Coming Home (Vista Falls #4)

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Coming Home (Vista Falls #4) Page 1

by Cheryl Douglas

  Coming Home

  Book Four in the Vista Falls Series

  Cheryl Douglas

  Copyright © by Cheryl Douglas

  Smashwords Editions

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  Persons, places and other entities represented in this book are deemed to be fictitious. They are not intended to represent actual places or entities currently or previously in existence or any person living or dead. This work is the product of the author’s imagination.

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  Coming Home © 2016 Cheryl Douglas

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  Chapter One

  “How about you take me home?”

  Juliette knew she’d shocked the sexy stranger with her bold request, but judging by his body’s obvious reaction, it wasn’t an unpleasant surprise.

  He wasn’t her usual type. With his black bandana, torn jeans, and inked arms, he looked more like an outlaw biker than the professionals she usually dated. But something about him called to her. Maybe it was the way his hands drifted too low when they danced or the way he brushed his lips against her neck, making thrill bumps break out all over her. She didn’t know what it was, nor did she care. She just knew she had to have him. The sooner, the better.

  “As much as I’d like to, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, sweetheart.”

  She normally would have objected to being called sweetheart by a stranger, but his gravelly voice made everything he said sound sexy. “You said you don’t have a wife or girlfriend, so what’s the problem?” She may have been tipsy, but she wasn’t drunk enough to go home with another woman’s husband.

  “Uh, no.” He chuckled. “Definitely no ball and chain for me.”

  Juliette wanted to be offended by the age-old reference. She hated sexist men, having grown up with one, but this man’s face—hell, his package—meant he could get away with things mere mortals couldn’t.

  “Then you’re just not into me? Is that it?” She looped her arms around his neck, trying to hide her smile. There was no question he was into her… or would like to be.

  He gripped her hips, locking eyes with her. His were light green, a contrast to the black hair sticking out of his bandana. “You tell me. Does it feel like I’m not into you?”


  Juliette knew they were drawing attention. Her behavior wasn’t befitting for a small-town mayor, but she couldn’t have cared less. For one night, she wanted to feel like a desirable woman. She’d come into Rusty’s to talk to the proprietor about a local fundraiser he was hosting for the fire department, but when Zeke had offered to buy her a drink, she couldn’t refuse. Before she knew it, one had led to four and she was asking him to take her home.

  She bit her lip, deciding to let her guard down for a split second. “You want the truth? It’s been a while for me. I’ve been pretty busy with my job—”

  “As the town mayor?”

  “Right.” She frowned. “Hey, how’d you know that? You said you’re not from around here.”

  “I heard you talking to Rusty about the fundraiser when I was sitting at the bar. I asked a waitress who you were.”


  “Back to what you were saying… it’s been a while for you, huh?” He shifted her hair so his lips were free to roam her neck.

  Her grip on his broad shoulders tightened, and she knew she was half a second away from jumping him right there if he didn’t see fit to put her out of her misery. “Too long.”

  “You’ve had a lot to drink, Jules. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you.”

  She’d told him her friends called her Jules, but she hadn’t invited him to. “You wouldn’t be taking advantage.” To prove her point, she whispered in his ear, “Don’t think you’d be my first one-night stand.”

  He reared back to look at her. “Is that right?” He frowned when she nodded. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “Why? You were hoping for a virgin?”

  “Hell no!”

  She laughed. “Good. Now that we both know what we’re getting, why don’t we get the hell out of here?”

  “You got it. Just let me settle our bill.”

  “While you do that, I’m going to go to the restroom.”

  She felt his eyes on her as she walked away. He probably wanted to make sure she wasn’t staggering. She didn’t think she could pass a roadside sobriety test, but she wasn’t drunk enough to forget Zeke’s name in the morning. Or anything else about him. He’d told her that he was thirty-five, single, had no kids, and was an app developer. For now, that was all she needed to know.

  Before she made it to the ladies’ room, a hand shot out and seized her wrist. She looked down to see her ex-boyfriend, Rush Davis, attached to the hand.

  “Please tell me you’re not going home with that guy,” he said.

  Juliette’s gaze traveled around the table. She smiled at Rush’s brother, Wes, and Wes’s best friend, Colt, before settling a hand on her ex’s shoulder. “Why? Are you jealous?”

  She was teasing, and they both knew it. Rush was marrying the love of his life in a few months, and she was happy for them. She’d even become friendly with his fiancée, Taylor, since they shared a few mutual friends.

  “Do you know who that is?” Wes asked, glaring at Zeke.

  “No, and I don’t want to know,” she said, withdrawing from Rush’s grasp.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Rush barked. “You can’t go home with a guy you don’t even know. That’s dangerous. Besides, this guy—”

  She pressed her fingertip against Rush’s lips to silence him. “I love you guys for worrying, but I can take care of myself.”

