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Her Convenient Dom (Dominant Men Book 2)

Page 3

by Isabella Kole

"Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Ellie. I believe I'm going to like it here."

  Harper closed the door then walked to the canopy bed. As she looked around the room, she felt very privileged and special. The room was wonderful. It was decorated in a very feminine style, with a beautiful floral comforter and lots of fluffy pillows. There was a fireplace in one corner. A loveseat, covered with peach and gray fabric to match the comforter, would be a wonderful place to curl up on a cold winter's night with a good book after the children were asleep. There was a bathroom adjoining her room and a huge walk-in closet. As she began to unpack and hang her clothes in the closet, she sorted her luggage and repacked what she'd be taking to South Carolina with her. Finally, she stretched out on the comfortable bed and soon fell asleep.

  She awoke to a soft knocking on her door. "Harper, it's Parker, are you awake?"

  Harper hurriedly ran to the mirror in the bathroom to check her face and fluff her hair. She swished mouthwash in her mouth, spit it in the sink and rinsed it down the drain. She ran to the door, straightening her clothes on the way. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to let him into her room.

  "I just wanted to say welcome. Ellie said she sent you up here to take a nap and get organized."

  "Yes, I guess I was more tired than I thought. It's just been such a hectic few weeks at the office and getting ready to move. I can't believe I fell asleep, though. I never sleep during the day unless I'm ill."

  Parker laughed as he touched her cheek. "Get all the rest you can. When you get to the island, the kiddos will keep you hopping."

  "I'm sure they will." She smiled up at him.

  "I trust you had a good flight."

  "It was fine. And John and Ellie are wonderful."

  "I'm sure they welcomed you with open arms. I'm afraid your reputation has preceded you. The children and I sang your praises several times."

  "Gosh, I hope I can live up to all that praise."

  "Oh, I'm sure you will," he said in a soft voice. A strange expression crossed his handsome face.

  "I guess I'd better get ready for dinner. What time is it?" she asked as she nervously wiped her palms on her skirt.

  "It's a little after six now. Ellie will have dinner ready at seven. The children will eat with us tonight. Sometimes, if I'm going to be late, she feeds them early. But tonight's special. It's your first night with us. I thought it'd be nice if we all ate together as a family, the four of us," he said with a charming smile.

  As a family? If only that were true. Wiping the thought from her mind, she returned the smile. "That would be very nice. I'll be ready and downstairs before seven," she replied.

  "And, Harper, I'm really glad you're here," he added, flashing the million-dollar smile at her yet again.

  "Thank you, Mr. Bentley. I'm very glad to be here."

  "It's Parker to you. We're very informal around here."

  "Okay, Parker." Her heart was beating very fast. Could he tell?

  He let himself out, telling her he'd see her in an hour. After he'd gone, she sat down on the edge of the bed. What have I gotten myself into? Living in the same house with a man I'm intensely attracted to and knowing I can't pursue him because he's my employer. Or can I?

  She hurriedly freshened up and went downstairs to join the others. They were waiting for her in the den. Aiden ran to her immediately. Taking her hand, he led her to the dining room and showed her to a seat next to him. Ava walked in and sat on the other side of her as Parker laughed.

  "They were fighting over who was going to sit next to you, so I guess you're stuck between them," he explained.

  "That's quite all right. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be right now."

  They spent the time at the dinner table telling Harper about the Hilton Head house. The children were excited as they told her the things they wanted to do while they were there. She could tell they were looking forward to the trip.

  "We can go to the beach and look for shells," Ava said excitedly.

  "And we can swim in the pool and help Jim work in the garden," Aiden added.

  "Jim is our caretaker at the beach house," Parker explained. "His wife, Annie, is our housekeeper there."

  Harper nodded, taking in the information.

  "Do you like to go to the beach, Harper?" Ava asked.

  "I haven't been to many beaches, but I think I'll like it very much, Ava," Harper replied with a smile.

