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Finally Us (True Love)

Page 14

by Bentley, Harper

  “Get a room,” Isaac says with a chuckle and walks off.

  “A room. Hm,” Jag utters as he looks around the place.

  I smack his arm. “Don’t even think it.”

  “But, shorty,” he raises an eyebrow at me, “I’ve always wanted to do you at Wrigley. It’s a fantasy of mine.”

  I smirk at him. “It’s a fantasy of mine too,” I confess and start giggling when his eyes about bug out.



  “Damn, El, gonna make me pop a boner during the game just thinking about it now.”

  “Whatever.” I laugh. “Okay, gotta go check on the guys and see if they need rubdowns or stretching.”

  “Don’t know if I like the sound of that rubdown shit,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Yeah, ‘cause it’s so sexy.” I roll my eyes. “But if you wanna come with, I’ll do you too.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him then turn and start walking out the door, but before I can leave he catches up to me grabbing my arm and stopping me, bending down to whisper in my ear.

  “You shake that heart-shaped ass of yours like that again and I’m gonna make good on my fantasy happening tonight.”

  I turn and start backing my way out of the training room, but before I exit I look at him wickedly and say, “I dare you.”

  At five, I go out to the field and watch the players stretch as a team then they go into batting practice. Jag’s in the outfield shagging balls with the other pitchers and outfielders, chatting with several of them. He stops and throws his head back, laughing at what one of them says and he’s so freaking hot right then that if I could, I’d jump him this very minute. But I hold my libido at bay and stay where I am and smile at how handsome he is in his uniform.

  It really is amazing being out on the field, though, and it’s then I realize it’s Jag’s first time to be out there. He must be pretty nervous, but you couldn’t tell it from watching him. He’s always been so at home on the field it’s as if he belongs there.

  When the team finishes their warm-up they go back in to the clubhouse and I follow, heading to the training room to make sure no one needs any last-second therapy. When I’m certain no one needs my help, I leave to go back out on the field and wait for the game to start.

  But as I’m walking past the clubhouse, I hear a voice I hoped I’d never have to hear again.


  Holy shit.

  I stop and go back, stepping inside and make my way through a small crowd to see her standing in the middle of the room wearing a Cubs jersey, a pair of skintight jeans and spiked heels, and it looks like she’s giving them a pep talk.

  What the fuck?

  “If you work hard, you’ll win!” she yells then giggles, “win” coming out as “ween,” and I want to slap the ever-loving bajeebus out of her. I clench my teeth and take a deep breath chanting quietly to myself, “I love my job, I love my job” because if I do anything here, I’ll surely be fired. Plus, I’m a grown-ass woman and on top of it being incriminating, it also wouldn’t be ladylike to do something such as, oh, say jumping on her back, knocking her to the ground then pulling her fantastically shiny hair between landing punches to her ridiculously high cheekbones. Damn it.

  She tells them all to gather around to execute a team break, holding her hand up as the players circle in. I notice she doesn’t look pregnant when the jersey raises up to show her flat belly, and I also notice she makes a point to move and get right next to Jag, smiling up at him. He gives her a look that I’ve only seen once before which was when I broke up with him last year, and it’s not a nice look at all. It pretty much says, “Go to hell,” “Eat shit and die,” and “Go fuck yourself” all neatly wrapped up in one. Good. I’m glad he’s not falling for her crap this time.

  Before they do their break, I make my way out to the field and stand at the far end of the dugout, not wanting to run into the heinous bitch just now. I’m also wondering why she’s here, but I figure it out pretty quickly when it’s announced that she’ll be throwing out the first ball. Oh, brother.

  After the National Anthem, she sashays her way out onto the field swinging her ass as if the continuation of mankind depends on how many inches she can pop it out to “there” on each side. I’m so glad Jag’s not starting this game because Westman, the starting pitcher, is already out on the mound and I see her go to him, assuming she’s asking for pointers. She definitely milks it for all she’s worth, having him show her the motions of how to throw, and when he gets behind her holding her arm and making the motion of a pitch, she sticks her ass out as if she’s grinding on the poor guy’s junk. Jeez. I’ve met his wife Jessie and she’s a rowdy little thing, so I’ll bet she’s feeling the same as I am right about now.

