by A. N. Wilson
Deane, Thomas, 261
de Beer, Sir Gavin, 190
Deism, 58
Denisova Caves, Altai mountains, 364
Dent, J. M. & Sons Ltd (publishers), 255
Denton, Michael, 252; Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 5
Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of, 321
Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of, 350
Derby Philosophical Society, 22, 45
Descent of Man, The (CD): scientists’ opinions on, 3; on inferior races, 105; and CD’s notebook, 161; writing, 272; on overpopulation and mortality rates, 295; publication and reception, 296–7, 299, 311, 321, 327; on race, 299–300; on language, 302; structure and content, 302–3; on moral behaviour, 304–5; on struggle for existence, 304, 311–12; and eugenics, 311–12, 315; on social class and breeding, 315–16; on human beings, 357, 366
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of, 350
Dickens, Charles: lampoons Malthus, 157; on water cure, 206; Little Dorrit, 34; Sketches by Boz, 111
Dixon, Mr (Falkland Islander), 113
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 276, 343–5, 356
domestic animals: breeding and variations, 20, 136, 185, 223, 249, 258
double helix, 277, 345
doves and pigeons, 223–5
Dovzhansky, Theodosius: Genetics and the Origin of Species, 277
Down House, Kent: CD and Emma move to, 181–2; staff, 184; enlarged and improved, 188, 234; garden, 188; life at, 188–9; Wedgwoods visit, 210
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: ‘The Naval Treaty’, 269
Draper, John, 261–2
Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), 254
Druid, HMS, 106
Drysdale, Elizabeth, Lady, 243
Dubois, Eugène, 302, 319
Earle, Augustus, 90, 101–2, 105
earth: age and dating, 47–9, 60, 97–8, 238, 291–2
earthquakes, 129–30
Ebner, Ferdinand, 82
ecology, 250
Edgeworth, Maria, 172
Edinburgh Journal, 195
Edinburgh Review, 192, 194
Edinburgh University: CD and brother Ras attend, 39–41, 45–6, 49; geological and scientific studies, 46, 49, 51–4, 59
Egerton, Philip de Malpas Grey, 178
Einstein, Albert, 330, 353
Eiseley, Loren, 149–50
Eldredge, Niles: and ‘punctuated equilibrium’, 5, 17, 51; on origin and extinction of species, 50–1; Eternal Ephemera, 110
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans), 212–13, 218, 257, 284–6, 326
Elmslie, E. W., 205
Elwin, Revd Whitwell, 241–2
Encarta World Dictionary, 133
Engels, Friedrich, 328–9
Engis Cave, Belgium, 302
Entomological Society, 114
enzymes, 344–5
Epicureans, 12
epigenesis, 179
Erasmus Darwin (CD), 340
Etruria Works, 24–5, 27
eugenics, 311, 314–16, 366
evolution: belief in, 2, 10, 60–1, 329, 342, 360; and new species, 2; theological objections to, 13; Buffon on, 56; Lamarck on, 59–61; moral/religious objections to, 61, 320; compatibility with belief in God, 81, 310; CD’s developing idea of, 138–9, 180, 189–90, 216, 220–1, 228–9; micro-, 139–40; on single source for all life forms, 139–40; macro-, 140; cause, 156; Wallace on, 229; reception of theory, 241, 247; opposition to theory, 245; and struggle for existence, 250, 294, 346; Darwin admits difficulties on theory, 253; debated at Oxford meeting of BAAS (1860), 258–65; by hybridization, 276; popularity in Germany, 328; by small changes, 342–3, 367; modifications to theory, 342–3; and genetics, 343–4; as theory, 347; mechanism, 360; see also natural selection
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (CD), 3, 161, 322–3, 337
eye: development, 253–5, 343; genes, 345
Eyton, Thomas Campbell, 74
Falconer, Hugh, 302
Falkland Islands, 113–14
Fawcett, Henry, 264
Ffinden, Revd George, 347
finches (birds): differences, 5, 132–5, 175, 252
Fitton, William, 236
