Charles Darwin

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by A. N. Wilson

  Loveless, George, 73

  Løvtrup, Søren, 284–5, 342

  Lowell, James Russell, 350

  Lubbock, Ellen Frances, Lady, 211

  Lubbock, Sir John, 66, 188, 211, 265, 314, 349–50

  ‘Lucy’ (Australopithecus afarensis), 343

  Ludwig, Miss (governess), 227

  Lunar Men (Society), 23, 26, 45

  Luther, Martin, 320

  Lyell, Sir Charles: on geology, 4, 96–8, 145, 255; quotes Prévost, 10; encourages CD, 15, 220; influenced by Brocchi, 51; career, 98; scientific influence, 124, 335, 367; on transmutation of species, 124, 149, 152, 279; CD dedicates second edition of Voyage of the Beagle to, 150; on geomorphology of South America, 150–1; on human origins, 152–3; praises CD, 154; on fossil evidence, 159; and CD’s engagement to Emma, 163; CD sends reports to from Beagle, 169; and CD’s ill health, 172; accepts Agassiz’s glaciation theory, 174; influence on religious beliefs, 185; CD wishes to edit ‘The Variation of Organic Beings’, 190; CD confides in, 194; on evolution of species, 218, 229, 329; doubts on CD’s evolution theory, 222; presents CD’s and Wallace’s findings to Linnean Society, 232–6, 240; finds publisher for On the Origin of Species, 240; accepts theory of natural selection, 241, 324; attends BAAS Oxford meeting (1860), 258, 261; Wilberforce accuses CD of misusing, 259; Wallace introduced to, 281; Haeckel visits, 317–18; Dawkins on, 359; Principles of Geology, 83, 96–8, 110, 123–4, 149, 151, 153, 238, 257, 279

  Lyons, Israel, 65

  Macaulay, Rose, 313

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron, 117

  Macaulay, Zachary, 44

  McCormick, Robert: as surgeon on Beagle, 90, 98–100; career, 99; jealousy of CD, 101; withdraws from voyage, 101

  McDermott, Francis, 352

  Mackintosh, James: Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, 161

  Macquarie, Lachlan, 143

  Maer Hall, near Shrewsbury, 26–7, 32, 37, 42–3, 63, 72, 163, 173

  Magazine of Natural History, 135–7, 139, 149–50, 174

  Magellan, Ferdinand, 111

  Magellan, Straits of, 115

  Maillet, Benoît de, 55, 58

  Malay Archipelago, 229, 232, 252

  Malm, August Wilhelm, 290–1

  Malthus, Thomas R.: influence on CD, 19, 166, 248, 328; on struggle for survival, 20, 61, 248, 250, 294, 304–5, 328; Wallace reads, 232; and famine, 294–5; and eugenics, 315; Essay on the Principle of Population, 9, 156–9

  Malvern, 202–3, 205–6, 213–15, 272–3

  Malvern Hills, 207

  Mao Zedong, 346

  Maoris, 141–2

  Marat, Jean Paul, 29, 157

  Marshall, Mrs (spiritualist medium), 325–6

  Martineau, Harriet, 154, 156–60, 163, 212; ‘Illustrations of Political Economy’, 160

  Martyn, Revd Thomas, 69

  Marx, Eleanor, 328

  Marx, Karl, 157, 286, 328–30, 346; Das Kapital, 33, 328

  Matthews, Richard, 87

  Matthews, Stephanie B., 271

  May, Arthur Dampier, 336–7

  Mechanics Institute, 230

  Mendel, Gregor, 10, 275–9, 282, 357, 367

  Mengden, Nicolai Aleksandrovich, 320

  Meredith, George, 301

  middle class: religious scepticism, 185; and authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 191; low breeding rate, 313–15; see also gentry

