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Their Virgin Brat

Page 3

by SC Daiko

  Guilt that I was jilling myself while thinking about Aiden’s ripped body.

  Guilt that he’s my freaking stepbrother and I shouldn’t think of him that way.

  Guilt that I’ve even allowed myself to feel attracted to a man.

  I step out of the shower and grab a towel. In my bedroom, I dry my hair, pull on a pair of leggings and a sweater, and then go to stand by the open window. Beyond the garden are fields filled with sheep, baaing at their baby lambs. Pink clematis vines are growing up red brick walls, their delicate perfume scenting the air. This really is a gorgeous place. Mam is looking forward to making her mark and redecorating the interior, which clearly hasn’t seen a lick of paint in years. It will be her home, not mine; I’ll move into my own place, eventually, I suppose. I’m not part of this family.

  Thoughts of my mother bring a lump to my throat. I grab my tablet and check Facebook on the off-chance she’s there... we haven’t chatted in days. There’s no green dot by her name. My girlfriends are all in college, and none of them are available either.

  There’s no alternative but to go downstairs and hang out with Aiden and Liam. I can do that. Sure I can. It’s no big deal, right? They’re hardly likely to pounce on me. I’m their stepsister, and, besides, they almost certainly consider me just a kid.

  LIAM looks up from his phone as I step into the kitchen. I catch his musky outdoors scent and give an involuntary shiver. Aiden is nowhere to be seen. “Supper is a bowl of soup again, followed by cheese, crackers and fruit.” Liam’s deep-blue eyes meet mine. “Hope you don’t mind.”

  I smile. “I’m not picky.” And I’m not. Dad would always find fault with Mam’s cooking, consequently I made a point of eating what she put in front of me. “Where’s Aiden?”

  “Checking on your horse.”

  My cheeks burn. “That’s nice of him.”

  Liam shrugs. “He’s a nice guy, and so am I.”

  I have no clue what to say, so I say nothing.

  “Like some wine?” he asks.

  It would be impolite to refuse, I tell myself. “Thanks.”

  He pours me a glass of white, and I take a sip. It’s light and fruity… not bad at all. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “Nope,” he grins. “Just relax. You’ve had quite a day.”

  The door swings open and Aiden steps into the kitchen. “Jason’s fine,” he says before I can ask. “I felt his heel and it’s cool to the touch. Fred will shoe him tomorrow morning as planned.”

  Aiden pours himself a glass of wine and sits at the table. His gaze roves over my face. “Have you calmed down now?”

  “Yes,” I mutter, glancing at my hands. “Sorry for snapping at you. I really appreciate your help.”

  “You’re more than welcome,” he laughs. “Let’s eat and then we can watch a movie before bed.”

  I go to the stove and start ladling tomato soup into the bowls that have been placed on the counter. That wine has gone to my head already; I need to get some food into my stomach. I heave a sigh, and my stupid heart flutters in my chest.


  We’re sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the latest James Bond film. Burt and Betty have joined us and we’re squashed together with the dogs, one on each side of Aiden.

  Sam is next to Burt, and he’s pushing her against me; she’s squirming with obvious unease. I wait for her to say something snarky, but she doesn’t. Her eyes are glued to the screen and, every now and then, she squirms a little more.

  Her thigh rubs against mine, so she crosses her legs. The action pushes her ass deeper into the cushions and her hip nudges my hip. She puts her arms around Burt, wriggling away from me, and he gives her a slobbery lick on the cheek before letting out one of his foul farts. Aiden and I glance at each other and smirk.

  “Sorry to inflict Burt’s flatulence on you, Samantha,” Aiden deadpans as the credits roll at the end of the movie. “He must have been eating garbage again.”

  She pulls a face. “I don’t think I’ve ever smelt anything quite so disgusting. Ever.”

  I lift a brow. “Have you never had a pet dog before?”

  She tells us about her Cocker Spaniel, Nelson. How he kept her company while she was growing up. Her jaw clamps shut, and she trembles slightly. A sudden thought comes to me. She reminds me of the young mare, Misty, we picked up for next to nothing at auction; Misty was so nervy she’d spook at the drop of a hat.

