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Carrie and the Dastardly Dragons: a Paranormal Romance

Page 22

by Mason, Ava

  We got back just in time for dinner and both my parents insisted Carrie join us. It was so weird seeing her interact with them because I’d never introduced a woman to the family. Mostly we just partied with them in Denver’s side of the house; I’d never even considered bringing someone over to this side of the mansion.

  She fit in with them easily and ate ravenously, not pecking at her plate like most of the women around here, which made my mom incredibly happy. She even laughed good naturedly when my mom told embarrassing stories about me. Throughout the evening, my dad kept winking at me - I swear he was having a stroke or something. And by the end of the night, I thought my mom was already making wedding plans in the back of her mind. As soon as the dishes were done, I had to drag Carrie away from them to keep them from proposing to her on the spot.

  I took her back out to the stables, taking out the brushes and took her to my favorite one. He was a Friesian stallion, incredibly large and with a shiny black coat. He’d taken a long time to train but he’d been worth the trouble. Not only because he’d won us a lot of accolades but also because he had a quiet strength that let you know you could trust him to do what needed to be done.

  He was also Denver’s favorite but I didn’t tell Carrie that.

  Instead, I put my hand over hers as I showed her how to use all the different brushes necessary to clean him. He’d been taken out earlier so it took some time to get the hair and debris out but I loved spending this time with her. She was a natural at working with the horses and I loved to see her interest in them. When we were done, I asked her if she wanted to braid the mane and she grinned, her eyes lighting up at the suggestion. I stood behind her, daring to get close enough to her to place my hands on her hips, watching her nimble fingers easily thread the hairs together.

  Even after sweating in the heat all day, she still had the faint smell of vanilla and roses, with a deep undercurrent of the forest that made fire run through my veins. It made me want to put her over my shoulder, throw her into my bed and never let her go. I’d never in my life thought that a wolf could make me happy - never even thought I’d ever meet one - but this one… This one made my heart swell in my chest and my dick as hard as a rock. I leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. Her hands stilled, then she turned around to stare up at me. Her dark brown eyes were wide with curiosity and yet, so sweet and innocent. I leaned down to nuzzle my nose into her hair, smelling it. Then I took her chin, tilting her face up to stare into her eyes.

  “Why’d you come here today?”

  “I’m not sure.” She swallowed hard and I watched as her throat bobbed, wishing I could run my lips down the side of it.

  “Let me ask you something, Carrie, did you come here to entice me with your flirty dress and your cute braid?” I finally gave in to the compulsion and tugged on it softly. “Or did you come here to see where Denver lived, to see what kind of life he could offer you if he took you as his mate?”

  I knew it was an asshole thing to say, but I couldn’t stop myself from saying it. Everyone, every girl, wanted him. And Carrie was the only woman that he’d ever wanted in return. It was only a matter of time before he went for her. I had to know what her reaction would be when he finally did.

  And that was exactly why I’d brought her here, in this exact stable, with me tonight.

  “Denver? What does he have to do with you and me?” Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

  “We’re dragons, darling. He has everything to do with you and me.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “That means,” I tapped on her chest to accentuate my meaning, “that it’s expected that if you want one of us, you will have to share all of us.”

  “And what if I don’t want to?”

  I grinned. “Don’t lie to me, Carrie. You can’t ever lie to me.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Why? Are you a mind reader or something?”

  “Or something.”

  Her lips parted in surprise. “What something?”

  “I’m an empath, Carrie. I may not be able to read all your inner thoughts but believe me,” I pulled her hands away from her chest to step in close to her personal space, “I know your inner feelings and desires.”

  She hooked her arms behind my back, having to lean back to look up at me. “And do you know what I’m feeling now?” Her voice sounded a little tight and nervous.

  I shook my head. “I’ve kept my walls up all day. I wanted today to be genuine, authentic.”

  “But you…” She shook her head, as if to shake off her words. “You’ve read my feelings before.”

  It was a statement, not a question, but I answered anyways. “Yes.”

  “How often?”

  I gave her a predatory grin. “A lot.” Enough to know that she did want me, often. But that she wanted Denver, and even Blaze, too.

  She frowned. “That’s not really fair, is it?”

  “Not really.”

  “And yet, you do it.”

  “Yep.” I leaned in close, teasing her. She licked her lips in anticipation and a warmth spread through my chest. “But it’s been a while, Carrie. I’m going to need you to tell me with your own words.”

  “Tell you what?”

  This time, I brushed my lips softly over hers. “Why. Are. You. Here?”

  She ran her hands up my neck to pull me down, dragging me close to press her lips on mine. Her lips were so soft and sweet, and I wanted to kiss them forever. I groaned, giving in to the sensation, happy to finally do what I’d wanted to since we’d met in Crosby’s. Then, I clasped both of my hands on her hips to pull her up to me and she jumped, still kissing me, and wrapped her legs around my waist.

  Fuck, she felt so perfect, her flawless body flush against mine as she took my face with both hands, clasping my cheeks. I turned around and walked towards the barn wall, pressing her against it to allow my hands to roam over her body like I wanted to. I started with her face, touching her cheeks and her strong jawline, then ran one hand down her neck towards her breasts to palm her perfectly shaped tit.

