, we cuddle, squeeze, and roll on Jack’s huge bed.

  The swift climax I need to have dissolves into the seemingly endless pleasure of having Jack so close, and before too long I feel another building as his huge hands explore my body.

  And mine grip onto his as well.

  Never letting go.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’ve seen her naked, I’ve tasted her in my mouth.

  But knowing she’ll be mine from now on, that I can fill her with more than my seed, more than money or anything else is the best feeling.

  She’s mine.

  I file the thought away for later, the one that doubted I can actually have whatever I want. I just don’t recall having to wait a whole day before to get it.

  Even though I know I’ve been waiting for Avery my whole life.

  Everything I’ve done, all I have. It’s for her, for us.

  For the family, I feel myself about to start putting inside her.

  Mindful of how I might hurt her with my size, I’m relieved to feel her thick thighs wrap around me and her ample hips start to buck against mine once I’m fully inside her.

  I feel her shuddering under me not long after, but I know she’s working towards something bigger.

  My present.

  She wants me to come inside her, so deep and hard, that I know it means as much to her as being claimed by me. Today of all days.

  Christmas Eve used to be when presents were handed out, at least that what I’ve read about the history of things.

  Both of us know, without even saying a word that Christmas Eve, Christmas in general is going to be our special time from now on.

  Now and forever.

  I shift her over to the edge of the bed, letting her head roll back as her neck hugs the edge of the mattress.

  My thick hard on pounding into her, as I learn as quickly as Avery does that she likes it hard and fast as much as she likes it slow and soft.

  Sensing my balls rising up, ready to give her everything I know she wants and needs, I hear her start to say it.

  She murmurs, groans, and then whimpers my name until finally, she’s screaming it out loud as I feel my own release deep inside her.

  Her climax jolting both of us with its own intensity as she starts to jerk and pulse under me, her nails breaking some skin.

  Sealing our love with a blood pact.

  Something I notice on the sheets to afterward, although Avery insists she’s fine. Only playing with my hair with
her fingers, counting the moments in her mind until we can share such a thing again.

  Such a gift.

  The only thing I ever wanted, and not just for Christmas. But the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

  I fill her again, feeling everything more intensely and more alive than ever before we both collapse into each other, exhausted but relieved.



  The one time in my life I know I’ve felt true bliss, and only because I have her in my arms.

  * * *

  I wake us both with a start, my backs cold but my front is all warm with Avery.

  We fell asleep, but I can still see daylight although it’s started to snow outside again.

  Pulling the covers over us both we each agree we could stay here, like this forever.


  The word sticks in my mind.

  “Christmas Eve,” I hear myself murmur after a while, feeling Avery reach behind herself to feel me as I play big spoon.

  “Hmmm. And I can feel a candy cane,” she laughs, gripping my hardness again which I swear hasn’t gone down since we came home.

  “You really never liked Christmas?” I ask her, kind of asking myself that too.

  Hoping I’ve planned everything just right.

  “Not until this year,” she tells me and rolling over I embrace her again.

  “Same,” I tell her, half-wondering how things went at the office party. Hoping plenty of others get some Christmas cheer too over the next few days.

  “I always worked over Christmas,” Avery confides. “It kept me from knowing I had nothing to do,” she says absently.

  “Or no one to do it with,” I agree, hearing her speaking my own mind.

  “I used to watch people, but from fifty stories up, it’s a different tale told.”

  We lay quietly for some time and I feel myself falling back to sleep, never wanting this moment to end.

  It’s almost as though we can feel the snow falling outside. The calm over everything.

  “C’mon,” I announce, jolting us both from our reverie. “It’s Christmas Eve and we don’t want to sleep through the whole thing,” I remind myself more than anything.

  Grabbing her hand and nearly dragging her from the bed, I promise it’ll be worth her while.

  “We can make this is our first Christmas,” I tell her. The only ones that need to count from now on.

  That seems to work, and in no time Avery and I are huddled in a sheet, making our way down to the living room, which I sincerely hope has been set out the way I asked.

  “Why does it always feel like you’re up to something?” Avery asks, shivering slightly next to me until I hear her gasp once I open the door.

  The warmth of the room hits us, and I have to say for myself, not being a Christmassy kinda guy up until now, I’m impressed.

  “When did you do all this?” she asks, staring in wonder at the tree. The lights and all the gifts surrounding it.

  There’s a blazing fire courtesy of gas logs and the rich smell of spruce, spices, and egg nog in the air.

  “I didn’t,” I confess. “Well, not really. I just have good staff who know how to do what they’re asked to,” I remark, slipping out from under the sheets and rummaging through some gifts, squeezing the soft ones until I know what I’ve found.

  “Here,” I tell her. “You first.”

  I watch with growing excitement as she gently opens the wrapping.

  “A towel,” she says trying to sound surprised.

  I laugh and growl in mock despair.

  “Dammit!” I cry, grabbing all the soft parcels and tearing them until I find what I need.

  What I want her to have on when we’re alone.

  “Oooohhh! Matching robes,” she observes, gasping and then starting to tear up again, noticing the embroidered monogram A for Avery and J for Jack.

  “Too much?” I ask, wincing, but slipping mine on and helping her do the same before she hugs me.

