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Apex Page 3

by B. A. Stretke


  Chance was relieved when they’d all gone, but then suddenly realized he was now alone with the big biker, the one he’d ogled in the café. His own fear quickly bubbled to the surface, wiping out his previous satisfaction. It was now his turn to pay the piper.

  Calum couldn't believe those assholes had the gall to threaten his mate. Those bastard Wolves were lucky to be still breathing. If his innocent little mate hadn't been present, Calum would have made sure the three never came near Chance again. He would have made their absence a permanent condition.

  "Thank you." He heard Chance's soft, tentative voice from behind and turned to regard him fully. Calum was ready for battle the moment Chance came running from the front doors with those wolves on his tail. Even now, he found it difficult to keep his dragon under control. He'd pushed his mate behind him to keep him safe, but to also keep him from witnessing the emergence of his dragon. The smoke and fire were bleeding from his nose and mouth the minute that wolf, the stupid fucker began to make demands. He growled deep in his throat as the memory assaulted him.

  Chance looked up quickly and took a small step back, obviously having heard the sound. Calum decided to ignore it and get down to business. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” Calum reached out a tentative hand towards Chance in hopes that he wouldn’t continue to back away. He’d accepted it once before, to Calum’s delight, and he wanted to repeat the action.

  Chance once again reached out and took the man's hand. It seemed the right thing to do and really, he'd been nothing but nice and helpful, so far. "I'm okay." Chance wished his voice wasn't so wispy and vulnerable sounding, but he couldn't help it.

  “Who were they and why were they chasing you?”

  "They're friends of my cousin, Blake. I rent a room from Blake, and sometimes his friends come over, get drunk and they get mean." Chance had a hard time keeping eye contact with the formidable man. Chance felt a little helpless and it wasn't a good feeling.

  "My name is Calum Keith." Calum pulled Chance a little closer, having not released his hand yet. Chance moved closer and seemed to be calming down. The fear and trepidation that had been thick in the air was now dissipating.

  "Do you have a place to go? I don't want you going back to your apartment; you are not safe there." The concern shocked Chance and all he could do was stare for a moment before gathering himself and answering. He wanted to ask, ‘why do you care' but he resisted. Calum didn't seem the type of guy who would tolerate backtalk.

  He was tall, taller than Chance had first thought when he ran from him in the café. He must be six and a half feet tall at the very least. He stood head and shoulders above Chance. He was a biker, that was obvious with the large black and chrome cycle parked behind them and the leather that Calum wore. He was built like a warrior of old, muscled and broad and he stood firm and sure as if he owned the world. His green eyes held Chance in a tight grip. His hair was shoulder-length and black as a raven’s wing. It looked soft which struck Chance as strange for some reason.

  "My friend Dane lives a couple of blocks South. He always lets me stay when things get bad here." He had difficulty admitting that this had happened before and unfortunately, he usually didn't get away. Chance darted his eyes from left to right taking in the area and noting that they were completely alone, the street was vacant. The sidewalk and street in this area was never empty, there was always business of one sort or another going on, but not tonight. The oddity of it struck Chance and he settled his gaze on Calum.

  Calum brushed his fingers down the side of Chance’s face needing the contact with his mate. His skin was like silk beneath his fingertips with a warmth that reached into Calum’s heart. He wanted to take his little mate home with him and protect him from every possible danger, but Chance was human and still quite skittish. He had to win his favor and work on his agreement. It would take time and time was something of which his dragon had very little. He could feel the stirring in his soul and the presence skitter across his skin. His dragon wanted out to claim and defend their mate.

  “Call your friend and see if he can take you in.” Calum desperately wanted to take Chance home with him, but he knew that it was unlikely Chance would agree.

  “I left my phone inside.”

  Calum reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cell and handed it to Chance. The call was quick and Dane readily agreed. Calum was glad that his mate had such a loyal friend on whom he could depend. Chance handed him back his phone and turned away as if to leave. Calum quickly grabbed his upper arm to stop him. "I'll give you a ride. This neighborhood isn't safe." Again, the words were an order, not an offer. Chance nodded and followed the big man to the bike parked at the curb.

