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Finally Us (True Love)

Page 10

by Bentley, Harper

  “What’d we do next? Remember?” I prompt. I can’t stand it anymore and jerk down my sleep pants, grabbing my cock and start stroking it as visions of that night run through my mind.

  “You carried me to my room and sat on the bed… me in your lap facing you… then you entered me… your cock went so deep… I was… I was so full of you…”

  “Made you touch yourself, El… watched as you made yourself come… while I was in you…” I say.

  “Yes… Oh, God… Jag…”

  “I was there now, I’d be going deep… fucking you hard… making you come over and over…”

  “God…” I know she’s almost there by the sounds she’s making.

  “Can you feel me inside… my breath on your neck… hands under your hips, holding you up so I can go deeper…”

  “Yes, oh… oh… God… Jag!”

  Shit, but I love how she sounds when she comes. I continue stroking myself until I come on my stomach. Afterward, I lie there listening to her breathing as hard as I am and I have no clue what to say, afraid to utter a sound.

  “Wish you were here,” she says softly.

  I close my eyes and have to admit that gets to me. I’ve waited so long to hear her say something like that.

  “Me too,” I whisper.

  “Goodnight, Jag,” she says softly.

  “’Night, baby,” I answer and we hang up.

  I leave my bed and go clean myself up then lie back down, staring at the ceiling and thinking about our last two years. They’ve been hell and I think I’ve finally figured it out. That’s why I’d texted her after Thanksgiving because it was then I realized my mistakes and I wanted to let her know I was sorry. How fucking stupid am I that it’s taken me this long to understand what I did to her? I guess it took me seeing her with someone else to finally get a fucking clue.

  The day I walked in on her and Eddington was a turning point and it’d opened up my eyes to what she’d been telling me the past two years. I thought I got it before, but now I really do.

  I know now that I didn’t protect her at all my rookie season, hell, I didn’t the subsequent years either. I should’ve paid those underwear company fuckers off instead of doing those idiotic commercials with Alessandra. But I’d just been starting out and didn’t know the ropes, so I’d done what I was told all to the ruination of my relationship with the woman I loved.

  And speaking of that flaming bitch. I should’ve been done with Alessandra from day one. I guess I could blame Mom for raising me to be polite, but now I want to kick myself for being so naïve. I’d just never met anyone so duplicitous, and like an idiot, I’d stood back in ignorance and watched as she single-handedly destroyed what El and I had.

  And then there was Dirk. How the fuck I couldn’t see through all his shit is beyond me. The night of the banquet for the commercials when he’d called to say El couldn’t go, I should’ve fired him right then. But I’d been a dumbass kid who didn’t know shit from Shinola, and I’d let him take that from her. She’d been so excited about the party, had looked so beautiful in her dress with her hair up, and I’d let him hurt her. Then he’d coached me on how to behave in front of the cameras, told me to play along with the whole Alessandra and I being a couple thing, and I’d done it, not even thinking how much more it’d hurt El.

  No wonder she dumped my sorry ass.

  Jesus. With a man like that by her side, not doing shit to keep her safe and practically condoning it all by keeping my goddamned mouth shut, she had every right not to talk to me again. Ever.

  I rub my hands over my face and know I’ve got a lot of making up to do. And it’s not with flowers or jewelry or material shit. It’s me getting a brand new fucking attitude and stepping up and being a man for a change. Being the man she always wanted me to be. The man I always should’ve been. The man who puts her first.

  A week later, things have been surprisingly calm. Eddington hasn’t smarted off to me or rubbed it in my face that he’s been seeing El. Which is a good damned thing because I don’t need the bullshit or the distraction. The way my pitching’s been going, I’m working my way up to being a starter. I don’t want to be a relief, and my main goal is to be the “Ace,” or the best pitcher. Eddington’s a left-handed relief whose specialty is to come in when there are left-handed batters, but I don’t care about him. I just want to get back to where I was with the Dodgers.