FitzRoy, Captain Robert: commands HMS Beagle, 86–8; plans expedition, 88–92, 94; character, 91–2, 95–6; relations with CD, 91–3, 95, 98; advises CD to acquire pistols, 92; rages, 94, 96, 128; on CD’s activities, 98; on crossing Equator, 99; on voyage, 106; and Montevideo insurrection, 107; surveying in South America, 108, 120; at Tierra del Fuego, 112, 117, 119; acquires consort vessel (Adventure), 119–20; later religiosity, 125; sells Adventure, 127–8; mental instability, 128; promoted to full captain, 130; witnesses Concepción earthquake damage, 130; defends Seymour, 131, 151; takes command of HMS Blonde, 131; on birds in Galápagos Islands, 133–4; admires missionaries on Tahiti, 140; shocked at heathenism in New Zealand, 141; homeward route via South America, 144; reaction to CD’s Journal of Researches, 147–8, 170; writes account of Beagle voyage, 147; calls on CD and Emma, 169; moves from London, 169; contributes to Journal of Researches, 170, 197; at Oxford meeting and debate (1860), 261, 264–6; Narrative, 113
flatfish (Pleuronectidae), 290–1
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers: Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge, 278
Forbes, Edward, 197
forelimbs (vertebrates), 138–9
Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (CD), 348
Forster, George, 75–6, 141, 171; A Voyage Round the World in His Britannic Majesty’s Sloop, Resolution, 147
Forster, Reinhold, 147, 172
fossils: study of, 48, 51, 55, 60, 109, 359; and geology, 97; and CD’s Origin of Species, 155; Lyell on, 159; fish, 173; and extinct species, 251; imperfect records, 253; and intermediate forms, 253; P. H. Gosse on, 282
Fothergill, Philip G., 362
Foucault, Michel, 316
Fox, William Darwin: friendship with CD, 68, 71–2, 76, 174; and CD’s departure on Beagle voyage, 93; letters from CD on voyage, 103–4, 121, 169; and CD’s ideas on glaciation, 174; rivalry with CD over horticulture, 188; and CD’s belief in moving of Annie’s gravestone, 273; on CD’s intellectual endeavours, 274
Fox, William Johnson, 156
France: Napoleonic wars with Britain, 19; periods of hunger, 20
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia, 348
French Revolution, 20, 23, 44–5, 61, 77
Freud, Sigmund, 157, 330
Fuegians see Tierra del Fuego
furcula (bone), 14
Furneaux, Captain Tobias, 119
Futuyma, Douglas, 347
Galápagos Islands: finches, 5, 132–5, 139, 175, 252; FitzRoy navigates for, 131–2; animal life, 132–3, 135
Galileo Galilei, 13–14, 353
Galton, Francis, 295, 311–12, 314, 316, 326, 338–9, 346, 349; Hereditary Genius, 311
Gardiner, William: The Music of Nature, 161
Gautrey, Peter and Robert Olby: ‘The Eleven References to Mendel before 1900’, 278
Gayon, Jean: ‘From Darwin to Today in Evolutionary Biology’, 361
Geer, Gerard de, 174
genes, 275–8, 344–5, 355–6
Genesis, Book of, 297
genetics, 249, 254, 275–6, 282, 343–4, 356–7, 361, 364; see also New Genetics
gentry: political power, 164; see also middle class
Geological Society of London: CD’s secretaryship, 49, 154
geology: and age of earth, 46–8; CD’s interest in, 96–8, 109–10, 126; catastrophist and uniformitarian dispute, 151–2; see also Lyell, Sir Charles 29
Germany: Third Reich, 316; popularity of Darwinism in, 328
Gilbert, Walter, 345
giraffes, 289–90
glaciers and glaciation, 173–4
Gladstone, William Ewart, 11
Glen Roy: geology, 168, 174, 176
God: belief in, 12–13; and theory of evolution, 81–2, 186–7; CD disbelieves in, 352–3
Godwin, William, 157, 295
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: and Humboldt’s education, 75; political views, 106; romantic writings, 122; on homology, 138–40; and species adaptation, 185; on evolution, 247; Haeckel likens CD to, 318; on critics, 341; reveres Humboldt, 348; Essay on the Metamorphosis of Plants, 56–7; Faust, 348–9
Goldschmidt, Richard, 319
Goldsmith, Oliver: Essays, 161
Goldstein, Rabbi, 353
Goodall, Jane, 363
Gosse, Philip Henry, 292
Goulburn, Edward Meyrick, 226
Gould, John, 134–5, 139, 175
Gould, Stephen Jay, 17, 51, 253, 355; The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, 5
Grant, Sir Alexander, 50
Grant, Peter and Rosemary, 134
Grant, Robert Edmund: influence on CD in Edinburgh, 52–4, 56, 59, 63, 73, 84, 95, 198; CD challenges, 71; Hume influences, 78
Gray, Asa, 49, 227–9, 233, 237, 268, 352
Gray, Tom, 343
great chain of being, 58
Great Exhibition (London; 1851), 285
Green Movement (political), 299
Greenough, George Bellas, 174
Greg, W. R.: Enigmas of Life, 295–6
Grut, Madame (governess), 227, 243