  Suddenly she jerked back and placed her hand on mine. I pulled my hand away, kissing the side of her face by her ear. “What’s going on, my little lamb? You not ready for that?”

  She took in a choking breath and rubbed the palm of her hand across her chest, shaking her head. I was tempted to let down my walls to feel her emotions. It was easier that way, but that was the exact reason why I didn’t. We needed to learn to communicate with each other if this was going to work between us.

  “No,” she said, her breath shaky, “it’s not that.”

  I frowned and pulled away to look into her face. “Tell me, Carrie, what is it then?”

  She shut her eyes and when she opened them, they were determined. “I need to tell you something, and I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”



  He frowned. “You’ll never know until you tell me.”

  “Okay.” I nodded, feeling a tightness in my chest. “When you gave me your life force, I think that something happened that connected us together.” I paused, trying to figure out how to explain it and he gave me a patient look. I dug in, deciding to just get it over with, regardless of the consequences. “It’s like you gave me a piece of you, and now, whenever I’m away from you, I feel strange. Like, I’m not a whole person, like I can only be complete if you’re here with me.”

  His stare burned into me and I watched as anger blossomed in his hazel eyes. He took a step back, unwrapping my legs from around his waist and let me drop to the floor. “So, that’s it then.”

  “That’s what?”

  “That’s why you’re here. Not because you feel anything real for me, but because you think you need me now, since we’re connected.”

  “No,” I responded. “That’s not why.”

  “Don’t lie to me Carrie. I told you, you can’t ever lie to me.”

  “Just bec
ause you know what I’m feeling doesn’t mean you know the truth.”

  “Then tell me,” he put his hands on either side of my head to lean against the barn wall, his eyes still blazing. “Tell me what the truth is.”

  “The truth is, I’ve been feeling this way ever since you saved me in the forest that day. And when you came to me the other night, out on the balcony, I realized what it was.” I swallowed hard. “And then you left me. And I waited three whole days, trying to figure out what I wanted to do about it. Three whole days without you.” I rubbed at the ache in my chest, remembering it, unable to stop. “And yes, that day in the woods changed something changed between us but not like what you think. When you gave me your life force, I also knew you in the moment our lips touched. I knew the real you, not the person you pretend to be around here.” I gestured my hands, indicating the fancy barn and the beautiful stallions around us. Then I touched his chest, right over where his heart beat, in the same spot where my own heart beat, for him. “I know what you feel inside - that you don’t want all this fancy crap, but a good family, a wife and kids to love. Like your own parents. I can tell that they are good people,” I tapped extra hard on his chest, enunciating each word, “just like you.”

  He growled. “You don’t know that, you’re just trying to find something you think I want, so you can get what you want.”

  I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. “I’m not like that, Tallon. You should know that by now.”

  “I thought you were that way, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “Well,” I rolled my eyes. “That sounds like a Tallon problem, not a Carrie problem.”

  He stepped forward, placing his hand on the bottom of my braid, then wrapped it around his hand and tugged it down so that my head was splayed to the side. “If you really think you know me, if you really want me for who I am, and not for this little connection we have,” he tapped at my chest with his other hand, “then prove it.”

  “Fine.” I let him make me vulnerable before him, determined to prove myself. Because I’d thought about it over the past few days, trying to figure out what the hell to do. Could I live without him by my side? Maybe I could find a magical way to remove the connection between us. But the more important thing was, did I want to? I gave him a confident look. “Tell me how, and I will.”

  He took one final step towards me and now his body was flush with mine. He gripped my hip and his mouth came down to my ear. “If you do what I say, exactly what I say and nothing else, then I’ll show you a way for you to prove it to me.”

  “Well, can I still breathe, even if you don’t say so?”

  He chuckled, letting go of my braid. Then he tugged on the end and pulled out my tie. He loosened my braid, running his hands through my undone hair. “Yes, you can still breathe.”

  “Fine. I’ll do what you say. But just so you know…” I swung my head to the side and softly bit the tip of his nose. “I’m a wolf. If you’re going to get in bed with me, don’t forget how sharp my teeth are.”

  He grinned. “Oh, I’d love to see those sharp teeth. Now hold still.”

  I took a deep breath as he straightened then stared into my eyes as he took a step back. His finger traced my lips down to my neck, and then to my shoulder. He pulled one spaghetti strap off my shoulder, then the other one. I caught my breath as his finger went to my dress and he slowly pulled down my top. His eyes flared with lust in the moonlight as they caught sight of my breasts.

  “So perfectly shaped.” He traced my nipple. I glanced around, nervous that someone would see us but he barked out, “Eyes on me, pup.”

  I focused on him, knowing that the tips of my nipples were perked even though the air around us was hot and muggy. His fingers moved lower and I drug in a breath as a smoldering feeling started in my chest then traveled down to my stomach to settle deep between my thighs. I squeezed them together, trying to keep from showing him how turned on I was.

  He leaned in closer, pressing his chest against mine, and I moaned, needing to feel him flush against me.

