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Loyalty and Deceit

Page 21

by Beanie Sigel

  “We’re being divided into three groups,” Sergeant White said. “You all know which groups you’re in. Group A will be raiding Terry’s last known address.” He clicked the hand-held remote and Terry’s face appeared on the large screen. “Group A, you should now be familiar with the layout of this house.” He clicked the remote once again and the blueprint reappeared. “Any questions?”

  The room was silent.

  “Group B, you guys will be raiding Sabrie Mack’s house.” The screen showed Mack’s face. “Just the same, you should be familiar with the layout of his home. Questions?”

  No one spoke.

  “Group C, we’ll be raiding Dynasty Rentals. These men are expected to be armed, and we know that they will use their weapons. Remember, safety first. If a life has to be lost, it better not be one of ours. Move in fast and efficiently. Secure every area and get the bad guys into custody.” He looked around to his men whose eyes were trained on him. “Okay, time is of the essence. Let’s go get ‘em!”

  Everyone had risen to their feet, double checked their firearms and protective equipment, and then headed outside to the awaiting vans.

  Because it was likely that Terry and Mack would be in their office during that time, Todd and Latrice were in group C, along with Sergeant White. Everyone loaded up into the vans and departed. During the ride, there was light conversation regarding everyone’s assignment, but the potential danger of what lay ahead created too much tension for casual talk.

  Ten minutes later, Sergeant White said, “Get ready. It’s show time!” The van came to a stop at Dynasty’s entrance. The platoon of officers stormed out and quickly entered the building.

  Kerri was on the phone with a customer arranging for the pick up of a sports car. By the time she looked up to see the source of all the commotion, there was a police officer pointing a gun at her, ordering her to get off the phone. Scared witless, Kerri quickly complied.

  She was removed from her office desk and told to sit on a couch where Sergeant White questioned her.

  It took less than twenty seconds for the entire building to be checked and secured. Terry and Mack were not present. The company’s computers were being removed for evidence. Todd and Latrice searched the owners’ office. To their dismay, there were no weapons or drugs found. Latrice had grown upset at these monsters’ good judgment and caution. All she wanted was direct evidence to tie them to the criminal lifestyle, she was certain they were involved in. She searched carefully through the file cabinets. Nothing. She stood up and exhaled a sigh of frustration when her brother yelled over to her.

  “Hey sis, come here for a minute. I might have something.”

  She walked over to the desk he stood at with a ledger in his hand. After examining it, they concluded that large increments of money were being invested in stocks and commodities, with entry dates as recent as three days. There was one name that appeared regularly throughout the ledger: Marty Frankel.

  “What do you think?” asked Latrice.

  “I think this may be something big.”

  “Alright, log it into evidence and we’ll look into it when we get back to the office.”

  After confiscating everything considered evidence, questioning Kerri, who had no information of value to give, the officers departed. Kerri was noticeably shaken up. The once beautiful interior of the company was left in complete disarray. Dynasty Luxury Rentals was closed down.

  Back at the precinct, Todd and Latrice were informed that neither Terry nor Mack were at their suspected homes and nothing illegal was recovered. According to the officers it didn’t appear that they searched their everyday residences.

  Todd did his best to stifle his emotions. Not only were these street gangsters cunning and calculated killers, but they also moved intelligently. It was too late for any subtleties. The button had been pushed. If Terry and Mack didn’t know at that moment that they were wanted, they would be aware of it very soon. It was now time to apply pressure in hopes that they would panic and make a mistake. All they needed was one slip.

  “Did you check into the name that was in the ledger, yet?” Todd asked.

  “Marty Frankel? No, I’ll do it now.” Latrice typed the name into her computer’s NCIC database. Within seconds a picture of Marty appeared along with the information regarding his plea of no contest to the charge of embezzlement. She studied the face on her screen. She had seen Marty before, but where?

  “Sis, isn’t that the guy who was talking to Terry at the all white event?”