  Westman steps back and before she takes the ball from him, she rips her jersey open like she’s Superwoman or some shit, showing that she’s wearing a pink, sparkly bikini top underneath it and the crowd goes wild. She takes the ball from Westman and sticking her boobs and ass out as far as she can get them and winding up, she ends up throwing the ball about two feet. Ugh. Then she plays to the crowd acting embarrassed and all girly and I really want to karate kick her. In the throat. Westman goes forward and picks up the ball handing it to her, and she thanks him by running her hands over the side of his face, down his chest and to his arms where she makes a big deal of the size of his biceps, flirting for all she’s worth. Then she snakes her hand up, and putting it behind his neck, pulls him down, kissing him right on the lips for about five seconds. Oh, Jessie Westman is not going to like that one bit.

  Alessandra finally prances off the field so the game can start, and I’m hoping her heels will get caught in the turf causing her to fall and break her neck, but alas, nothing of the sort happens. Dang it. I wait for her to leave the field but she ends up hanging around the dugout as the official “bat girl.” She still hasn’t buttoned her jersey back up, and I see several of the guys, Newt in particular, watching her with tons of concentration, tongues practically hanging to the ground, waiting for the moment that her ample breasts, which are threatening to just pop out of the damned top she’s got on, do just that.

  I look for Jag but don’t see him in the dugout and finally spy him over in the bullpen throwing. Thank God.

  By the fifth inning, Alessandra’s still putting on a show for anyone who wants to watch, and I get bored of it all so I go back in the training room to watch the game on TV for a bit. Jag’s still hanging out in the bullpen, so there’s no threat that she’s going to be chatting him up, which is a good damned thing.

  At the bottom of the sixth, I go back out to watch the game and Ms. I Think I’m The Reason All These People Are in the Stands is still going at it. But I notice she’s now more focused on the dugout, and I see that Jag has returned to it. Great. I move to where I have a better view and want to laugh at how hard she’s trying to get his attention and failing. I want to shout, “I love you, Jag!” as loudly as I can because I’m so glad he’s ignoring her right now. I guess he was right about finally understanding things.

  It’s the seventh-inning stretch and everyone’s standing singing, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” and afterward I hear the announcer doing the usual, going on about different sponsors and this and that and then I hear him announce my name.


  I stand there thinking I must’ve heard wrong when he says again, “Ellen Love, please come to the pitcher’s mound!”

  I feel my face get hot and look around again as if there’s been a mistake.

  “El! Get your ass out there,” Isaac yells from behind me where he’s coming up the ramp from the training room.

  Startled, I turn and look to see him grinning from ear to ear. “What? Why?”

  He gets to me and says, “Because they just called for you, that’s why. Now get out there!” and he shoves me lightly in the back, pushing me forward.

  Oh, God. I hate stuff like this. Hate being singled out in front of
people, much less 30,000 of them! Ack! I turn and look back at Isaac who bugs his eyes out at me and points toward the field. What in the world is going on? Did I win the lottery or something? Can you win the lottery if you’re not even playing it?

  I walk past third base, nervously approaching the pitcher’s mound, looking around me the entire time still not knowing why I’m being asked to do this. Then a horrible thought hits me. Maybe Alessandra’s going to ambush me and now my guard really goes up as I look over to see her glaring at me. At least I know where she is and can be ready for her if she rushes me.

  When I get to the mound, the entire crowd starts cheering wildly. Um. Then I see movement to my right and look over to see Jag coming toward me with a huge smile on his face. The media’s going nuts, having come out on the field to take pictures, and the side of me that still refuses to trust him wonders if he’s going to break up with me in front of everyone, declaring that he and Alessandra have always been an item.


  My heart’s in my throat because I can’t imagine what’s going to happen once he gets to me. I see he’s holding a microphone, I guess so everyone can hear it when he breaks my heart. Oh, and this game is being nationally televised, so everyone in the country can hear it too. Yay.

