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Her Convenient Dom (Dominant Men Book 2)

Page 7

by Isabella Kole

  Perfect for what? We're going to be talking about his company.

  She finished her tea and excused herself. "I want to soak in a hot bubble bath. After that, I'm going to slip into bed and watch a movie. I believe I'm even too tired to read a book."

  "Enjoy, Harper, and don't worry about the kids. Sleep in, do whatever you want tomorrow."

  "You don't have to twist my arm, Annie. See you in the morning," she said as she headed for the stairs. Filling the tub with warm water and lavender bubble bath, she allowed herself to indulge. She'd poured a glass of wine and lit three candles. It was the ultimate relaxation. When she'd soaked for what seemed like hours and the water was beginning to grow cold, she stepped out carefully. After drying her skin to a rosy glow, she blew out the candles, poured another glass of wine, and slipped into a light summer nightgown. She'd just settled into the cool sheets when her cell phone rang. Picking it up from her night table, she answered softly, "Hello."

  "Harper, it's Parker. Were you asleep?"

  "No, I just got into bed. I was planning to watch a movie before I drifted off. Is something wrong?"

  "I've had a change of plans. I'll be home late tomorrow night. Please have the children in bed early. We need to talk when I get there."

  "All right, that shouldn't be a problem. Parker, has something happened?"

  "Let's just say we need to move with my plan. I need to talk with you as soon as possible in order for you to make a decision as to whether or not you can do what I'm going to ask of you."

  "You're really piquing my curiosity, you know."

  "I know, and I'm sorry. Hopefully, you'll be agreeable to what I'm going to propose. I'll let you get back to your movie. And remember, you do whatever you want, tomorrow. Annie is taking the kids to a nearby playground and to the beach. The day is yours. I want you to have a clear head when we have our talk."


  "Sweet dreams, Harper. I-I miss you."

  "Oh, that's sweet. I've missed your smiling face this week as well."

  "I like hearing you say that, but this conversation needs to wait until I get there. So, don't worry about it, get some rest, and I'll be there tomorrow evening, around nine."

  "I'll be ready." The call ended, and she wondered again what in the world was going on. She tried to watch a movie but couldn't concentrate, so she finally turned off the television and tried to sleep. She eventually did fall asleep but dreamt about being in Parker's bed. For some reason, it seemed like the most logical place in the world for her to be. When she awoke in the middle of the night, she was more confused than ever.

  Harper slept late the next morning. When she awoke, she remembered the dream she'd had the night before. I have got to get a handle on my feelings for my boss. With each passing day, I find myself more and more attracted to him. And this whole mysterious thing he needs my help with is not helping any.

  She dressed and went into the kitchen. Annie and the children had, apparently, already left on their outing. Jim was nowhere to be seen, either. He must have gone with them.

  There was a fresh pot of coffee on the counter and some sweet rolls on the table with a note attached. It was from Annie, telling her that she, Jim, and the children were out for the day and to enjoy herself. She also told her she knew the boss would be home tonight and that he wanted to speak to Harper alone when he arrived. She had drawn a smiley face in the shape of a heart on the bottom of the note.

  Oh, Annie, you sweetheart. You and Ellie are such romantics. She sat down at the bar and then decided to take her coffee and rolls to the patio. She plopped down in the lounge chair, and as she sipped the steaming hot coffee, her thoughts kept returning to the talk she and Parker were supposed to have that evening. Why the mystery? None of it made sense to her. She had no idea how she, a former medical assistant turned nanny, could be of any help to him in saving his company. Did he wish to offer her a position within the company instead of in his household? That made absolutely no sense. She had no experience with the corporate world or with the food industry. She spent the rest of the morning trying to figure out his plan, and when she came up with nothing, she decided to read a book, instead.

  She fell asleep, reading. When she woke up and looked at the time on her cell, she jumped up. It was six o'clock. Where was everyone? She went inside to find the other four at the table eating pizza and laughing.