  "I like sand castles, Harper. Maybe you can help me build the biggest one in the world," Aiden suggested.

  Harper laughed. "I don't know about the biggest one in the world, but I'll sure try to help you build one."

  Parker finally said, "Don't think you won't have any time to yourself, Harper. Annie adores the kids. She'll be happy to take them off your hands, once in a while, if you'd like some alone time. You might want to spend some afternoons shopping or at the beach without these two underfoot, occasionally. That's perfectly all right with me. In fact, you'll find that Annie spoils these two rotten any time they're there."

  "You're two lucky little cherubs with all these people to spoil you. And now, you'll have one more: me," Harper told them. When her eyes met Parker's, she quickly looked away.

  "You're going to spoil us too?" Ava's eyes opened wide.

  "I told you she was a nice lady," Aiden said matter-of-factly.

  "Oh, Harper, I think you're going to be good for all of us." Parker chuckled, looking at her with the same expression he'd used earlier. She was more confused than ever.

  Ellie entered the room with a dessert just then, so the conversation quickly shifted.

  "Oh, chocolate cake, my favorite." Harper looked at Ellie, giving her a sweet grin.

  "You don't look like you indulge in too much of it," Parker teased.

  "Well, I try to watch my sweets, but I'm a true chocoholic," she answered shyly.

  "I'll have to remember that," Parker said softly, almost under his breath.

  Her heart and stomach were doing their funny flip-flops again. I have to stop this, she told herself sternly.

  After dinner, Parker told her he planned to take the children into the den to read to them. "Join us?" he asked.

  "I'd like that," she replied.

  She followed them into the den, sitting across from the family as the children climbed onto Parker's lap. He read a few chapters from a book he'd been reading to them a little at a time. When he finished, he announced it was time for them to head upstairs to bed.

  "I can do that, Parker," Harper offered.

  "You can come along, but I try to tuck them in every night that I'm home."

  They all had fun getting the children settled, giggling and engaging in a pillow fight, before Parker finally told the children it was time to settle in for the night. He listened while they said their prayers and tucked them in, each in their own room. Harper kissed each of them goodnight before she walked into the hallway with Parker.

  "How was your first day here, Harper?"

  "I think I'm going to enjoy this job very much."

  "I'm glad. Harper…" He hesitated again before inviting her to join him in the den for a drink.

  "I'd like that."

  They walked together, and when she was seated on one of the red leather couches, he asked if she'd like wine or a mixed drink.

  "Wine will be fine, thank you."

  He handed her a glass of white and seated himself across from her before he spoke. "I thought we should go over everything about the summer trip. Do you have any questions, Harper?"

  "None that I can think of at the moment," she replied as she sipped her wine.

  "Okay, we leave the day after tomorrow. I'll be at the office much of the time before that, so you'll be in charge of getting the children and their things ready, although I'm sure Ellie will assist you."

  "How much should I pack for them?"

  "Ellie will know from last year. They have some things at the house in Hilton Head already."

  "Good, I'll t
alk to her about it in the morning."

  "Are you ready to be gone for an entire summer, Harper, away from family and friends?"

  "Parker, what are you asking? I'm not sorry I took this job."

  "I'm glad to hear you say that. I just wanted to make sure. I don't want to get to South Carolina and, halfway through the summer, you decide you want to change your mind and come home. Frankly, I was a bit worried about my prior nanny and this trip. I didn't think she could stay away from her boyfriend for that long. It may be a blessing I had a valid reason to let her go. I'm just glad Aiden and I found you in Dr. Kellum's office that day."

  "I would never do that, Parker. I made a commitment to you and to those two precious babies upstairs. If things don't work out, I won't leave you in the lurch like that. I'll see it through until you can make other arrangements."

  "That's good to hear. And there's no boyfriend waiting for you at home for me to worry about? I believe you told me you weren't seeing anyone at the present."

  "I'm not seeing anyone. Shawn, the guy I'd been with for several years, is married now."

