Coming Home (Vista Falls #4)

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Coming Home (Vista Falls #4) Page 2

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Reach in my pocket,” he murmured, carefully navigating the three stairs to his front door.

  “Why?” she asked, sounding amused.

  “My key.”

  “Ah, right. Your key.” She reached into his pocket, making sure she copped a feel while grabbing his key ring.

  “You’re bad,” he said, watching her try several keys before she found the one that fit in the lock.

  “You have no idea how bad I can be.”

  He set her down in the foyer, kicking the door shut as he backed her against the wall. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear about how bad she’d been. He’d rather she show him how bad she could be. With him.

  “Let’s get you out of this,” he said, slowly unzipping her dress. He pulled it over her head before she glanced at the winding staircase.

  “I don’t even get to see your room? We’re going to do it right here?”

  “Oh, you’ll get to see my room. Later. Right now, I just wanna take the edge off.”

  “You already took the edge off.” She sucked in a breath when he pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. “Twice. In the parking lot.”

  “Maybe I’d like you to take the edge off for me.” He grabbed her hand, directing it between his legs. “I’ve been fantasizing about having your sweet lips on me ever since I tasted them.”

  “Ah, so it’s like that, is it?” She was smiling, but he could tell she wasn’t amused.

  “What are you talking about?”


  She reached for his belt buckle, and he immediately realized his mistake. “The guys you date expect you to get them off before they return the favor?”

  Juliette laughed, rolling her eyes. “When I get them off, why would they care whether I’m satisfied?”

  Zeke gaped at her before snapping his mouth shut. Now that he understood the kind of losers she’d been dating, he had a mission: to keep the promise he’d made to her in the car and make this a night she’d never forget.

  He dropped to his knees on the slate tile, tearing her panties off to let her know he wasn’t messing around.


  Before she could try to stop him, his mouth was on her, devouring her. He hooked her leg over his shoulder. Her hands were in his hair, tugging slightly as he tickled and teased her with his tongue.

  “Sweet Jesus. I…” Her body was shuddering, banging against the wall at her back as he took her over the edge, his name spilling from her lips over and over. She laughed breathlessly as she sank against him when he stood, reaching for her. “I don’t think I can walk.”

  “Kiss me.”

  There was a question in her eyes, but she did as he asked, moaning into his mouth when he thrust his hands into her hair and grabbed her head.

  He loved women, everything about them—especially their bodies—but something about what had just happened with Juliette set him off. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to be in her, on top of her, underneath her. He wanted to taste every inch of her, and he wanted her to taste every inch of him. He suddenly feared that might take a lot more than one night. But one night was all she’d promised him, and one night was usually more than enough for him to get his fill. So why did he feel like he needed more with her?

  Breaking the kiss, she reached for his belt buckle again. “My turn.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to.”

  Normally when he called a woman baby or sweetheart, it was to satisfy her need to feel special. But Juliette clearly didn’t expect anything from him, and that made him want to give her more. A lot more.

  “But now I want to.” She licked her lips as she lowered his zipper and pushed down his jeans. She dragged her teeth over her puffy lower lip as her eyes drifted closed. “I really, really want to.”

  He swore softly when her mouth closed around him, and he dug his fingers into her scalp when she took him deeper. Her technique was incredible. He’d been with plenty of women who tried to emulate porn stars, but Juliette definitely was not one of them. She either instinctively knew how to make a guy’s eyes roll back in his head, or she’d had lots of practice. He preferred to believe it was the former.

  “Jules, no. God, I can’t…” He pulled her hair harder than he intended. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want to…” He was too embarrassed to admit it would have taken her less than three minutes to finish him off.

  She stood, gripping his biceps. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he growled before sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. “Not a damn thing. But we have to find a bed before I take you up against this wall.”

  She reached for his jeans, digging through his pockets before coming up with his wallet.

  “Uh, what are you doing?”

  Juliette retrieved the little foil packet with a Cheshire cat grin. “Hmm, looks like I hit pay dirt.”

  He watched her roll it on while he counted backward from twenty. He tried everything to calm down, but nothing worked. Especially when she rested her hands on his shoulder to lower him, making him chuckle.

  “You’re a lot taller than me,” she said, frowning. “I’m not sure this is gonna work.”

  He turned around, taking her with him. There was a bench behind him, which she’d clearly missed in her distracted state.

  “How’s this?” he asked, sitting down. He held her hand as he looked up at her.

  Her long brownish-blond hair fell in soft waves, partially concealing her incredible breasts. Her cheeks were rosy, and her hazel eyes were bright with excitement. “Perfect.”

  Yeah, you are. “Come here.” He grabbed her waist, wanting to take his time with her. Part of him was dying to seal the deal, but the other part feared she might be done with him after this. Maybe four Os in one night was her limit. She could ask him to take her home, and he’d never see her again…

  “Second thoughts?” she whispered, hovering above him.


  “Good.” She smiled as she lowered herself slowly onto him. “Ah, I’ve never been so thankful for multiple orgasms. I don’t think I could have done this otherwise.”