  "Hello, sleepyhead; you looked so peaceful, we hated to wake you." Jim grinned at her.

  "I'm so sorry."

  "What are you sorry about? It's your day off. If you want to sleep, that's your choice. Now sit down and have some pizza. These kiddos are tired, and after they've eaten, I'm going to draw them both a bath and get them ready for bed." Annie looked pointedly at Harper, knowing Parker had asked for the kids to be put to bed early.

  "I can do that, Annie. You have to be tired after a day out with these two."

  "All right, I'll let you do that. I believe I'll turn in early tonight, myself."

  Harper giggled and helped herself to pepperoni pizza. She got up to get a Coke out of the fridge when she noticed Aiden was about to fall asleep in his plate.

  "Looks like this one is almost down for the count. I'll warm my dinner after I put him down."

  After getting both children bathed and in bed and hastily eating her pizza, she decided she had just enough time to take a quick shower before Parker got home. She had just thrown on her pink terry cloth robe when there was a knock on the bathroom door. She opened it to let Parker into her bedroom.

  "Is it okay to talk in here? I don't want to go back out, and we'll be undisturbed here."

  "It's fine. Let's sit on the loveseat over there. I have some wine. Would you like a glass?"

  "My nanny keeps wine in her room. Should I be worried?" he teased.

  "Not at all, I sometimes like a glass of wine to unwind in the evenings. I hope sweet red is okay; it's my favorite." She laughed as he nodded.

  "I'm not worried about you in the least, Harper. And sweet red is fine with me. If it's your favorite, we'll have it every day."

  "I don't think we need to go to that extreme," she said in a puzzled tone. "Now, tell me what's going on? You've kept me in suspense long enough." She sat next to him and handed him a glass.

  "Harper, I don't know how to begin." He looked her square in the eyes, took a sip of wine, and went on, "I told you that a large chain is trying to take over my company, but I didn't tell you everything. The company is owned by a man named Liam Laramie and his daughter, Lorena. I've been fighting them on this for a few years now. Lorena has been trying to get me in her bed since before Aileen died. My guess is, she plans to convince me to marry her. After she gets her claws in my company, she'll divorce me, somehow, leaving me with nothing."

  "That's horrible, are you sure that's what she's up to? Maybe she genuinely wants you."

  "There's nothing genuine about Lorena, believe me. But being the sweet person that you are, you probably wouldn't understand that. I've been on to her for a long time; hopefully, she doesn't realize that."

  "I see. Is there more? Where do I fit into this bizarre scene?"

  "Ah, here comes the part I'm unsure of. I'm not unsure of the plan—or of my part in it. I'm just unsure of how to best present it to you. I don't know how you'll react to what I'm about to ask you."

  "I'm listening," she said, gently urging him to continue.

  "I need to get married."

  "I see," Harper said, shock not quite a strong enough word to describe her feelings.

  "Harper, did you think about what I'd asked you to? Did you think about what you wanted to do in your future?"

  "Yes, I did, and I came up with nothing. The past few years were tough. I lost my dad, Shawn broke up with me, he married someone else, and Dr. Kellum retired. I was lost as to what to do next, when you showed up out of the blue and offered me a dream job. I accepted on the spot and have not regretted it for one minute. I love taking care of your children, and I had no p
lans to move on anytime soon, but if you're planning to get married, I guess I need to start thinking about looking for a new job."

  "Harper, I don't think you understand." Parker set down his glass and took her hands in his. "I want to marry you."


