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A Daring Journey: The Dare Menage Series, Book 6

Page 15

by Jeanne St. James

  Her answer to his question was her rushing toward the front door.


  Chapter 13

  The front door to the condo swung open and after a quick glance at Mac, he lifted his gaze over her head to glare at Trevor standing down the hallway in what appeared to be an entrance to a kitchen.

  Son of a bitch.

  He unlocked his jaws. “You’ve been avoiding me. Now I know why.”

  Mac sucked in an audible breath, pulling his gaze back to her.

  “I didn’t think you were coming back until tomorrow evening.”

  How fucking convenient. “I switched routes with another pilot. You were avoiding my calls and I figured I better find out why.” His gaze rose back to Trevor. “Now I know. Seriously, Trev? You went behind my back and made moves on the woman I’m interested in? Why the fuck are you here?”

  Even from where he stood he could see Trevor’s lips flatten out.

  “It’s not what it looks like...” When Mac’s words trailed off, Damon saw her grimace.


  “Well, it’s not quite what you think,” she corrected.

  “This should be good,” he muttered. Why was he still standing there? He needed to turn around and walk away. If the woman he wanted was being pursued by a man who used to be his lover, then...

  Then he had no business interfering.

  He shook his head, spun on his heels and then froze when Trevor called out, “No! Damon! Don’t go.”

  He stood on the edge of the concrete stoop staring at Trevor’s car in the driveway as he heard the man rush down the hallway toward him.

  His heart began to thump way too hard for his liking.

  “Damon,” Trevor called out more quietly. “It really isn’t what you think.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. Trevor was standing behind Mac in the doorway, which made her look short since Trevor was about six-foot-one.

  “You know, I gave you the opportunity to explain to me why you left five years ago. I’m not sure I have the patience to let you explain this. You’re batting a thousand, Trev, and you just made my decision a lot easier. You both have.”

  “Damon, please come in and talk to us. If you’re not going to let him explain, then allow me that opportunity. Please,” Mac pleaded.

  Damon closed his eyes and when he opened them, Trevor’s car was still in Mac’s driveway. It made no sense.

  He turned to face them. “Are you trying to hurt me again, Trev? Did I do something to you that I’m not aware of for you to keep ripping my heart out? Can you please tell me what I did to make you do this?”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m trying to make you happy.”

  Damon shook his head in disbelief. “How?”

  He pushed past Mac and came to stand in front of Damon. Close enough that Damon could see the silver and gray flecks in his irises. Trevor’s familiar scent filled his nostrils.

  “I know this looks bad. It’s not. Or at least it wasn’t meant to be. I came here Saturday afternoon to get to know Mac. I figured if I found that she was perfect for you, I’d just let you go. Because I do want you to be happy, Day. There’s nothing I want more. You deserve it after what I did.”

  “Finding you here does not make me happy.”

  “I know. We didn’t plan it like this.”

  Plan? What were they planning? And why? “Do you want to tell me how the hell you even ended up here on Saturday?”

  Mac joined them, standing next to Trevor. “He came to talk to me. To explain why he showed up on your doorstep that morning.”

  If she thought she was helping Trevor, she wasn’t. “Why would you do that, Trev? I told you I needed to give all of this some thought. I came here to apologize, Mac, for Trevor showing up unexpectedly on Saturday morning. I tried to call you several times, and you put me off. If you’re no longer interested, then you could have communicated that. I told you communication and honesty are key with me.”

  Trevor placed a hand on Damon’s upper arm. “Day, come inside. Let’s get this straightened out.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  Trevor looked him directly in the eye and stated, “No.”

  Why didn’t that answer make him feel relieved? Because something else was going on. Something behind his back. He didn’t like it. Not at all.

  Maybe he should’ve asked that question differently. “Do you want to sleep with her?”

  “Can we not do this out here, please?” Trevor asked, giving his arm a squeeze.

  Damon stared at the fingers curled around his bicep. He should be angry with Trevor, not missing him deep down inside. He tried to push that away.

