Moonlight and Magick

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Moonlight and Magick Page 21

by Isobael Liu

  “Good, because if you don’t mind…” And she fainted.

  * * * *

  When she came to, she lay on her bed. Her father sat in a chair, Calawe stood behind him, and Khayyam stood at the door, watching. Her two maids hovered nearby.

  “Ahh, you’re awake,” Amras said, sitting up.

  “What is everyone doing in my room?” She started to sit up.

  Amras moved in to help her. “You fainted and Calawe caught you. I had him carry you to your room.”

  “Okay, so why is he still in my room?” she asked. “You know Matthias is going to freak out when he hears he’s in here and personally I don’t want to be responsible for Calawe getting killed, or at the very least, maimed.”

  Amras chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Now, we brought you a meal and then you need to get ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “The Ball,” he replied.

  “Oh, hell, no. I don’t want to be paraded around at a Ball.”

  Amras leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll come up and escort you when it’s time.”

  Lilian grabbed a pillow and threw it at her father as he turned and headed for the door. Her target was intercepted as Calawe stepped in behind her father and the pillow collided with the back of his head instead of Amras’s. Calawe turned and looked at her, a brow arching.

  “Don’t even,” she said, lifting a finger to point at him. “Just don’t.”

  He winked at her before he followed Amras out of the room.

  The maids brought a tray of food, fruits and breads, as well as cheese and a pitcher of soft mead, a honey beverage which contained no alcohol.

  Lilian thought she deserved some alcohol, having put up with everything she had over the past few days.

  After eating, she took a long soak in the tub, reveling in the large size, and once she had stepped out, the maids went to work on her.

  They had her dressed, her hair done, and ready in record time. Her hair was swept up into a chignon, with soft tendrils left loose to frame her face. The dreaded corset was worn for the evening’s gown, although she was very happy to learn it didn’t need to be tied so tight. Of course, the various petticoats she wore were enough to make her want to kill someone from the sheer weight of it. However, the gown took her breath away. It was made of a shimmering silver material, and cut to accentuate every curve, without showing too much skin in the front. An off-the-shoulder number, short sleeved, and dipped low in the back. The expanse of skin revealed in the back concerned her, but her maids swore it was in the best of taste. The neckline and the hem of the gown had been embroidered in black scrollwork. A black sash was added too, in order to accommodate her dirk. Silver slippers completed the outfit.

  When Amras came to collect her, she saw he had dressed to compliment her, in opposite. He wore a majority of black with silver highlights.

  Her father was a rather dashing man, she thought.

  Khayyam had even been given clothing to wear to the Ball. He was clad in black with red highlights. She smiled at him, approving of his look.

  Elena seemed to approve as well. When she spotted her, Elena was staring at Khayyam with obvious appreciation.

  Hmm, maybe a romance there? She grinned.

  A fanfare played when Amras and Lilian stepped out onto the Court’s floor followed by music. Amras danced the first dance with her, guiding her steps, as she’d never danced like this before.

  “Tell me this isn’t an often thing,” she whispered to her father.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Feasts, Balls, those sorts of things. They don’t happen often, do they?”

  Amras chuckled. “No. Only on special occasions.”

  “Good, because I wouldn’t be able to handle it all the time.”

  As soon as Amras finished dancing with her, Calawe asked her to dance. She eyed him, but accepted. He seemed different now. Not so arrogant toward her and instead, softer. She wasn’t sure which she disliked more.

  “Don’t you pity me,” she whispered. “I’d rather you dislike me than pity me.”

  “I do not pity you, Highness.”

  “Stop calling me that. It’s Lilian.”

  He smiled. “Lilian then, when we’re not being formal.”

  They fell into silence once more.

  “I think the Northlanders got their butts handed to them,” she said, trying to keep a conversation going.

  The silence bothered her along with the way he watched her.

  “I doubt they will be spreading any lies about what happened to Ulwe after what you accomplished.”

  Lilian studied Calawe’s face. There was an odd note to his tone. Awe?

  A strange feeling hit her in the gut, and she stumbled on the dance steps.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  Lilian lifted her head and glanced around. When she spotted her father, he was whispering to one of the servants and the servant hurried off.

  “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?” Amras asked.

  “Something happened.”

  Amras looked at her, studying her. “What did you feel?”

  “I don’t know. It was just a strange feeling. It almost reminded me of when I was in the Mists. Eerie. It felt like the tickling of a spider web.”

  Amras smiled at her. “Someone coming through the Mists into our kingdom. You’re very sensitive.”

  “Did you feel it?”

  Amras nodded. “I always feel when someone is entering the kingdom.”

  “Lilian?” Calawe said.

  She glanced back at Calawe. “Sorry. Was talking to Amras.”

  “Is something the matter?”

  “Oh, no. I guess I can feel when someone enters the Mists into the kingdom, like he does.”

  Calawe looked a bit surprised. “Really?”

  Lilian nodded. “Amras thinks it’s because I’m more sensitive than others.”


  He took her for another turn about the dance floor.