  "It would be a marriage of convenience, so to speak, a business arrangement. I trust you, Harper. I trust you with my children, with my business, and with my life. I can't think of anyone more suited. Your name would immediately be added to the business and shares put in your name; no one could get it away from you, should something ever happen to me. They might try, but it would take them years in court. You and the children would be protected. I've drawn up all the paperwork and added you to my will. That's what I was doing in Chicago this week. You would want for nothing, Harper. You would enjoy all the privileges of being Mrs. Parker Bentley. All the privileges you want, of course. I'm not expecting you to jump in my bed the first night. Over time, however, I expect this to be a real marriage. You would be protected and well taken care of for the rest of your life, as I said. But that's the catch. It would be for the rest of your life, Harper. I won't put my children through a divorce after they've lost their natural mother. You'd have to agree to stay with me. You would be my wife and their mother. And in the eyes of the world, no matter what goes on behind closed doors, we would be the perfect newlywed couple, madly in love with each other. There are two things you need to know, though. Number one, as I said, in time, this will become a real marriage. I don't intend to remain celibate for the rest of my life and, once I say those vows, I will be faithful to you, and I would expect the same from you."

  "Wow. I-I never imagined this was the p-plan. How will this save your company?"

  "For starters, Lorena won't be able to continue with her plan. She'll have to come up with a new one. And with your name on the company and with you on the Board of Directors, she and her father won't only be fighting me, they'll be fighting both of us. I want to share it all with you, Harper. Do you think there's any way you can consider it? I know I'm asking a lot, but I think we could make it work. I respect you, Harper, and we get along well. The children love you. I'll give you time to think about it, of course, but time is of the essence." He looked into her eyes once more, his gaze deeply penetrating.

  "What is the second condition?" she asked.

  He hesitated before answering her question. Finally, he said, "I will be the Head of Household. Do you understand what that means, Harper?"

  She gulped. "I'm not sure. I think it means that you will make all the decisions."

  "Not exactly, but, yes, to a certain extent. You are a smart young woman. I respect your opinions, and I will always listen to them. I'll include you in all major decisions regarding our family, but I will be the one who has the final say. I expect you to support me and to follow my rules."

  "Rules?" she asked, confused.

  He cocked his handsome head to one side and regarded her closely. "Harper, have you ever heard of domestic discipline?"

  Harper's eyes grew wide. "You mean… Well, I think I know what you mean. I have to do what you say, or you will punish me, as if I were one of the children?"

  He grinned. "You won't have many rules. I expect you to take care of yourself—no missed doctor appointments, eating right, exercising, for example. I want you to be healthy and happy. If, however, I feel that you've done something reckless, I will take action. Nothing harsh; you may be required to go to our room and contemplate what you've done or failed to do. I may, at times, turn you over my knee and give your delectable bottom a good paddling. In other words, I plan to take care of you, protect you, and punish you if I think you deserve it. My first marriage worked very well this way, at least until Aileen decided she was tired of it. She and I shared a very close bond because of it, during the time we lived the lifestyle. I believe it strengthened us as a couple for that period of time."

  Harper didn't know what to say. She'd read about such marriages, had even fantasized a few times about being with a virile, dominant man who spanked and took charge. But she never really thought they existed outside the pages of a steamy romance novel. Could it be that she had found her own Dom? She certainly had never found that quality in any of the other men she had dated. Of course, there had only been one other before Shawn, a brief high school romance.

  Parker was waiting patiently for it all to soak in. Harper knew she had to say something. She hesitated for only a minute longer before giving him his answer. "I don't need to think about it. I'll do it. I'll marry you, Parker." Her eyes met his and she smiled. If he only knew how much I wish this was a real proposal. At least I won't have to worry about his ever being with another woman. He said he'd be faithful. And the pretending to the rest of the world certainly won't be hard for me to do.

  "Are you absolutely certain this is what you want? You do understand you're making a lifelong commitment to me, Harper? You know that I expect you to share my bed after we've gotten accustomed to being married and the children are good with the arrangement?"

  "I understand, Parker."

  "And you are on board with a domestic discipline relationship, as well?"

  She nodded slowly.

  "In that case, I picked something up for you in Chicago before I left today. I hope you like it." He took a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing an exquisite diamond engagement ring. Set in white gold, the center diamond was large, with two smaller diamonds on either side of it. He removed it, took her left hand, and slipped it on her third finger. He got down on one knee and said, "Harper Easton, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you consent to be mine for the rest of your life?"

