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Apex Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “When was the last time you ate, Chance?” By the startled look on Chance’s face, he knew he’d hit a nerve.

  “Yesterday.” The answer was strained.

  "What did you eat?" Calum needed the truth.

  “Crackers, with some peanut butter.” Chance looked around the diner and then down at his plate, embarrassment suffused his face.

  "Eat, baby, you'll never be hungry again, I promise." Calum gave the firm directive, and he was pleased to see that Chance responded immediately. He watched as Chance finished the bacon and eggs. He ordered more bacon and also another glass of milk. Calum was furious that no one in Chance's life recognized the fact that he was starving himself.

  “Does your cousin take all of your money?” It was a guess, but Calum was pretty certain of the answer. He knew men like Blake and they were takers of the first order. They left nothing and cared for no one. Calum waited while Chance struggled with an answer. Finally, he simply nodded yes and then finished the last of his milk.

  Chance was beyond mortified. He arrived thinking that he would flirt and have a good time and get breakfast out of the deal, but it turned sour too quickly. How pathetic he must look? He couldn’t look at Calum.

  When the second order of bacon showed up, he couldn’t resist and took a couple of slices. Yeah, he was hungry, but he was hungry most of the time. He ate, he just didn’t eat a lot, proteins and carbs were his focus, hence the crackers and peanut butter. It was a fact he didn’t feel comfortable discussing with the drop dead gorgeous biker seated in front of him.

  "You're not going back there," Calum stated, and Chance's head shot up and locked gazes with him. "I know you can't stay with your friend, so I'm going to explain something, and I want you to listen and keep an open mind." This was it, Calum was going to make his pitch.

  “My men and I have rented a large home on the edge of town. It’s located on Baker Road. It’s a large house with more than enough bedrooms to accommodate all of my men. I am offering you a room.” Calum saw the way Chance pulled back and sensed he was going to dismiss the offer outright so hurried on before he could voice his thoughts.

  "I'd planned on renting out the extra rooms. You need a place, and I need renters." It was a lie, but Calum was ready to say near anything to entice Chance to say yes. "You'll have a bedroom and access to all common areas. Food and utilities will be included in the rent." He was pulling all of this out of his ass, but Chance seemed to be thinking about it.

  "How much is the rent? I'm paying my cousin five hundred a month, but that doesn't include anything but a bedroom." Chance was shocked by the offer but also intrigued by it. He was sure he couldn't afford the rent if it included so much, but he was curious.

  Calum scrambled for an amount that would sound legit but wouldn't financially gouge the guy. He didn't want anything from Chance, all he wanted was for his mate to be safe and under his protection. "Three hundred a month. Five hundred was overcharging you, but I don't think your cousin had your best interest in mind. Three hundred is a fair price for what I'm offering." He talked fast and tried to sound confident, so Chance would believe and accept.

  Chance was astonished at the amount and didn't know what to say. "That doesn't seem fair to you." He said, finally but everything in him wanted to accept. This man surprised him by the minute, but still, there was the apprehension brought on by the fact that he really didn't know this man or his men.

  This could be a setup of the worst kind. Calum called them his men, so he was the leader. The patch on his jacket was serious, he led a motorcycle club. This wasn't some weekend warrior, make shit up situation, this was their life, and they were for real. Chance tore his eyes away from the seeming hopeful concern in Calum's expression.

  “This is a legitimate offer, I’m not playing with you. Whether you agree or not, you are not returning to cousin’s apartment. I will find you something else, but you are not going back there.”

  Calum wanted to make it clear that Chance was going to be laying his head somewhere else tonight. If he was not comfortable with Calum and Calum’s men, then he would find him another safe and suitable location. He didn’t care if he had to strong arm him a bit to get him to agree, it was for Chance’s own good.

  “Why do you want to help me? Why did you help me last night?” Chance wanted to agree, room and board for three hundred a month was a dream come true. His only fear was that, like Blake, all things would change once he moved in.

  Calum watched as the guarded expression crept over his mate's face, and he didn't like it. He and his dragon were on the verge of just gathering him up and flying to the mountains. There was a lot to be said about the old ways of courting and claiming.

  "There is nothing nefarious going on here. I want to help you, Chance. I was attracted to you in the café, and that was why I followed you into the back. I also knew that you were hiding behind the refrigerator." That got a reaction as Chance's eyes widened in surprise. "I didn't press it at the time because I could see that you were afraid. I found out your name and address and was planning on going to see you when all hell broke loose at your apartment."

  “You’re attracted to me?” Chance sounded so shocked that it made Calum chuckle.

  “Yeah, but that’s not the only reason I’m offering you a room. I would do the same for anyone in your position.” Calum reached over and once again placed his hand over Chance’s. The contact calmed his dragon and just felt really good. “You will have privacy and your own space.” He was hard selling because he could see Chance crumbling. The guy wanted to say yes but was torn.

  "I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth, but what if I move in and you or one of your men decide that I don't fit or I discover that I don't like the arrangement," Chance asked.

  "There won't be a lease, it will be month to month, and if there are problems and you want to leave, your rent will be prorated." Calum knew that neither he or his men would do anything to make Chance uncomfortable, but Chance needed some assurances, and he was more than glad to give them.