  I’m in the trainers’ room after practice with a shoulder wrap of ice on. I’ve been doing this every day since I got here, so it’s nothing new, and after twenty minutes, I’m usually good to go. As I sit on the table, I hear a couple of the guys talking over in the hot tubs which are behind some lockers.

  “She was fucking hot, man. Sucked me off twice in a goddamned hour,” I hear one of them say and I know it’s got to be Eddington. I feel the heat hit my face when I realize it’s him, and I get up from the table to go slam my left fist in his fucking face since he’s talking about El.

  “I’m telling you, these little community college girls have it going on,” I hear Newton, or Newt, say. He’s a shortstop who’s always talking about his conquests, or at least that’s all I’ve heard from him so far.

  I stop behind the lockers and listen for a few minutes as Eddington continues.

  “She’s stacked too. Did you see her tits? Fucking double D’s and real. I could’ve motorboated ‘em all night long if she’d have let me,” he says laughing. “What’d you think of her friend?”

  “She was okay. Didn’t know how to get her suck on, but whatever. Bitch loved anal, though. Couldn’t get enough. But would’ve preferred yours. She was way hotter, but beggars and all, huh?” Newt answers.

  “We’ll swap. You can have mine tonight. They’re meeting us at the Goat Head at eight. I’ll teach your little cunt how to get it done after I slam her ass.” Eddington cracks up at that.

  I step around the lockers then, eyebrows raised looking at him.

  “What’s up, Jensen?” he asks as if he wasn’t just talking about banging some probably only eighteen-year-old college chick in the ass. He’s pretty cool. Gotta give him that.

  “Not much,” I reply wondering if El’s ever seen this side of him. I’d be willing to guess that’d be a negative.

  “We’re heading out to get some strange tonight. Wanna trail along?” he asks with a smirk.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s okay. STD’s don’t get it done for me. I kinda like my junk attached.”

  They both laugh at that.

  “Don’t know what you’re missing,” Newt states. “These college girls and their tight little bodies. Damn!” He throws his head back and howls.

  “I’m in room 21 3 if you change your mind,” Eddington says then adds, “Got some ‘bump’ too if you’re interested.”

  I snort. “Nah. I’m good.”

  “All right. You know where I am,” he responds then he and Newt are at it again, talking about the local “Fresh Meat.”

  I leave them to their cheap chatter, shaking my head as I walk away. So Eddington’s a coke snorting almost pedophile. Good to know.

  Chapter 15


  After the initial call I made, Jag and I have talked several times a week while he’s been at training camp but nothing like that first call. Well, maybe one other time. Okay, two. But, God, does he give good phone. Damn.

  But we mostly just talk about everything, what’s going on with my job, how his arm’s feeling, how he thinks the Cubs will do this year, my new obsession with Veronica Mars reruns. We’re becoming friends again, which I think is good. Very good.

  I’ve also talked to Austin a few times and that’s been nice too. He doesn’t always answer, but he usually calls me the next day to let me know he’d been asleep when I called. But he’s really funny and sweet and I’m really getting to know him. And I don’t feel bad for talking to him. I’m not dating anyone, so it’s not like I’m cheating. Bec thinks I’m crazy for talking to both of them, but I told her I h
ave no expectations about either of them, so it’s okay. She told me I needed to choose then rolled her eyes and said someone’s going to get hurt in the end to which I added it’ll probably be me, but whatever.

  But I feel so much better about myself. I’m not mopey anymore. I go out with friends. We joke. We laugh. I feel like me again, and that’s awesome.

  It’s the last Sunday morning of March and I’m running on the Lakefront Trail. I’d stopped running when school got so hectic then I got my first PT job, but I’ve always loved to run, I was a hurdler in high school, and I’ve missed it. I’ve got my iPod going, Pendulum’s “Hold Your Colour” blasting in my ears and I’m feeling great, just got my second wind, when there’s a tug on my jacket from behind. Whiplash anyone? Jeez. I turn and a huge smile forms on my face when I see Austin.

  “Hey!” I say as I take the earplugs out.