  Mill, John Stuart, 212, 284–5, 330

  Millais, Sir John Everett, 21

  Miller, Alexander, 181

  Milton, John: Paradise Lost, 116–17

  Minster, York (Fuegian), 87, 90, 111, 118

  missing links, 253, 319

  Mivart, St George Jackson: background, 287; Catholicism, 287, 314; as convinced evolutionist, 287; opposes CD’s theory of natural selection, 288–91, 331, 341; CD reacts to, 291, 342, 366; renounces The Descent of Man, 308–11; mistake over Suárez, 310; criticizes George Darwin’s views on eugenics, 314–15; The Genesis of Species, 308

  Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord, 55–6, 60, 193

  Monro, Alexander, 41

  Montevideo, 106–7

  Moor Park, Surrey, 243

  Moore, Sam, 328

  Morlot, Adolph von, 190

  Mortillet, Gabriel de, 302

  Mount, The, Shrewsbury, 24, 32, 35, 72

  Mozley, Thomas, 22

  Mudie’s Circulating Library, 245

  Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, 2nd Baron, 65

  Munby, Arthur, 312

  Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, 174, 302

  Murray, John III (publisher), 97, 196–7, 240–2, 244–5, 296, 299, 315, 338

  Myers, Frederic, 325–6

  Nagel, Thomas: Mind and Cosmos, 6, 361

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 19, 76, 102, 179

  Natural History Museum, Edinburgh: Jameson lectures at, 49–50

  Natural History Museum, London: CD’s statue, 7, 9, 358

  natural selection: evolution by, 14, 60, 220–1, 248; as non-purposive, 18; and religious belief, 81; CD proposes theory, 135–6, 250–1; Blyth on, 136–7, 220; as creative process, 186, 250–1; Wallace on, 232, 283, 308–10, 324, 362, 365; and survival of fittest, 248, 311; Hooker on, 280; Mivart questions, 287–9; and population control, 296; and moral behaviour, 305; and human beings, 315; Haeckel on, 319; Lyell accepts theory, 324; and emergence of new species, 360–1

  nature: avoids leaps, 2, 139, 228, 248, 367; and struggle for existence, 2, 150, 297–8, 355–6, 362, 367; self-propelling, 58; Hume and Paley on, 79–80, 82; ever-changing, 156; and selection of species, 186; Mivart on as process, 287

  Nature (periodical), 301

  Nazism, 317

  Neander Valley, Germany, 302–3

  Neanderthals, 303, 308, 363–4

  neo-Darwinism, 277, 287, 355–7, 360–1

  Neptunist theory, 48

  Netley Hall, near Shrewsbury, 73

  New Genetics, 344–6

  New South Wales, 142–3

  New Statesman (magazine), 12

  New Zealand, 141–2

  Newman, Francis, 43, 216; Phases of Faith, 212, 213

  Newman, John Henry, 43, 216; The Development of Christian Doctrine, 196

  Newton, Sir Isaac: laws, 16, 54; religious beliefs, 125

  Nightingale, Florence, 202

  Nilsson, Dan-Eric and Susanne Pelger: ‘A Pessimistic Estimate of the Time Required for an Eye to Evolve’, 254

  Noggs, Newman, 230

  North British Review, 279

  Norton, W.W. & Co. (New York publishers), 256

  Nowak, Martin, 356

  ‘Observations of proofs of recent elevation on the coast of Chili’ (CD), 123

  Olby, Robert, 278

  Oliver, Daniel, 236

  On the Origin of Species (CD): central contentions, 1, 247–50; scientists’ opinions on, 3; disagreements over, 13, 17; and natural selection, 14; editions, 32, 255–6, 309, 327; on Lamarck’s theory of evolution, 59; and religious belief, 81–2, 239; on racial differences, 105–6; on stability of species, 137; on forelimbs of vertebrates, 138; on common source for all life, 139–40; writing, 148, 240; and CD’s notebook, 161; and evolution as word, 180; publication, 190, 238–41, 244–5, 266–7; convinces Huxley of evolution, 218; title, 244; reception and effect, 245–6, 278–9, 281, 286, 293, 342, 359; translations, 245; revised and emended, 268, 272, 278, 286, 292–3, 309; Mivart criticizes, 288; silence on origin of human race, 293–4; on painlessness in struggle for existence, 297; errors, 360