  "That is extremely generous, thank you. I'd like to see the place." Chance was giving in. He had few options at this point. He'd planned to check into the men's shelter on his lunch break because that was his last choice.

  Now he had a possibility of a room, food, and a guy who seemed interested in him. He wasn’t thinking long term and definitely wouldn’t start making wedding plans, but Calum had an earnest sincerity that came through in every word and gesture. Chance wanted the opportunity to know him better.

  “I’ll pick you up after work.” It wasn’t a question, no, it was a statement that brooked no opposition. Chance nodded his agreement.


  Calum insisted on driving him to work, even though Chance said he could walk. It was less than a mile away from the diner, but Calum did that dominant, ‘do as I say' thing that Chance found he could not resist. When they pulled up out front of the salon, every face inside was suddenly pressed to the window. Chance had never been the focus of jealous curiosity before, and he loved it.

  Chance cut a look at the women in the window and gave them a smug smile that told them Calum was his. He didn’t believe that was actually true, but he was going to play it to the hilt just for the satisfaction of seeing those women envy him.

  Calum seemed to not even see them as his entire attention was riveted on Chance. “I’ll pick you up here at seven.” He said and again Chance couldn’t find words and just nodded his agreement. He was so overwhelmed by everything that had taken place in the past few hours that words were impossible.

  Calum hated leaving his mate, but this was the human's routine, so he had to go along with it, for now. Once they were mated Chance would have no need to work, he would be Calum's mate and the health and welfare of his new clan would be his only concern. But, for right now, damn it all, he had to ride away and wait until seven o'clock.

  As Chance was turning away towards the building, Calum called him back and there right in fro
nt of all those busybodies in the window, Calum kissed Chance, deep and determined. It would leave everyone with the clear understanding that Chance belonged to him and no one else. His dragon was riding him hard and, unfortunately, the kiss did not go near far enough to appease him, but it helped.

  Chance felt himself melt into the arms that held him so firm and gentle. He was being devoured by lips that tasted like everything great and felt like home. His mind was leaving him, and his emotions were taking over. Chance kissed back as fiercely as he was being kissed. The need to take what he wanted was swamping his usual shy personality. He knew he wouldn't get too many kisses like this one and he was going to make the most of it. He wrapped his arms around Calum's waist and held on.

  Calum was knocked back by the way Chance rose to the occasion. His mate was full of surprises. Chance was obviously feeling the bond and Calum’s dragon pushed for more. Calum bit Chance’s lower lip drawing a tiny drop of blood, which Calum consumed immediately. He felt the energy from that tiny drop right down to the soles of his feet. It was truly electrifying in its effect.

  The consumption began their bond, and now Calum would always have a connection to the little human. It was the first step towards their final claim and Calum was eager to get the ball rolling.

  Calum kissed across Chance’s cheek and bit lightly on his earlobe before whispering dark and husky. “You’re mine Chance, all mine.” He then released Chance and got back on his bike. With one riveting, backward glance, he drove away leaving Chance standing on the sidewalk, breathless and in love.

  Well, maybe it wasn’t love, but it was something damn powerful. Chance stared as Calum drove away. He was falling fast, God he hoped this wasn’t some big joke. He liked having someone like Calum in his corner.

  He never had anyone who could stand up for him. He had Dane who was the best, best friend anyone could ask for, but he too had limitations. He was in much the same life hole that Chance was in. He worked for minimum wage at the café and paid way too much for rent.

  Chance never shared most of his problems with Dane, because he would want to help, and he couldn’t afford to help. Calum could help him, with everything, and he seemed to want to help. Chance stayed on the sidewalk until Calum was completely out of sight. He took a deep breath and went inside.

  "Since when does a nothing like you rate a hottie like that?" Shawna, one of the less pleasant stylists, demanded. Chance did not respond, although they couldn't have pried the smile off his face. "Where did you meet him?" She became more demanding and stood in front of the reception desk. "Was it a pity fuck?" She went in for the attack, but Chance remained silent, and she finally left when her first client walked in.

  Angela came up to him and demanded that he keep his personal life to himself and out of her salon. Chance nodded but didn't comment.

  No one was going to make him feel bad for kissing that sexy, leather-clad man. Calum was worth all the jealous scorn they could muster. The rest of the girls were pretty much okay, after a few verbal jabs everyone got back to work.

  Chance kept watching the clock, willing it to go faster. He couldn’t wait to go see the house that Calum had rented and prayed that it was all he claimed it to be. He decided that Calum was just a good guy who was interested in him and was doing him a favor.


  The three wolves that had harassed Chance were back at Blake's apartment along with Zack, and he was not pleased. "Did he come back this morning?" Zack asked clearly peeved at what had taken place.

  "No, but I drove by his job, and he's there. He'll be back here tonight, he has nowhere else to go." Blake explained quickly.

  “You and these morons have one job, and that is to take care of Chance Bashford and make sure that he is prepared. If Conrad finds out that you guys have been damaging the goods, you will wish you’d never been born.” Zack didn’t wait for any comments and abruptly left the room.