  "I will, Parker." Am I dreaming? I am going to wake up any minute now, aren't I? Engaged to a handsome, wealthy, wonderful Dom. No way this is for real.

  He kissed her, a short kiss, but still a kiss to seal the deal. It was better than a handshake, anyway.

  "We need to make plans, Harper. I want to announce our engagement as soon as possible. We'll need to tell the children, our mothers, and the staff, first, of course. Then we need to talk about the ceremony. It needs to be small and soon."

  "That's all fine, but one thing I will insist on, if I may."

  "What's that, Harper?"

  "I don't want to be married at City Hall. I want to be married in a church, with a minister officiating. Even if this isn't a traditional marriage, I want that."

  "That's no problem. I know the perfect place. I'll call the minister, tomorrow. Will your mom be coming for the wedding?"

  "Is that okay?"

  "Of course; I thought perhaps the children, our mothers, Ellie, John, Annie, and Jim, and anyone else you might want to ask."

  "Dr. Kellum and his wife, I'd like for him to give me away."

  "That's fine. I'll let you call everyone and tell them. I'll do as much as I can to help with the arrangements, but I think you and Annie can probably handle most of it."

  "You're giving me free rein?"

  "Harper, it's going to be small and quick, but other than that, you plan the wedding you want. It's your day."

  "I'll get right on it, first thing in the morning. How soon are you thinking?"

  "Within the month, if possible. I'll know for sure after I speak with Reverend Key."

  "Wow, that soon? Okay, I'll need to get busy."

  "Harper, you don't know how much this means to me, but I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

  "I do, and I'm fine with it. I'm fond of you, and I adore your children. The rest of it, well, we'll adjust."

  "I'll never rush you into loving me, Harper. That's something that has to happen when we both are ready. The marriage of convenience needs to come first, for obvious reasons. So, we'll just do things a little backwards, the marriage first and the courtship later. I'm hoping, in time, we'll be able to be a normal, married, domestic discipline couple. But in no way do I expect that of you right now. So please don't fret about it."
r />   "I appreciate that, Parker, and I won't worry about it. It'll happen naturally. We can't be married for the rest of our lives without it happening sooner or later," she stated matter of factly.

  "Oh, Harper, you're such a breath of fresh air." He leaned over and kissed her again—this time, a little longer, a little deeper. He drew away and said in a husky voice, "I need to go to my room, or I may break my promise not to rush you on the first night, Harper."

  She got up and walked him to the door. "I'll see you in the morning."

  "Remember, to the world, from now on out, we're the happiest couple in the world."


  She shook her head and closed the door. If he only knew that I really am the happiest bride-to-be in the world.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Harper bounced out of bed and dressed with care. She pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail and went downstairs to talk with Annie before the children woke up.

  As she walked into the kitchen, Annie was preparing breakfast. "Good morning. You're up early, Harper."

  "I wanted to talk to you before I get the kids up." She reached into the cupboard for a coffee cup, poured in some of the steaming brew and reached for the creamer. As she did, Annie gasped.

  "What's wrong, Annie?" She poured the creamer into her cup and stirred.

  "Is that a diamond ring on your finger?"

  "Yes, it is. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Parker and I are getting married. Very soon, in about a month, to be exact, and I need your help with the planning. It'll be small, so don't worry." She was trying her best to act calm, as if this was nothing out of the ordinary, when what she really wanted to do was scream it from the rooftop.

  "You and Parker? Married? I knew there were sparks there, but, Harper, it's so quick. You two didn't? You aren't?" Annie sat down. The plan she and Ellie had hatched was intended to take place over the summer, maybe into the fall after they'd gone home, but this? This was crazy.

  Harper laughed. "No, we haven't, and no, I'm not pregnant. We fell in love at first sight, so to speak, and decided not to wait. We live in the same house. Do you know how hard that's been?"


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