  I’d wanted to kiss him all day long, and the fact that he’d kept his distance only made me grow more and more impatient. I’d practically invited myself to dinner, just to spend more time with him.

  “You want me, my little lamb?” His fingers played with the bottom of my dress.

  I nodded, knowing with certainty that I did. This morning I’d come to the decision that, deep in my heart, what I’d felt in that moment was real - that Tallon had a heart of gold under that harsh exterior. And I was willing to bring my ax and shovel and start digging until I found it. I’d loved him the moment he gave himself to me. And I needed him like my lungs needed air.

  “Yes, Tallon, I want you.”

  “Let’s see if my pretty lamb is true to her word, because pussies never lie.” He tickled his fingers up my inner thigh and fingered the edge of my panties. I held my breath, waiting for his touch, but instead he took a step back, his face serious. “Take them off.”

  I didn’t need him to clarify - I pulled down my underwear. He grabbed them, then stuffed them in his pocket. “Now, grab that bar.”

  I looked at where he pointed, finding a silver bar connected to the barn wall that had some rope and other stuff wrapped around it. I grabbed it and waited for further instructions.

  “And lean over.”

  He hummed appreciably as I leaned over and my breasts swung loose.

  “So sexy, my little lamb. Your tits are so gorgeous, like unpicked fruit, waiting just for me.” He came up to my side and leaned over, palming one, then flicked the tip so that it was pointed and needy, just for him. “Tell me, have you ever fantasized fucking a sexy cowboy against a barn wall?”

  I nodded, flushing with the thought.

  “You just might live your fantasy today.” He grinned, running his hand up my arm. “But first, I want to see if your cunt’s as wet as the tip of my dick.” He leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Tell me, baby, if I crawled under you, would I see the pearly gleam of your cream, just waiting for me to lick it.”

  He didn’t wait for me to answer but ordered me to open my legs wide, then kneeled behind me, pulling my dress up to my waist so that I was on display for him.

  “Fuck, little lamb. Your cunt’s so ready and wet for me.” His nose rubbed inside me and I moaned, need and desire filling me. “I just need one taste,” he whispered then his tongue speared me, licking up to my clit. I sucked in a breath, shifting my hips to rub against his face.

  “Please, Tallon. Don’t tease me.”

  “You want this, baby? You want a cowboy’s lips all over your beautiful pussy?”

  “Yes,” I gasped. I never thought it was possible to get so wet just by the sound of someone’s voice but the rumble of his deep voice against my cunt was my undoing. He grabbed my ass checks, spreading them wide so he could bury his face in my cunt.

  And then he ate me out, licking and sucking my desire from me like a man starving. Fire licked my skin, pouring hot lava through my whole body. I writhed and fucked his face as he ate my pussy, my heart, my soul, out in the barn. The hole in my heart sizzled and burst into flames, sealing it to the connection between us.

  “Please, Tallon.” Just like earlier today, he was taking his sweet time and it was driving me crazy. Chuckling softly, he inserted two fingers inside me, rubbing up against a sensitive spot inside me as his mouth devoured my clit. I was so turned on that it didn’t take long for my orgasm to take me. It washed me away, throbbing through me in waves, but Tallon didn’t let me appreciate it too long.

  He stood up, running his hands down my side to pull my boots and dress off so that I was completely bare.

  I felt vulnerable, naked and needy, while he was still completely dressed.

  I glanced back at him in time to see his eyes simmering with lust as he took in my bare back and ass.

  “Fucking perfection.” He stepped forward and I felt the bulge of his cock pressing into the crack of my ass. I
t was huge. Just like his whole body.

  “You know,” he pulled on me until I stood up, back to his chest, “I didn’t need a connection between us to know that you were the woman for me. I’ve been wanting to fuck you since that first night at Crosby’s. But when I saw you with your clan, your mom, and how you fought to protect your Alpha, I knew then that you were the woman for me.” His hands slid over my body, caressing it softly. “And I wanted you to look at me like you looked at your family that day, like you would do anything to save them.” I tilted my head to look into his eyes. “I want you, Carrie. Will you forgive me for the things I said about your Alpha?”

  I caught his cheek, staring into his eyes, pressing my lips to his softly. “I’ve already forgiven you.” I’d felt it from him, his sincerity, and the way he’d behaved since that time in the shower - his first apology.

  He closed his eyes, groaning, his cock growing even thicker as he ground himself into me. “Shit, Carrie, you don’t know what you do to me.”

  “Why don’t you show me then, Tallon.” I writhed against him, closing my eyes, feeling the need to connect with him on a deeper level. “Show me how you feel about me.” I needed him to take me hard, fuck me so that I knew without a shadow of a doubt how much he really wanted me.

  “Fuck, if you don’t stop that, I’m going to come in my pants.”

  “Well quit taking so long then.”

  He laughed, then yanked on my hips so I was leaning over again. I heard his zipper go down and he placed his dick on my ass. “You sure you want this up inside you, baby lamb?” It was long, thick, and heavy and I couldn’t deny I was a little nervous about it fitting.


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