  Kyle secured the purchase, and soon everyone was pitching in and getting the place ready for Chance. "He'll like it Calum. The place is homey, comfortable, and has all the necessary conveniences." Bryn assured as he oversaw the interior decorator they hired to complete the living room. Within twelve hours, they'd rented a house, hired decorators and contractors to make it a suitable home and were ready to accept their first tenant.

  “You all did very well.” Calum praised. “I know that Chance will be happy here.”

  “What time are you picking him up?” Bryn asked.

  “He gets off at seven, so we should be here by seven forty-five at the latest.”

  "We'll be ready." Kyle piped in. "He'll love us all and never want to leave."

  Calum chuckled. "I hope so." Alrick came to stand beside him, and the look on his face had Calum sobering immediately. "What's wrong?"

  “The three men who were attacking Chance are part of a loosely connected pack, of sorts.” Calum gave him his complete attention.

  "An alpha, a former member of the Colorado pack, came to town about a year ago and started picking up strays. But from what we've heard, there isn't a lot of loyalty or structure. They're more on the gang mentality."

  “Do they claim territory?”

  “Not in the way a pack claims and maintains territory. Again, it’s more like gang occupation of a few blocks to the west.” Alrick was all business. Calum could see the plans forming in the man’s eyes.

  “You want to take them out?” Calum was not against the idea.

  “They are an irritation and have the potential of being a serious enemy.”

  “How many are there?”

  "Eight wolves and about a half dozen hangers-on. That's where Blake comes into it. We discovered that he owes the group a considerable amount of money. Based on that debt, he appears to be working for them, just grunt work and low-level enforcer jobs." Alrick completed his report.

  "I learned this morning that Blake charges Chance five hundred a month for one bedroom and I know for a fact that the rent on the entire rundown apartment is only three hundred. He also takes money from Chance. Chance barely has enough to survive." Calum glanced over at the men working to get the house in order as he considered how much of Chances situation he wanted to share. "I took him to breakfast, and I don't think he's had a decent meal in a very long time. He's been taken advantage of for the last time." Calum swung his gaze back to look at Alrick.

  "I say we do whatever we have to secure Chance's health and safety. We take out that shit pack and his cousin." Alrick was a proactive guy, and it was what had always endeared him to Calum. They had been friends all their lives as well as being cousins, always together, always supportive of one another. Alrick was his perfect second.

  "I'm bringing Chance here tonight, and I will convince him to stay. I'll get what I can from him regarding his cousin and the wolves. We'll make our decision then." Calum clapped his hand on Alrick's shoulder.

  "Okay." Calum could see in Alrick's expression that he did not agree, but he would not voice further opposition.


  Chance finished cleaning and closing up and was locking the front door when he heard the motorcycle approaching. His heart began to beat frantically at the implication. He’d been aching for this moment ever since Calum had departed this morning. He turned around and was greeted by the most handsome man in all of Laramie. Calum kept the bike idling and motioned for Chance to come closer.

  “Get on sweetheart, I have a house to show you.” He handed Chance the helmet and helped him get properly seated before pulling away from the curb and roaring down the street.

  Chance loved the loudness of the cycle and the power that thrummed through his body as he sat with his arms wrapped around Calum. He acknowledged that the excitement he was feeling was equal parts cycle and Calum.

  He'd had to sell his motorbike shortly after moving in with Blake. He'd had too many bills, and Blake had threatened to throw him out if he didn't make his portion of the rent on time every month. It had b
een his only mode of transportation so for the past year, he never went any further than his feet could take him.

  He used to like driving into the mountains and camping and just fun road trips, but now the city limits was as far as he went. The freedom and the peace he felt riding on the back of Calum's bike was intoxicating. Too soon, they pulled into a long drive that ended in front of an older structure. It was a sturdy log home, and Chance loved it immediately.

  Calum had his men disperse so as not to overwhelm his mate. He would introduce him tonight to Bryn, Alrick, Kyle, Angus, and Donell and then the rest in the morning. He got off the bike and helped his mate to stand beside him. Chance handed him the helmet, and Calum quickly stowed it away. Calum draped his arm around Chance's shoulders and lead him casually towards the front door.

  “I hope you like it.” He said as he opened the door. “We may look like a rough bunch, but we like to keep a clean and orderly household.” He watched as Chance slowly entered the great room that was the hub of the entire house.

  Chance was speechless. He never expected such a beautiful and opulent house. This place was magazine worthy, and although it looked perfect, it also looked like someone's home. It wasn't stuffy or untouchable, it was lovely, and Chance never wanted to leave. He'd never expected such a place when Calum had suggested he rent one of their rooms. For a biker club, they had some very specific tastes when it came to lodging.

  Calum was thrilled with the look of wonder and excitement that filled Chance’s eyes. “You want to see the rest?” Chance nodded his head eagerly as Calum lead him through every room.

  Calum explained everything regarding the house, appliances, his rights as a tenant, which Calum made purposefully broad. He then led him back into the great room, or living room as the decorator called, in order to introduce him to a few of his men. He wanted to get a sense of how accepting his mate was going to be.


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