Gulick, Revd J. T., 334
Gully, Dr James Manby, 201–2, 204–5, 208, 212–13, 271–2; The Water Cure in Chronic Disease, 202–3
Günther, Albert, 291
Gurney, Edmund, 325
Haeckel, Anna, 318
Haeckel, Ernst, 316–19, 328, 334–5, 341; The Evolution of Man, 318–19; Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, 328
haemophilia, 275
Hall, Lesley, 316
Hamilton, W. D., 355–7
Hamilton, Sir William: Logic, 216
Hands, John: Cosmosapiens, 356
Hard Man/Soft Man option, 306
Harding, Bessy, 184
Hardy, Thomas: ‘God’s Funeral’ (poem), 1, 11
Harris (British trader in Patagonia), 108
Hawkesworth, John, 146
Hawking, Stephen, 353
Hazlitt, William, 28
Hegel, G. W. F., 196
Helen (brig), 231
Hellyer, Edward, 113
Henfrey, Arthur, 236
Henslow, Sir John, 70
Henslow, John Stevens: friendship with CD, 69–70, 74–5, 82; scientific studies, 77; introduces CD to Sedgwick, 83; and CD’s ambitions to travel, 84–5; recommends CD as FitzRoy’s scientist on Beagle, 88, 91, 93; suggests CD read Lyell, 96; letters and notes from CD on voyage, 103–4, 131, 150; receives specimens from CD, 114; and CD’s status as scientist, 154; studies chimpanzee, 162; on Chambers’s Vestiges, 196; unconvinced by CD’s evolution theory, 218; in Oxford, 261; and Oxford debate, 263, 265, 266; letters from CD on orchids, 269; religious beliefs, 269, 272; stroke and death, 270, 272
Herbert, John Maurice, 71
Herbert, Sandra: Charles Darwin: Geologist, 110
Herschel, Sir John, 207, 251, 259, 359
Hesketh, Ian, 266
Hitchens, Christopher, 266
Hitler, Adolf, 362–3; Table Talk, 346
Hoff, Karl von, 97
Hoffmann, Hermann, 278
Holland, Dr Henry, 172, 211–12
Holmes, Arthur, 292
Holmes, Sherlock (fictional figure), 269
Home, Daniel Dunglas, 325
Homer, 301
homologues, 152, 248, 269
homology, 138–9
homosexuality, 315
Hooker, Joseph Dalton: CD recommends Blyth to, 176; and CD’s belief in mutability of species, 184, 194; on geology in Himalayas, 206; unconvinced by CD’s theory, 218, 224; on vague conception of species, 220; and Lyell’s doubts on CD’s theory, 222; presents CD’s and Wallace’s findings to Linnean Society, 232–4, 236–7; CD sends On the Origin of Species to, 240; converted to CD’s theory, 241; attends BAAS meeting (Oxford 1860), 258, 261–2, 265–6; visits sick Henslow, 270; and CD’s devotion to Henslow, 272; death of daughter, 273; on CD’s retching, 274; on failure of CD’s theory of natural selection, 280–1; on variations in inheritance, 280; view of Origin of Species, 293; on Huxley’s attack on Mivart, 310; at CD’s funeral, 350; and CD’s religious views, 352
Hope, Revd Frederick William, 73, 114, 129
Hopkins, William, 174
Horn, Cape, 120
Horner, Leonard, 167
horse: evolution, 16
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron, 284
human beings: kinship with apes, 219–20, 307–8; hierarchy and differences, 220; origins and descent, 299, 302–3; and moral behaviour, 305–7; and struggle for survival, 305–6; equality, 307; and natural selection, 315; CD says little on, 357, 366; compassion and cooperation, 363; characteristics, 364–6
Humboldt, Alexander von: Whewell meets, 66; CD reads, 75; homosexuality, 75, 163; travels, 75–6; CD admires, 103–4; correspondence with CD, 171–2; meets CD in London, 180; death, 349; Kosmos, 103, 155, 171, 192; Personal Narrative, 76, 348
Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm von, 75
Hume, David, 13, 77–8, 80, 82, 335, 348; Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, 77–9; Natural History of Religion, 161
hummingbird, 282
Hunt, Mr (of Zoological Society of London), 182
Hunter, John, 64, 177
Hutton, James, 46–9, 56, 60, 83, 293
Huxley, George, 216
Huxley, Henrietta Anne (née Heathorn), 217
Huxley, Julian: and Lamarck, 59; recommends Teilhard de Chardin’s Phenomenon of Man, 298; Evolution in Action, 2, 296; Evolution: The Modern Synthesis, 2, 277