  * * * *

  Matthias wasn’t sure how he knew how to find his errant mate, but he did. He brought five of his best warriors, Tiberius among them, and headed into the woods to the bank of fog which always seemed to exist near the river.

  The connection to her was still weak, but when he stood by the fog, the tug was stronger. Was this the Mists Talis and Amras were always speaking of? It didn’t seem like it’d be a gateway to anything other than a quick dunk into the river on the other side of the fog. Still, he could feel the pull of it, the pull of his mate, and knew this fog was a step toward her.

  He stepped in. What was just a light wispy bank on the outside was nothing compared to the inside. It was thick inside the Mists, eerie. Shadows moved in the corner of his eyes but when he turned his head to look, he saw nothing. He heard whispers and yet couldn’t understand a word spoken. He couldn’t even tell what language was spoken.

  The hair on the back of his neck tingled as it stood up and he growled. His men were antsy, nervous, and kept glancing around as they made their way after Matthias.

  Once in the Mists, Matthias became unsure of where to go, how to proceed. He stopped and looked around, but saw nothing other than the drifting fog.

  Without warning, four men appeared out of the shadows, dressed in matching clothing. Each bore a sword at their waist.

  “We’re here to take you to King Amras,” one said.

  His voice seemed to float and echo in the Mists, and Matthias wondered if the whispers they heard were just people conversing on their way to and from.


  The guards opened their ranks and made sure the Lupine were guided through and into the kingdom.

  When they stepped out of the Mists and onto a cobblestone path, the spokesman of the guards explained there was a Ball in honor of the princess. He told them about the Inquiry earlier in the day and how the princess had acquitted herself.

  “Does she
know we’ve come?” Matthias asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of, sir.”

  Matthias reached through their mental connection to touch her mind, careful not to alert her. He wanted to surprise her with his coming here and so checked to see if she was aware of his presence.

  At the moment, she was unaware. He smiled.

  The smile didn’t remain on his face when they arrived and he saw what was going on.

  Lilian sat next to her father, but around her hovered quite a few young men.

  Even a couple of older looking men.

  Aggravation pricked at him. He watched as her head jerked up and she looked around. Amras too glanced around, probably having picked it up from Lilian.

  When her gaze fell on Matthias, he could have sworn the ground shifted beneath his feet. Their eyes locked. All conversation, music, movement, and even the world, melted away until there was only his mate.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her voice touched his mind and he shivered.

  “I’ve come to bring you home,” he replied.


  “Because you belong with me. You’re my mate.”

  Lilian looked away and returned to her conversation with the men around her.

  Matthias strolled toward the group, his eyes on her.

  “Lilian, it’s time to go.” Matthias’s annoyed tone carried over the music, over the noises in the Courtyard.

  People fell silent to listen and watch the latest drama unfolding revolving around their newest member. Even the music fell silent.

  “Go where?” she replied.

  “Home. Your visit is done. I want you home.”

  “I’ll be done when I decide I’m done,” she replied.

  “You’re my mate,” he growled, and glared at the men.

  They hurried to move off, except one, who took a seat beside her, smiling.

  Matthias’s eyes narrowed at the man.

  “Really? Are you sure?” she asked.

  Matthias looked back at her. “What do you mean am I sure? Of course I’m sure!”

  Lilian arched a brow at him. “How are you sure?”

  Matthias started to get angry. “We still have our connection as mates.”

  “Is that all?”

  “And you belong with me.”

  Lilian sighed and looked at the man beside her. “Want to dance?”

  Amras tried not to laugh, but Calawe looked a little unsure as Matthias was glaring holes through him.

  “Lilian, you need to come with me.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Matthias bristled. Khayyam stepped up to her side, watching Matthias. Even the guards watched him. Matthias snarled and walked away.

  He didn’t understand why she was acting like she was. She knew they were still mates, even he could feel their connection, her emotions. Pain and dejection.

  Wait. Pain and dejection?

  He turned to look at her but she had already turned away. His eyes narrowed.

  Matthias motioned to his men and whispered amongst them, giving instructions. Once everyone was clear on what was to be done, Matthias turned and headed back to her.

  “Dance with me,” he said in a seductive tone.

  Lilian looked at him, her brow furrowed. “Dance with you?”

  Matthias held a hand out to her. “Or are you afraid to dance with me?”

  He used their connection to swamp her with feelings of wanting and desire. Her face went pink, and she fidgeted in her chair.

  “Dance with me, Lilia mea,” he said in a coaxing manner.

  Lilian stood and took his hand. “One dance and then I’m retiring for the evening.”

  Matthias helped her down from the dais and out onto the floor. The music started back up again, although a bit halting at first before it continued. He took her into his arms, held her closer than what was polite, but he didn’t care. Having her in his arms was all that mattered to him.

  “Lilian, come home with me.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because I need you with me.”


  “Because my mother threatened to kick me out of the pack if I didn’t bring you home. Because I can’t sleep without you near, even if you aren’t sharing my bed. Because, if you don’t, I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out, kicking and screaming and then make love to you for hours until you agree to come home with me.”