  I worked hard with that horse, gentling her and restoring her confidence. She became my first grade A mount and we only retired her early last year. We've bred a foal from her by Balthasar, and her colt will eventually become one of the youngsters we train for competition.

  “I’ll take the dogs out to relieve themselves,” I say, stretching.

  Sam jumps to her feet. “Is it okay if I come with you? Some fresh air before bed will help me sleep better.”

  I stop myself from gaping at her. An overture of friendliness was the last thing I expected. Then I realise she probably just wants to check on her horse. Except, the look she gives Aiden reminds me of how Missy used to stare at us, showing the whites of her eyes.

  She grabs her coat in the hallway and practically runs out the door. Gravel crunches under our feet as we stride across the yard. It’s a clear night and the sky swells with stars. Betty and Burt squeeze under the paddock fence and start sniffing the ground to find a good spot for pooping.

  “Wanna check on your boy?” I ask.

  “I’d love to,” Sam says, smiling tentatively.

  We push open the double doors to the barn and make our way towards Jason’s box. He nickers as we approach. She delves into her coat pocket and retrieves a packet of peppermints. She places one on the flat of her hand; he takes it gently before crunching it with his molars. Not to be outdone, Balthasar, in the next stall, sticks his head over the railings and gives a soft whinny.

  I laugh. “He’s a glutton for mints.”

  She offers him one, and he crunches it greedily.

  “Sam,” I say, resisting the urge to touch her arm, “it’s okay to feel intimidated by Aiden and me. I mean, you’ve moved onto our turf. You’re younger than us. Your entire life has been turned upside-down by our parents getting hitched.”

  She frowns. “You must think I’m just a stupid kid,” she says, wiping her horse-spit covered fingers down her leggings.

  I hold up my hands. “I don’t think you’re stupid, Sam,” and I don’t. A kid, maybe, but certainly not stupid. Ha!

  A sudden thought occurs to me. “Have you left a boyfriend behind in Wyemouth?”

  “Oh, God, no.” She sounds horrified. Then she clarifies, “I haven’t time for a boyfriend.”

  “That’s alright, then,” I say, and it is. Best nothing distracts her from achieving her goals.

  “You mustn’t let Aiden get to you.” I meet her gaze. “His bark is far worse than his bite. Underneath his aloof exterior he’s as soft as butter.”

  She nods, but her expression is guarded.

  I click open the Dutch door to Jason’s box, and run my hands gently down his leg. “It feels fine. Fred will shoe him tomorrow first thing, then you’ll be able to school him. Remember to take things slowly, get him listening to you, and don’t hesitate to ask for advice if you need it.”

  “I won’t,” she gives a wobbly smile before bending to kiss Jason on the nose. “Good night, baby,” she says to him.

  Outside, the dogs are waiting for us, their tails wagging. “Time for bed, guys,” I pat their heads.

  “See you tomorrow,” I tell Sam. “Try not to worry. That won’t get you anywhere and you need a good night’s sleep.”


  Dawn light comes through the open curtains. I glance at the time on my phone. Six am. I’m surprised I slept so well. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was the fresh air. Maybe it was the fact that I’d jilled myself, for the second time in a day, before I fell asleep.

  Sitting next to Liam on the sofa last n
ight, pressed up against his muscular thighs, unable to ignore his ripped abs and his chiselled cheekbones, breathing in his musky scent, I found myself getting wet. Down there. Gah! Against all my principles, I’m physically attracted to my twin stepbrothers. They have the same deep blue eyes, the same sensuous mouth. I wonder what it would feel like to run my fingers along those lips. Both sets of lips. Liam thinks I’m intimidated by Aiden and him, and I am… they’re men, after all. But I’m also shocked by my lustful reactions and scared what they would think if they found out. That must never happen. I’d die of shame…

  I need to get a grip and focus on training my horse. That’s why I’m here, after all. Crushing on the twins is a silly fantasy. If they reciprocated, I’d probably run a freaking mile.