  “That wasn’t an answer, Trev. It certainly wasn’t a no.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” Trevor said softly.

  Damon’s spine stiffened, and he pulled his shoulders back. “Then there’s no reason for me to be here.” When he went to turn again, Trevor gripped his arm harder, preventing him from leaving unless he ripped his arm out of the man’s grasp. “Trev, let me go.”

  “I’m not letting you go.”

  Damon’s eyes flipped up from Trevor’s hand to his gray eyes. They held a determination and dominance that Damon had never seen, even all those years ago. Trevor had always let Damon take the lead in their relationship, but it sounded like the man had lived a lifetime during his “journey,” so things could’ve changed.

  That confidence, that power, made Damon’s cock stir in his pants, surprising him.

  “Come inside and let us talk to you,” Trevor said more firmly, his fingers flexing on Damon’s arms.

  Trevor wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Damon’s pulse began to beat wildly. He studied the man in front of him and an ache of need, desire and love filled his chest.

  “You’ve changed,” Damon murmured.

  “I had no choice. I had to take control of my life or it would’ve destroyed me.”

  Damon’s gaze sliced to Mac, who had a hand on Trevor’s hip. Was it so she’d step in if things got physical between the two of them? If that happened, she’d end up hurt, not helping.

  But there was no danger of that, anyway. He would never strike Trevor, even out of anger. Real men didn’t do that to the people they loved. They discussed things. Something he was denied by Trevor in the past.

  And here he was denying Trevor that same thing.

  He nodded, more to himself than anyone else and swallowed the lump in his throat. “Okay, let’s talk.”

  Trevor’s grip relaxed and he blew out a breath. “Thank you.”

  Damon forced himself to nod again and followed them inside. Mac pointed toward an area off the small foyer, which turned out to be a living room.

  “Please sit. Beer, Damon?”

  A beer wasn’t going to be strong enough to take off the edge. “Do you have something stronger?”

  “Captain Morgan?”

  That wasn’t his drink of choice, but it would have to do. “Please,” he said as he settled at the one end of the couch and was surprised when Trevor didn’t follow suit.

  No, instead his former lover announced, “I’ll help,” and followed Mac out of the room.

  Well, damn.

  His thoughts began to spin as he leaned his head back on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Why couldn’t he wrap his head around Trevor being at Mac’s?

  It wasn’t jealousy he was feeling. Disappointment was what it was. Disappointment that Trevor reached out to Mac when he had no right to.

  Oh, wait. His reason was to explain why he showed up at Damon’s door last Saturday morning. Which should’ve come from him, not Trevor. Damon was capable of explaining just as well.

  Damon sat up when he heard footsteps. Trevor came in first and handed him a glass.

  He took a sip and coughed. “Holy hell, that’s strong.”

  Trevor’s lips curled only slightly at the corners. “I figured you’d need it.”

  “I also need to drive.” />
  “Not yet. You’ll be fine.”

  Damon took a longer sip, this time prepared for the burn at the back of his throat. “Is there even soda in this?”


  Damon eyed the glass in Trevor’s hand as he sat at the other end of the couch, leaving plenty of space between them. “What are you drinking?” It looked much lighter than Damon’s but wasn’t beer.

  “Iced tea. She brews her own.”

  She brews her own.

  Trevor knew something about her Damon didn’t. What the fuck.

  “I no longer drink,” Trevor said quietly.

  Damon’s head spun toward him. “I thought you weren’t an addict.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Personal choice, then?”

  After taking a sip of his iced tea, Trevor took his time putting his glass down on a coaster on the coffee table in front of the couch. “Yes. It’s for the best.”

  “Trevor,” Damon whispered, grabbing his hand before he could return it to his lap. “It was worse than what you told me.”

  “Yes,” Trevor confirmed not meeting Damon’s gaze.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I.”