  “Rush is right, Jules,” Colt said, glancing at Zeke. “You need to know what you’re getting into before you—”

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I had sex?”

  All three men gaped at her.

  She could have blamed her question on the shots but decided to own it instead. “A year. It’s been a year since I’ve been with anyone. And I’m getting sick and tired of my own company, if you know what I mean. So if you guys will excuse me, I have a hot guy waiting for me, and I intend to take full advantage… of him. Rest assured it’s not the other way around.”

  Deciding to forgo the washroom since she’d only planned to check her hair and makeup, she did an about-face and linked arms with a surprised Zeke as she practically dragged him out the door.

  He looked over his shoulder at Rush, who was still scowling at them. “Do your friends have a problem with me?”

  “Who cares what they think?” For the first time in forever, Juliette honestly didn’t care what anyone thought. She just wanted to forget. Her commitment to the community, her job responsibilities, her own damn name.

  Zeke led her to a jacked-up truck, and he helped her in when her foot almost slipped off the running board. He jumped in next to her and put the key in
the ignition before pulling it back out and dropping it into the cup holder between them with a regretful shake of his head.

  “Look, your friends are probably right. This is a bad idea. Why don’t I give you my number, and if you’re still interested when you’ve sobered up…” His jaw dropped when he realized she’d unzipped her dress and was pulling it over her head. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Proving to you that I want this.” Thankfully the windows in his truck were tinted, and it sat so high only a transport truck parked right beside them could have seen inside. She was wearing a black lacy bra, matching thong, and no nylons since the night air was still hovering above eighty degrees. “Have I convinced you yet?”

  His eyes roamed her, and she could have sworn he was drooling. “You, uh…”

  “No, huh?” She climbed over the gearshift, but she was so hot she probably could have used it to put on a show for him. “Let me see what I can do about that.”

  She landed in his lap and straddled him. She wasn’t stick-thin, and her weight on their legs may have made some guys uncomfortable, but she liked her body this way. Judging by the fact that he was so hard she was surprised he hadn’t split his jeans, he liked her that way too.

  “So we can do this here or go to my place. It’s right around the corner,” she said, wiggling a bit.

  “God, Juliette…”

  He said her name like a curse, and she knew that despite the sexy bad-boy thing he had going on, he clearly had morals. That was the only reason she wasn’t letting his rejection shut her down. She wanted this. She needed him. Just for one night.

  “Come on, Zeke.” She ran her hands under his T-shirt, practically whimpering when she felt his six-pack. “You know you want this as much as I do.” When he wouldn’t admit it, she threw in a little hip rotation for good measure. “Ah, that feels good.” The friction caused by his jeans, coupled with his hands on her ass, was enough to do it for her, but in case he still wasn’t convinced, she popped the front closure of her bra and introduced him to the girls—full Cs, no need for padding, thank you very much.

  “You’re killin’ me here, girl.” His voice was raspier than usual, his breathing slightly labored as she grazed his lips with her pebbled nipple.

  “Come on, don’t you want a little taste?”

  He growled before cupping her breasts and devouring her. She tipped her head back, grinding on him as he licked and sucked her breasts as though it was his job. If only she could hire him to do this. And maybe more. Day after day after day…

  “Oh, I, uh, I’m gonna…” She was almost embarrassed she was able to get off so quickly, but she hadn’t been lying when she told him it had been forever.

  He stared at her as he slipped a finger inside her panties and found her hot button. She was stunned by the sudden invasion, especially since she really didn’t need any more stimuli. She was already riding the wave.

  “Zeeekkkkeeeee….” She was pretty sure she was screaming and rocking the truck as she bounced shamelessly on his hand. Another orgasm built, slower than the first, driving her certifiably wild.

  He grabbed the back of her head, dipping his tongue inside her mouth. She was shocked. Their first kiss was nothing like she’d expected. It wasn’t sweet or tentative, but how could it have been given the circumstances? She tore his bandana off and threw it in the passenger’s seat as she thrust her hands in his hair. He tasted like whisky, and she couldn’t get enough. His mouth was intoxicating, and she felt like an alcoholic who’d fallen off the wagon as he worked her over, coaxing her to another shuddering release.

  Finally collapsing on him, she felt her heart hammering as she whispered, “That was… wow.”

  He smiled as he fastened her bra. He slipped her dress over her head and adjusted the thin straps as he dropped a kiss on her collarbone. “This is a pretty sexy dress for the mayor. You always go to work dressed like this?”

  “I have a blazer in the car,” she said, watching him do up her side zipper. “But it was too hot to wear it.” She glanced at the flat sandals she’d kicked off before she climbed into his lap. “And I always keep flip-flops in my cars. I put them on as soon as I get off work. I hate heels.”