  “What’s shakin’, baby?” he asks with a grin.

  I giggle at that. “You’re so weird,” I tell him and he snorts. “So I’m assuming training camp’s over?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Lookin’ good too.”

  “You or the team?” I ask with a snort.

  He grins again, and, man, is he cute. His hazel eyes sparkle green in the early morning sun. His dark hair’s all messy on his head and he’s sporting some seriously sexy scruff. Gah!

  “Both,” he teases.

  “Wanna finish with me? Still got five miles to go,” I inform him.

  The look on his face makes me laugh. Then he says, “Hamstring,” and grabs the back of his leg acting as if he’s still in pain which makes me laugh even more because I know it’s healed. “I’ll just meet you at your car, how ‘bout that?”

  I go up on my tiptoes and brush his lips with mine. “Got it,” I say before I take off running again, turning to see him staring after me with a wicked grin.

  I finish my run and go back to my car where he’s leaning against it texting on his phone.

  “Finished already?” he asks with a smirk.

  I’m sucking wind because I kicked it in hard on the last mile and I’m sure I’m looking fabulous since I’m about to keel over. I put my hands on my hips and stand there breathing heavily giving him a look.

  He chuckles then comes to me and kisses my forehead. “Wanna get coffee?”

  “Love to,” I say between breaths. When my breathing slows, I say, “Follow me,” and get in my car, drinking from the water bottle I have in there.

  I take him to a Starbucks and we go in and get a table.

  “You used to work here?” Austin asks.

  “Well, not at this one, but I worked at a Starbucks on Northwestern’s campus and at one in Los Angeles.”

  “You were a sexy, little barista, huh?” He smirks at me from across the table.

  I chuckle at him. “Something like that. Hard to be sexy when you smell like a giant macchiato.”

  He waggles his eyebrows. “I happen to loooove the smell of giant macchiatos.”

  Dang. I blush because he’s being super flirty. I guess being away at spring training has made him horny.

  “So, you gonna go to dinner with me tonight?” he asks.

  Crap. Jag asked me last night if I’d go with him tonight. Bec might be right about all this.

  “No, sorry. I’ve got plans.”

  He looks at me for a couple seconds narrowing his eyes. “Jensen?”

  I nod. Uh, busted.

  “Huh. That’s funny ‘cause when we were in Mesa, he was having a pretty good time.”

  This makes me frown. Jag told me he wasn’t going out at all, that he was so beat after each practice and game, he went back to his hotel room, ate, showered and went to bed.

  “Doing what?” I ask.

  “Well, it’s really none of my business, but let’s just say there were lots of college girls around the clubs who were big, um, fans of his.”

  “He said he was too tired to do anything,” I whisper.

  Austin pulls out his phone and messes with it for a bit then hands it to me. And there’s the frickin’ proof. Pictures of Jag at the bar drinking with the rest of the team, Jag on the dance floor surrounded by women.

  Wow. Just, wow. I’m stunned for a few minutes as I look through them, but then I know I’ve got to be reasonable here, objective. He was having fun. He deserved some fun, didn’t he? I mean, he’d worked hard at camp, his shoulder was healed, so he decided to celebrate some. Big deal. As I look at the pictures, I see he’s wearing the same outfit, so it’s not like he’d gone out other times, or at least I don’t see any other pictures of him in different clothes. So this was probably one time and the whole team was there with him. And the women he’s dancing with? Well, Jag’s hot, women want him and I’m guessing he kept getting asked to dance, so he finally gave in. I also see some of the other guys out there with him, so it’s not like he’s slow dancing with one chick in particular.

  I clear my throat and sit up straighter. The new and improved me is more mature and more rational, but the old me, the jealous girl inside suddenly speaks up and I tell Austin, “Of course I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  So much for self-improvement.

  After dinner, we go outside and there’s a horse drawn carriage waiting. I look at him and my mouth falls open.

  “Seriously?” I ask in awe.