  AFTER breakfast, I head out to the barn, hoping I’m in time to muck out Jason’s box, and I am, thank God. I’d have been mortified if Rachel had got there before me like yesterday. I lead Jay out and put him in the empty stall opposite. Then I trundle the wheelbarrow that’s conveniently been left by the doors, and park it so it’s facing in the right direction. There’s a shavings fork leaning against the wall; I pick it up and set to work, removing manure and wet bedding, scraping the unsoiled shavings to one side.

  “Morning, Sam,” a voice calls out and I almost jump out of my skin. It’s Zac, smiling his toothy grin. “The farrier has arrived. Would you like me to finish the stall for you? You can take Jason out to the paved area in front of the tack room. That’s where Fred usually shoes our horses.”

  I thank Zac and do as he suggests. Jason snorts nervously when he sees the farrier, and I stroke his shoulder and whisper, “Be a good boy and I’ll give you a mint.”

  Aiden comes up and stands next to me. I avoid looking at him, but, even so, I’m aware of his physicality… the breadth of his shoulders in a tight blue polo shirt, his slim waist and hips, his powerful thighs, his warm spicy scent.

  We watch Fred use a pick and then a brush to clean out Jason’s hoof. With a sharp knife, he pares away the dark, hard outer layer of my horse’s sole. “His toe is a bit long,” Fred grunts. “Probably why he threw the shoe.” With an instrument which looks like giant nail clippers, he trims around the edge, evening up the hole from yesterday. Finally, he uses a rasp to gently file the uneven spots and level the sole.

  “Good boy,” I say to Jason, giving him a mint. “Not long now and you’ll be done.”

  Fred has a selection of horse-shoes in his bag. He measures Jay’s hoof and chooses the right size. Then he shapes the shoe on his portable anvil, using a hammer and tongs. Finally, the part of the process that makes me squeeze my eyes shut as he secures the shoe in place with nails. I stroke Jason’s neck and give him another mint, telling him how good he’s been while Fred finishes off.

  “I’ll come back next week, Miss,” Fred says. “Just managed to squeeze you in today as an emergency.”

  Aiden smiles. “We’re grateful to you for coming out at such short notice.” He gives me a look that makes my mouth go dry. “Aren’t we Samantha?”

  “Absolutely.” I shift my weight from one foot to the other. “Thank you so much.”

  “I’ll settle up with you next week, Fred, if that’s okay,” Aiden says, walking him to his van. “We’ll arrange a time for you to return and you can also re-shoe some of the others who need it.”

  I thank my stepbrother quickly, and then lead my horse back to his stall. Jason’s bridle and saddle are in the tack room, so I go to fetch them. My eyes are drawn to the photos lining the walls. There’s one of a beautiful blonde woman, her arms around the twins, and they’re kissing her on the cheeks, silver cups they’ve won from competitions in their hands.

  The door swings open, and Rachel strides into the room. “Who’s that?” I ask, pointing at the picture of the blonde.

  “Aiden’s and Liam’s ex-girlfriend, Jennifer.”

  My mouth flaps open. “You mean they shared a girlfriend?”

  “Yep. Don’t you think that’s so cool?” she gushes. “Twin brothers sharing their woman.”

  “Where is she now?” I ask drily.

  “She left last year. I’m not sure why,” Rachel shrugs.

  I’ve heard about poly relationships, of course I have. In fact, a girl who was at my school, Eleri Thomas, is living with two men in Northamptonshire. It was the talk of Wyemouth for a while, and I remember being a tad shocked.

  I grab Jason’s saddle and tell Rachel I’ll be back after schooling him, ready to help with chores. Crossing the yard, I think about my stepbrothers. They’re both hunks, so of course they’ll have had girlfriends. Women must make a play for them all the time, especially as they’re successful at what they do. I wonder if they have a girlfriend now, and if they’re sharing her. The thought doesn’t shock me, surprisingly. But what does shock me is the sudden feeling of jealousy spreading through my bones. Totally ridiculous!



  I switch off the engine of our truck… twenty-tons of gleaming steel with stalls for six horses and living accommodation for as many humans. I stare out the window at the Queen’s castle forming a background to the showjumping arena. Excitement fizzes in my belly; we’ve arrived at the Royal Windsor Horse Show.