  "I'm sorry, Harper. Do you want to talk about it?"

  "There isn't much to say. We met in high school and dated all through college. Everyone, including me, thought we'd someday marry. It didn't quite happen that way. He met someone else along the way. I was stunned the night he told me he was getting married to her."

  "That must have been painful for you. Have you dated anyone since then?"

  "No, I haven't. I just wasn't ready, and I really haven't met anyone I could truly say I was interested in. So, you needn't worry about me taking off in the middle of the summer to chase after a boyfriend back home. It isn't going to happen."

  Parker replied, "Good to know, Harper, good to know." He stood up. "I think we'd better turn in soon. We both have a few busy days ahead of us. Don't hesitate to ask Ellie for help with the packing, Harper. She adores the children and will do anything for them."

  He took her wine glass from her, extending a hand to help her up.

  When his strong, tanned fingers brushed hers, she shivered. Hoping he hadn't noticed, she said, "I'm sure we'll get everything done in plenty of time."

  "Let me walk you up. I'm right next door to you."

  "All right," she replied in a much calmer voice than she expected. She was far from calm, what with her tummy doing funny little flip-flops every time he looked at her.

  When they had walked up the stairs and were in front of her door, he said simply, "Goodnight, Harper." He turned, leaving her in the hallway as he went into his room and softly closed the door.

  As she went into her bathroom to prepare for bed, she could hear him in the bathroom that adjoined hers. It would be so easy to open that connecting door—if things were different. Oh, if only they were different. She could imagine him sneaking into her room or vice versa after the rest of the household was sound asleep.

  Her mind wandered further down that forbidden path as all sorts of erotic scenes made themselves known. She could feel his lips, burning with a passion like none other. She thought about what it would be like for him to walk up behind her and kiss her neck, then slowly move the straps of her nightgown down over her shoulders so he could place soft, heated kisses there, too. After that, he would turn her around to face him and, after gazing into her eyes, he would take her lips in a demanding kiss, not taking no for an answer. He would thrust his tongue inside her mouth, and it would dance with hers. After that, he would scoop her up into his muscular arms and carry her to her bed with a purpose—the sole purpose of making love to her.

  And make love to her he would. He would take it slowly, drawing out her pleasure, unlike Shawn, who cared only about himself. Parker would be demanding in the bedroom, but always making sure everything he did was with her full consent. He wouldn't be forceful, but he would make sure she knew who was leading the dance.

  Stop it, Harper! It's a dream, that's all. You know that none of that will ever happen. He is only interested in you as an employee, a nanny for his children. Get a grip, girlfriend! she told herself sternly as she washed off her makeup and brushed her teeth before slipping out of her clothes.

  She reached for a nightshirt in her drawer and pulled it over her head then slid underneath the covers in a bed that had already been turned down for her. That Ellie—when did she have time to do that?

  But sleep wasn't going to come easily, not after she'd worked herself into a near-frenzy with her thoughts of Parker. Damn it! What is wrong with me? Am I that horny? I've done fine since Shawn. Sure, I've pleasured myself a few times, but I've never had such vivid images of having sex before.

  Well, I guess there's only one thing to do, but I've got to be really quiet about it. I'm not in my little apartment, alone, anymore.

  She turned on the television set in her room, adjusting the volume so it wouldn't disturb anyone but would block out any noise she might make. And then, she slowly reached under the covers and slid her panties down to her knees. As her fingers did their job, she let her mind go back to the scene she'd imagined in the bathroom earlier. This time, she didn't make herself stop as she thought about what Parker could be doing to her. She went with it, her fingers moving faster and faster, her breath catching as she pretended it was Parker who was bringing her to such a climactic state. The orgasm was powerful when it hit, more so than any she'd had with Shawn or by herself. She knew it was because of the man in the bedroom next door. When she had sufficiently recovered, she pulled her panties back up and got out of bed, padding softly to the bathroom door. Making sure to open the door quietly, she tiptoed in and washed up, hoping Parker wasn't in his bathroom next door to hear her. She didn't hear anything, so she hurriedly made her way back to her bed and snuggled in again. Satisfied, she was able to drift off to sleep, but Parker Bentley was still on her mind when she did.