  A few women had told him sex with him was uncomfortable, but Jesus, Juliette was ridiculously tight.

  “Uh, how long did you say it’s been since you’ve done this?” he asked, clenching his teeth as he dug his hands into her hips.

  “About a year.”

  “A year?” He forced himself to breathe as she moved slowly, inching her way down him.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” He was thankful. She felt like nothing ever had. He just hoped he didn’t have to apologize to her after it was over. “Just do me a favor. Go slow. It’s…” Air seeped through his teeth as his chin hit his chest. “Juliette… you feel… I’m dying here. This is amazing.”

  “For me too,” she whispered in his ear, gripping his hair. “I don’t remember it ever feeling like this. If it had, I wouldn’t have abstained for so long.”

  Zeke wanted to ask why she’d gone without for a year, but that would mean imagining another man inside her, and that was the last thing he wanted to think about now. He didn’t do possessive. Not even with girlfriends. But something about Juliette made him territorial, like he never wanted another man to get the chance to do with her what he was tonight.

  His kiss was hot and demanding, taking possession of her in a way he’d never be able to beyond the physical. Juliette didn’t strike him as a woman who liked a jealous boyfriend, and even if she was willing to let this go beyond one night, it would end abruptly when she found out who he was. And she’d probably hate him for not letting her in on his secret sooner.

  “You feel unbelievable,” she said, gripping his shoulders as she rode him hard and fast. “I can’t believe this. I’m going to…”

  She didn’t have to tell him. He could see it in her face, feel it in her body. She was coming apart for him again, and he reveled in it. Watching her was hotter than any porno. She was
like a fantasy come to life. That was when he realized he was in real trouble.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, stilling.

  She was still throbbing ever so slightly, making him crazy. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “You have this look on your face like something’s wrong.” She blushed, dipping her head. “God, you must think I’m pathetic. I go off with the slightest provocation, like I’ve never been with a man before.”

  “Hey.” He grabbed her, holding her tighter than he intended. “Don’t ever apologize for being so responsive. I love it.”

  “You do?” She pulled back to look him in the eye. “Really? You’re not just saying that?”

  “You want to know what I was thinking?” He knew he’d regret this, but he didn’t want her to feel self-conscious. “This is, uh, one of the best experiences I’ve had in a really long time. Maybe ever.”

  Chapter Three

  Juliette blamed her misunderstanding on her post-orgasmic stupor because there was zero chance the hottest guy she’d ever been with had just told her that she was the best sex of his life. No way was that even possible. She clenched him without meaning to, and he groaned, pulling her head against his shoulder.

  “Don’t do that. Seriously. You’re gonna do me in.”

  “It doesn’t feel good?” She knew it must unless she was really clueless about what did it for men, and she didn’t think she was.

  “You’re blowing my mind here. I just don’t want to… blow… yet.”

  She giggled at his tortured expression, realizing how lucky she was to be able to come multiple times without having to stop for a breather.

  “You think this is funny?” He grabbed her hips, guiding her until she definitely wasn’t laughing anymore. “Now you know how it feels.”

  Except she was able to let go—


  Her eyes flew open, and she stared into his, assuming she’d heard him wrong. He couldn’t possibly expect her to stop now. Could he? “But—”

  “Not yet.”

  He was serious. Uh oh. She’d never faced this problem before. Usually she prayed the guys she slept with could deliver the big finish, which was rare. “Um, I…”

  “Look at me.” He linked hands with her, silently commanding her to focus on their connection. “You feel me?”

  “It would be impossible not to,” she joked then bit her lip when she realized he was talking about more than just their physical connection. “Yes.”

  “You want me to make you feel good, right?”

  She nodded, thinking he’d already delivered on that promise. Four times, to be exact.

  “You trust me?”

  There was no way she could. She didn’t even know him. Yet she’d jumped in his truck and let him take her to his home. That was so out of character for her. Her one and only one-night stand had been in college, after a night of heavy drinking with her girlfriends, and she’d sworn she’d never do it again. “I guess I do.”

  “Then let me make you feel good tonight, Jules.” He kissed her shoulder, surprising her with the tender gesture. “Let me show you what you’ve been missing out on, wasting your time with boys when you could have been with a man who knows how to make you feel good.”

  “How do you know—” Her eyes widened when he tipped her hips back, filling her even more completely until he hit a spot that made her eyes roll back.

  “I can tell by your reaction that it’s never been like this.” He buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Admit it. That it’s never felt like this with anyone else.”

  “It hasn’t.” It was just physical, but it was as if their bodies had been made for each other. She seemed to fit him like a glove—maybe a glove that was a tad too small, but a glove nonetheless.

  He groaned as though he’d been craving her reassurance, which was ridiculous. She’d never met a man more confident than Zeke.

  “I don’t want this to end …” He brushed his lips across hers. “I’m not ready to let you go.”

  She felt as if her heart skipped a beat. “Who says you have to?”

  “You’ll stay with me tonight?”

  “We did agree to one night, didn’t we?”