  He gives me his smirk then with his hand in the small of my back, leads me to the carriage and helps me get in. I’ve got on a cute navy halter dress that I bought last month that crisscrosses in front so it makes a sort of tear drop opening that’s pretty revealing. The dress is also very clingy and very short, so getting up there without flashing him is a tad difficult. And my new Manolo Blahnik’s (I’ve become a total shoe aficionado, what can I say?) are super high heeled, but I manage it, adjusting the wrap I’m wearing while he gets in and I feel like a kid when the carriage takes off.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this!” I squeal. How freaking cool is this right now! I wrap my arms around his bicep and lean in and kiss him hard, tongue and all. He holds my face with his hand and it feels so good and he smells so good and the kiss is so good that I want to jump him this very minute.

  I pull back from the kiss and the look he gives me makes my stomach do flip flops. Wow. We continue intermittently making out and seeing the gorgeous sights of my home city the rest of the ride until the carriage takes us back to Everest.

  He helps me out of the carriage then leads me to his car where he pins me up against it with his hips and suddenly devours my mouth with his, his tongue almost desperately seeking mine. My hands go to the back of his head, my fingers twisting in his hair as I pull him harder to me, and the kiss gets hotter, more urgent. I pull away for air, my head falling back as he runs his lips over my jaw, down my neck, sucking and licking in different places, giving me goose bumps, then he presses small kisses over my collarbone and I sigh.

  He then pushes his hips against me and I can feel him, hard against my stomach.

  “Oh, God,” I moan, and then his mouth is back on mine, his kiss now hard and demanding, and I reciprocate. When he moves his hand down and swishes his thumb over my nipple, a shiver runs through my body and I press my hips harder into him.

  “Want you, Ellen,” he says with a gravelly voice against my lips.

  I’m more than ready and willing. “Let’s go to my apartment,” I whisper back.

  He kisses me again then opens my door helping me into his Porsche then walks quickly around and gets in. After starting his car, he leans over and kisses me again and gives me his smirk when he pulls away.

  “Your place it is,” he says then puts the car in gear and zooms out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 16


  I told El last night after my game and after some amazing phone sex that when I got back from camp today, I’d like to take her to dinner tonight. She said she’d like that, but I’ve been calling her since my plane landed at six and haven’t gotten an answer. I would’ve be
en here sooner, but I stopped and got her In-N-Out Burger at the last second, which is her favorite, so I had to schedule a later flight. I may have overstepped my bounds, but since I still have a key to her place, and I really want to see her, I’m waiting inside her apartment. I showed up at seven, put her food in the fridge, it’s now nine and I have no idea where she is. I thought something may have happened, but I had Mom call El’s mom and nothing was up, so I’m just sitting here watching TV when I hear her key in the lock.

  And in she walks with her mouth glued to fucking Eddington’s. They’ve got their hands all over each other and I jump up from the couch a little shocked to tell the truth.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me,” I mumble.

  She pulls away from him with a yelp. “You scared the shit out of me!” she shrieks at me, her hand at her chest.

  I stand and stare at her and Eddington, my teeth and fists clenched.

  “Hey, Jensen. Guess your plans got changed,” Eddington says with a smirk as he closes her door.

  “Something’s gonna change,” I warn as I stare at him.

  “Talk about your ultimate cockblock,” he mutters as he takes El’s wrap from her shoulders and hangs it up then he throws an arm over her shoulders pulling her to him.

  I look at El and see her face has gone white. “You gonna fuck him?” I ask incredulously.

  “I-I…” she says and I know that was her plan.

  “And it’s gonna be a beautiful thing too,” Eddington throws out there and I’ve had enough.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “She tell you she got off talking to me on the phone last night? Finger fucked herself as I told her what I was gonna do to her when I got back.”

  “Jag!” she hisses, her face turning red as she scoots out from under his arm.

  I stalk to him, stopping three feet away. “You tell her?” I ask.

  He frowns and looks puzzled. “Tell her?”

  “About the college girls?”

  El sucks in a breath when I say that and I have no clue why she reacted that way.


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