  orang-outangs, 18, 55–6, 61, 181

  orchids, 268–9

  Ornithological Society of London, 134

  Osmaston Hall, near Derby, 72

  Osorno (volcano), Chile, 129

  Otway, Admiral Sir Robert, 86

  Ovid, 193

  Owen family (of Woodhouse), 63

  Owen, Fanny Mostyn, 63–4, 93

  Owen, Richard: career, 7, 16; differences with CD, 8, 10–11, 177; statue, 9; and classificati
on, 10, 110; Huxley criticizes, 10; on homologues and adaptive masks, 15; on relation of birds and reptiles, 175; scientific reputation and achievements, 177–8; background, 178; interest in evolution, 179–80; and CD’s study of barnacles, 199; on hippopotamus, 210; on identifying fossil mammals, 222–3; on animal anatomy, 252; Wilberforce attends lectures, 259; present at BAAS Oxford meeting, 260–1; On the Nature of Limbs, 14–15

  Owen, Sarah, 62–3

  Oxford: Natural History Museum, 261; see also British Association for the Advancement of Science: Oxford meeting

  Oxford University: chair of zoology founded, 73; CD nominated for honorary doctorate, 321, 330

  Paget, Francis, Dean of Christ Church, 334

  palaeontology: and lack of intermediary stages, 5, 153

  Paley, William, 158, 185, 353; Evidences of Christianity, 68, 77, 79–81, 83; Natural Theology, 79–80, 82

  Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 3, 105

  pangenesis, 282, 333, 342

  Papua New Guinea, 364

  Parker, Dr Henry, 201

  Parry, Rear Admiral Sir Edward, 147–8

  Parslow, Joseph, 168, 184, 187, 241

  Patagonia, 106–7, 114; see also Argentina; Tierra del Fuego

  Patterson, Clair Cameron, 292

  Pattison, Mark, 196

  Peacock, George, 88

  Pearn, Alison, 336

  Pearson, John: An Exposition of the Creed, 63

  Pearson, Karl, 316

  peas: Mendel’s research on, 275–6; Knight on, 278–9

  Peel, Sir Robert, 178

  Pelger, Susanne see Nilsson, Dan-Eric and Susanne Pelger

  Penck, Albrecht, 174

  Pengelly, William, 302

  phenotypes, 275

  Phillips, John, 193

  Philoperisteron Society, 225

  photography: development, 204

  pigeons see doves and pigeons

  Piltdown Man, 307

  Pinker, Stephen, 324

  Pithecanthropus erectus, 302, 307, 319

  Pitt, William the younger, 19

  plants (flowering), 269

  Plas Edwards, Wales, 37

  Plato, 13; Symposium, 200

  Plinian Natural History Society, Edinburgh, 46, 51–4, 59, 71

  Pliny the elder, 130, 137

  Plutonist (or Vulcanist) theory, 48

  Pollock, George Frederick, 242

  Pomare, Queen of Tahiti, 141

  Pompeii, 130

  population: increase, 9, 19–20, 157–8, 248, 294–6; controls on, 314–17; see also Malthus, Thomas R.