  “They’re beautiful,” she whispers, and as she stares into the fire I explain she’s really all I wanted.

  “The robes, and everything else under the tree it’s just stuff. But it’s you I wanted Avery. And now I’ve got you.”

  “Merry Christmas,” she says dreamily through misty eyes as I hear myself almost starting to yelp and holler like a kid, begging her to open one more gift after another.

  All for her, and all priceless when I see her smiling.

  “Merry Christmas, Avery. I love you,” I tell her, enjoying the sound of those words in the air between us.

  “I love you too, Jack.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I don’t really notice the time, talking with Jack until I know it’s late only because I’m fighting off yawns.

  I don’t want it to look like I’m bored. But I’m just beat.

  We’ve had a simple dinner of ham and vegetables which Jack refused to let me help with, plus way too many chestnuts, which Jack somehow manages to roast near the gas flames without spoiling them.

  “We have to save some room for tomorrow, though,” he cautions, glancing off to the doorway as if there’s a whole world of secrets he’s holding back with his magic.

  I groan softly, gently punching his shoulder as I nuzzle into him again on the huge pillows he’s propped up by the fire.

  “No more surprises, Jack. It’s wearing me out,” I half-heartedly protest.

  I can’t help it though, I do feel just as excited as he’s acting. A little mystery, a lot of gifts, and plenty of romance. What’s not to get excited about?

  He politely ignores my protests and I just know he hasn’t even started with the surprises.

  I think Jack knows it’s past my bedtime, so he starts to explain stocks and shares.

  The last thing I remember is him carrying me upstairs again, not even trying to fight off sleep anymore.

  There’s a fire lit in the bedroom fireplace, and I drift off so fast that I know when I wake up it’ll be like I’ve hardly closed my eyes but I’ll feel so rested. Truly feeling like a different person already.

  Feeling like Mrs. Jack Cole?

  The fading thought before sleep is enough to make me hug the sheets. And put a huge smile on my face.

  * * *

  Before I even open my eyes I can hear Jack’s deep voice rumbling. A kind of melody that sounds like carols but I can tell singing isn’t his strong point.

  By the time he wakes me fully, with another heavily laden breakfast tray of food and fresh coffee, he’s piped it down to a whistle.

  But I’m sure I can hear…

  I push the thought from my mind. All this Christmas stuff is getting to me maybe. Who hears real sleigh bells on Christmas morning?

  “Merry Christmas,” Jack says cheerfully, kissing me way too long for a first thing in the morning kiss, but like everything about me, Jack doesn’t mind.

  He really loves the whole package, just how it came out of the box.

  He on the other hand is as fresh and perfect as ever, but there is something different about him this morning and I have to ask him if ever actually sleeps.

  “More easily and longer with you around, Avery,” he admits thoughtfully. “I used to get by fine on four or five hours. The past few days it’s been more like six.”

  I notice his brow crease as he looks at his watch.

  “Something wrong?” I ask sleepily, watching him make a face. Gasping quietly as I notice the time myself.

  It’s after eleven.

  “I was just hoping we’d be up sooner, that’s all. I’m all ahead in the kitchen, but…” he trails off, not wanting to give away anything.

  “By ‘we’ you mean me?” I groan, slumping back into the pillows. A pleasant, warm ache all over and inside reminding me of just how special yesterday was.

  He leans over and kisses me again.

  Then I feel it.

  I poke his body through his shirt. It’s soft, like

  “Put on some Christmas pounds?” I ask, opening his collar enough to see… padding?

  “Jack, if this is some kind of joke,” I warn him icily, sitting up and wondering what the hell.

  But his look says it all, and once he pulls the white beard from his stuffing, I get it.

  “I don’t mean to rush you baby but those reindeer don’t like to be kept waiting, see you in five?” he asks, glancing at his watch, then me, the breakfast tray, and the bathroom all in one cool movement.

  Taking a mouthful of coffee, I narrow my eyes at him. “I don’t know what you’re up to now Jack Cole… but I think I’ll probably cry again, won’t I?” I ask, setting aside a cream cheese bagel for after my shower, which I rush through if only to see what the man has planned next.

  My outfit Jack’s laid out is classy casual, slacks and a cashmere sweater plus a woolen overcoat I could swear was tailored just for me.

  “It was Avery, I told them your measurement from my mind… and from what I had between my teeth that day,” he smiles briefly, checking his watch again.

  “Alright, alright!” I whine, completely forgetting it’s Christmas morning until I see Jack slipping into his coat and pants.

  And beard.

  And a red hat.

  “What?” he asks, blowing some stray beard from his mouth as he hurries me up, mumbling something about being his busiest day of the year and needing to be back in time to turn the potatoes.

  I feel my jaw drop, but there’s a part of me that actually wonders.

  Is Jack Cole actually Santa Claus?

  I shake the image in front of me from my mind, as realistic as it is.

  Santa he’s not. Santa would never do half the things Jack Cole can.

  He wouldn’t be allowed to.

  If I think he looks the part, once we step outside and I see a sleigh waiting, complete with a half dozen actual reindeer, I hear myself wheeze with disbelief, wondering if I even woke up at all or am still back in bed dreaming.

  “C’mon,” Jack urges me, patting the seat next to him and covering us both with a heavy woolen blanket.


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