  “So why wear them?”

  “A job requirement, I guess.” She couldn’t believe they were making small talk after what had just happened. Running her hands through his thick, wavy black hair, she whispered, “You really are gorgeous, you know that?”

  His full lips quirked before his hands closed around her waist. “Right back atcha.”

  “So do you do this all the time? Pick girls up in bars?”

  “I’m pretty sure you picked me up.” He grinned when she slapped his chest. “But yeah, I’m no stranger to one-night stands.” She must have looked dejected because he tipped her chin. “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought this wasn’t your first one either.”

  “It isn’t.” But no girl wanted to think she was one of many. “I’ve got no problem with you being a player so long as we use protection.” When he lifted her, coaxing her back into her own seat, she realized how insulting that must have sounded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply—”

  “No worries, I get it.” He started the truck and fastened his seat belt before waiting for her to do the same.

  Classic rock filled the car, and she immediately recognized the Bob Seager tune. “I love this song.” She turned the dial up a little, hoping to negate the awkwardness.

  “Where to?” he asked, backing out of the space.

  “I don’t know.” She set her hand on his thigh, hoping she wouldn’t be rejected. “Your place or mine?”

  “Like I said, probably not a good idea.”

  She reached for the door handle. “Then leave me here.”

  “What?” He slammed on the brakes, glaring at her. “You’re not driving.”

  “I never said I was.” She pointed at the front door of Rusty’s. “I have plenty of friends inside who’d be happy to give me a ride. I don’t need you.”

  “A ride, huh?” He was staring straight ahead, the muscle in his jaw jumping erratically. “Is that what your buddy was offering you before we left? A ride?”

  “What’s it to you if he was?”

  “So you’re just gonna go home with someone else after what happened here?”

  With the smell of sex was still in the air, Juliette couldn’t pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about. She cracked a window, wishing she’d never propositioned him at all. This was getting complicated, and she barely had time for fast and easy. “What I do is none of your business. All I signed on for was a one-nighter, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” He peeled out of the parking lot, prompting Juliette to grip the door handle.

  “What are you doing? I told you to leave me at Rusty’s!”

  “You said you wanted one night. That’s what I’m going to give you.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “One. Unforgettable. Night.”

  Chapter Two

  “Where are we going?” Juliette asked when Zeke turned down the street to his parents’ old house.

  “My place.”


  “You got a problem with that?” He’d been in a pissy mood ever since she suggested she could catch something from him. He may have slept with a lot of women, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d always played it safe, and tonight would be no exception.

  “No.” She bit her lip as she looked up at his recently remodeled lake house. “I heard the new owner gutted this place. The family who owned it before—”

  “I’m not interested in a history lesson,” he said, jumping out of the truck. He walked to the passenger’s side, not trusting her to get out safely given how difficult it had been for her to get into his beast.

  “Why are you being so nasty?” she asked when he grabbed her waist and lifted her out of the truck.

  She slid down his chest, and he pinned her against the passenger’s door after closing it.
Feeling her hot little body pressed against his made him forget all about being mad. “I’m not being nasty. Just trying to keep it real.”

  “Oh yeah?” She lifted her chin, reminding him of some of the snotty little country club brats he’d dated. “Makes me wonder how you manage to get any action at all.”

  “Is that right?” He grabbed her wrists and held her hands above her head as his knee slipped between her legs. “Maybe I should remind you why it’s so easy for me to get women to come home with me… in case you forgot what happened in the parking lot.” He kissed her neck, sucking just enough to make her aware he could leave his mark if he wanted to.


  Her head rolled back, and he realized she wasn’t kidding about being out of practice. Either that or she was the most responsive women he’d ever been with.

  “Like that?” He flicked his tongue over the shell of her ear as she tried to resist riding his leg.


  The sound of his name on her lips would have been enough to turn him on if he hadn’t been already. “Yeah, baby?”

  “Take me inside.”

  “You got it.”

  She gasped when he bent and picked her up, cradling her against his chest. She was a curvy little thing, but she was short, making her light as a feather.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, kicking her feet. “You don’t have to carry me.”

  “Maybe I want to.”


  “So I can keep doing this.”

  He continued kissing her neck, praying he didn’t trip over a rock and drop her as he tried to navigate the old flagstone path from memory. The hitch in her breathing made him want to take her right against the old oak tree that still held the treehouse his father had made for Zeke and his brother when they were kids.

  “I like this,” she whispered, letting her head settle on his shoulder. “A lot.”

  Zeke had been with a lot of sexy women, but something about this one did crazy things to him. As soon as he’d set eyes on her, he’d wanted her. And when he found out who she was—or more importantly, who her father was—that had sealed the deal for him. Two for one. Defile daddy’s princess and get off at the same time. What could be better?


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