  Calum handed Chance a half helmet from his saddlebags and helped him get it on and secured. "Have you ridden before?" He asked.

  "Yes, I used to own a bike, much smaller than this." Calum detected a touch of sadness in Chances words and wondered what happened to his mate's bike.

  Calum mounted the beast in a fluid motion and indicated for Chance to climb on back and assisted him in getting seated. Soon Chance was positioned snugly behind Calum with his arms wrapped around his waist. It felt too personal but also filled Chance’s mind with a flood of erotic fantasies.

  Chance that sensed the excitement he was feeling was beginning to become apparent and attempted to scoot back an inch so not have his hardening cock pressed so tightly to Calum’s hard muscular back. Calum prevented this by reaching back and with a hand on his hip, forcing Chance closer. Embarrassment swamped him at the realization that Calum would have to be numb not to feel Chance’s hard cock straining between them.

  Calum took great care with his mate but managed to lurch his bike a couple of times, making Chance grip him a little tighter. Having his mate on the back of his bike, holding him so tight, was worth every day of the past one hundred years. It was worth every loss, every pain and every minute of searching.

  Listening to his elders talk of the thrill, the pure exhilarating glory of finding your mate did not prepare him for the sensations of pleasure and satisfaction currently running through his system. It was indescribable, beyond understanding, until it was upon you. He now understood the meaning of his quest, and it's importance to his people. Every dragon deserved to find their mate and it wasn't just a matter of procreation and the security of the species, as he'd previously thought. To have your mate was to have a life that was full, rich, complete and content. It was a life of constant, lovely possibilities.

  He could feel the steady beat of Chance’s heart against his back and the gripping of his fingers in Calum’s shirt front. The sensation of belonging brought a smile to Calum’s stern face and filled him with pride. Chance was a prize and he never imagined Fate would gift him with such a lovely innocent as his mate. For everything he’d done in his life, he deserved nothing more than a harsh, crusty old barnacle, not this tender little beauty, but he was never giving him back, never.

  They arrived at Dane’s place much too quickly, as far as Chance was concerned. He pressed the side of his face against Calum’s back, drinking in the scent of black leather and squeezed tightly as the bike glided down the street. This man, who he had feared, was now his savior. What a difference a few hours can make.

  Once Calum brought the bike to a stopped in front of Dane's home, Chance straightened but did not release Calum immediately. He enjoyed the feeling of having the man in his arms. It was something strange to him, but he chose not to analyze it now. For now, he was going to enjoy the moment that was to end very soon.

  “Does your friend rent the entire house.” Calum wondered why Chance wouldn’t just move in with Dane rather than stay with that piece of shit cousin of his.

  “No, he rents a room, like me. He sneaks me in and I sneak out in the morning before his roommates wake up.” Chance felt like he was suffering just one humiliation after another with this obviously confident and secure man. He probably can’t wait to d
ump my ass and get on with his life. Chance did not voice his thoughts. Calum didn’t have to do anything, he didn’t have to help him and he deserved Chance’s gratitude not his bitching.

  Okay, Calum was not at all satisfied with the arrangement as presented, but he didn't know what to do about it or how to say what he wanted to say. He dismounted and assisted Chance in doing the same. He removed the helmet and placed it back in his saddlebags; he was stalling hoping that the right words would come to him.

  “Thank you for helping me out.” Chance said the words that would signal their departure from one another. When Chance turned towards the house and began to walk away, Calum reached out and stayed him with a light touch on his shoulder. Chance turned back to him, his translucent blue eyes questioning as they stared into Calum’s.

  Calum scrambled to explain and said the first thing that came to him. “When do you leave, in the morning?”

