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A Daring Journey: The Dare Menage Series, Book 6

Page 5

by Jeanne St. James

  That comment surprised her. “Why?”

  “Because I normally prefer men. I love women, too, don’t get me wrong. But it takes a certain type of woman to grab my attention.”

  Mac smiled into the phone. “I’m that type of woman?”

  “That you are.”

  “I should feel special.”


  But his self-admitted sexual preference had her curious. “When did you discover you were bi? I French kissed a girl once and I didn’t like it. It was in high school during a party and I’d been drinking.” While Mac had always been open to try anything, being with another girl just didn’t work for her.

  “I lost my virginity in tenth grade with a girl and I did like it. A lot, in fact. I’m not so sure she liked it since it lasted about thirty seconds.” He chuckled again. “Then I kissed a boy in college and I found I liked that, too. Like you, I was also drunk. However, I ended up kissing a lot more guys in college when I wasn’t drunk. Which led into a year-long affair with one of the professors on campus. He taught me a lot.”

  “Hmm. Interesting.” She didn’t think professor-student relationships were allowed. She also wondered what this professor “taught” him besides the normal college curriculum.

  Before she could dig deeper into that revelation, he continued, “But you avoided me on the singles app because I was bi.”

  “Like I said, it wasn’t only you. I ignored all the messages. But when it comes to a man who’s bi, it’s because it puts me in competition with both sexes instead of just one.” Maybe that was a false fear on her part, but it was still true.

  “You shouldn’t look at it that way. You’re unique.”

  “How so? You mean because I’m a natural redhead?”

  “That’s only one defining thing about you, MacKenzie. You’re much more than that.”

  “You haven’t known me long enough to say that.”

  “No, but we’ve been getting to know each other this past week. Even if only over the phone and by text.”

  “By the way, I have to thank you for not immediately sending me dick pics and sexting.”

  “You don’t like dicks or sex?” he teased.

  “I love dicks and sex,” she stated through a laugh.

  “Oh good. I got worried for a minute. Especially since I love both, too. And I apologize for men everywhere for the assholes who have sent you unsolicited and unwelcomed things like that. Some men will never learn that it’s not a way to woo a woman.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to do? Woo me?”

  “Right now, I’m trying to get you back to your original intention in regards to this phone call.”

  Mac smiled, and two fingers easily slipped inside her. She was so ready to get down to business with the man on the other end of the phone.

  “Have you ever had phone sex before?” he asked.

  “Yes. You?”

  “Yes. Surprisingly, it can be very satisfying. And since I travel a lot...”

  “Does that mean you’re an expert at it?” He had a great, orgasm-inducing voice for phone sex.

  “You’ll have to let me know afterward.”

  “I will.” She pushed her fingers deeper into her own slick heat. “But you’ll have to hurry, since I’m already touching myself and simply talking to you makes me want to come.”

  Mac heard his hitched breath on the other end of the phone.

  “I am, too. I’m so fucking hard right now. I have my fist wrapped tightly around my cock and I’m stroking it slowly, all the way up to the head and then back down to my balls.”

  “Did you use lube?” Was he the kind of man who carried lube, just in case? Whether for his own use or for if he came across a potential male partner? He seemed to be the type who liked to be prepared.


  “Good. Now you can feel how wet I am for you.”

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “MacKenzie...”

  God, her name on his lips... “Hmm?”

  “When you’re ready, you’ll need to tell me when to come. I won’t come unless you tell me to.”

  That pulled her out of her euphoria a little bit. “And if I don’t?”

  “Then I won’t.”

  “You can do that?” Mac couldn’t keep the amazement out of her voice.


  Impressive. “That’s some willpower.”

  “Years of practice,” he stated too matter-of-factly.

  “Sounds like punishment.”

  “Oh, it’s not,” he assured her softly.

  “I’m not sure if I’d like that.”

  “You might. You don’t know until you try.”

  “Not tonight. I look forward to you making me come.”

  The other end of the phone went too quiet.

  “Damon,” she finally whispered.

  “Yes?” he whispered back.

  “Make me come.”

  “Are you close now?”

  “Yesss,” she hissed softly.

  “Then I’ll make you come twice.”

  Just like that. I’ll make you come twice. Confident. Mac liked that about him. Self-assured but not cocky or arrogant.

  “What are you wearing?”

  Should she lie and say some sexy negligee? “A tee,” she admitted.

  “That’s it?”


  “Take it off.”

  She set the phone down and jerked the large T-shirt over her head, throwing it toward the end of the bed. She quickly put her phone back to her ear. “Okay,” she breathed.

  “Put me on speaker phone and put the phone next to you on your pillow so you can hear me clearly.”

  His command shot hot lightning into her core and it speared her right where her two fingers were sliding in and out of herself.

  She did as he demanded. “Now you.” Two could play at this game of bossiness.

  “I’m already naked for you and I have my Bluetooth in my ear. I’m so hard. I wish it was your mouth wrapped around my cock instead of my fist.”