  “Yeah.” He reached between them, flicking his fingertip back and forth until she was panting and on the verge of begging. “That’s my girl,” he murmured as she rocked back and forth, gripping his massive shoulders. “You feel so good, sweetheart. Like—”

  She exploded, gripping him so hard he had no choice but to follow the same path. Their foreheads touching, their breath coming in short gasps, he held her face and pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “You’re the best surprise I’ve had in a long time, Jules.”


  Juliette was making coffee the next morning in Zeke’s kitchen when she heard a key in the lock. She thought about calling out to him but decided to investigate herself instead. She grabbed a skillet, prepared to use it as a weapon if need be, as she tiptoed to the foyer.

  “What the…?” A good-looking guy, almost as tall and broad as Zeke, with dark hair and eyes looked her up and down as he dropped his suitcase. A grin split his face when she lowered the skillet. “Well, hello, gorgeous.”

  She hardly looked gorgeous in Zeke’s white T-shirt, her hair a tousled mess, and without a lick of makeup. “Who are you?” She backed up a step. “What are you doing here?” She realized she didn’t even know if Zeke lived alone. For all she knew, this could be his roommate. “Do you live here?”

  He grinned. “No, but my buddy Zeke did invite me for a visit.” He held up the key. “Gave me this before he left LA. Told me to use it whenever. I thought I’d surprise him, but I guess I should have called first, huh?”

  So Zeke was from LA? He hadn’t mentioned that last night, but then they hadn’t wasted a whole lot of time talking.

  “What is that smell?” he asked, sniffing the air appreciatively.

  “Chocolate chip muffins. I just made them. Would you like one?”

  “I’d love one, thanks.” He stuck out his hand. “Branson Myers.”

  “Juliette Keyes.” She was suddenly grateful that Zeke was so tall. It meant his shirt fell to her thighs, covering all of her important bits. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “So you and Zeke are…?”

  She blushed. “Total strangers. In fact, we just met last night.”

  He threw his head back, laughing. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” When she winced, he raised his hand. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

  “It’s okay. Come on into the kitchen. I was just making some coffee.”

  “Making yourself right at home, huh?”

  She suddenly felt guilty for using Zeke’s kitchen without permission. “Do you think he’ll mind?”

  Branson chuckled. “Mind? Hell, he’ll be thrilled. Most of the girls he dates can’t boil water.”

  “Oh, we’re not dating,” she said, pouring two cups of coffee. “Like I said, we just met.”

  He frowned, giving her a quick once-over. “So you’re not looking for anything more than a hook-up?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Definitely not. I’m way too busy for anything more.”

  “Oh yeah?” He leaned against the counter facing her as she reached into the cabinet over her head to grab a plate. “What keeps you so busy, beautiful?”

  Juliette could tell Branson was a flirt, like his friend, so she paid him no mind. “My job.” She piled some muffins on the plate before sliding it in Branson’s direction.

  “What do you do?”

  “I’m the mayor.”

  He paused with a muffin halfway to his lips. “Seriously?”


  He grinned. “That’s awesome.”

  Juliette instantly knew that she and Branson would be fast friends. Too bad she couldn’t say the same for her and Zeke. As incredible as last night had been, she feared the only thing they had in common was their interest in each ot
her’s bodies.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy?” Zeke was standing in the doorway, shirtless, with athletic shorts hanging low on his hips.

  “Hey, buddy. Your girl and I were just getting acquainted.” Branson took a huge bite of his muffin.

  Juliette glared at Branson. “I told you I am not his girl.”

  Zeke narrowed his eyes at Juliette before asking, “What else did you tell him?”

  She shrugged before reaching for a muffin. “I told him the truth, that we don’t even know each other. We just hooked up last night. One and done, right?” She broke off a piece of muffin and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes lingered on Zeke’s for a few seconds before Zeke looked at Branson.

  “You couldn’t have texted to let me know you were coming?”

  Branson perused Juliette before he gave his friend a smug smile. “I thought about it, but I’m real glad I didn’t.”

  “Can you give us a minute?” Zeke asked, glaring at Branson. “I’d like to talk to Jules alone.”

  “Sure.” Branson grabbed another muffin, along with a paper towel to catch the crumbs. “Real nice to meet you, Jules.” He winked at her before his gaze drifted to her bare legs. “I hope to see more of you. A lot more.”

  “Out,” Zeke said through clenched teeth.

  Branson shrugged before grabbing his coffee mug and heading out of the room, hands full.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” Juliette said, gesturing to the coffee and muffins. “I was really surprised how well stocked your kitchen is.”

  “I like to cook,” he said, watching her pour him a cup of coffee.

  “Oh yeah?” She held up the cream and sugar, smiling when he declined both.

  “Yeah,” he said, accepting the mug with a grateful nod. “Maybe I can—”

  Juliette was surprised when he brought the mug to his lips instead of finishing his thought. Opting for a subject change, she said, “Um, I couldn’t really see much of it last night, but this place looks great. I remember when the old owners had it. It looked nothing like this.”


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