  The next morning, when Harper arrived in the dining room, the children were happily eating pancakes. Parker was nowhere to be seen. She sighed in relief, not knowing if she was ready to face him, as the images of him in her bed were still very vivid and real in her mind.

  "Hi, Harper," Ava said as she looked up from her plate.

  "Ellie made her good pancakes for us today," Aiden added, taking a huge bite.

  Ellie handed Harper a large mug of steaming coffee with cream, just the way she liked it.

  She took a sip and said, "Thank you, Ellie. I could have gotten it myself."

  "Would you come into the kitchen with me for just a few minutes, Harper?"

  "Sure," she agreed, following the older woman.

  "Parker left this note for you. I imagine it's to tell you we need to get the kiddos packed today, so you can all leave tomorrow morning. He went into the office to tie up some loose ends."

  "Thank you, Ellie." Harper opened the envelope and took out the folded note. She unfolded it slowly and read what he had written.

  Harper, I just wanted to tell you again how happy I am you are with us. I've enclosed some cash for you, in case you need to go into town to purchase anything for you or the kids, before we leave. John will be happy to drive you anyplace you need to go. Please feel free to take a break after the kids are packed and spend a few hours at the mall. Buy something for yourself; the money is for you, as well as the kids.

  It will be late when I get home, so feed the kids and put them to bed. I'll talk to you when I get there.

  Enjoy your day.


  She unfolded four crisp, one-hundred-dollar bills before folding them back into the envelope. She looked up to see Ellie watching her. The kind, older woman smiled and said, "He gave you money to shop for the trip, didn't he? He's a very thoughtful man."

  "Yes, he is, but I shopped before I came out here. I'll see if the kids need anything," she replied as she took a sip of coffee.

  "Ava might need a new swimsuit. That girl has grown quite a bit in recent months," Ellie informed her, placing a plateful of pancakes in front of Harpe

  "Okay, I'm going to make a list." Harper took a small notepad and pen from a basket on the kitchen bar and began to write.

  With Ellie's help, she was able to compile a list of what they needed to pack and what she should buy. She finished her pancakes, drank another cup of coffee and said, "Now, we need to get busy. There's a lot to do before tomorrow, isn't there?"

  "We'll have John take the kiddos out for a while. That way, you and I can finish the packing."

  John readily agreed to keep the children occupied while the two women went upstairs to prepare for the trip. It didn't take long with the two of them working together.

  "What was she like, the children's mama?" Harper asked as she folded a small shirt.

  "She was a nice person, sweet and kind to everyone. She and Parker sometimes had their difficulties, but what married couple doesn't? The children adored her. It was very hard for them when she died, but Parker knew he had to take care of those babies. He's always made sure to schedule his work around them. Sometimes, I think that's been difficult for him. He shouldn't have to spend his life alone. The babies will grow up someday, and he'll be all by himself. That's not right."

  "He'll have to do that in his own time, Ellie. He worries about the children so much."

  "Yes, I know he does. I'm hoping something will spark between the two of you this summer," Ellie replied with a twinkle in her eye.

  "Ellie, I'm surprised to hear you say that." Harper laughed as she hugged the older woman.

  "You're a breath of fresh air in this house, Miss Harper Easton. What do you say we stop for lunch?"

  "I say that's a great idea." The two women walked arm-in-arm down to the kitchen.

  After Harper put the children down for a nap, with Ellie promising to keep a watchful eye on them, she changed her clothes and asked John to drive her to the closest mall. She made her purchases and was back home before either of the children woke up. When they did wake, she took them for a walk and fed them their dinner, then she read to them as their father had done, the night before.

  "Time for baths and bed, you two," Harper told them.

  "Can't we wait for Daddy, Harper?" Ava asked.


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