Huxley, Thomas Henry: speech at unveiling of Darwin statue, 8, 12; champions CD, 9–11, 16–17, 217, 241, 257, 286, 293, 311, 357, 363, 367; criticizes Owen, 10; on agnosticism, 11; objects to word ‘scientist’, 66; life of Hume, 78; studies molluscs, 197; background and career, 216–17, 263; character and qualities, 217; early disbelief in evolution, 217–18, 324; dispute with Owen on identifying fossil mammals, 223; at BAAS Oxford meeting, 260, 262; replies to Wilberforce, 263–4, 293–4; loses son, 267–8; grows beard, 273; adopts Wallace, 281; on Duke of Argyll, 282; on CD’s pangenesis theory, 283; on Spencer’s First Principles, 286; Mivart confesses religious belief to, 308; attacks Mivart, 310–11; invites Haeckel to England, 317; denied honorary Oxford doctorate, 321; defends CD against Butler, 341; disbelief in changes by many small steps, 342; at CD’s funeral, 350; on conflict in nature, 355; Evolution and Ethics, 305
Ilkley Wells House, Yorkshire, 244, 267
independent assortment, law of, 276
Industrial Revolution: and population growth, 158
inheritance, 276–9, 333
Innes, Revd Mr (perpetual curate), 225
insulin, 344–5
Ireland, Alexander, 191
James, Henry, 301
Jameson, Robert, 49–51, 53, 59, 73, 84, 95, 109
Janáček, Leoš, 276
Jefferson, Thomas, 110
Jenkin, Fleeming, 279–80, 282
Jenner, Wicking and Jenner (brewers), 225
Jenyns, Leonard, 88, 145–6, 194, 269
Jesus Christ: divinity questioned, 185
Johanson, Donald, 343
Johnson, Samuel, 55–6, 60, 64, 89, 106–7, 141
Jordeson (ship), 231
Journal of Researches . . . during the Voyage of HMS Beagle (CD), 113, 146–7, 170; republished, 196–7
Kant, Immanuel, 348
Keats, John, 241, 362
Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 238, 291–2
Kessler, Karl, 354
Keynes, John Maynard, 157
Kimura, Motoo, 344
kin-selection theory, 356
King, Philip Gidley, 90
Kingsley, Charles, 310
Kipling, Rudyard: Just So Stories, 364–5
Knight, Thomas Andrew, 278–9
Knole, Kent, 210
Koch, Dr Robert, 209
Kosmos (German journal), 338
/> Krause, Ernst, 338, 340
Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 353–5; Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution, 354–5
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de: Jameson expounds, 50; on mutability of species, 50–1, 59–60, 138, 152, 179, 185, 232, 360, 367; Grant on, 53; reads Erasmus Darwin, 58; religious indifference, 67; Lyell reads, 83, 97, 152; on forearms, 138; CD reads, 161; Saint-Hilaire accepts theory, 179; CD discounts idea of adaptations, 184, 279; Monboddo follows, 193; Chambers reads and follows, 195, 245; George Lewes writes on, 213; on common ancestry, 247; Hooker accepts theory, 280; CD favours theory, 281; and pangenesis, 282–3; CD’s similarities to, 293; and French Revolution, 329; Systèmes des animaux sans vertèbres, 58
Lancaster, Osbert, 21–2
Lane, Dr Edward, 242–3
languages: changing, 300–2; acquisition, 324
Lankester, E. R., 284
Latter, Miss (governess), 24
Lavater, Johann Caspar, 161
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 26, 124
Lawson, Nicholas, 132, 135
Le Fanu, James: Why Us?, 347
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 281
Leighton, William, 29
Leith Hill Place, Surrey, 210, 331
Lenin, Vladimir I., 33, 346, 355
Lettington, Henry, 184
Levaillant, François: Travels, 70
Lewes, George, 213, 326
Lewis, C. S., 45
Lewis, John, 207, 224
Lima, Peru, 131
Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linne), 54–6, 110, 137, 147, 222, 233, 324
Linnean Society: CD/Wallace paper presented to, 232–5, 240; CD gives speech at, 270
Lisbon: earthquake (1755), 130
Litchfield, Henrietta (Etty; née Darwin; CD/Emma’s daughter): dislikes Madame Grut, 24; birth, 187; marriage, 204, 271, 312; photographed, 204; on CD’s water cure, 207; and Aunt Sarah Wedgwood, 210, 226; and Annie’s death and funeral, 214–15; pet cat killed for mauling pigeon, 224; education, 227, 243; illnesses, 235–6, 258, 267, 313; letter to brother George on religion, 239; and CD’s memory loss, 272; lifestyle, 312–13; on Haeckel, 318; attends seance, 326; and father’s account of grandfather Erasmus, 339
Litchfield, Richard Buckley, 204, 271, 312–13, 326
Living Cirripedia (CD), 199
Locke, John, 77
Lockhart, John Gibson, 195, 241
London: clubs, 21–2
London Library, 212
London Missionary Society, 111–12, 117