  Her recollection became clear. Although his mug shot was slightly different from the man she discreetly recorded conversing with Terry and Mack during their party, there was no doubt that it was him.

  “I knew I saw him before.” Latrice reclined in her chair pondering the possibilities of her discovery. “Yep, I’m willing to bet we’re on to something big, bro. I’m going to have to call in for a federal favor on this one.”

  “I’m going to do a little more digging. Let me know how things turn out.”

  “Alright.” Latrice picked up her phone and dialed the number to Jake Elzy, a federal agent from New York City. She worked on a case with him a few months ago. Noticing their chemistry, she felt an attraction to him. Despite her feelings, she did not pursue a romance. For one, they lived in two separate states. And two, she was completely committed to her job, which left little time for dating or a relationship. However, they remained in contact.


  “Hi, Jake. This is Latrice. Are you busy?”

  “No. Not at all. What a nice surprise. I’ve been having a crappy day. Just hearing your voice is making me feel better.”

  Latrice offered a soft giggle. “Flattery will get you everywhere. Now, I’m feeling bad that this call is business related.”

  “It’s cool. What’s up?”

  “I need a really big favor from you.”

  “Oh? What’s that?”

  Latrice took her time and explained everything regarding Terry, Mack and Marty Frankel. She then asked if it was possible for him to question Marty about his relationship with Mack and Terry. Perhaps getting him to admit to laundering money.

  “So, you want me to hunt this guy down and squeeze him until he confesses to washing money for a pair of drug dealing killers? If I do this, what’s in it for me?”

  Latrice bit down on her lower lip, rushing to come up with a suitable answer. “Well, if everything goes the way I expect, you will be able to take over the money laundering case.”

  “Nice try, but seeing that money laundering is a federal offense, odds are that this case will land on my desk anyway. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to do better than that.”

  “Okay, Mr. Negotiator, how would you like to be compensated for your time and diligent work?”

  “I want the honor of taking you out for dinner.”


  “I deal with the worst of the worst every day. Is it wrong to want to enjoy the presence of one of God’s most beautiful creations?”

  “There you go again, Cassanova.” Latrice was blushing.

  Jake sensed it.“I’m coming to Philadelphia this weekend. Do we have a deal or not?”

  “Yes, Jake. We have a deal.”

  “Great. I’ll get on it right away and will call you once I’m finished.”

  “Thanks a lot...Hey Jake, why were you coming to Philly this weekend?”

  “Because I have a date with you.” The line went dead, leaving Latrice with a bashful smile.

  Jake’s day had been quite boring. Unlike his colleagues, he didn’t enjoy the quietness between the chaos. He loved to stay busy. Latrice’s call was welcomed. He would have assisted her without the promise of a date. But knowing that he would enjoy the company of a beautiful and intelligent woman with similar qualities and interests as his was a welcomed bonus.

  Jake utilized both the federal database and the Internet to gather as much information as possible on Marty. Once satisfied that he was
armed with enough background information, he left the federal building, and walked to the parking lot where his government issued blue Ford Explorer awaited.

  Marty was inside of his home office, logged online reviewing his investment portfolio when, he heard the chime of his doorbell. He reluctantly pulled himself from the computer desk and walked into the living room where the intercom was located. “Who is it?”

  “FBI Agent Jake Elzy. I need to have a word with you.”

  Marty saw the tall, clean shaven man wearing a navy blue jacket with the federal logo on the front through the color monitor. “May I see your badge, please?”

  Jake removed his credentials from his inner jacket pocket and held it close to the camera. Satisfied, Marty pressed the buzzer allowing the agent to enter the building. Marty made a quick dash to his office and returned before the agent made it to his door. Once Marty heard the knock, he opened the door and stood in the doorway.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Frankel. I’m Agent Jake Elzy.” Once again, he removed his badge and identification and held it out for Marty to visually inspect in person. “I would like to talk to you about Terry Maddox and Sabrie Mack.”