  When he gets to me, he laughs and says, “Babe,” because I know the look on my face is my Scared Shitless one, but I can’t help it.

  When he takes a knee, I’m wondering who’s been injured because players always do that to take a rest as the hurt player’s taken off the field. I look around but don’t see anyone and look back at him in confusion.

  “Turn around,” he says.

  Oh, now he’s proving he’s in cahoots with Alessandra, making it to where she can ambush me by attacking from behind. I frown at him and he repeats himself. I take a deep breath, ready to be humiliated and turn and feel like this is all a bad dream. I stand there for a second when I notice the Jumbotron blinking crazily and I look at it.


  Will you marry me?

  Please say YES!


  Oh. My. God.

  Oh, my God!

  Omigod, omigod, omigod!

  I whip back around and see him holding out a ring box. He’s not freaking taking a knee. He’s kneeling and proposing to me! Gah! My hands go to my mouth as I stare at the fifty-billion carat ring he’s holding out to me. Okay, it’s not that big, but close. I look at him and he’s still grinning like mad at how I’m reacting, I’m pretty sure.

  “Jag,” I whisper, my hands still covering my mouth.

  And I realize this isn’t a bad dream after all. It’s the best dream ever except it’s real. Which is totally awesome!

  “Will you, El? Be my wife? Make me the happiest son of a bitch on the planet?” he asks.

  All I can do is nod, first slowly then furiously and then I tackle him.

  Chapter 20


  I crack up laughing as El jumps on me right there on the pitcher’s mound.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she squeals at me, kissing me all over my face.

  I’m on my back underneath her and laughing so hard my sides hurt. “Save the ‘yesses’ for later, baby. You’ll need ‘em,” I say with a grin then sit up with her straddling me, and taking the ring out of the box, slide it onto her finger then grabbing her on both sides of her face, kiss her hard. The crowd’s still going wild, but I barely hear them. When I pull back I ask her seriously, “You’ll be my wife?”

  She’s now got tears in her eyes and as a few drop over the brim and down her cheeks, she answers, “Yes, Jag. I’d love to be your wife. I love you.”

  I smile, and still caressing her face in my hands, wipe her tears with my thumbs. “Love you too. Forever and a day, babe.” I lean in and kiss long and hard, ecstatic that she’s said yes. I pull back and grab her waist helping her to stand then get up myself, and once standing, I grab her again and give her another hot kiss for the crowd’s sake as they cheer even louder. Hey, I’m a crowd pleaser, what can I say? We walk off the field, my arm draped over her shoulders, hers around my waist, and I wave to the stands when I hear people shout, “Good job, Jag!” and “Congrats, Jag!”

  I take her hand and lead her down the steps into the dugout. “Be back, Coach,” I say and pull her down the stairs to the ramp that goes to the clubhouse.

  “Jag!” she hisses. “What are you doing?” She pulls on my hand making me stop.

  I look back at her and say, “Fantasy.”

  “What? Now? Oh, my God! Everyone’s gonna know what we’re doing! Everyone!” she screeches. The look of shock on her face is priceless.

  I bark out a laugh. “And?” I ask.

  “And they’ll know!”

  “Babe, I just proposed to you. Don’t give a shit what they know. C’mon,” I say, tugging on her hand again.

  I hear her calling my name again but I don’t care. We’re going to seal the deal now. We make it through the tunnel to the clubhouse and Isaac’s standing outside the door.

  “All clear, man,” he says with a grin.

  “Thanks,” I say and give him a fist bump then pull El inside the clubhouse.

  Once inside, I let her hand go and she snaps, “And now Isaac knows!”

  “Yeah, so,” I mumble as I turn my cap around backwards then lower my head, pressing my lips to her neck, slowly moving her toward my locker.

  “But…” she gets out then moans when I bite her neck softly, sucking on it and she suddenly pulls back. “Don’t you dare give me another hickey, Jagger Jensen!”