  He heard her breath catch. They were both silent as they danced. He waited for her to say something, to agree to come home.


  * * * *

  He ’s here! Matthias is here!

  It took everything in her to keep the joy from showing in her eyes and on her face. All she wanted to do was launch herself at him, tackle him, and hope she made it to the floor before him!

  Until he opened his mouth.

  He was so arrogant. Matthias never once thought about what she might have wanted when he walked away. He wasn’t thinking beyond himself at this point.

  So, what was she, just a warm body, and a convenient mate? Didn’t he feel anything toward her other than lust?

  And lust it was.

  It radiated from him until she was breathless and shaking. As he held her, she could feel his arousal pressing into her thigh and she couldn’t think.

  Still, there were no words of love or affection, so she said, “no.”

  His shock was tangible. He tensed with anger and his golden eyed hardened. She wasn’t afraid though because she knew he wouldn’t ever hurt her.

  Yet, he continued to dance with her, swamping her with desire, his desire. She was breathless, weak in the knees, and flushed. She tried to put some distance between them, but he refused to let her go, and held her tight against him. Memories of their lovemaking kept her unaware of the world around them. All she could think of was Matthias and all she could feel was Matthias. Even the ripples of movement around them failed to draw her attention until it was too late.

  In a flurry of movement, she found herself lifted up and thrown over Matthias’s shoulder. She gasped in shock and all hell broke loose. The guards noticed Matthias’s action. Khayyam snarled and jumped over chairs and benches on his way to help her. Amras and Calawe were on their feet.

  Lilian struggled to free herself from his hold, kicking and beating on his back. She tried to wrangle the dirk from its scabbard, but Matthias was quick to remove it from her and tossed it aside.

  Matthias’s pack members had maneuvered themselves into position to protect Matthias and her from the guards. They were just as quick to move in to block the guards’ way, shifting to their war forms, causing shrieks of alarm from the women, and even the guards themselves hesitated.

  “Matthias put me down! How dare you?” she demanded.

  The gown was not the best of garments for struggling. The petticoats and gown caught her legs and made it much more difficult to move in this position. The corset itself was a detriment as he just bounced her on his shoulder and knocked the wind from her.

  “I am taking my mate home,” Matthias announced to Amras.

  Amras lifted a brow. “No, you’re not. She does not wish to leave with you.”

  “Yes, she does. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “How dare you! Put me down, Matthi…eek!”

  Was that a hand sliding up along her inner thigh? He wouldn’t!


  She went red and looked around, hoping no one could see what he was doing. She struggled again, trying to avoid his roaming hand, to no avail. His fingers slid along her damp sex and she gasped as her body jerked.

  “You’re wet for me, aren’t you? You want me.”

  Lilian whimpered with frustration and desire. “Please, Matthias, don’t do this to me.”

  “Admit you want me.”

  His fingers slid into her sex and stroked against her clit. She bit back the cry and her hands clenched onto the back of his shirt. Another look ar
ound and from what she could see, the Lupines were doing an adequate job of keeping the guards back. No one was trying to kill one another, but there was some definite combat going on. Khayyam had shifted to his war form and engaging on one or two of the Lupines.

  Matthias kept teasing her, teasing her sex to keep her wanting him. She didn’t refuse him from a lack of wanting him. She wanted the words. She wanted to hear she was more than just a mate.

  “I didn’t leave because I stopped wanting you, Matthias!”

  His fingers stopped, and she wriggled with frustration.

  “Why did you leave?”

  “Because you shut me out. Because I almost died. I woke up from three days of sheer torture and wasn’t sure about anything and you walked out. You shut me out! What was I suppose to think!”

  All of a sudden, Matthias put her back on her feet. She had the distinct feeling she was about to faint from the sudden blood rush out of her head, and was glad he held on to her.

  All around them scuffles and fighting were going on, but they were so focused on one another, they didn’t seem to notice or care.

  “Lilian, I just needed time to think! You were different. I’d almost lost you and then you’re alive and so different. I had to be alone, to think things through. I was afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore because you weren’t human. You were Sidhe, and your father a king. Hell, I wouldn’t have wanted me if I had that going on for me.”

  His eyes were blazing hot, melting her to the very core.

  “When you left, I nearly went insane. I just about drove everyone away. My own mother finally told me to get the fuck out if I couldn’t get my act together. I realized what I had done when I thought I lost you and what it meant.”

  What did it mean? Say it!

  Lilian stared up at him, daring him to say the words, but he didn’t. She shook her head and started to push him away from her.

  “Let go of me.”

  “Lilian, I…”

  “No, Matthias. Don’t try to explain anything, don’t try to backpedal.”

  His eyes hardened and he pulled her back to him.

  “You’re my mate.”

  A sword was placed at Matthias’s throat. “I think, perhaps, you should release her.”


  “Stay out of it. This isn’t your concern,” Matthias growled.

  “She is the daughter of my king, therefore my concern. You will release her.”


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