  Mac came into the room with what looked like a drink similar to Damon’s, only her glass was half empty already. She set it down on the coffee table next to Trevor’s and dragged a chair over to face the couch.

  As she sat, Damon let his gaze roam over her. He should be mad at her for letting Trevor into her house, into her life, into their budding relationship.

  He wasn’t. He hoped there was a good reason.

  He guzzled down more of his strong drink, the warmth swirling into his gut, then he set it aside and crossed his arms over his chest.

  He couldn’t wait to hear what that reason was.

  Mac had remained in the kitchen for a few minutes after Trevor took Damon’s drink out to him.

  They hadn’t said much to each other because they were both too nervous to create a better game plan. They would just have to wing it.

  After making her own drink just as strong as Damon’s, she thought about her conversation with Gia. While they’d been able to get Paige alone, Gia ended up doing most of the talking, which was typical Gia. Paige only interjected when needed.

  When Gia found out why Mac wanted to talk to Paige, she just about imploded. Then she stated, in no uncertain terms, that Mac was a fool if she let an opportunity to be with two men go.

  Surprisingly, Gia was almost a voice of reason. “What’s the difference between ‘seeing’ one man or two? You still must go through that growing stage to see if it’s right, if it’s someone you want to be with and work toward a possible future. The difference is, you have to see if you mesh with two men instead.”

  “It’s hard enough with one man,” Mac complained.

  “But you like him. Is the sex hot?” Gia asked with a lift of her hand. “Please tell me the sex is bangin’. Because I can just close my eyes and imagine it with that smoking hot pilot in that drool-worthy uniform. Please give me that fantasy to keep me warm tonight.”

  “It’s... We only... Honestly, it was the best I ever had.” That had been certainly true even though it had only been one night.

  And morning.

  Gia then waved her hand around. “This other guy, the ex, the one that showed up out of the blue, he’s hot?”

  “He’s actually... gorgeous. Sexy. But they have a connection since they were together for years. I’m not sure I can just slip in there.”

  “Oh, yes you can. You can slip, wedge, slither your way between them. And then you get to experience both of them. Phew.” Gia fanned her face. “I’m getting overheated just thinking about it.”

  “Look,” Paige finally said, “I loved Connor to death before we met Grae. And while it was a little rocky at first, once everything smoothed out...” She smiled. “It’s so, so, so worth it. Do things still get a little hectic? Yes, even before the twins. But the important thing is to put any jealousy aside and everyone must be equal. No favorites. But that doesn’t mean you all have to be in bed at the same time, either. There are times where Grae drags Connor up to bed early. Can I join them?” Paige shrugged. “Sure, they wouldn’t say no, but sometimes they need that time together, just the two of them. Then I get plenty of sexy alone time with Grae when Connor’s traveling for work. And the same with Connor when Grae is off to colleges doing his football recruiting thing. But let me tell you how hot it is when I’m there and the two of them are...” A smile crossed her face and her expression softened. “It’s a huge turn-on—at least for me—to watch the two men I love make love to each other. Then when they both turn their attention to me...?”

  “That’s how you got pregnant and now have a baby from each of them,” Gia had reminded Paige. “You took the term ‘swirl’ to a new level.”

  “Right,” Paige muttered.

  Mac jumped out of her skin as Gia slammed her hand on the table where they sat out by the lake. “How does this keep happening? I want a damn threesome and everyone else keeps somehow falling into them! If Gayle announces she’s in a threesome, I’m jumping off a damn cliff.”

  “Did you ever think you weren’t meant to be in a triad? That maybe there’s one man out there for you who would worship the ground you walk on? Wouldn’t that be enough?”

  Gia pursed her lips as she considered Paige’s words, then shook her head. “No. If there is, then he’d better get with the program and find us a third. Because that’s my life goal. To be worshipped by two men.”

  “Quality not quantity,” Mac murmured.

  “Says the woman who has an opportunity I’d be dying for. You have to at least try. You like Damon.” Gia paused before asking, “If you don’t try, do you think you’ll lose him?”