  I check the screen on my dashboard, linked to cameras in the back. Liam and I have brought our Grade A mounts to compete over the next three days. They’ve travelled well, as usual; they’re seasoned professionals. But now we’ve arrived, they’re snorting and pawing the floor, eager to be released from their cramped quarters.

  “Ready to unload?” Liam, sitting shotgun next to me, turns and asks Samantha, who’s perched in the passenger section behind us. She was only supposed to come along and help Rachel… a reward for working hard, schooling her horse diligently, and making an effort to fit in. Except Rachel has come down with a bad case of gastric ‘flu, and we’ve had to leave her at home. God, I hope Samantha can cope with all we need her to do for us. We didn’t have much alternative than to bring her; Zac and Joe are keeping things ticking over at the yard.

  Liam lowers the ramp and I help him and Samantha lead our horses off the lorry. We check in at the stables, temporary wooden structures built specially for the event. “Better make sure there are no nails left sticking out,” Liam says, running his hands along the partitions of the boxes assigned to us. “The last thing we need is for someone to cut themselves.”

  Samantha is already hanging up hay nets. I leave my twin to check she knows how to bed everyone down for the night, then return to the truck to set up our living accommodation… which has a slide-out extension to allow for more room. The fridge in the kitchenette is fully stocked with food prepared by Mrs Potts. I help myself to a beer, take a sip, and release a sigh.

  A strange prickle of worry strokes my insides. I’ve seen Liam eyeing Samantha when he’s thought I haven’t been looking, his gaze lingering on her perky ass. She has legs up to her armpits; even I, supposedly the responsible one out of the two of us, can’t stop myself from imagining them wrapped around me… while I do what no stepbrother should do to his stepsister. I’ve been celibate too long, ever since Jennifer left us, that’s the frigging problem. And now Samantha will be with us literally night and day, I’ll need to keep a lid on my libido or risk making a complete fool of myself.

  I hear her voice as she and Liam come up the steps.

  “Can we go and get some ice cream from one of the food stalls?” she asks, looking me in the eye.

  “After dinner,” I say, smiling. God, she looks sexy… all flushed from her exertions in the stables. And smiling and friendly… wonderful. The change in the girl over the past fortnight has been incredible.

  “I’m starving,” Liam adds. “Let’s pop one of Mrs Potts’ ready-meals in the microwave, eat and then go out for a stroll.”

  Samantha sits opposite me at the table, and looks out of the window, her dark eyelashes fluttering. “This place is awesome.”

  Liam has opened the fri
dge door, and I break my gaze away from her. “What’ll you have to drink, Sam?”

  “I’d love a beer, thanks,” she says serenely. “Settling everyone in for the night was thirsty work.”

  “You did great,” my twin grins.

  He probably helped her; his flippant exterior hides a soft heart.

  “Don’t go thinking of me as one of your full-time staff, though,” she lets slip, “I wanna be a showjumper, one day.”

  “Are you hungry for it?” I ask, more sternly than I intended.

  A frown creases her brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You need to be driven.”

  She pouts. “I know.”

  “There’re no quick fixes,” Liam says, putting a tray of lasagne into the microwave. “It’s hard work, repetitious, but if you work with your horses, they’ll work with you. You’ve already made excellent progress with Jason.”

  Her smile is bright as she looks from him to me and back to him again. “Thank you.” She twists her hands together in her lap, about to say something else. But she shrugs instead, reaches for her can of beer, and takes a swig.

  I stare at her, and her gaze meets mine. I could drown in those chocolate-brown eyes. My stomach gives a lurch… I’m frigging screwed.

  “WHAT’S that music?” Samantha asks after we’ve eaten and are heading towards the ice cream stall.

  “The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment are putting on a show for Her Majesty and Prince Phillip,” I tell her. I know the routine, it’s the same every year.

  Liam laughs. “This is such a British show. Nowhere else in the world would they combine five-star international showjumping with a musical charge of the light brigade and mounted Pony Club games.”

  “Hey, don’t knock the Pony Club,” Samantha says in a mock serious tone. “It’s where I learnt most of what I know about horses and riding.”


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