  “I take a quick shower and leave around six. I wait in the park until I go to work at nine.” Chance smiled and then added as if reading something in Calum’s expression. “It’ll be okay. This isn’t the first time.” The smile on Chance’s face was fragile.

  “I’ll be back at six and we will have breakfast together.” Calum didn’t wait for a discussion as he got on his bike and started it up. He drove away with a heavy heart. He didn’t want to leave his mate in such a situation, but there was nothing he could do without totally creeping the guy out.

  He parked just around the corner and waited as he watched Chance crawl in through a first-floor window. Someone on the inside was helping him. This was so fucking wrong and his dragon was becoming furious as they observed Chance scramble through the window. Never again, he vowed.


  Dane was at the window when he arrived and had it opened and ready. He appreciated his friend and knew the risk he was taking letting Chance stay with him. Dane's roommates didn't allow sleepovers and Dane could be kicked out for letting Chance stay the night, but Dane had never turned him down. Dane was his best friend and he always tried to help.

  Chance would find a new place to live, living with Blake was no longer possible. He planned on checking into the men’s shelter in town during his lunch hour. He would have done it in the morning but Calum said he was taking him to breakfast and he hoped that he was sincere.

  He explained what happened to Dane and, also told him about the man from the café. Dane was as surprised as he had been.

  “He saved you?” Dane’s tone was full of disbelief.

  “Yeah, shocked me too. Blake’s friends ran off like scared little boys when faced with a man of Calum’s stature.” Chance slipped off his pants and made himself comfortable on the floor next to Dane’s twin bed.

  “Well I’m glad he was there and I’m glad he holds no ill will towards you for staring at him.” Dane chuckled from where he lay on his bed. “Next time a hot guy comes into the café, keep your eyes to yourself.”

  “No doubt, man.” Chance didn’t share with Dane the invitation to breakfast that Calum had made. He feared that he wasn’t serious and in the end, wouldn’t show. No need to pile the humiliation on too thick.


  Calum stormed into his room and slammed the door behind him. Bryn was still up watching television and Kyle and Alrick were playing cards. When Calum had left to check on Chance the three of them decided to sit up and wait. They all gave him their complete attention. He paced the room and explained the events of the evening and the situation of his mate. They understood that he felt helpless and they sympathized.

  “Those fucking assholes have been harassing Chance for a long time, from what I gather through our short discussion. His cousin is a useless piece of shit, he takes his rent money and then offers him up to his abusive friends.” Calum sat down heavily onto the love seat against the wall and drug his hands through his hair. He was so on edge that the slightest thing could set him off and he would fly over to where Chance was spending the night and just scoop him up. That idea was a go for his dragon as soon as it crossed his mind, but he had to stay calm and work this out rationally.

  “What’s your plan?” Alrick asked.

  Calum looked over at his second in command and pulled together all the considerations he’d been mulling over on his way back to the motel.

  "He needs a place to live and I want to give that to him. He can't go back to his cousin and his friend doesn't have room." He turned and shifted his gaze to Kyle who was seated across from Alrick. "I want you to find us a large rental home. I want it plush and in a good neighborhood, well good, but willing to accept a bunch like us." He then looked at Alrick. "I want you to have Duncan and Angus investigate the wolf pack here in town. Find out how long they've been around and if they've claimed any territory."

  “How soon do you want the house secured by?” Kyle was already at his computer checking the area and making offers.

  “I want us moving in tomorrow. I will be making the offer of a room to Chance in the morning when I take him to breakfast. I need the address and access by tomorrow. Chance will be under our protection come tomorrow evening.” Calum felt more in control now that he had a plan. His only fear was that Chance would refuse him, but how many options did Chance have? If he presented himself in the proper light, Chance would not fear him or his men.

  Breakfast seemed like days away instead of mere hours as Calum waited for Kyle to close the deal on a twelve-bedroom sprawling log home in a quiet, secluded area on the edge of town. It was a lodge in a previous life but was converted into a single-family home a few years back. It boasted ten acres, which would give them privacy and would keep away the prying eyes of neighbors. Kyle sweetened the deal and the owner made the arrangements for them to move in immediately. It would be a good first step towards setting down permanent roots. Now, he just had to convince his mate to move in.