  Marty’s face conveyed concern once their names were mentioned. “Sure, come in.” He stepped to the side and allowed Jake to enter. He closed the door and remained in the entryway.

  Realizing that he would not be invited any further into the residence, Jake dived right in. “Warrants have been issued for the arrest of Terry and Sabrie on charges of murder.”

  The news rocked Marty back on his heels. “There has to be some sort of mistake.”

  “There’s no mistake, Mr. Frankel. There’s enough evidence to charge these men with second degree murder.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I think this is something you should talk to their attorneys about. Not me.”

  “I’m here because additional charges may be filed against them, and if they are, you may be included.”

  “Me? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about charging you federally with money laundering and embezzlement.”

  “That’s ridiculous!” Marty scoffed at the allegations. “I’ve done nothing of the sort.”

  “Don’t stand in front of me and act like you’re a saint. Your hands aren’t clean. You don’t think I’m aware of that insider trading scandal you went down for?”

  “I was never found guilty of that!” Marty countered.

  “Were you involved in insider trading?”


  “Were you, or were you not involved in that huge scandal at Goldman’s?” Jake pressed.

  “Listen, Agent,” Marty took in a deep breath and released it in an attempt to calm himself. “Yes, I did take a tremendous fall for that company, but it wasn’t because of my wrong-doings. Someone at that company took advantage of my loyalty. Although, I’m the face of that scandal, I was never involved in it. The greedy, heartless monster is still out there and now he feels unstoppable.”

  “According to my records, you lost everything, Mr. Frankel. Now you’re living in a beautiful apartment in the heart of Manhattan, and from what I’ve gathered, you are – should I say – financially stable. Did you hit the lottery?” Jake asked sarcastically.

  “I did forfeit all of my assets. I was given a check for fifty thousand dollars by Goldman’s. I nearly squandered it all before I got my bearings back, and returned to what I do best – investing.”

  “So, how did you get involved with Terry and Sabrie?”

  “We met at a seminar in Philly and we’ve been close ever since. They’re legitimate owners of a car rental company. I convinced them to take a shot at commodities trading. They are really good young men. I’ve never overhead them talk about anything illegal, or lose their tempers. What you’re saying about them is a shock to me.” Marty mixed his lies with the truth.

  “I can believe that you may not know about the murders, but what I don’t believe is that you weren’t laundering money for them.”

  “Agent Elzy, I will make my records available for you, the IRS, and anyone else to inspect. I began investing with a little under five thousand dollars. I have never known Terry or Sabrie to invest any illegal proceeds into commodities.”

  With Marty adamant about his defense, there wasn’t much more for Jake to ask. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Frankel. I’m sure I’ll be talking to you again, soon.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you will,” Marty responded. Jake turned toward the door. “Detective Elzy, I believe you dropped this.”

  The detective turned around to see a flash drive in Marty’s hand. “No, that’s not mine.”

  Marty threw him an incredulous look. This could be very valuable information.” He extended his hand and Jake accepted the flash drive. He couldn’t mask the puzzled look on his face. After securing the flash drive, Agent Elzy left and Marty closed the door behind him. He couldn’t avoid the triumphant smile that materialized...


  Terry woke up in Maria’s bed to the pleasant smell of breakfast being prepared. He and Maria, a flight attendant, had been dating for the past six months.

  After gathering his thoughts, Terry walked over to the chaise where his pants lay, removed his phone from the pocket, then returned to the bed. He was supposed to be at Dynasty and he knew Mack was going to chew him out for being late.

  The moment he turned his phone on, it began to vibrate non-stop. There were dozens of texts from both Kerri and Mack. The first message, from Kerri, caused his heart rate to accelerate at a rapid pace. It read: Dynasty was raided by the police. They’re looking for u and Mack! Panic struck him like a bolt of lightning. He read through a few more texts in disbelief. Every text from Mack simply said: Call me right away! He dialed Mack’s number.