  I laugh because she’s too fucking cute. We’ve reached my locker and I sit in my chair, pulling her to me with my hands on her waist then putting my head down, rest the top of it against her stomach. I close my eyes and thank whoever’s out there that she said “Yes.”

  She puts a hand on the back of my head on my ball cap and one on my shoulder. “Jag…”

  I look up at her and almost get choked up. “Thank you.”

  “For?” she asks, confused as her brow wrinkles.

  “For being in my life. For being so good. For saying yes,” I tell her.

  “Always wanted to be your wife,” she says as I reach up and pull her polo work shirt over her head. Her hands go to my shoulders as I unbutton her khakis, pulling down the zipper then press my lips against her flat abdomen.

  She toes off her shoes, and I help her slide her pants and panties down and off. She now stands in front of me in just her white, lacy bra looking absolutely perfect. I watch as my hands slide up her stomach to her breasts, pulling her bra down to release them and lean in taking one then the other in my mouth, sucking deep as she arches against me with a moan. I reach up and with a hand behind her neck pull her down for a kiss, then letting her go, slide my hand back down her between her breasts, over her stomach and down to her leg, wrapping my hand behind her thigh and pulling her leg up so she rests her foot on my thigh.

  “Oh, God,” she mutters as I move forward and lick her gorgeous pussy, deep kissing her, licking and sucking her in, making her utter sounds that turn me the fuck on. She pulls my cap off, throwing it to the side and threads her fingers through my hair as she gasps at what I’m doing to her. I slide two fingers inside her now, hitting that spot that drives her crazy, pushing against it as I move my fingers in and out, and I’m not disappointed when she sucks in a breath then breathes out, “Yes, oh, Jag, yes, there.”

  I keep my eyes on her as I move my mouth up, then pressing into her spot inside with my fingers, I suck her clit in hard and she’s there as she throws her head back and screams my name. I hold her for a moment making sure she can stand on her shaky legs, then unbuckle my belt and somehow manage to get my uniform pants unzipped and pulled down along with my slider shorts. I pull her forward to straddle my legs then hold my cock up and slide her down onto me.

  And sweet Jesus, she feels so fucking good.

  “Jag,” she whispers as I hold her waist and start moving her up and down
on me.

  Her legs finally come back to her, and with her toes pushing off the floor, she begins riding me hard, her tits bouncing in front of my face gloriously.

  “Fuck yeah,” I groan watching as my beautiful fiancée fucks me. I grab a handful of her hair in back and pull her to me roughly, slamming my mouth against hers, loving how she tastes, how she feels, how she sounds.

  She drops a hand down between us and touches herself, and I feel like I’m on sensory overload here with all that’s going on. “So fucking sexy,” I growl, helping her move on me.

  I move forward and take us down to the floor as she wraps her legs around me, and I start pounding inside her. And looking down at her, so stunning as she writhes beneath me, it’s like I can’t get enough as my thrusts come harder and faster. I don’t know if it’s because everything’s finally right in our lives or what, but I’ve never fucked her this hard before and I can’t seem to stop, listening to the sounds coming out of her each time I ram my cock powerfully inside her. It’s like I want to be inside her, like really inside her, I want her to surround me, and I think this must be what true love really is, being so wrapped up in your partner that you just want to breathe her in, envelop her until you become one.

  “Fuck!” I roar as I bury myself inside her, coming so hard I black the hell out and collapse on top of her.

  Holy fuck.

  I lie there on top of her, breathing heavily, trying to come back to myself. Jesus Christ. I’ve never come this hard before. I finally pull myself up and look down at her, still breathing hard, and she reaches a hand up, wiping away the sweat that’s running down the side of my face.

  “Did you feel that?” she asks.

  “Yeah,” I say between breaths. “What was that?”

  She shakes her head then answers, “True love, I guess.” Then she giggles. “Ugh, that’s so sappy,” she says and covers her face with her left hand and I see her ring sparkling up at me.

  I pull her hand away and kiss her ring then smile down at her. “No, I think you’re right,” I say, and dip down to kiss her the way she should always be kissed, a kiss full of passion and heat and intensity and love.


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