  Potter, Beatrix: The Tale of Peter Rabbit, 364–5

  Prévost, Constant, 10

  Priessnitz, Vincenz, 201

  Priestley, Joseph, 26, 28–9, 124, 225

  Pritchard, Charles, 226

  prostitution, 315

  Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 33

  Pugh, Miss (governess), 227, 243

  punctuated equilibrium, 5, 17, 51

  Punta Alta, Argentina, 108–9

  Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 310, 321

  Quail Island, 96

  Quarterly Review, 159, 170, 196, 241, 309, 314–15

  rabbits: variations in, 223

  race: CD’s views on, 105–6, 299–300; and population control, 317

  Ramsgate, 211–12

  Randall, Revd Mr (vicar of Malvern), 215

  Rattlesnake, HMS, 217

  Raverat, Gwen, 70, 313, 327

  recapitulation, laws of, 319

  Reform Bill, first (1832), 92, 164

  religion: argument from design, 78; growing scepticism towards, 185; CD’s declining belief in, 208, 213, 351–2; compatibility with evolution theory, 310; on creation, 361

  Resolution, HMS, 171–2; see also Cook, Captain James

  Rhodes, Cecil, 304

  Richmond, George, 168

  Rio de Janeiro, 100–4

  RNA (ribonucleic acid), 345

  Robespierre, Maximilien, 45, 58, 77

  Romanes, George John: friendship with CD, 332–5; On Christian Prayer and General Laws, 334

  Romans (ancient): scientific incuriosity, 125

  Rosas, General Juan Manuel de, 115

  Rose, Michael R.: Darwin’s Spectre, 278

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 55, 346

  Rowlett, George, 90, 122

  Royal College of Surgeons: Hunterian collection, 177

  Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded (1904–8), 316

  Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases (1913–16), 316

  Royal Society of London: awards Royal Medal to CD, 198

  Rugby school, 224, 226

  Rupke, Nicolaas, 177

  Rüppell, Eduard: Atlas zur der Reise in nordlichen Afrika, 146

  Ruskin, John, 273; Praeterita, 329

  Russell, Bertrand, 307–8, 315

  Rutherford, Ernest, 291

  St Sebastian’s Channel, Tierra del Fuego, 116

  Saint-Hilaire, Etienne Geoffroy, 14, 50, 155, 179, 252

  Salisbury, Georgina, Marchioness of (née Alderson), 321

  Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of, 11, 273–4, 321, 330

  Sanderson, Michael J.: ‘Back to the Past’, 269

  Sanger, Frederick, 345

  Santa Cruz, river, 120

  Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne, 338

  Schwartz, Joel, 333

  science: and verifiable fact, 3; Romans lack interest in, 125; progress in, 185; descriptive language, 348

  scientist: as word, 66

  scientists: religious beliefs, 124–5

  Scott, Dr John, 216

  Scott, Sir Walter, 33, 40, 52, 168, 195; St Ronan’s Well, 201

  Secord, James, 266

  Sedgwick, Adam: at Cambridge, 38, 67, 69; relations with CD, 67, 82–4; scientific studies, 77; expedition to Wales, 83–5, 88; and CD’s departure on Beagle voyage, 93; letter from Lyell on origin of species, 152; on creation, 153; and CD’s status as scientist, 154; rejects Agassiz’s glacier theory, 174; and CD’s evolutionary theory, 190; on Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 191–2, 194, 324, 364; denounces The Origin of Species, 267, 293, 306; on monkeys not talking, 307, 324; and psychical research, 325

  segregation, law of, 275

  Seward, Anna, 338

  Seymour, Captain Michael, 131, 151

  Sharp, Granville, 44

  Shaw, George Bernard, 316, 336; The Doctor’s Dilemma, 328

  Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, 1st Viscount, 84, 85

  Shrewsbury, 24, 28, 31, 35

  Shrewsbury School, 35–8, 46

  Sidgwick, Isabel, 262

  Sidney, Sir Philip, 36

  Simpson, George Gaylord: Tempo and Mode in Evolution, 277

  Skyring, Lieut. W. G., 86

  slave trade: Wilberforce denounces, 44, 234; Brazilian, 105; Josiah Wedgwood condemns, 220, 304