  “Hello?” Mack picked up right away.

  “Wassup?” Terry asked.

  “Come to the Cool Out right now. Don’t waste a second!”

  The line went dead. Terry rushed to get dressed, and then darted downstairs. He walked into the kitchen where Maria was busy cooking.

  “Baby, I can’t stay. I gotta go.”

  Maria turned around to see Terry fully dressed and in a panicked state. “What’s wrong, Terry? You’re scaring me.”

  “I’m not sure what’s going on, but as soon as I find out, I’ll let you know.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine.” Terry kissed Maria, then turned to leave.

  “Terry, I’m...” Maria paused as soon as Terry turned to face her and they locked eyes.

  “Wassup, Maria?”

  She lowered her gaze. “I’m...I’m going to stay up until you call me and let me know everything’s okay.”

  “Alright. I’ll call you.”

  Terry rushed out of her house, into his car and made his way to a secluded house in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, thirty minutes away. Terry and Mack used the house to get away from everything and to relax. They nick-named their place the Cool Out.

  During the drive, Terry’s mind raced to cover the possibilities of why he was wanted. He had left the streets alone, so it could only be something from his past coming back to haunt him. In thirty minutes he made it to the house. The moment his car came to an abrupt stop he was out of it. Mack, who was on high alert, opened the door and ushered him in.

  “What the fuck is up, Mack?”

  “These muthafuckas got murder warrants out on us!” Mack shut the door behind Terry.

  One look at Mack’s stress laden face and he knew their situation was real. An overwhelming surge of emotions plagued Terry as he realized the seriousness of their predicament. “What are we gonna do?”

  “I talked to my lawyer. He said the warrants are for the murders of the twins.”

  The dreadful news seemed to consume Terry’s energy. He plopped down on the couch. “Fuck!” he screamed in frustration.

  “That’s not it,” Mack
continued, “Jihad got knocked with ten bricks yesterday and they ran up in Julio’s garage. They found like thirty ki’s and a bunch of money. I think Shawn got knocked, too.”

  The information poured out like running water. Just the night before, Terry couldn’t have asked to be in a better position. Now he had been thrown into a hole that continuously grew deeper and darker. He hoped that Jihad’s arrest didn’t result in the raid of Julio’s garage. If so, that would be a detrimental blow.

  “I have to call, Juk.” Terry removed his phone and scrolled through his phone book.

  “Who the fuck is Juk?”

  “That’s my man who introduced me to the cartel connect. If anything’s wrong, he should know.” After dialing the number, a computer-generated voice announced that the number was no longer in service.

  “Something’s not right,” Terry said.

  “Why you say that?” Mack asked.

  “Juk’s phone is disconnected. He would never change his number without letting me know.”

  “I need to smoke.” Mack took a seat on the couch next to Terry, who pulled out a small bag of high grade Indica and passed it to him.

  “I have to call the connect. That’s the only way we’re going to know what’s up.” Terry found the number in his phone and pressed the call button.

  “Hello?” Alfredo Lajas answered.

  “Mr. Lajas, this is Terry. I..." The line went dead. Terry looked at his phone with a bewildered expression. He tried again and again. Each time the voice mail was instantly activated.

  “What happened?” Mack asked anxiously waiting for a response. He finished rolling a healthy blunt and reached for the lighter on the coffee table.

  “Yo, we got big fucking problems.”

  “No shit.” Mack lit the blunt and took a pull.

  “Nah, you don’t understand. The connect answered the phone and hung up once he heard my voice.”

  “So, what does that mean?”

  “That means he ain’t got nothin’ to say. He must think I’m responsible for Julio’s garage getting busted.”

  “Man, fuck him!” Mack stood and removed his Glock 17. “If he want war, then war it’s gon’ be!” Mack took another pull from the blunt.


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