  Chance got up at five and took a quiet shower before slipping back out Dane's window. He wasn't sure if Calum would actually show up, but he planned to wait until six thirty before heading to the park. To his shocked surprise, two large and capable hands gripped him by the waist as he scooted out the window. He was lifted from the edge, and his feet were placed firmly on the ground.

  "You're early." Chance felt silly for such an obvious statement; it also came out a little too excited.

  Calum stepped up closer and kept his hands on Chances hips. "I've been here awhile. I didn't know when you had to vacate, and I didn't want you out here on your own so early in the morning." Calum continued to move closer, and Chance wasn't sure what his intent was but felt suddenly confident that it was probably something good.

  Calum was taking a chance that he would be soundly rejected but there was no way he was stopping himself from getting a small taste of his beautiful mate. He stared into those blue eyes as he descended and took Chance’s plump, pink lips in a kiss that stunned and left his senses dazed. He’d been turned on by a kiss in the past, but never electrified by one.

  Chance was in heaven; the big man was kissing him. The lips, the hands, the way he tasted was sending shivers of delight to every nerve in Chance's body. He'd not been often kissed, and he'd never been kissed well, until this moment.

  Calum ended the kiss slowly and drew back to once again stare down into those beautiful blues. He felt his heart pounding out of his chest at all the possibilities that stood before him. "Let's go." Calum smiled at the look of pure bliss on his mate's face. He'd overwhelmed the man, and it wouldn't be the last time. Calum intended to teach Chance the pleasures of loving a dragon.

  He led a dazed and smiling Chance to his bike and soon they were on their way. Calum had considered having a picnic breakfast in the park but decided instead on the diner uptown near the University. He took the extra-long way since he was loving the feel of Chance holding him so tightly. He looked forward to many years of this lithe little body being pressed against him.

  Chance was flying high from the kiss and t
he close proximity of the hottest guy in town. Calum Keith was definitely one for the history books. He had no idea why this guy was paying him the least bit of attention, but he wasn’t going to complain.

  They pulled up in front of the all-night diner on Grand Avenue and, once again, Calum helped him off the bike and took his helmet off for him. Chance was going to enjoy the attention for as long as it lasted. This was an erotic dream come true. A dark, handsome, badass boyfriend for Chance. God, if only that were true. Chance walked beside the big man into the diner, and everyone inside turned and took notice. It was a heady feeling of pride and accomplishment to be with someone like Calum, and Chance was eating it with a spoon.

  Calum lead Chance to a seat in a booth up front. The place was quite busy for such an early hour, but there were still booths to be had. He liked the sun rise through the window, and he hoped Chance liked it too. He ordered for both of them and Chance didn't seem to mind. Once their coffee arrived, Calum began his plan of persuasion.

  “Why did you run from me at the café yesterday?” He started at the beginning of their misunderstanding, hoping to clear everything up. Chance looked up at him as he took a small sip of his coffee. Calum loved his manners, the gentle way he sat and the delicate way he held his cup and drank. He would take pleasure in every moment spent with his mate.

  “I thought you were going to give me a beat down for staring.” His words were soft and held more than a hint of apprehension.

  Calum smiled and reached across the table to place his hand on Chance's. "I was flattered, sweetheart, not angry. I was staring at you too." This seemed to brighten Chance considerably.

  “Really, wow, I thought I was dead.” Chance laughed nervously and took another sip of his coffee. Calum didn’t like the nervousness in Chance’s voice. He was about to say more when their food arrived.

  He leaned back and waited for the waitress to set everything down and thanked her. He watched for a few moments as Chance took the first few bites and noticed that he ate with restraint as if holding back a need to consume more and faster. This was the behavior of a civilized man who was very, very hungry but was trying very hard not to show it.


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