  Smiles, Samuel: Self-Help, 194

  Smirke, Robert, 167

  Smith, John Maynard: The Theory of Evolution, 2, 296

  Smith, Sydney, 44

  Social Darwinism: E. O. Wilson and, 4; Kropotkin on, 355

  Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians, 320

  Society for Psychical Research (British), 325–6

  Solander, Daniel, 65

  Sömmerring, Samuel Thomas, 220

  South America: palaeontology, 108–10; CD travels in, 114–15; see also Argentina; Chile; Patagonia; Tierra del Fuego

  Souza, Tomé de, 102

  Spanish Inquisition, 303

  spas, 201–2

  species: evolution within, 5–6; slow adaptation, 15–16; origins and extinctions, 50–1, 57–9, 251–2, 255, 360; and Linnaean classification, 54; mutability, 56, 97, 110, 117, 124, 137, 149–50, 151, 155, 159, 171, 174, 176, 184, 196, 222, 232, 245, 249, 279; and artificial breeding, 136, 185, 223–4; derivation from single source, 139–40, 149, 176, 220; Blyth on evolution of, 148–9, 174–5; CD on origin of, 156, 189, 228; adaptation within, 159, 179, 185, 220–2
, 228; Chambers on origin of, 195; fertility, 248; and survival, 248; uncertain definition, 249; and inheritance, 276–80

  Spencer, Herbert: on materialism, 11; contributes to Westminster Review, 212; on survival of the fittest, 248, 284, 346, 355; influence on John Draper, 262; on inheritance, 283–4; reputation and influence, 284–7, 330; on linguistics, 300–1, 324; Romanes baffled by, 334; at CD’s funeral, 350; First Principles, 284, 301; The Man against the State, 306

  Spikins, Penny: How Compassion Made Us Human, 363

  Spinoza, Benedict de (Baruch), 12, 186

  spiritualism, 325–7

  Spottiswoode, William, 349–50

  Stalin, Joseph V., 346

  Stephen, James, 44

  Stephen, Leslie, 78, 325

  Stevens, Nettie M., 276

  Stevens, Samuel, 236

  Stokes, John Lort, 90, 143

  Stokes, Captain Pringle, 86–7

  Storr, Anthony, 30

  Stove, David, 295–6; ‘Darwinism’s Dilemma’, 305–6

  Strachey, Lytton, 315; Eminent Victorians, 239

  Stubbs, George, 24

  Suárez (Spanish Jesuit), 310

  Sulivan, James, 90, 100, 148

  Sulloway, Frank, 134

  Sumner, John Bird, Archbishop of Canterbury, 211

  survival of the fittest, 248, 311, 367

  Swift, Jonathan, 242

  Swinburne, Richard, 12–13

  Sydney, Australia, 142–3

  Tahiti, 140–1

  Tarnita, Corina, 356

  taxonomy, 249–50; see also Linnaeus, Carolus

  Tegetmeier, William Bernhard, 225

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre: The Phenomenon of Man, 298–9

  Temin, Howard and David Baltimore, 344–5

  Temple, Sir William, 242

  Tenerife, 85

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron: takes water cure, 202; grows beard, 273; and psychical research, 325; In Memoriam, 123, 238, 359

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 183–4

  theory of everything, 330

  Thomson, Keith: The Young Charles Darwin, 52–3

  Thomson, William see Kelvin, Baron

  Thorley, Miss (governess), 205–6, 209–11, 213, 215, 227, 243

  Thorley, Miss Emily (sister), 227, 243

  Thornton, Henry, 44

  Tiedemann, Friedrich: A Systematic Treatise on Comparative Physiology, 191

  Tierra del Fuego, 87, 110–13, 116–19, 300

  Tolpuddle Martyrs, 73

  Torell, Otto, 174

  travellers: observations on natural history, 55

  Trollope, Anthony, 273

  Trotsky, Leon, 346

  Tschermak, Erich von, 276

  tuberculosis, 209

  Twain, Mark, 325

  Tylor, Edward Burnett, 314


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