  “Me, too.” She imagined what he would taste like in her mouth. A little salty, his skin like smooth velvet over steel. His scent manly and a little musky. Oh, yes...

  “How many fingers are you using?”


  “Where’s your thumb?”

  “On my clit, wishing it was your tongue instead.”

  His low groan swirled through her brain, making her clench tightly around her fingers.

  “I want you to come quickly the first time, but the second I’m going to draw out until you’re squirming and desperate and ready to explode.”

  She tried to get a “yes” past her throat, but it was stuck. Her hips lifted slightly with each thrust of her fingers.

  “What color are your nipples?”

  She opened her eyes at the odd question and glanced down at how tightly peaked her nipples were. “Pink.” She was sure there was a more accurate name for the shade of pink, but that would take too much effort to think about.

  “When I’m done with you, they will be a beautiful red.”

  Mac shuddered at his words. “How?”

  “I’m going to bite them, suck them, and twist them on the way to your second orgasm.”

  She swallowed her groan. “I haven’t had my first yet.”

  “Soon...” he whispered. “Pinch the tips. Only the tips. Hard. Close your eyes. Picture me there doing that to you. Your fingers become my fingers and my cock. Your thumb becomes my tongue. I want you to do to yourself what you’d want me to do to you.”

  Mac’s mouth parted but nothing escaped but a ragged breath.

  “Use both of my hands, MacKenzie.”

  She reluctantly let her fingers slip from between her wet and now swollen folds, away from her sensitive clit.

  “Are my fingers wet?”


  “Lick them clean. Let me taste you first.”

  She’d never done that before... She lifted h
er hand to her mouth and tentatively touched the tip of her tongue to her fingers.

  “Suck them. Let me hear how good you taste.”

  She circled her fingers with her mouth and sucked, her tongue gathering her arousal. She moaned.

  “That’s it,” came low and raw through the phone. “Tell me what it tastes like.”

  She wasn’t sure she could describe it. “I don’t know... tangy... sort of salty but...” She swirled her tongue around her fingers again. “Acidic... a little like salt and vinegar chips.” She waited for him to laugh at that description, but he didn’t.

  “Mmm. An irresistible snack. Now, your nipples need attention. I want to feel the weight of your breasts first. Cup them and brush my thumbs over the tips. They are begging for my mouth, aren’t they?”

  She blew out a breath and closed her eyes once more as she squeezed her breasts gently, feeling the soft weight. Imagining what he would be experiencing if he was actually doing it instead. Imagining what she would be feeling if it really was his large hands caressing her.

  “The tips are so sensitive right now.”

  “And my thumbs are rough. Pinch them both. Twist.”

  She did.

  “Pull them until they can’t be stretched any farther.”

  She did as was told, squirming on the bed as she did so.

  “Pinch them harder until it hurts a little. Just enough to make you feel it all the way to your toes.”

  She tweaked them harder between her thumbs and forefingers. She found it surprising she liked that discomfort and did it even harder until a gasp escaped her.

  “Yes, that’s a good girl. Harder now. Can you come with just me playing like this?”

  Could she? She never had before. But then, she never tried to before, either. “I don’t know.”

  “I don’t like that answer. Try again.”

  Mac’s eyes opened. What?

  “Try again, MacKenzie,” he said more firmly. “Can you come simply with me playing with you like this? My fingers twisting and plucking your aching nipples...”

  “Yes... yes... Do it harder.” Mac caught only the tips between her fingers and pinched them so hard her back bowed and she cried out. A trickle of wet slipped from her. It was suddenly like her breasts had a direct connection to her core.

  It was amazing.

  “I’m going to use my teeth now, baby. I want that pleasurable tinge of pain to take you over the top. Are you ready?”


  She squeezed her eyes shut when those dark, broad lips engulfed her nipple, then the sharp sting of his teeth scraped over the very tip.

  “Look how red and swollen your nipples are. So beautiful. So responsive to my touch.”

  Mac twisted even harder as his low voice moved through her, swirling and gathering speed, her pussy pulsed now just from his words, from her fantasy of him being there in bed with her.

  “I’m going to bite you and leave my mark on you. Around your nipple. I’m going to claim it as mine. Do you want that?”


  “It’s going to hurt a little.”

  “I don’t care,” she managed on a broken whisper. “Do it. Hurry, please. I’m about to come.” She was teetering on that sharp edge. Waiting for his teeth to sink into her flesh. For him to claim her.

  “I want you to say my name when you do.”

  Oh God, she didn’t even know her own name right now.

  A noise rose up through the phone. A low growl that ended in a moan as his teeth took purchase.

  “Damon.” Her hips shot off the bed as her core clenched and pulsated so intensely, she lost her breath.

  After a second, he released her breasts and his fingers found her center, slipped inside and she cried out his name once more as she came again. His hand moved frantically, never stopping its movement as she gasped, and her heart thumped as she came one more time.

  Three times in rapid succession.