  “I don’t know. Like I said, there’s a strong connection between them. And though it may be frayed and damaged, from the little interaction I’ve seen, I don’t think it’ll take much for it to strengthen.”

  “There’s definitely a connection between you and Damon?” Paige asked.

  “Yes, there is.”

  “How about this Trevor?”

  “Yes, at least sexually. We haven’t spent much time together for it to be anything more.”

  “Hold up!” Gia shouted, making both Paige and Mac wince. “You had sex with Trevor, too?

  “Not yet. But when he gave me a massage, it wasn’t a typical massage.” Heat rushed into Mac’s cheeks.

  “One with a happy ending?”

  “No, but I was definitely feeling something between us. Again, it was only a sexual attraction.”

  “That’s all you need to start with,” Paige said. “Listen, I just about melted when I spotted Grae across a room and that was with my husband sitting next to me.”

  Mac’s eyebrows rose up her head. “He didn’t mind?”

  “No, he was interested, too.”

  “That sounds too easy.” And definitely not like a normal marriage.

  “Like I said, it wasn’t. We had our rocky moments at first. The sex was great, but Grae felt like a third wheel because of Connor and I already being together for so long. We had that strong connection you’re talking about.”

  “That’s my fear. Feeling like a third wheel. Maybe Trevor and Damon aren’t together now, but they were. They have history.”

  “Rewrite history,” Gia suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “You can’t rewrite history,” Paige said. “You have to forge a new path. Hell, you might have to hack your way through it with a machete. But, again, it could be worth it. Or it was for us. For my brother and Grae’s brother, too.”

  “Your brother is Trey?”

  Paige smirked. “My brother is Logan. He’s also in a triad and they now have children, too.”

  “Damn,” Mac whispered.

  “Right?” Gia asked. “I have to find out what flavor Kool-Aid you all are drinking.”

  “If the three of you are willing to g
ive it a try, then invite them over here. Hang out with Gryff, Rayne and Trey. Hell, sometimes Logan, Ty and Quinn have cookouts at the farm. See how the dynamics work in a threesome versus a couple.”

  “I never knew so many people were into polyamory,” Mac murmured in surprise.

  “While it’s not common, it isn’t unusual, either,” Paige stated. “We’re all out for the most part. Not all polyamory relationships are. Any relationships considered ‘different’ can be looked down upon by others thinking we’re not ‘normal.’” Paige shrugged. “To each his own. We’re all consenting adults who created a family. And everyone else can mind their own fucking business if they don’t like it,” Paige finished, then went back up to the house to go nurse the twins.

  Gia and Mac had remained down at the dock.

  “You have to at least explore this opportunity.”

  “We haven’t even talked to Damon yet.”

  “Then do it.”

  “And if he doesn’t agree?”

  “Then he’s a fool.”

  Mac wasn’t so sure that was true. Maybe she was the fool for suggesting this arrangement in the first place.

  But now, as she sat in a chair facing the couch and two men, she was trying not to fidget.

  She glanced at Trevor and gave him a questioning look, wondering who should start. Trevor discreetly pointed at her down by his thigh where Damon couldn’t see the gesture.


  She inhaled a deep breath and began, “Damon...” She quickly reached for her drink and took a big swallow before putting it back down since her hand was shaking. “I really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together talking, getting to know each other, and... other things.” Damn, even the tips of her ears were burning.

  “Other things,” Damon murmured with a scowl.

  She stole a quick glance at Trevor, who looked a bit amused. “She means sex, Day.”

  Damon’s scowl deepened as he twisted his head toward Trevor. “I know what the hell she means.” He turned back to Mac. “And I’ve enjoyed that, too. That’s why I’m surprised to find Trevor here and to also discover that he was in your home on Saturday.”

  “He... uh... We... uh...” Mac bit her bottom lip as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts. “While he did show up unexpectedly on Saturday, I gave him a chance, Damon. I didn’t just shut the door on him.”


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