  Then she dropped her weight back to the bed, her breath coming hard and fast. Her eyes still squeezed shut. She needed him inside her. The real Damon. The man who was a thousand miles away. She needed to feel his smooth, warm skin against her, hear his voice not through a small speaker, feel his mouth, his lips, his long fingers for real.

  “MacKenzie...” wormed its way through her muddled mind.

  “Yes,” she murmured weakly, feeling like every bone had fled her body.

  “I won’t come until you tell me to.”

  Her eyes popped open and she grabbed the phone off the pillow, putting it to her ear. “I want to watch.”

  She never willingly welcomed a dick pic before in her life. But now she was desperate for one. A live action shot, though.

  His voice was strained as he said, “We’ll have to hang up and I’ll call you right back. I can video call you.”

  She pressed End so quickly on her phone, she worried about him thinking her rude.

  But her phone lit up just as quickly and she answered the call. “Hey.”

  His face filled the screen. His strong brow, dark brown eyes, his full lips... So unbelievably handsome. “Hey, you,” he greeted like he did every time. “I see how flushed your face is. It’s beautiful. I want to see you.”

  She knew what he meant, but suddenly she felt self-conscious. She was not nearly as beautiful as him. “Not yet. When we’re face to face.”

  “You want to see me, but I can’t see you?”


  He raised a brow and gave her a stern look. “I will allow it this time, but next...” He let that hang out there.

  He will allow it?

  Hmm. Interesting. “Then I will allow you to come.”


  The picture got blurry for a second as he swung the phone around so the camera was aimed at his belly.

  Mac lost her breath again. She was right, the man was in shape under that uniform. From what she could see, his skin was almost flawless, and the rich tone was smooth... perfect. Even though she was spent, it made her squeeze her thighs together.

  When he adjusted the camera angle just enough, she saw him. He had his fingers curled tightly around his erection, which rose like a thick dark spear away from his body. It was shiny because of the lube but when he moved the phone closer, she could see a bead of precum had formed at the tip. Then his fist glided up his solid length and his thumb swept it away.

  His hips rose slightly as his fist slid back down. As his grip rose again, his hips lowered. She became entranced with the smooth movement, his steady breathing that hitched each time he squeezed the crown before heading back down to the root.


  Mac licked her lips. “Yes?”

  “You must use my name and tell me when to come.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Do you like watching me?”

  She’d never watched anything so mesmerizing. “Yes.”

  “I like you watching me, as well.”

  Was he ready to come? Should she tell him to? She had no idea how any of that worked. Was it even possible to come on command? Or had he been ready to come all this time and he could simply control it that well? It was possible he was ready to burst and he just had superhuman willpower.


  He didn’t answer, his breathing became louder in what she could only imagine was anticipation of what she was about to say next.

  “Are you ready to come?”

  He still didn’t answer, but his hand flexed around his cock and his pace increased.

  “Damon... you may come.”

  Like hers had when she orgasmed, his hips shot up, a long, low groan filled her bedroom as his hips twitched and cum landed on his dark skin in thick streams. It almost seemed endless, as if he’d been holding back for way too long.

  Eventually, he relaxed back onto the mattress and she heard a long, satisfied-sounding sigh. When he uncurled his fingers from his length, she was pleased to see his size. Not t
oo big, but certainly not small. He looked perfect for her.

  His voice, still a little ragged, came through the phone. “If you were here, I’d have you lick me clean since you’ve caused a mess.”

  “Would you force me or ask me?”

  “Which would you prefer?”


  “Then I would ask you.” Suddenly his face was back filling the screen. His eyelids were heavy, a soft smile curled his lips. “Did I count correctly?”

  Did he count what? Ah... “You did if you counted three.”

  His lazy chuckle once again filled the room. “If I can give you three from what feels like a million miles away, I can’t wait to see how we are together when we’re in the same room. I expect it’ll be spectacular.”

  “I suspect that, too.”

  “I cannot wait.”

  “Me neither.” Which was so true.

  “As much as I enjoyed this, I need to get some sleep so I’m rested for tomorrow morning’s early flight. But at least I’ll fall asleep satisfied and dream of you.”

  She might end up doing the same.

  “Goodnight, MacKenzie.”

  “You can call me Mac.”

  A wicked smile was his only answer before the screen went dark.

  Chapter 5

  Trevor stood on the stoop staring at the dark blue painted front door. The house was a modest two-story, the yard well-maintained, the landscaping professionally done. The paved driveway was empty, and he only hoped that the two-car garage held Damon’s car as he knocked on the door.

  After the other night at the bar, it had taken every bit of strength and determination he had to show up at the man’s home. But he couldn’t give up so easily. He understood Damon’s anger. In fact, Trevor embraced it.

  Simply because he deserved every drop of it.

  But he couldn’t move forward unless Damon forgave him. Even if his former lover wouldn’t accept him back, wouldn’t give him a second chance, his soul might settle a little with forgiveness.

  Even so, Damon didn’t owe him anything.

  What Trevor did was wrong. Awful, in fact. To hurt the one person in the whole world that loved you completely was...


  Trevor closed his eyes and pressed his fists to the sides of his thighs.


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